corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 26

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# Table Filter Control

Use Plugin: [bootstrap-table-filter-control]( </br>
Dependence if you use the datepicker option: [bootstrap-datepicker]( v1.4.0

## Usage

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="extensions/filter-control/bootstrap-table-filter-control.css">
<script src="extensions/filter-control/bootstrap-table-filter-control.js"></script>

## Options

### filterControl

* type: Boolean
* description: Set true to add an `input` or `select` into the column.
* default: `false`

### filterShowClear

* type: Boolean
* description: Set true to add a button to clear all the controls added by this plugin.
* default: `false`

### alignmentSelectControlOptions

* type: String
* description: Set the alignemnt of the select control options. Use Use `left`, `right` or `auto`.
* default: `undefined`

### hideUnusedSelectOptions

* type: Boolean
* description: Set to true in order to hide the options that are not in the table. This option does not work on server-side pagination.
* default: `false`

## Column options

### filterControl

* type: String
* description: Set `input`: show an input control, `select`: show a select control, `datepicker`: show a datepicker control.
* default: `undefined`

### filterData

* type: String
* description: Set custom select filter values, use `var:variable` to load from a variable or `url:` to load from a remote json file or `jso:{key:data}` to load from a json string.
* default: `undefined`

### filterDatepickerOptions
* type: Object
* description: If the datepicker option is set use this option to configure the datepicker with the native options. Use this way: `data-filter-datepicker-options='{"autoclose":true, "clearBtn": true, "todayHighlight": true}'`.
* default: `undefined`

### filterStrictSearch
* type: Boolean
* description: Set to true if you want to use the strict search mode.
* default: `false`

### filterStartsWithSearch
* type: Boolean
* description: Set to true if you want to use the starts with search mode.
* default: `false`

### filterControlPlaceholder
* type: String
* description: Set this in order to show a placeholder only in the input filter control.
* default: ``

### Icons
* clear: 'glyphicon-trash icon-clear'

## Locale

### formatClearFilters
* type: Function
* default: `function () { return "Clear Filters";}`

## Events

### onColumnSearch(

* Fired when we are searching into the column data