corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 24

Subversion Repositories:
 * ### Types plugin
 * Makes it possible to add predefined types for groups of nodes, which make it possible to easily control nesting rules and icon for each group.
/*globals jQuery, define, exports, require */
(function (factory) {
        "use strict";
        if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
                define('jstree.types', ['jquery','jstree'], factory);
        else if(typeof exports === 'object') {
                factory(require('jquery'), require('jstree'));
        else {
                factory(jQuery, jQuery.jstree);
}(function ($, jstree, undefined) {
        "use strict";

        if($.jstree.plugins.types) { return; }

         * An object storing all types as key value pairs, where the key is the type name and the value is an object that could contain following keys (all optional).
         * * `max_children` the maximum number of immediate children this node type can have. Do not specify or set to `-1` for unlimited.
         * * `max_depth` the maximum number of nesting this node type can have. A value of `1` would mean that the node can have children, but no grandchildren. Do not specify or set to `-1` for unlimited.
         * * `valid_children` an array of node type strings, that nodes of this type can have as children. Do not specify or set to `-1` for no limits.
         * * `icon` a string - can be a path to an icon or a className, if using an image that is in the current directory use a `./` prefix, otherwise it will be detected as a class. Omit to use the default icon from your theme.
         * * `li_attr` an object of values which will be used to add HTML attributes on the resulting LI DOM node (merged with the node's own data)
         * * `a_attr` an object of values which will be used to add HTML attributes on the resulting A DOM node (merged with the node's own data)
         * There are two predefined types:
         * * `#` represents the root of the tree, for example `max_children` would control the maximum number of root nodes.
         * * `default` represents the default node - any settings here will be applied to all nodes that do not have a type specified.
         * @name $.jstree.defaults.types
         * @plugin types
        $.jstree.defaults.types = {
                'default' : {}
        $.jstree.defaults.types[$.jstree.root] = {};

        $.jstree.plugins.types = function (options, parent) {
                this.init = function (el, options) {
                        var i, j;
                        if(options && options.types && options.types['default']) {
                                for(i in options.types) {
                                        if(i !== "default" && i !== $.jstree.root && options.types.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                                                for(j in options.types['default']) {
                                                        if(options.types['default'].hasOwnProperty(j) && options.types[i][j] === undefined) {
                                                                options.types[i][j] = options.types['default'][j];
              , el, options);
              [$.jstree.root].type = $.jstree.root;
                this.refresh = function (skip_loading, forget_state) {
              , skip_loading, forget_state);
              [$.jstree.root].type = $.jstree.root;
                this.bind = function () {
                                .on('model.jstree', $.proxy(function (e, data) {
                                                var m =,
                                                        dpc = data.nodes,
                                                        t = this.settings.types,
                                                        i, j, c = 'default', k;
                                                for(i = 0, j = dpc.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                        c = 'default';
                                                        if(m[dpc[i]].original && m[dpc[i]].original.type && t[m[dpc[i]].original.type]) {
                                                                c = m[dpc[i]].original.type;
                                                        if(m[dpc[i]].data && m[dpc[i]].data.jstree && m[dpc[i]].data.jstree.type && t[m[dpc[i]].data.jstree.type]) {
                                                                c = m[dpc[i]].data.jstree.type;
                                                        m[dpc[i]].type = c;
                                                        if(m[dpc[i]].icon === true && t[c].icon !== undefined) {
                                                                m[dpc[i]].icon = t[c].icon;
                                                        if(t[c].li_attr !== undefined && typeof t[c].li_attr === 'object') {
                                                                for (k in t[c].li_attr) {
                                                                        if (t[c].li_attr.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                                                                                if (k === 'id') {
                                                                                else if (m[dpc[i]].li_attr[k] === undefined) {
                                                                                        m[dpc[i]].li_attr[k] = t[c].li_attr[k];
                                                                                else if (k === 'class') {
                                                                                        m[dpc[i]].li_attr['class'] = t[c].li_attr['class'] + ' ' + m[dpc[i]].li_attr['class'];
                                                        if(t[c].a_attr !== undefined && typeof t[c].a_attr === 'object') {
                                                                for (k in t[c].a_attr) {
                                                                        if (t[c].a_attr.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                                                                                if (k === 'id') {
                                                                                else if (m[dpc[i]].a_attr[k] === undefined) {
                                                                                        m[dpc[i]].a_attr[k] = t[c].a_attr[k];
                                                                                else if (k === 'href' && m[dpc[i]].a_attr[k] === '#') {
                                                                                        m[dpc[i]].a_attr['href'] = t[c].a_attr['href'];
                                                                                else if (k === 'class') {
                                                                                        m[dpc[i]].a_attr['class'] = t[c].a_attr['class'] + ' ' + m[dpc[i]].a_attr['class'];
                                                m[$.jstree.root].type = $.jstree.root;
                                        }, this));
                this.get_json = function (obj, options, flat) {
                        var i, j,
                                m =,
                                opt = options ? $.extend(true, {}, options, {no_id:false}) : {},
                                tmp =, obj, opt, flat);
                        if(tmp === false) { return false; }
                        if($.isArray(tmp)) {
                                for(i = 0, j = tmp.length; i < j; i++) {
                                        tmp[i].type = tmp[i].id && m[tmp[i].id] && m[tmp[i].id].type ? m[tmp[i].id].type : "default";
                                        if(options && options.no_id) {
                                                delete tmp[i].id;
                                                if(tmp[i].li_attr && tmp[i] {
                                                        delete tmp[i];
                                                if(tmp[i].a_attr && tmp[i] {
                                                        delete tmp[i];
                        else {
                                tmp.type = && m[] && m[].type ? m[].type : "default";
                                if(options && options.no_id) {
                                        tmp = this._delete_ids(tmp);
                        return tmp;
                this._delete_ids = function (tmp) {
                        if($.isArray(tmp)) {
                                for(var i = 0, j = tmp.length; i < j; i++) {
                                        tmp[i] = this._delete_ids(tmp[i]);
                                return tmp;
                        if(tmp.li_attr && {
                        if(tmp.a_attr && {
                        if(tmp.children && $.isArray(tmp.children)) {
                                tmp.children = this._delete_ids(tmp.children);
                        return tmp;
                this.check = function (chk, obj, par, pos, more) {
                        if(, chk, obj, par, pos, more) === false) { return false; }
                        obj = obj && ? obj : this.get_node(obj);
                        par = par && ? par : this.get_node(par);
                        var m = obj && ? (more && more.origin ? more.origin : $.jstree.reference( : null, tmp, d, i, j;
                        m = m && m._model && ? : null;
                        switch(chk) {
                                case "create_node":
                                case "move_node":
                                case "copy_node":
                                        if(chk !== 'move_node' || $.inArray(, par.children) === -1) {
                                                tmp = this.get_rules(par);
                                                if(tmp.max_children !== undefined && tmp.max_children !== -1 && tmp.max_children === par.children.length) {
                                                        this._data.core.last_error = { 'error' : 'check', 'plugin' : 'types', 'id' : 'types_01', 'reason' : 'max_children prevents function: ' + chk, 'data' : JSON.stringify({ 'chk' : chk, 'pos' : pos, 'obj' : obj && ? : false, 'par' : par && ? : false }) };
                                                        return false;
                                                if(tmp.valid_children !== undefined && tmp.valid_children !== -1 && $.inArray((obj.type || 'default'), tmp.valid_children) === -1) {
                                                        this._data.core.last_error = { 'error' : 'check', 'plugin' : 'types', 'id' : 'types_02', 'reason' : 'valid_children prevents function: ' + chk, 'data' : JSON.stringify({ 'chk' : chk, 'pos' : pos, 'obj' : obj && ? : false, 'par' : par && ? : false }) };
                                                        return false;
                                                if(m && obj.children_d && obj.parents) {
                                                        d = 0;
                                                        for(i = 0, j = obj.children_d.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                d = Math.max(d, m[obj.children_d[i]].parents.length);
                                                        d = d - obj.parents.length + 1;
                                                if(d <= 0 || d === undefined) { d = 1; }
                                                do {
                                                        if(tmp.max_depth !== undefined && tmp.max_depth !== -1 && tmp.max_depth < d) {
                                                                this._data.core.last_error = { 'error' : 'check', 'plugin' : 'types', 'id' : 'types_03', 'reason' : 'max_depth prevents function: ' + chk, 'data' : JSON.stringify({ 'chk' : chk, 'pos' : pos, 'obj' : obj && ? : false, 'par' : par && ? : false }) };
                                                                return false;
                                                        par = this.get_node(par.parent);
                                                        tmp = this.get_rules(par);
                                                } while(par);
                        return true;
                 * used to retrieve the type settings object for a node
                 * @name get_rules(obj)
                 * @param {mixed} obj the node to find the rules for
                 * @return {Object}
                 * @plugin types
                this.get_rules = function (obj) {
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        if(!obj) { return false; }
                        var tmp = this.get_type(obj, true);
                        if(tmp.max_depth === undefined) { tmp.max_depth = -1; }
                        if(tmp.max_children === undefined) { tmp.max_children = -1; }
                        if(tmp.valid_children === undefined) { tmp.valid_children = -1; }
                        return tmp;
                 * used to retrieve the type string or settings object for a node
                 * @name get_type(obj [, rules])
                 * @param {mixed} obj the node to find the rules for
                 * @param {Boolean} rules if set to `true` instead of a string the settings object will be returned
                 * @return {String|Object}
                 * @plugin types
                this.get_type = function (obj, rules) {
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        return (!obj) ? false : ( rules ? $.extend({ 'type' : obj.type }, this.settings.types[obj.type]) : obj.type);
                 * used to change a node's type
                 * @name set_type(obj, type)
                 * @param {mixed} obj the node to change
                 * @param {String} type the new type
                 * @plugin types
                this.set_type = function (obj, type) {
                        var m =, t, t1, t2, old_type, old_icon, k, d, a;
                        if($.isArray(obj)) {
                                obj = obj.slice();
                                for(t1 = 0, t2 = obj.length; t1 < t2; t1++) {
                                        this.set_type(obj[t1], type);
                                return true;
                        t = this.settings.types;
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        if(!t[type] || !obj) { return false; }
                        d = this.get_node(obj, true);
                        if (d && d.length) {
                                a = d.children('.jstree-anchor');
                        old_type = obj.type;
                        old_icon = this.get_icon(obj);
                        obj.type = type;
                        if(old_icon === true || !t[old_type] || (t[old_type].icon !== undefined && old_icon === t[old_type].icon)) {
                                this.set_icon(obj, t[type].icon !== undefined ? t[type].icon : true);

                        // remove old type props
                        if(t[old_type] && t[old_type].li_attr !== undefined && typeof t[old_type].li_attr === 'object') {
                                for (k in t[old_type].li_attr) {
                                        if (t[old_type].li_attr.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                                                if (k === 'id') {
                                                else if (k === 'class') {
                                                        m[].li_attr['class'] = (m[].li_attr['class'] || '').replace(t[old_type].li_attr[k], '');
                                                        if (d) { d.removeClass(t[old_type].li_attr[k]); }
                                                else if (m[].li_attr[k] === t[old_type].li_attr[k]) {
                                                        m[].li_attr[k] = null;
                                                        if (d) { d.removeAttr(k); }
                        if(t[old_type] && t[old_type].a_attr !== undefined && typeof t[old_type].a_attr === 'object') {
                                for (k in t[old_type].a_attr) {
                                        if (t[old_type].a_attr.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                                                if (k === 'id') {
                                                else if (k === 'class') {
                                                        m[].a_attr['class'] = (m[].a_attr['class'] || '').replace(t[old_type].a_attr[k], '');
                                                        if (a) { a.removeClass(t[old_type].a_attr[k]); }
                                                else if (m[].a_attr[k] === t[old_type].a_attr[k]) {
                                                        if (k === 'href') {
                                                                m[].a_attr[k] = '#';
                                                                if (a) { a.attr('href', '#'); }
                                                        else {
                                                                delete m[].a_attr[k];
                                                                if (a) { a.removeAttr(k); }

                        // add new props
                        if(t[type].li_attr !== undefined && typeof t[type].li_attr === 'object') {
                                for (k in t[type].li_attr) {
                                        if (t[type].li_attr.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                                                if (k === 'id') {
                                                else if (m[].li_attr[k] === undefined) {
                                                        m[].li_attr[k] = t[type].li_attr[k];
                                                        if (d) {
                                                                if (k === 'class') {
                                                                else {
                                                                        d.attr(k, t[type].li_attr[k]);
                                                else if (k === 'class') {
                                                        m[].li_attr['class'] = t[type].li_attr[k] + ' ' + m[].li_attr['class'];
                                                        if (d) { d.addClass(t[type].li_attr[k]); }
                        if(t[type].a_attr !== undefined && typeof t[type].a_attr === 'object') {
                                for (k in t[type].a_attr) {
                                        if (t[type].a_attr.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
                                                if (k === 'id') {
                                                else if (m[].a_attr[k] === undefined) {
                                                        m[].a_attr[k] = t[type].a_attr[k];
                                                        if (a) {
                                                                if (k === 'class') {
                                                                else {
                                                                        a.attr(k, t[type].a_attr[k]);
                                                else if (k === 'href' && m[].a_attr[k] === '#') {
                                                        m[].a_attr['href'] = t[type].a_attr['href'];
                                                        if (a) { a.attr('href', t[type].a_attr['href']); }
                                                else if (k === 'class') {
                                                        m[].a_attr['class'] = t[type].a_attr['class'] + ' ' + m[].a_attr['class'];
                                                        if (a) { a.addClass(t[type].a_attr[k]); }

                        return true;
        // include the types plugin by default
        // $.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("types");