corrade-vassal – Rev 16

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* CVS identifier:
* $Id:,v 1.30 2001/08/02 09:13:53 grosbois Exp $
* Class:                   SubbandAn
* Description:             Element for a tree structure for a descripotion
*                          of subbands on the anslysis side.
* This software module was originally developed by Raphaël Grosbois and
* Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel
* Askelöf (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David
* Bouchard, Félix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research
* Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000
* standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This
* software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000
* Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio
* Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000
* Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG
* 2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not
* including other intellectual property rights, for this software module
* with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module
* or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products
* claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use
* this software module in hardware or software products are advised that
* their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of
* this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability
* for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license
* or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard
* conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this
* software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this
* software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from
* using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming
* products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or
* derivative works of this software module.
* Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners.
* */
using System;
using CSJ2K.j2k.wavelet;
namespace CSJ2K.j2k.wavelet.analysis
        /// <summary> This class represents a subband in a bidirectional tree structure that
        /// describes the subband decomposition for a wavelet transform, specifically
        /// for the analysis side.
        /// <p>The element can be either a node or a leaf of the tree. If it is a node
        /// then ther are 4 descendants (LL, HL, LH and HH). If it is a leaf there are
        /// no descendants.</p>
        /// <p>The tree is bidirectional. Each element in the tree structure has a
        /// "parent", which is the subband from which the element was obtained by
        /// decomposition. The only exception is the root element which has no parent
        /// ('s null), for obvious reasons.</p>
        /// </summary>
        public class SubbandAn:Subband
                /// <summary> Returns the parent of this subband. The parent of a subband is the
                /// subband from which this one was obtained by decomposition. The root
                /// element has no parent subband (null).
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> The parent subband, or null for the root one.
                /// </returns>
                override public Subband Parent
                                return parentband;
                /// <summary> Returns the LL child subband of this subband.
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> The LL child subband, or null if there are no childs.
                /// </returns>
                override public Subband LL
                                return subb_LL;
                /// <summary> Returns the HL (horizontal high-pass) child subband of this subband.
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> The HL child subband, or null if there are no childs.
                /// </returns>
                override public Subband HL
                                return subb_HL;
                /// <summary> Returns the LH (vertical high-pass) child subband of this subband.
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> The LH child subband, or null if there are no childs.
                /// </returns>
                override public Subband LH
                                return subb_LH;
                /// <summary> Returns the HH child subband of this subband.
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> The HH child subband, or null if there are no childs.
                /// </returns>
                override public Subband HH
                                return subb_HH;
                /// <summary> This function returns the horizontal wavelet filter relevant to this
                /// subband
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> The horizontal wavelet filter
                /// </returns>
                override public WaveletFilter HorWFilter
                                return hFilter;
                /// <summary> This function returns the vertical wavelet filter relevant to this
                /// subband
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> The vertical wavelet filter
                /// </returns>
                override public WaveletFilter VerWFilter
                                return hFilter;
                /// <summary>The reference to the parent of this subband. It is null for the root
                /// element. It is null by default.  
                /// </summary>
                public SubbandAn parentband = null;
                /// <summary>The reference to the LL subband resulting from the decomposition of
                /// this subband. It is null by default.  
                /// </summary>
                public SubbandAn subb_LL;
                /// <summary>The reference to the HL subband (horizontal high-pass) resulting from
                /// the decomposition of this subband. It is null by default.  
                /// </summary>
                public SubbandAn subb_HL;
                /// <summary>The reference to the LH subband (vertical high-pass) resulting from
                /// the decomposition of this subband. It is null by default.
                /// </summary>
                public SubbandAn subb_LH;
                /// <summary>The reference to the HH subband resulting from the decomposition of
                /// this subband. It is null by default.  
                /// </summary>
                public SubbandAn subb_HH;
                /// <summary>The horizontal analysis filter used to decompose this subband. This is
                /// applicable to "node" elements only. The default value is null. 
                /// </summary>
                public AnWTFilter hFilter;
                /// <summary>The vertical analysis filter used to decompose this subband. This is
                /// applicable to "node" elements only. The default value is null. 
                /// </summary>
                public AnWTFilter vFilter;
                /// <summary>The L2-norm of the synthesis basis waveform of this subband,
                /// applicable to "leafs" only. By default it is -1 (i.e. not calculated
                /// yet).
                /// </summary>
                public float l2Norm = - 1.0f;
                /// <summary> The contribution to the MSE or WMSE error that would result in the
                /// image if there was an error of exactly one quantization step size in
                /// the sample of the subband. This value is expressed relative to a
                /// nominal dynamic range in the image domain of exactly 1.0. This field
                /// contains valid data only after quantization 9See Quantizer).
                /// </summary>
                /// <seealso cref="jj2000.j2k.quantization.quantizer.Quantizer">
                /// </seealso>
                public float stepWMSE;
                /// <summary> Creates a SubbandAn element with all the default values. The dimensions
                /// are (0,0) and the upper left corner is (0,0).
                /// </summary>
                public SubbandAn()
                /// <summary> Creates the top-level node and the entire subband tree, with the
                /// top-level dimensions, the number of decompositions, and the
                /// decomposition tree as specified.
                /// <p>This constructor just calls the same constructor of the super class,
                /// and then calculates the L2-norm (or energy weight) of each leaf.</p>
                /// <p>This constructor does not initialize the value of the magBits or
                /// stepWMSE member variables. This variables are normally initialized by
                /// the quantizer (see Quantizer).</p>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="w">The top-level width
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="h">The top-level height
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ulcx">The horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner with
                /// respect to the canvas origin, in the component grid.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ulcy">The vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner with
                /// respect to the canvas origin, in the component grid.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="lvls">The number of levels (or LL decompositions) in the tree.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="hfilters">The horizontal wavelet analysis filters for each
                /// resolution level, starting at resolution level 0.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="vfilters">The vertical wavelet analysis filters for each
                /// resolution level, starting at resolution level 0.
                /// </param>
                /// <seealso cref="Subband.Subband(int,int,int,int,int,">
                /// WaveletFilter[],WaveletFilter[])
                /// </seealso>
                /// <seealso cref="jj2000.j2k.quantization.quantizer.Quantizer">
                /// </seealso>
                public SubbandAn(int w, int h, int ulcx, int ulcy, int lvls, WaveletFilter[] hfilters, WaveletFilter[] vfilters):base(w, h, ulcx, ulcy, lvls, hfilters, vfilters)
                        // Caculate the L2-norms
                /// <summary> Splits the current subband in its four subbands. It changes the status
                /// of this element (from a leaf to a node, and sets the filters), creates
                /// the childs and initializes them. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown
                /// if this subband is not a leaf.
                /// <p>It uses the initChilds() method to initialize the childs.</p>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="hfilter">The horizontal wavelet filter used to decompose this
                /// subband. It has to be a AnWTFilter object.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="vfilter">The vertical wavelet filter used to decompose this
                /// subband. It has to be a AnWTFilter object.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> A reference to the LL leaf (subb_LL).
                /// </returns>
                /// <seealso cref="Subband.initChilds">
                /// </seealso>
                protected internal override Subband split(WaveletFilter hfilter, WaveletFilter vfilter)
                        // Test that this is a node
                        if (isNode)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException();
                        // Modify this element into a node and set the filters
                        isNode = true;
                        this.hFilter = (AnWTFilter) hfilter;
                        this.vFilter = (AnWTFilter) vfilter;
                        // Create childs
                        subb_LL = new SubbandAn();
                        subb_LH = new SubbandAn();
                        subb_HL = new SubbandAn();
                        subb_HH = new SubbandAn();
                        // Assign parent
                        subb_LL.parentband = this;
                        subb_HL.parentband = this;
                        subb_LH.parentband = this;
                        subb_HH.parentband = this;
                        // Initialize childs
                        // Return reference to LL subband
                        return subb_LL;
                /// <summary> Calculates the basis waveform of the first leaf for which the L2-norm
                /// has not been calculated yet. This method searches recursively for the
                /// first leaf for which the value has not been calculated yet, and then
                /// calculates the L2-norm on the return path.
                /// <p>The wfs argument should be a size 2 array of float arrays (i.e. 2D
                /// array) and it must be of length 2 (or more). When returning, wfs[0]
                /// will contain the line waveform, and wfs[1] will contain the column
                /// waveform.</p>
                /// <p>This method can not be called on an element that ahs a non-negative
                /// value in l2Norm, since that means that we are done.</p>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="wfs">An size 2 array where the line and column waveforms will be
                /// returned.
                /// </param>
                private void  calcBasisWaveForms(float[][] wfs)
                        if (l2Norm < 0)
                                // We are not finished with this element yet
                                if (isNode)
                                        // We are on a node => search on childs
                                        if (subb_LL.l2Norm < 0f)
                                                wfs[0] = hFilter.getLPSynWaveForm(wfs[0], null);
                                                wfs[1] = vFilter.getLPSynWaveForm(wfs[1], null);
                                        else if (subb_HL.l2Norm < 0f)
                                                wfs[0] = hFilter.getHPSynWaveForm(wfs[0], null);
                                                wfs[1] = vFilter.getLPSynWaveForm(wfs[1], null);
                                        else if (subb_LH.l2Norm < 0f)
                                                wfs[0] = hFilter.getLPSynWaveForm(wfs[0], null);
                                                wfs[1] = vFilter.getHPSynWaveForm(wfs[1], null);
                                        else if (subb_HH.l2Norm < 0f)
                                                wfs[0] = hFilter.getHPSynWaveForm(wfs[0], null);
                                                wfs[1] = vFilter.getHPSynWaveForm(wfs[1], null);
                                                // There is an error! If all childs have non-negative
                                                // l2norm, then this node should have non-negative l2norm
                                                throw new System.ApplicationException("You have found a bug in JJ2000!");
                                        // This is a leaf, just use diracs (null is equivalent to
                                        // dirac)
                                        wfs[0] = new float[1];
                                        wfs[0][0] = 1.0f;
                                        wfs[1] = new float[1];
                                        wfs[1][0] = 1.0f;
                                // This is an error! The calcBasisWaveForms() method is never
                                // called on an element with non-negative l2norm
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("You have found a bug in JJ2000!");
                /// <summary> Assigns the given L2-norm to the first leaf that does not have an
                /// L2-norm value yet (i.e. l2norm is negative). The search is done
                /// recursively and in the same order as that of the calcBasisWaveForms()
                /// method, so that this method is used to assigne the l2norm of the
                /// previously computed waveforms.
                /// <p>This method can not be called on an element that ahs a non-negative
                /// value in l2Norm, since that means that we are done.</p>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="l2n">The L2-norm to assign.
                /// </param>
                private void  assignL2Norm(float l2n)
                        if (l2Norm < 0)
                                // We are not finished with this element yet
                                if (isNode)
                                        // We are on a node => search on childs
                                        if (subb_LL.l2Norm < 0f)
                                        else if (subb_HL.l2Norm < 0f)
                                        else if (subb_LH.l2Norm < 0f)
                                        else if (subb_HH.l2Norm < 0f)
                                                // If child now is done, we are done
                                                if (subb_HH.l2Norm >= 0f)
                                                        l2Norm = 0f; // We are on a node, any non-neg value OK
                                                // There is an error! If all childs have non-negative
                                                // l2norm, then this node should have non-negative l2norm
                                                throw new System.ApplicationException("You have found a bug in JJ2000!");
                                        // This is a leaf, assign the L2-norm
                                        l2Norm = l2n;
                                // This is an error! The assignL2Norm() method is never called on
                                // an element with non-negative l2norm
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("You have found a bug in JJ2000!");
                /// <summary> Calculates the L2-norm of the sythesis waveforms of every leaf in the
                /// tree. This method should only be called on the root element.
                /// </summary>
                private void  calcL2Norms()
                        int i;
                        float[][] wfs = new float[2][];
                        double acc;
                        float l2n;
                        // While we are not done on the root element, compute basis functions
                        // and assign L2-norm
                        while (l2Norm < 0f)
                                // Compute line L2-norm, which is the product of the line
                                // and column L2-norms
                                acc = 0.0;
                                for (i = wfs[0].Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                        acc += wfs[0][i] * wfs[0][i];
                                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
                                l2n = (float) System.Math.Sqrt(acc);
                                // Compute column L2-norm
                                acc = 0.0;
                                for (i = wfs[1].Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                        acc += wfs[1][i] * wfs[1][i];
                                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
                                l2n *= (float) System.Math.Sqrt(acc);
                                // Release waveforms
                                wfs[0] = null;
                                wfs[1] = null;
                                // Assign the value

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