corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Rev 18

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# Table group-by

Use Plugin: [bootstrap-table-group-by]( </br>
Dependence: [jquery-treetable]( v3.2.0 </br>
You must include the bootstrap-table-group-by.css file in order to get the appropriate style

## Usage

<script src="extensions/group-by/bootstrap-table-group-by.js"></script>

## Options

### groupBy

* type: Boolean
* description: Set true to group the data by the field passed.
* default: `false`

### groupByField

* type: Array
* description: Set the array fields that you want to group the data.
* default: `[]`

### groupBySumGroup

* type: Boolean
* description: Set to True to include a sum per column.
* default: `false`

### groupByInitExpanded

* type: Boolean
* description: You can use the node number (parent row index) or you can use the `all` option in order to expand all nodes of the table.
* default: `undefined`

## Methods

### expandAll

* Expand all the nodes in the table.

### collapseAll

* Collapse all the nodes in the table.

## Column options

### groupBySumGroup

* type: Boolean
* description: Set to True to sum the column values.
* default: `false`

## Known issues

### OnSort

* When sort options are set to True the group by is not working properly, for now if these properties are set to True the group by extension will be disabled.

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