corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 24

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# 方法 []({{ site.repo }}/blob/develop/docs/_i18n/{{ site.lang }}/documentation/


使用方法的语法:`$('#table').bootstrapTable('method', parameter);`。

<table class="table"
        <th data-formatter="methodFormatter"
        <td>返回表格的 Options。</td>
        <td>或者当前加载的数据。假如设置 useCurrentPage 为 true,则返回当前页的数据。</td>
        <td>根据 uniqueId 获取行数据。</td>
        <td>Show All the columns.</td>
        <td>Hide All the columns.</td>
        field: 需要删除的行的 field 名称。<br>
        values: 需要删除的行的值,类型为数组。<br>
        <td>根据 uniqueId 删除指定的行。</td>
        index: 要插入的行的 index。<br>
        row: 行的数据,Object 对象。
        index: 要更新的行的 index。<br>
        row: 行的数据,Object 对象。
        index: 要更新的行的 index 或者 uniqueId。<br>
        isIdField: 指定 index 是否为 uniqueid。</td>
        index: 要更新的行的 index。<br>
        uniqueId: 或者要更新的行的 uniqueid。
        <td>Get all rows hidden and if you pass the show parameter true the rows will be shown again, otherwise, the method
        only will return the rows hidden.</td>
        Merge some cells to one cell, the options contains following properties: <br>
        index: the row index. <br>
        field: the field name.<br>
        rowspan: the rowspan count to be merged. <br>
        colspan: the colspan count to be merged.
        Update one cell, the params contains following properties: <br>
        index: the row index. <br>
        field: the field name.<br>
        value: the new field value.
        <td>Refresh the remote server data, you can set <code>{silent: true}</code> to refresh the data silently, and set <code>{url: newUrl}</code> to change the url. To supply query params specific to this request, set <code>{query: {foo: 'bar'}}</code></td>
        <td>Refresh the options</td>
        <td>Set the search text</td>
        <td>Show loading status.</td>
        <td>Hide loading status.</td>
        <td>Check all current page rows.</td>
        <td>Uncheck all current page rows.</td>
        <td>Check a row, the row index start with 0.</td>
        <td>Uncheck a row, the row index start with 0.</td>
        Check a row by array of values, the params contains:<br>
        field: name of the field used to find records<br>
        values: array of values for rows to check<br>
        Example: <br>
        $("#table").bootstrapTable("checkBy", {field:"field_name", values:["value1","value2","value3"]})
        Uncheck a row by array of values, the params contains:<br>
        field: name of the field used to find records<br>
        values: array of values for rows to uncheck<br>
        Example: <br>
        $("#table").bootstrapTable("uncheckBy", {field:"field_name", values:["value1","value2","value3"]})
        <td>Reset the bootstrap table view, for example reset the table height.</td>
        <td>Resizes header and footer to fit current columns width</td>
        <td>Destroy the bootstrap table.</td>
        <td>Show the specified column.</td>
        <td>Hide the specified column.</td>
        <td>滚动到指定位置,单位为 px,设置 'bottom' 表示跳到最后。</td>
        <td>获取当前滚动条的位置,单位为 px。</td>
        <td>(只能用于 client 端)过滤表格数据, 你可以通过过滤<code>{age: 10}</code>来显示 age 等于 10 的数据。</td>
        <td>切换 card/table 视图</td>
        <td>Expand the row that has the index passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to True.</td>
        <td>Collapse the row that has the index passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to True.</td>
        <td>is subtable</td>
        <td>Expand all rows if the detail view option is set to True.</td>
        <td>is subtable</td>
        <td>Collapse all rows if the detail view option is set to True.</td>