corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 14

Subversion Repositories:
 * ### Checkbox plugin
 * This plugin renders checkbox icons in front of each node, making multiple selection much easier.
 * It also supports tri-state behavior, meaning that if a node has a few of its children checked it will be rendered as undetermined, and state will be propagated up.
/*globals jQuery, define, exports, require, document */
(function (factory) {
        "use strict";
        if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
                define('jstree.checkbox', ['jquery','jstree'], factory);
        else if(typeof exports === 'object') {
                factory(require('jquery'), require('jstree'));
        else {
                factory(jQuery, jQuery.jstree);
}(function ($, jstree, undefined) {
        "use strict";

        if($.jstree.plugins.checkbox) { return; }

        var _i = document.createElement('I');
        _i.className = 'jstree-icon jstree-checkbox';
        _i.setAttribute('role', 'presentation');
         * stores all defaults for the checkbox plugin
         * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox
         * @plugin checkbox
        $.jstree.defaults.checkbox = {
                 * a boolean indicating if checkboxes should be visible (can be changed at a later time using `show_checkboxes()` and `hide_checkboxes`). Defaults to `true`.
                 * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.visible
                 * @plugin checkbox
                visible                         : true,
                 * a boolean indicating if checkboxes should cascade down and have an undetermined state. Defaults to `true`.
                 * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.three_state
                 * @plugin checkbox
                three_state                     : true,
                 * a boolean indicating if clicking anywhere on the node should act as clicking on the checkbox. Defaults to `true`.
                 * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.whole_node
                 * @plugin checkbox
                whole_node                      : true,
                 * a boolean indicating if the selected style of a node should be kept, or removed. Defaults to `true`.
                 * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.keep_selected_style
                 * @plugin checkbox
                keep_selected_style     : true,
                 * This setting controls how cascading and undetermined nodes are applied.
                 * If 'up' is in the string - cascading up is enabled, if 'down' is in the string - cascading down is enabled, if 'undetermined' is in the string - undetermined nodes will be used.
                 * If `three_state` is set to `true` this setting is automatically set to 'up+down+undetermined'. Defaults to ''.
                 * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.cascade
                 * @plugin checkbox
                cascade                         : '',
                 * This setting controls if checkbox are bound to the general tree selection or to an internal array maintained by the checkbox plugin. Defaults to `true`, only set to `false` if you know exactly what you are doing.
                 * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.tie_selection
                 * @plugin checkbox
                tie_selection           : true,

                 * This setting controls if cascading down affects disabled checkboxes
                 * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.cascade_to_disabled
                 * @plugin checkbox
                cascade_to_disabled : true,

                 * This setting controls if cascading down affects hidden checkboxes
                 * @name $.jstree.defaults.checkbox.cascade_to_hidden
                 * @plugin checkbox
                cascade_to_hidden : true
        $.jstree.plugins.checkbox = function (options, parent) {
                this.bind = function () {
                        this._data.checkbox.uto = false;
                        this._data.checkbox.selected = [];
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.three_state) {
                                this.settings.checkbox.cascade = 'up+down+undetermined';
                                .on("init.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
                                                this._data.checkbox.visible = this.settings.checkbox.visible;
                                                if(!this.settings.checkbox.keep_selected_style) {
                                                if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) {
                                        }, this))
                                .on("loading.jstree", $.proxy(function () {
                                                this[ this._data.checkbox.visible ? 'show_checkboxes' : 'hide_checkboxes' ]();
                                        }, this));
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.cascade.indexOf('undetermined') !== -1) {
                                        .on('changed.jstree uncheck_node.jstree check_node.jstree uncheck_all.jstree check_all.jstree move_node.jstree copy_node.jstree redraw.jstree open_node.jstree', $.proxy(function () {
                                                        // only if undetermined is in setting
                                                        if(this._data.checkbox.uto) { clearTimeout(this._data.checkbox.uto); }
                                                        this._data.checkbox.uto = setTimeout($.proxy(this._undetermined, this), 50);
                                                }, this));
                        if(!this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) {
                                        .on('model.jstree', $.proxy(function (e, data) {
                                                var m =,
                                                        p = m[data.parent],
                                                        dpc = data.nodes,
                                                        i, j;
                                                for(i = 0, j = dpc.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                        m[dpc[i]].state.checked = m[dpc[i]].state.checked || (m[dpc[i]].original && m[dpc[i]].original.state && m[dpc[i]].original.state.checked);
                                                        if(m[dpc[i]].state.checked) {
                                        }, this));
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.cascade.indexOf('up') !== -1 || this.settings.checkbox.cascade.indexOf('down') !== -1) {
                                        .on('model.jstree', $.proxy(function (e, data) {
                                                        var m =,
                                                                p = m[data.parent],
                                                                dpc = data.nodes,
                                                                chd = [],
                                                                c, i, j, k, l, tmp, s = this.settings.checkbox.cascade, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection;

                                                        if(s.indexOf('down') !== -1) {
                                                                // apply down
                                                                if(p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ]) {
                                                                        for(i = 0, j = dpc.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                                m[dpc[i]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = true;

                                                                        this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected = this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected.concat(dpc);
                                                                else {
                                                                        for(i = 0, j = dpc.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                                if(m[dpc[i]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ]) {
                                                                                        for(k = 0, l = m[dpc[i]].children_d.length; k < l; k++) {
                                                                                                m[m[dpc[i]].children_d[k]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = true;
                                                                                        this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected = this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected.concat(m[dpc[i]].children_d);

                                                        if(s.indexOf('up') !== -1) {
                                                                // apply up
                                                                for(i = 0, j = p.children_d.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                        if(!m[p.children_d[i]].children.length) {
                                                                chd = $.vakata.array_unique(chd);
                                                                for(k = 0, l = chd.length; k < l; k++) {
                                                                        p = m[chd[k]];
                                                                        while(p && !== $.jstree.root) {
                                                                                c = 0;
                                                                                for(i = 0, j = p.children.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                                        c += m[p.children[i]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ];
                                                                                if(c === j) {
                                                                                        p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = true;
                                                                                        this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected.push(;
                                                                                        tmp = this.get_node(p, true);
                                                                                        if(tmp && tmp.length) {
                                                                                                tmp.attr('aria-selected', true).children('.jstree-anchor').addClass( t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                                                                                else {
                                                                                p = this.get_node(p.parent);

                                                        this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected = $.vakata.array_unique(this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected);
                                                }, this))
                                        .on(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection ? 'select_node.jstree' : 'check_node.jstree', $.proxy(function (e, data) {
                                                        var self = this,
                                                                obj = data.node,
                                                                m =,
                                                                par = this.get_node(obj.parent),
                                                                i, j, c, tmp, s = this.settings.checkbox.cascade, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection,
                                                                sel = {}, cur = this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected;

                                                        for (i = 0, j = cur.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                sel[cur[i]] = true;

                                                        // apply down
                                                        if(s.indexOf('down') !== -1) {
                                                                //this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected = $.vakata.array_unique(this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected.concat(obj.children_d));
                                                                var selectedIds = this._cascade_new_checked_state(, true);
                                obj.children_d.concat( {
                                    if (selectedIds.indexOf(id) > -1) {
                                        sel[id] = true;
                                    else {
                                        delete sel[id];

                                                        // apply up
                                                        if(s.indexOf('up') !== -1) {
                                                                while(par && !== $.jstree.root) {
                                                                        c = 0;
                                                                        for(i = 0, j = par.children.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                                c += m[par.children[i]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ];
                                                                        if(c === j) {
                                                                                par.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = true;
                                                                                sel[] = true;
                                                                                //this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected.push(;
                                                                                tmp = this.get_node(par, true);
                                                                                if(tmp && tmp.length) {
                                                                                        tmp.attr('aria-selected', true).children('.jstree-anchor').addClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                                                                        else {
                                                                        par = this.get_node(par.parent);

                                                        cur = [];
                                                        for (i in sel) {
                                                                if (sel.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                                                        this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected = cur;
                                                }, this))
                                        .on(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection ? 'deselect_all.jstree' : 'uncheck_all.jstree', $.proxy(function (e, data) {
                                                        var obj = this.get_node($.jstree.root),
                                                                m =,
                                                                i, j, tmp;
                                                        for(i = 0, j = obj.children_d.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                tmp = m[obj.children_d[i]];
                                                                if(tmp && tmp.original && tmp.original.state && tmp.original.state.undetermined) {
                                                                        tmp.original.state.undetermined = false;
                                                }, this))
                                        .on(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection ? 'deselect_node.jstree' : 'uncheck_node.jstree', $.proxy(function (e, data) {
                                                        var self = this,
                                                                obj = data.node,
                                                                dom = this.get_node(obj, true),
                                                                i, j, tmp, s = this.settings.checkbox.cascade, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection,
                                                                cur = this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected, sel = {},
                                                                stillSelectedIds = [],
                                                                allIds = obj.children_d.concat(;

                                                        // apply down
                                                        if(s.indexOf('down') !== -1) {
                                                                var selectedIds = this._cascade_new_checked_state(, false);

                                                                cur = cur.filter(function(id) {
                                                                        return allIds.indexOf(id) === -1 || selectedIds.indexOf(id) > -1;

                                                        // only apply up if cascade up is enabled and if this node is not selected
                                                        // (if all child nodes are disabled and cascade_to_disabled === false then this node will till be selected).
                                                        if(s.indexOf('up') !== -1 && cur.indexOf( === -1) {
                                                                for(i = 0, j = obj.parents.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                        tmp =[obj.parents[i]];
                                                                        tmp.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = false;
                                                                        if(tmp && tmp.original && tmp.original.state && tmp.original.state.undetermined) {
                                                                                tmp.original.state.undetermined = false;
                                                                        tmp = this.get_node(obj.parents[i], true);
                                                                        if(tmp && tmp.length) {
                                                                                tmp.attr('aria-selected', false).children('.jstree-anchor').removeClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');

                                                                cur = cur.filter(function(id) {
                                                                        return obj.parents.indexOf(id) === -1;

                                                        this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected = cur;
                                                }, this));
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.cascade.indexOf('up') !== -1) {
                                        .on('delete_node.jstree', $.proxy(function (e, data) {
                                                        // apply up (whole handler)
                                                        var p = this.get_node(data.parent),
                                                                m =,
                                                                i, j, c, tmp, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection;
                                                        while(p && !== $.jstree.root && !p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ]) {
                                                                c = 0;
                                                                for(i = 0, j = p.children.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                        c += m[p.children[i]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ];
                                                                if(j > 0 && c === j) {
                                                                        p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = true;
                                                                        this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected.push(;
                                                                        tmp = this.get_node(p, true);
                                                                        if(tmp && tmp.length) {
                                                                                tmp.attr('aria-selected', true).children('.jstree-anchor').addClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                                                                else {
                                                                p = this.get_node(p.parent);
                                                }, this))
                                        .on('move_node.jstree', $.proxy(function (e, data) {
                                                        // apply up (whole handler)
                                                        var is_multi = data.is_multi,
                                                                old_par = data.old_parent,
                                                                new_par = this.get_node(data.parent),
                                                                m =,
                                                                p, c, i, j, tmp, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection;
                                                        if(!is_multi) {
                                                                p = this.get_node(old_par);
                                                                while(p && !== $.jstree.root && !p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ]) {
                                                                        c = 0;
                                                                        for(i = 0, j = p.children.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                                c += m[p.children[i]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ];
                                                                        if(j > 0 && c === j) {
                                                                                p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = true;
                                                                                this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected.push(;
                                                                                tmp = this.get_node(p, true);
                                                                                if(tmp && tmp.length) {
                                                                                        tmp.attr('aria-selected', true).children('.jstree-anchor').addClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                                                                        else {
                                                                        p = this.get_node(p.parent);
                                                        p = new_par;
                                                        while(p && !== $.jstree.root) {
                                                                c = 0;
                                                                for(i = 0, j = p.children.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                                        c += m[p.children[i]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ];
                                                                if(c === j) {
                                                                        if(!p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ]) {
                                                                                p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = true;
                                                                                this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected.push(;
                                                                                tmp = this.get_node(p, true);
                                                                                if(tmp && tmp.length) {
                                                                                        tmp.attr('aria-selected', true).children('.jstree-anchor').addClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                                                                else {
                                                                        if(p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ]) {
                                                                                p.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = false;
                                                                                this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected = $.vakata.array_remove_item(this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected,;
                                                                                tmp = this.get_node(p, true);
                                                                                if(tmp && tmp.length) {
                                                                                        tmp.attr('aria-selected', false).children('.jstree-anchor').removeClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                                                                        else {
                                                                p = this.get_node(p.parent);
                                                }, this));

                 * set the undetermined state where and if necessary. Used internally.
                 * @private
                 * @name _undetermined()
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this._undetermined = function () {
                        if(this.element === null) { return; }
                        var i, j, k, l, o = {}, m =, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection, s = this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected, p = [], tt = this;
                        for(i = 0, j = s.length; i < j; i++) {
                                if(m[s[i]] && m[s[i]].parents) {
                                        for(k = 0, l = m[s[i]].parents.length; k < l; k++) {
                                                if(o[m[s[i]].parents[k]] !== undefined) {
                                                if(m[s[i]].parents[k] !== $.jstree.root) {
                                                        o[m[s[i]].parents[k]] = true;
                        // attempt for server side undetermined state
                                .each(function () {
                                        var tmp = tt.get_node(this), tmp2;
                                        if(!tmp) { return; }
                                        if(!tmp.state.loaded) {
                                                if(tmp.original && tmp.original.state && tmp.original.state.undetermined && tmp.original.state.undetermined === true) {
                                                        if(o[] === undefined && !== $.jstree.root) {
                                                                o[] = true;
                                                        for(k = 0, l = tmp.parents.length; k < l; k++) {
                                                                if(o[tmp.parents[k]] === undefined && tmp.parents[k] !== $.jstree.root) {
                                                                        o[tmp.parents[k]] = true;
                                        else {
                                                for(i = 0, j = tmp.children_d.length; i < j; i++) {
                                                        tmp2 = m[tmp.children_d[i]];
                                                        if(!tmp2.state.loaded && tmp2.original && tmp2.original.state && tmp2.original.state.undetermined && tmp2.original.state.undetermined === true) {
                                                                if(o[] === undefined && !== $.jstree.root) {
                                                                        o[] = true;
                                                                for(k = 0, l = tmp2.parents.length; k < l; k++) {
                                                                        if(o[tmp2.parents[k]] === undefined && tmp2.parents[k] !== $.jstree.root) {
                                                                                o[tmp2.parents[k]] = true;

                        for(i = 0, j = p.length; i < j; i++) {
                                if(!m[p[i]].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ]) {
                                        s = this.get_node(p[i], true);
                                        if(s && s.length) {
                this.redraw_node = function(obj, deep, is_callback, force_render) {
                        obj = parent.redraw_node.apply(this, arguments);
                        if(obj) {
                                var i, j, tmp = null, icon = null;
                                for(i = 0, j = obj.childNodes.length; i < j; i++) {
                                        if(obj.childNodes[i] && obj.childNodes[i].className && obj.childNodes[i].className.indexOf("jstree-anchor") !== -1) {
                                                tmp = obj.childNodes[i];
                                if(tmp) {
                                        if(!this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection &&[].state.checked) { tmp.className += ' jstree-checked'; }
                                        icon = _i.cloneNode(false);
                                        if([].state.checkbox_disabled) { icon.className += ' jstree-checkbox-disabled'; }
                                        tmp.insertBefore(icon, tmp.childNodes[0]);
                        if(!is_callback && this.settings.checkbox.cascade.indexOf('undetermined') !== -1) {
                                if(this._data.checkbox.uto) { clearTimeout(this._data.checkbox.uto); }
                                this._data.checkbox.uto = setTimeout($.proxy(this._undetermined, this), 50);
                        return obj;
                 * show the node checkbox icons
                 * @name show_checkboxes()
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.show_checkboxes = function () { this._data.core.themes.checkboxes = true; this.get_container_ul().removeClass("jstree-no-checkboxes"); };
                 * hide the node checkbox icons
                 * @name hide_checkboxes()
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.hide_checkboxes = function () { this._data.core.themes.checkboxes = false; this.get_container_ul().addClass("jstree-no-checkboxes"); };
                 * toggle the node icons
                 * @name toggle_checkboxes()
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.toggle_checkboxes = function () { if(this._data.core.themes.checkboxes) { this.hide_checkboxes(); } else { this.show_checkboxes(); } };
                 * checks if a node is in an undetermined state
                 * @name is_undetermined(obj)
                 * @param  {mixed} obj
                 * @return {Boolean}
                this.is_undetermined = function (obj) {
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        var s = this.settings.checkbox.cascade, i, j, t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection, d = this._data[ t ? 'core' : 'checkbox' ].selected, m =;
                        if(!obj || obj.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] === true || s.indexOf('undetermined') === -1 || (s.indexOf('down') === -1 && s.indexOf('up') === -1)) {
                                return false;
                        if(!obj.state.loaded && obj.original.state.undetermined === true) {
                                return true;
                        for(i = 0, j = obj.children_d.length; i < j; i++) {
                                if($.inArray(obj.children_d[i], d) !== -1 || (!m[obj.children_d[i]].state.loaded && m[obj.children_d[i]].original.state.undetermined)) {
                                        return true;
                        return false;
                 * disable a node's checkbox
                 * @name disable_checkbox(obj)
                 * @param {mixed} obj an array can be used too
                 * @trigger disable_checkbox.jstree
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.disable_checkbox = function (obj) {
                        var t1, t2, dom;
                        if($.isArray(obj)) {
                                obj = obj.slice();
                                for(t1 = 0, t2 = obj.length; t1 < t2; t1++) {
                                return true;
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        if(!obj || === $.jstree.root) {
                                return false;
                        dom = this.get_node(obj, true);
                        if(!obj.state.checkbox_disabled) {
                                obj.state.checkbox_disabled = true;
                                if(dom && dom.length) {
                                 * triggered when an node's checkbox is disabled
                                 * @event
                                 * @name disable_checkbox.jstree
                                 * @param {Object} node
                                 * @plugin checkbox
                                this.trigger('disable_checkbox', { 'node' : obj });
                 * enable a node's checkbox
                 * @name disable_checkbox(obj)
                 * @param {mixed} obj an array can be used too
                 * @trigger enable_checkbox.jstree
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.enable_checkbox = function (obj) {
                        var t1, t2, dom;
                        if($.isArray(obj)) {
                                obj = obj.slice();
                                for(t1 = 0, t2 = obj.length; t1 < t2; t1++) {
                                return true;
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        if(!obj || === $.jstree.root) {
                                return false;
                        dom = this.get_node(obj, true);
                        if(obj.state.checkbox_disabled) {
                                obj.state.checkbox_disabled = false;
                                if(dom && dom.length) {
                                 * triggered when an node's checkbox is enabled
                                 * @event
                                 * @name enable_checkbox.jstree
                                 * @param {Object} node
                                 * @plugin checkbox
                                this.trigger('enable_checkbox', { 'node' : obj });

                this.activate_node = function (obj, e) {
                        if($('jstree-checkbox-disabled')) {
                                return false;
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection && (this.settings.checkbox.whole_node || $('jstree-checkbox'))) {
                                e.ctrlKey = true;
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection || (!this.settings.checkbox.whole_node && !$('jstree-checkbox'))) {
                                return, obj, e);
                        if(this.is_disabled(obj)) {
                                return false;
                        if(this.is_checked(obj)) {
                                this.uncheck_node(obj, e);
                        else {
                                this.check_node(obj, e);
                        this.trigger('activate_node', { 'node' : this.get_node(obj) });

                 * Unchecks a node and all its descendants. This function does NOT affect hidden and disabled nodes (or their descendants).
                 * However if these unaffected nodes are already selected their ids will be included in the returned array.
                 * @param id
                 * @param checkedState
                 * @returns {Array} Array of all node id's (in this tree branch) that are checked.
                this._cascade_new_checked_state = function(id, checkedState) {
                        var self = this;
                        var t = this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection;
                        var node =[id];
                        var selectedNodeIds = [];
                        var selectedChildrenIds = [];

                        if (
                                (this.settings.checkbox.cascade_to_disabled || !node.state.disabled) &&
                                (this.settings.checkbox.cascade_to_hidden || !node.state.hidden)
                        ) {
                //First try and check/uncheck the children
                if (node.children) {
                                        node.children.forEach(function(childId) {
                                                var selectedChildIds = self._cascade_new_checked_state(childId, checkedState);
                                                selectedNodeIds = selectedNodeIds.concat(selectedChildIds);
                                                if (selectedChildIds.indexOf(childId) > -1) {

                                var dom = self.get_node(node, true);

                //A node's state is undetermined if some but not all of it's children are checked/selected .
                                var undetermined = selectedChildrenIds.length > 0 && selectedChildrenIds.length < node.children.length;

                                if(node.original && node.original.state && node.original.state.undetermined) {
                                        node.original.state.undetermined = undetermined;

                //If a node is undetermined then remove selected class
                                if (undetermined) {
                    node.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = false;
                    dom.attr('aria-selected', false).children('.jstree-anchor').removeClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                //Otherwise, if the checkedState === true (i.e. the node is being checked now) and all of the node's children are checked (if it has any children),
                //check the node and style it correctly.
                                else if (checkedState && selectedChildrenIds.length === node.children.length) {
                    node.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = checkedState;

                                        dom.attr('aria-selected', true).children('.jstree-anchor').addClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                                else {
                    node.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ] = false;
                                        dom.attr('aria-selected', false).children('.jstree-anchor').removeClass(t ? 'jstree-clicked' : 'jstree-checked');
                        else {
                                var selectedChildIds = this.get_checked_descendants(id);

                                if (node.state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ]) {

                                selectedNodeIds = selectedNodeIds.concat(selectedChildIds);

                        return selectedNodeIds;

                 * Gets ids of nodes selected in branch (of tree) specified by id (does not include the node specified by id)
                 * @param id
                this.get_checked_descendants = function(id) {
                        var self = this;
                        var t = self.settings.checkbox.tie_selection;
                        var node =[id];

                        return node.children_d.filter(function(_id) {
                                return[_id].state[ t ? 'selected' : 'checked' ];

                 * check a node (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false, otherwise select_node will be called internally)
                 * @name check_node(obj)
                 * @param {mixed} obj an array can be used to check multiple nodes
                 * @trigger check_node.jstree
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.check_node = function (obj, e) {
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return this.select_node(obj, false, true, e); }
                        var dom, t1, t2, th;
                        if($.isArray(obj)) {
                                obj = obj.slice();
                                for(t1 = 0, t2 = obj.length; t1 < t2; t1++) {
                                        this.check_node(obj[t1], e);
                                return true;
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        if(!obj || === $.jstree.root) {
                                return false;
                        dom = this.get_node(obj, true);
                        if(!obj.state.checked) {
                                obj.state.checked = true;
                                if(dom && dom.length) {
                                 * triggered when an node is checked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
                                 * @event
                                 * @name check_node.jstree
                                 * @param {Object} node
                                 * @param {Array} selected the current selection
                                 * @param {Object} event the event (if any) that triggered this check_node
                                 * @plugin checkbox
                                this.trigger('check_node', { 'node' : obj, 'selected' : this._data.checkbox.selected, 'event' : e });
                 * uncheck a node (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false, otherwise deselect_node will be called internally)
                 * @name uncheck_node(obj)
                 * @param {mixed} obj an array can be used to uncheck multiple nodes
                 * @trigger uncheck_node.jstree
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.uncheck_node = function (obj, e) {
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return this.deselect_node(obj, false, e); }
                        var t1, t2, dom;
                        if($.isArray(obj)) {
                                obj = obj.slice();
                                for(t1 = 0, t2 = obj.length; t1 < t2; t1++) {
                                        this.uncheck_node(obj[t1], e);
                                return true;
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        if(!obj || === $.jstree.root) {
                                return false;
                        dom = this.get_node(obj, true);
                        if(obj.state.checked) {
                                obj.state.checked = false;
                                this._data.checkbox.selected = $.vakata.array_remove_item(this._data.checkbox.selected,;
                                if(dom.length) {
                                 * triggered when an node is unchecked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
                                 * @event
                                 * @name uncheck_node.jstree
                                 * @param {Object} node
                                 * @param {Array} selected the current selection
                                 * @param {Object} event the event (if any) that triggered this uncheck_node
                                 * @plugin checkbox
                                this.trigger('uncheck_node', { 'node' : obj, 'selected' : this._data.checkbox.selected, 'event' : e });
                 * checks all nodes in the tree (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false, otherwise select_all will be called internally)
                 * @name check_all()
                 * @trigger check_all.jstree, changed.jstree
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.check_all = function () {
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return this.select_all(); }
                        var tmp = this._data.checkbox.selected.concat([]), i, j;
                        this._data.checkbox.selected =[$.jstree.root].children_d.concat();
                        for(i = 0, j = this._data.checkbox.selected.length; i < j; i++) {
                                if([this._data.checkbox.selected[i]]) {
                              [this._data.checkbox.selected[i]].state.checked = true;
                         * triggered when all nodes are checked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
                         * @event
                         * @name check_all.jstree
                         * @param {Array} selected the current selection
                         * @plugin checkbox
                        this.trigger('check_all', { 'selected' : this._data.checkbox.selected });
                 * uncheck all checked nodes (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false, otherwise deselect_all will be called internally)
                 * @name uncheck_all()
                 * @trigger uncheck_all.jstree
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.uncheck_all = function () {
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return this.deselect_all(); }
                        var tmp = this._data.checkbox.selected.concat([]), i, j;
                        for(i = 0, j = this._data.checkbox.selected.length; i < j; i++) {
                                if([this._data.checkbox.selected[i]]) {
                              [this._data.checkbox.selected[i]].state.checked = false;
                        this._data.checkbox.selected = [];
                         * triggered when all nodes are unchecked (only if tie_selection in checkbox settings is false)
                         * @event
                         * @name uncheck_all.jstree
                         * @param {Object} node the previous selection
                         * @param {Array} selected the current selection
                         * @plugin checkbox
                        this.trigger('uncheck_all', { 'selected' : this._data.checkbox.selected, 'node' : tmp });
                 * checks if a node is checked (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as is_selected)
                 * @name is_checked(obj)
                 * @param  {mixed}  obj
                 * @return {Boolean}
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.is_checked = function (obj) {
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return this.is_selected(obj); }
                        obj = this.get_node(obj);
                        if(!obj || === $.jstree.root) { return false; }
                        return obj.state.checked;
                 * get an array of all checked nodes (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as get_selected)
                 * @name get_checked([full])
                 * @param  {mixed}  full if set to `true` the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
                 * @return {Array}
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.get_checked = function (full) {
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return this.get_selected(full); }
                        return full ? $.map(this._data.checkbox.selected, $.proxy(function (i) { return this.get_node(i); }, this)) : this._data.checkbox.selected;
                 * get an array of all top level checked nodes (ignoring children of checked nodes) (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as get_top_selected)
                 * @name get_top_checked([full])
                 * @param  {mixed}  full if set to `true` the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
                 * @return {Array}
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.get_top_checked = function (full) {
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return this.get_top_selected(full); }
                        var tmp = this.get_checked(true),
                                obj = {}, i, j, k, l;
                        for(i = 0, j = tmp.length; i < j; i++) {
                                obj[tmp[i].id] = tmp[i];
                        for(i = 0, j = tmp.length; i < j; i++) {
                                for(k = 0, l = tmp[i].children_d.length; k < l; k++) {
                                        if(obj[tmp[i].children_d[k]]) {
                                                delete obj[tmp[i].children_d[k]];
                        tmp = [];
                        for(i in obj) {
                                if(obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
                        return full ? $.map(tmp, $.proxy(function (i) { return this.get_node(i); }, this)) : tmp;
                 * get an array of all bottom level checked nodes (ignoring selected parents) (if tie_selection is on in the settings this function will return the same as get_bottom_selected)
                 * @name get_bottom_checked([full])
                 * @param  {mixed}  full if set to `true` the returned array will consist of the full node objects, otherwise - only IDs will be returned
                 * @return {Array}
                 * @plugin checkbox
                this.get_bottom_checked = function (full) {
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return this.get_bottom_selected(full); }
                        var tmp = this.get_checked(true),
                                obj = [], i, j;
                        for(i = 0, j = tmp.length; i < j; i++) {
                                if(!tmp[i].children.length) {
                        return full ? $.map(obj, $.proxy(function (i) { return this.get_node(i); }, this)) : obj;
                this.load_node = function (obj, callback) {
                        var k, l, i, j, c, tmp;
                        if(!$.isArray(obj) && !this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) {
                                tmp = this.get_node(obj);
                                if(tmp && tmp.state.loaded) {
                                        for(k = 0, l = tmp.children_d.length; k < l; k++) {
                                                if([tmp.children_d[k]].state.checked) {
                                                        c = true;
                                                        this._data.checkbox.selected = $.vakata.array_remove_item(this._data.checkbox.selected, tmp.children_d[k]);
                        return parent.load_node.apply(this, arguments);
                this.get_state = function () {
                        var state = parent.get_state.apply(this, arguments);
                        if(this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) { return state; }
                        state.checkbox = this._data.checkbox.selected.slice();
                        return state;
                this.set_state = function (state, callback) {
                        var res = parent.set_state.apply(this, arguments);
                        if(res && state.checkbox) {
                                if(!this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) {
                                        var _this = this;
                                        $.each(state.checkbox, function (i, v) {
                                delete state.checkbox;
                                this.set_state(state, callback);
                                return false;
                        return res;
                this.refresh = function (skip_loading, forget_state) {
                        if(!this.settings.checkbox.tie_selection) {
                                this._data.checkbox.selected = [];
                        return parent.refresh.apply(this, arguments);

        // include the checkbox plugin by default
        // $.jstree.defaults.plugins.push("checkbox");