corrade-vassal – Rev 16

Subversion Repositories:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Drawing;
using OpenMetaverse;
using OpenMetaverse.Http;
using OpenMetaverse.Imaging;

namespace OpenMetaverse.TestClient
    public class UploadImageCommand : Command
        AutoResetEvent UploadCompleteEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        UUID TextureID = UUID.Zero;
        DateTime start;

        public UploadImageCommand(TestClient testClient)
            Name = "uploadimage";
            Description = "Upload an image to your inventory. Usage: uploadimage [inventoryname] [timeout] [filename]";
            Category = CommandCategory.Inventory;

        public override string Execute(string[] args, UUID fromAgentID)
            string inventoryName;
            uint timeout;
            string fileName;

            if (args.Length != 3)
                return "Usage: uploadimage [inventoryname] [timeout] [filename]";

            TextureID = UUID.Zero;
            inventoryName = args[0];
            fileName = args[2];
            if (!UInt32.TryParse(args[1], out timeout))
                return "Usage: uploadimage [inventoryname] [timeout] [filename]";

            Console.WriteLine("Loading image " + fileName);
            byte[] jpeg2k = LoadImage(fileName);
            if (jpeg2k == null)
                return "Failed to compress image to JPEG2000";
            Console.WriteLine("Finished compressing image to JPEG2000, uploading...");
            start = DateTime.Now;
            DoUpload(jpeg2k, inventoryName);

            if (UploadCompleteEvent.WaitOne((int)timeout, false))
                return String.Format("Texture upload {0}: {1}", (TextureID != UUID.Zero) ? "succeeded" : "failed",
                return "Texture upload timed out";

        private void DoUpload(byte[] UploadData, string FileName)
            if (UploadData != null)
                string name = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName);

                Client.Inventory.RequestCreateItemFromAsset(UploadData, name, "Uploaded with TestClient",
                    AssetType.Texture, InventoryType.Texture, Client.Inventory.FindFolderForType(AssetType.Texture),
                    delegate(bool success, string status, UUID itemID, UUID assetID)
                            "RequestCreateItemFromAsset() returned: Success={0}, Status={1}, ItemID={2}, AssetID={3}",
                            success, status, itemID, assetID));

                        TextureID = assetID;
                        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Upload took {0}", DateTime.Now.Subtract(start)));

        private byte[] LoadImage(string fileName)
            byte[] UploadData;
            string lowfilename = fileName.ToLower();
            Bitmap bitmap = null;

                if (lowfilename.EndsWith(".jp2") || lowfilename.EndsWith(".j2c"))
                    Image image;
                    ManagedImage managedImage;

                    // Upload JPEG2000 images untouched
                    UploadData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
                    OpenJPEG.DecodeToImage(UploadData, out managedImage, out image);
                    bitmap = (Bitmap)image;
                    if (lowfilename.EndsWith(".tga"))
                        bitmap = LoadTGAClass.LoadTGA(fileName);
                        bitmap = (Bitmap)System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fileName);

                    int oldwidth = bitmap.Width;
                    int oldheight = bitmap.Height;

                    if (!IsPowerOfTwo((uint)oldwidth) || !IsPowerOfTwo((uint)oldheight))
                        Bitmap resized = new Bitmap(256, 256, bitmap.PixelFormat);
                        Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(resized);

                        graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                        graphics.InterpolationMode =
                        graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, 256, 256);

                        bitmap = resized;

                        oldwidth = 256;
                        oldheight = 256;

                    // Handle resizing to prevent excessively large images
                    if (oldwidth > 1024 || oldheight > 1024)
                        int newwidth = (oldwidth > 1024) ? 1024 : oldwidth;
                        int newheight = (oldheight > 1024) ? 1024 : oldheight;

                        Bitmap resized = new Bitmap(newwidth, newheight, bitmap.PixelFormat);
                        Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(resized);

                        graphics.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality;
                        graphics.InterpolationMode =
                        graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, newwidth, newheight);

                        bitmap = resized;

                    UploadData = OpenJPEG.EncodeFromImage(bitmap, false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString() + " SL Image Upload ");
                return null;
            return UploadData;

        private static bool IsPowerOfTwo(uint n)
            return (n & (n - 1)) == 0 && n != 0;

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