corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 26

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# Table click-edit-row

Use Plugin: [bootstrap-click-edit-row]( </br>
You must include the bootstrap-table-click-editable.css file in order to get the appropriate style.
Ps. Used this plugin is better on table columns not more than five.

## Usage

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-table-click-edit-row.css"></style>
<script src="bootstrap-table-click-edit-row.js"></script>

## Options

### editable

* type: input、select
* default: `input`
* description: Set select must setup `$.selectArray` for select options.
* $.selectArray example: `$.selectArray= {price: [{idxNum: '$', name: '100'}, {idxNum: '$', name: '500'}, {idxNum: '$', name: '5000'}]}`, obj name must same as 'data-field' value.

All options can be defined via `data-editable-*` HTML attributes. Table wide options are used for every row but can be overridden:

<table id="my_table_id"
      <th data-field="id">ID</th>
      <th data-field="name" data-editable="input">Item Name</th>
      <th data-field="price" data-editable="select">Item Price</th>