corrade-vassal – Rev 1

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* CVS identifier:
* $Id:,v 1.68 2002/07/19 12:34:38 grosbois Exp $
* Class:                   FileBitstreamReaderAgent
* Description:             Retrieve code-blocks codewords in the bit stream
* This software module was originally developed by Raphaël Grosbois and
* Diego Santa Cruz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL); Joel
* Askelöf (Ericsson Radio Systems AB); and Bertrand Berthelot, David
* Bouchard, Félix Henry, Gerard Mozelle and Patrice Onno (Canon Research
* Centre France S.A) in the course of development of the JPEG2000
* standard as specified by ISO/IEC 15444 (JPEG 2000 Standard). This
* software module is an implementation of a part of the JPEG 2000
* Standard. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-EPFL, Ericsson Radio
* Systems AB and Canon Research Centre France S.A (collectively JJ2000
* Partners) agree not to assert against ISO/IEC and users of the JPEG
* 2000 Standard (Users) any of their rights under the copyright, not
* including other intellectual property rights, for this software module
* with respect to the usage by ISO/IEC and Users of this software module
* or modifications thereof for use in hardware or software products
* claiming conformance to the JPEG 2000 Standard. Those intending to use
* this software module in hardware or software products are advised that
* their use may infringe existing patents. The original developers of
* this software module, JJ2000 Partners and ISO/IEC assume no liability
* for use of this software module or modifications thereof. No license
* or right to this software module is granted for non JPEG 2000 Standard
* conforming products. JJ2000 Partners have full right to use this
* software module for his/her own purpose, assign or donate this
* software module to any third party and to inhibit third parties from
* using this software module for non JPEG 2000 Standard conforming
* products. This copyright notice must be included in all copies or
* derivative works of this software module.
* Copyright (c) 1999/2000 JJ2000 Partners.
* */
using System;
using CSJ2K.j2k.quantization.dequantizer;
using CSJ2K.j2k.wavelet.synthesis;
using CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.decoder;
using CSJ2K.j2k.codestream;
using CSJ2K.j2k.decoder;
using CSJ2K.j2k.entropy;
using CSJ2K.j2k.image;
using CSJ2K.j2k.util;
using CSJ2K.j2k;
namespace CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.reader
        /// <summary> This class reads the bit stream (with the help of HeaderDecoder for tile
        /// headers and PktDecoder for packets header and body) and retrives location
        /// of all code-block's codewords.
        /// <p>Note: All tile-parts headers are read by the constructor whereas packets
        /// are processed when decoding related tile (when setTile method is
        /// called).</p>
        /// <p>In parsing mode, the reader simulates a virtual layer-resolution
        /// progressive bit stream with the same truncation points in each code-block,
        /// whereas in truncation mode, only the first bytes are taken into account (it
        /// behaves like if it is a real truncated codestream).</p>
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="HeaderDecoder">
        /// </seealso>
        /// <seealso cref="PktDecoder">
        /// </seealso>
        public class FileBitstreamReaderAgent:BitstreamReaderAgent
                /// <summary>Gets the reference to the CBlkInfo array </summary>
                virtual public CBlkInfo[][][][][] CBlkInfo
                                return cbI;
                /// <summary>Whether or not the last read Psot value was zero. Only the Psot in the
                /// last tile-part in the codestream can have such a value. 
                /// </summary>
                private bool isPsotEqualsZero = true;
                /// <summary>Reference to the PktDecoder instance </summary>
                public PktDecoder pktDec;
                /// <summary>Reference to the ParameterList instance </summary>
                private ParameterList pl;
                /// <summary>The RandomAccessIO where to get data from </summary>
                private RandomAccessIO in_Renamed;
                /// <summary>Offset of the first packet in each tile-part in each tile </summary>
                private int[][] firstPackOff;
                /// <summary> Returns the number of tile-part found for a given tile
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="t">Tile index
                /// </param>
                public virtual int getNumTileParts(int t)
                        if (firstPackOff == null || firstPackOff[t] == null)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Tile " + t + " not found in input codestream.");
                        return firstPackOff[t].Length;
                /// <summary> Number of bytes allocated to each tile. In parsing mode, this number
                /// is related to the tile length in the codestream whereas in truncation
                /// mode all the rate is affected to the first tiles. 
                /// </summary>
                private int[] nBytes;
                /// <summary>Whether or not to print information found in codestream </summary>
                private bool printInfo = false;
                /// <summary> Backup of the number of bytes allocated to each tile. This array is
                /// used to restore the number of bytes to read in each tile when the
                /// codestream is read several times (for instance when decoding an R,G,B
                /// image to three output files)
                /// </summary>
                private int[] baknBytes;
                /// <summary>Length of each tile-part (written in Psot) </summary>
                private int[][] tilePartLen;
                /// <summary>Total length of each tile </summary>
                private int[] totTileLen;
                /// <summary>Total length of tiles' header </summary>
                private int[] totTileHeadLen;
                /// <summary>First tile part header length</summary>
                private int firstTilePartHeadLen;
                /// <summary>Total length of all tile parts in all tiles </summary>
                private double totAllTileLen;
                /// <summary>Length of main header </summary>
                private int mainHeadLen;
                /// <summary>Length of main and tile-parts headers </summary>
                private int headLen = 0;
                /// <summary>Length of all tile-part headers </summary>
                private int[][] tilePartHeadLen;
                /// <summary>Length of each packet head found in the tile </summary>
                private System.Collections.ArrayList pktHL;

        /// <summary>Layer starting positions</summary>
        public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> layerStarts;
                /// <summary>True if truncation mode is used. False if parsing mode </summary>
                private bool isTruncMode;
                /// <summary>The number of tile-parts that remain to read </summary>
                private int remainingTileParts;
                /// <summary>The number of tile-parts read so far for each tile </summary>
                private int[] tilePartsRead;
                /// <summary>Thetotal  number of tile-parts read so far </summary>
                private int totTilePartsRead = 0;
                /// <summary>The number of found tile-parts in each tile. </summary>
                private int[] tileParts;
                /// <summary>The current tile part being used </summary>
                private int curTilePart;
                /// <summary>The number of the tile-parts found in the codestream after reading the
                /// tp'th tile-part of tile t 
                /// </summary>
                private int[][] tilePartNum;
                /// <summary>Whether or not a EOC marker has been found instead of a SOT </summary>
                private bool isEOCFound = false;
                /// <summary>Reference to the HeaderInfo instance (used when reading SOT marker
                /// segments) 
                /// </summary>
                private HeaderInfo hi;
                /// <summary>Array containing information for all the code-blocks:
                /// <ul>
                /// <li>1st dim: component index.</li>
                /// <li>2nd dim: resolution level index.</li>
                /// <li>3rd dim: subband index.</li>
                /// <li>4th/5th dim: code-block index (vert. and horiz.).</li>
                /// </ul>
                /// </summary>
                private CBlkInfo[][][][][] cbI;
                /// <summary>The maximum number of layers to decode for any code-block </summary>
                private int lQuit;
                /// <summary>Whether or not to use only first progression order </summary>
                private bool usePOCQuit = false;
                /// <summary> Reads all tiles headers and keep offset of their first
                /// packet. Finally it calls the rate allocation method.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="hd">HeaderDecoder of the codestream.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ehs">The input stream where to read bit-stream.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="decSpec">The decoder specifications 
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="pl">The ParameterList instance created from the
                /// command-line arguments.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="cdstrInfo">Whether or not to print information found in
                /// codestream. 
                /// </param>
                /// <seealso cref="allocateRate">
                /// </seealso>
                public FileBitstreamReaderAgent(HeaderDecoder hd, RandomAccessIO ehs, DecoderSpecs decSpec, ParameterList pl, bool cdstrInfo, HeaderInfo hi):base(hd, decSpec)
               = pl;
                        this.printInfo = cdstrInfo;
                        this.hi = hi;
                        // Check whether quit conditiosn used
                        usePOCQuit = pl.getBooleanParameter("poc_quit");
                        // Get decoding rate
                        bool rateInBytes;
                        bool parsing = pl.getBooleanParameter("parsing");
                                trate = pl.getFloatParameter("rate");
                                if (trate == - 1)
                                        trate = System.Single.MaxValue;
                        catch (System.FormatException)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Invalid value in 'rate' option: " + pl.getParameter("rate"));
                        catch (System.ArgumentException)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("'rate' option is missing");
                                tnbytes = pl.getIntParameter("nbytes");
                        catch (System.FormatException)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Invalid value in 'nbytes' option: " + pl.getParameter("nbytes"));
                        catch (System.ArgumentException)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("'nbytes' option is missing");
                        // Check that '-rate' and '-nbytes' are not used at the same time
                        ParameterList defaults = pl.DefaultParameterList;
                        if (tnbytes != defaults.getFloatParameter("nbytes"))
                                rateInBytes = true;
                                rateInBytes = false;
                        if (rateInBytes)
                                trate = tnbytes * 8f / hd.MaxCompImgWidth / hd.MaxCompImgHeight;
                                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
                                tnbytes = (int) (trate * hd.MaxCompImgWidth * hd.MaxCompImgHeight) / 8;
                if (tnbytes < 0) tnbytes = int.MaxValue;
                        isTruncMode = !pl.getBooleanParameter("parsing");
                        // Check if quit conditions are being used
                        int ncbQuit;
                                ncbQuit = pl.getIntParameter("ncb_quit");
                        catch (System.FormatException)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Invalid value in 'ncb_quit' option: " + pl.getParameter("ncb_quit"));
                        catch (System.ArgumentException)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("'ncb_quit' option is missing");
                        if (ncbQuit != - 1 && !isTruncMode)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Cannot use -parsing and -ncb_quit condition at " + "the same time.");
                                lQuit = pl.getIntParameter("l_quit");
                        catch (System.FormatException)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Invalid value in 'l_quit' option: " + pl.getParameter("l_quit"));
                        catch (System.ArgumentException)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("'l_quit' option is missing");
                        // initializations
                        in_Renamed = ehs;
                        pktDec = new PktDecoder(decSpec, hd, ehs, this, isTruncMode, ncbQuit);
                        tileParts = new int[nt];
                        totTileLen = new int[nt];
                        tilePartLen = new int[nt][];
                        tilePartNum = new int[nt][];
                        firstPackOff = new int[nt][];
                        tilePartsRead = new int[nt];
                        totTileHeadLen = new int[nt];
                        tilePartHeadLen = new int[nt][];
                        nBytes = new int[nt];
                        baknBytes = new int[nt];
                        hd.nTileParts = new int[nt];
            // CONVERSION PROBLEM?
                        //this.isTruncMode = isTruncMode;
                        int t = 0, pos, tp = 0, tptot = 0;
                        // Keeps main header's length, takes file format overhead into account
                        int cdstreamStart = hd.mainHeadOff; // Codestream offset in the file
                        mainHeadLen = in_Renamed.Pos - cdstreamStart;
                        headLen = mainHeadLen;
                        // If ncb and lbody quit conditions are used, headers are not counted
                        if (ncbQuit == - 1)
                                anbytes = mainHeadLen;
                                anbytes = 0;
                        // If cannot even read the first tile-part
                        if (anbytes > tnbytes)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Requested bitrate is too small.");
                        // Read all tile-part headers from all tiles.
                        int tilePartStart;
                        bool rateReached = false;
                        int mdl;
                        //int numtp = 0;
                        totAllTileLen = 0;
                        remainingTileParts = nt; // at least as many tile-parts as tiles
                        int maxTP = nt; // If maximum 1 tile part per tile specified
                                while (remainingTileParts != 0)
                                        tilePartStart = in_Renamed.Pos;
                                        // Read tile-part header
                                                t = readTilePartHeader();
                                                if (isEOCFound)
                                                        // Some tiles are missing but the
                                                        // codestream is OK
                                                tp = tilePartsRead[t];
                                                if (isPsotEqualsZero)
                                                        // Psot may equals zero for the
                                                        // last tile-part: it is assumed that this tile-part
                                                        // contain all data until EOC
                                                        tilePartLen[t][tp] = in_Renamed.length() - 2 - tilePartStart;
                                        catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException e)
                                                firstPackOff[t][tp] = in_Renamed.length();
                                                throw e;
                                        pos = in_Renamed.Pos;
                                        // In truncation mode, if target decoding rate is reached in
                                        // tile-part header, skips the tile-part and stop reading
                                        // unless the ncb and lbody quit condition is in use
                                        if (isTruncMode && ncbQuit == - 1)
                                                if ((pos - cdstreamStart) > tnbytes)
                                                        firstPackOff[t][tp] = in_Renamed.length();
                                                        rateReached = true;
                                        // Set tile part position and header length
                                        firstPackOff[t][tp] = pos;
                                        tilePartHeadLen[t][tp] = (pos - tilePartStart);
                                        // Update length counters
                                        totTileLen[t] += tilePartLen[t][tp];
                                        totTileHeadLen[t] += tilePartHeadLen[t][tp];
                                        totAllTileLen += tilePartLen[t][tp];
                                        if (isTruncMode)
                                                if (anbytes + tilePartLen[t][tp] > tnbytes)
                                                        anbytes += tilePartHeadLen[t][tp];
                                                        headLen += tilePartHeadLen[t][tp];
                                                        rateReached = true;
                                                        nBytes[t] += (tnbytes - anbytes);
                                                        anbytes += tilePartHeadLen[t][tp];
                                                        headLen += tilePartHeadLen[t][tp];
                                                        nBytes[t] += (tilePartLen[t][tp] - tilePartHeadLen[t][tp]);
                                                if (anbytes + tilePartHeadLen[t][tp] > tnbytes)
                                                        anbytes += tilePartHeadLen[t][tp];
                                                        headLen += tilePartHeadLen[t][tp];
                                        // If this is first tile-part, remember header length
                                        if (tptot == 0)
                                                firstTilePartHeadLen = tilePartHeadLen[t][tp];
                                        // Go to the beginning of next tile part
                               + tilePartLen[t][tp]);
                                        // If Psot of the current tile-part was equal to zero, it is
                                        // assumed that it contains all data until the EOC marker
                                        if (isPsotEqualsZero)
                                                if (remainingTileParts != 0)
                                                        FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "Some tile-parts have not " + "been found. The codestream may be corrupted.");
                        catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException)
                                if (printInfo)
                                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "Codestream truncated in tile " + t);
                                // Set specified rate to end of file if valid
                                int fileLen = in_Renamed.length();
                                if (fileLen < tnbytes)
                                        tnbytes = fileLen;
                                        trate = tnbytes * 8f / hd.MaxCompImgWidth / hd.MaxCompImgHeight;
                                // Bit-rate allocation
                                if (!isTruncMode)
                                // Update 'res' value once all tile-part headers are read
                                if (pl.getParameter("res") == null)
                                        targetRes = decSpec.dls.Min;
                                                targetRes = pl.getIntParameter("res");
                                                if (targetRes < 0)
                                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Specified negative " + "resolution level " + "index: " + targetRes);
                                        catch (System.FormatException)
                                                throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid resolution level " + "index ('-res' option) " + pl.getParameter("res"));
                                // Verify reduction in resolution level
                                mdl = decSpec.dls.Min;
                                if (targetRes > mdl)
                                        FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "Specified resolution level (" + targetRes + ") is larger" + " than the maximum value. Setting it to " + mdl + " (maximum value)");
                                        targetRes = mdl;
                                // Backup nBytes
                                for (int tIdx = 0; tIdx < nt; tIdx++)
                                        baknBytes[tIdx] = nBytes[tIdx];
                                return ;
                        remainingTileParts = 0;
                        // Update 'res' value once all tile-part headers are read
                        if (pl.getParameter("res") == null)
                                targetRes = decSpec.dls.Min;
                                        targetRes = pl.getIntParameter("res");
                                        if (targetRes < 0)
                                                throw new System.ArgumentException("Specified negative " + "resolution level index: " + targetRes);
                                catch (System.FormatException)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Invalid resolution level " + "index ('-res' option) " + pl.getParameter("res"));
                        // Verify reduction in resolution level
                        mdl = decSpec.dls.Min;
                        if (targetRes > mdl)
                                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "Specified resolution level (" + targetRes + ") is larger" + " than the maximum possible. Setting it to " + mdl + " (maximum possible)");
                                targetRes = mdl;
                        if (printInfo)
                        // Check presence of EOC marker is decoding rate not reached or if
                        // this marker has not been found yet
                        if (!isEOCFound && !isPsotEqualsZero)
                    short eocCheck = 0;
                    if (in_Renamed.Pos + sizeof(short) <= in_Renamed.length())
                        eocCheck = in_Renamed.readShort();

                                        if (!rateReached && !isPsotEqualsZero && eocCheck != CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.Markers.EOC)
                                                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "EOC marker not found. " + "Codestream is corrupted.");
                                catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException)
                                        FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "EOC marker is missing");
                        // Bit-rate allocation
                        if (!isTruncMode)
                                // Take EOC into account if rate is not reached
                                if (in_Renamed.Pos >= tnbytes)
                                        anbytes += 2;
                        // Backup nBytes
                        for (int tIdx = 0; tIdx < nt; tIdx++)
                                baknBytes[tIdx] = nBytes[tIdx];
                                if (printInfo)
                                        FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().println("" + hi.toStringTileHeader(tIdx, tilePartLen[tIdx].Length), 2, 2);
                /// <summary> Allocates output bit-rate for each tile in parsing mode: The allocator
                /// simulates the truncation of a virtual layer-resolution progressive
                /// codestream.
                /// </summary>
                private void  allocateRate()
                        int stopOff = tnbytes;
                        // In parsing mode, the bitrate is allocated related to each tile's
                        // length in the bit stream
                        // EOC marker's length 
                        anbytes += 2;
                        // If there are too few bytes to read the tile part headers throw an
                        // error
                        if (anbytes > stopOff)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Requested bitrate is too small for parsing");
                        // Calculate bitrate for each tile
                        int rem = stopOff - anbytes;
                        int totnByte = rem;
                        for (int t = nt - 1; t > 0; t--)
                                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
                                rem -= (nBytes[t] = (int) (totnByte * (totTileLen[t] / totAllTileLen)));
                        nBytes[0] = rem;
                /// <summary> Reads SOT marker segment of the tile-part header and calls related
                /// methods of the HeaderDecoder to read other markers segments. The
                /// tile-part header is entirely read when a SOD marker is encountered.
                /// </summary>
                /// <returns> The tile number of the tile part that was read
                /// </returns>
                private int readTilePartHeader()
                        HeaderInfo.SOT ms = hi.NewSOT;
                        // SOT marker
                        short marker = in_Renamed.readShort();
                        if (marker != CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.Markers.SOT)
                                if (marker == CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.Markers.EOC)
                                        isEOCFound = true;
                                        return - 1;
                                        throw new CorruptedCodestreamException("SOT tag not found " + "in tile-part start");
                        isEOCFound = false;
                        // Lsot (shall equals 10)
                        int lsot = in_Renamed.readUnsignedShort();
                        ms.lsot = lsot;
                        if (lsot != 10)
                                throw new CorruptedCodestreamException("Wrong length for " + "SOT marker segment: " + lsot);
                        // Isot
                        int tile = in_Renamed.readUnsignedShort();
                        ms.isot = tile;
                        if (tile > 65534)
                                throw new CorruptedCodestreamException("Tile index too high in " + "tile-part.");
                        // Psot
                        int psot = in_Renamed.readInt();
                        ms.psot = psot;
                        isPsotEqualsZero = (psot != 0)?false:true;
                        if (psot < 0)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Tile length larger " + "than maximum supported");
                        // TPsot
                        int tilePart =;
                        ms.tpsot = tilePart;
                        if (tilePart != tilePartsRead[tile] || tilePart < 0 || tilePart > 254)
                                throw new CorruptedCodestreamException("Out of order tile-part");
                        // TNsot
                        int nrOfTileParts =;
                        ms.tnsot = nrOfTileParts;
                        hi.sotValue["t" + tile + "_tp" + tilePart] = ms;
                        if (nrOfTileParts == 0)
                                // The number of tile-part is not specified in
                                // this tile-part header.
                                // Assumes that there will be another tile-part in the codestream
                                // that will indicate the number of tile-parts for this tile)
                                int nExtraTp;
                                if (tileParts[tile] == 0 || tileParts[tile] == tilePartLen.Length)
                                        // Then there are two tile-parts (one is the current and the
                                        // other will indicate the number of tile-part for this tile)
                                        nExtraTp = 2;
                                        remainingTileParts += 1;
                                        // There is already one scheduled extra tile-part. In this
                                        // case just add place for the current one
                                        nExtraTp = 1;
                                tileParts[tile] += nExtraTp;
                                nrOfTileParts = tileParts[tile];
                                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "Header of tile-part " + tilePart + " of tile " + tile + ", does not indicate the total" + " number of tile-parts. Assuming that there are " + nrOfTileParts + " tile-parts for this tile.");
                                // Increase and re-copy tilePartLen array
                                int[] tmpA = tilePartLen[tile];
                                tilePartLen[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                for (int i = 0; i < nrOfTileParts - nExtraTp; i++)
                                        tilePartLen[tile][i] = tmpA[i];
                                // Increase and re-copy tilePartNum array
                                tmpA = tilePartNum[tile];
                                tilePartNum[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                for (int i = 0; i < nrOfTileParts - nExtraTp; i++)
                                        tilePartNum[tile][i] = tmpA[i];
                                // Increase and re-copy firsPackOff array
                                tmpA = firstPackOff[tile];
                                firstPackOff[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                for (int i = 0; i < nrOfTileParts - nExtraTp; i++)
                                        firstPackOff[tile][i] = tmpA[i];
                                // Increase and re-copy tilePartHeadLen array
                                tmpA = tilePartHeadLen[tile];
                                tilePartHeadLen[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                for (int i = 0; i < nrOfTileParts - nExtraTp; i++)
                                        tilePartHeadLen[tile][i] = tmpA[i];
                                // The number of tile-parts is specified in the tile-part
                                // header
                                // Check if it is consistant with what was found in previous
                                // tile-part headers
                                if (tileParts[tile] == 0)
                                        // First tile-part: OK
                                        remainingTileParts += nrOfTileParts - 1;
                                        tileParts[tile] = nrOfTileParts;
                                        tilePartLen[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                        tilePartNum[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                        firstPackOff[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                        tilePartHeadLen[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                else if (tileParts[tile] > nrOfTileParts)
                                        // Already found more tile-parts than signaled here
                                        throw new CorruptedCodestreamException("Invalid number " + "of tile-parts in" + " tile " + tile + ": " + nrOfTileParts);
                                        // Signaled number of tile-part fits with number of
                                        // previously found tile-parts
                                        remainingTileParts += nrOfTileParts - tileParts[tile];
                                        if (tileParts[tile] != nrOfTileParts)
                                                // Increase and re-copy tilePartLen array
                                                int[] tmpA = tilePartLen[tile];
                                                tilePartLen[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                                for (int i = 0; i < tileParts[tile] - 1; i++)
                                                        tilePartLen[tile][i] = tmpA[i];
                                                // Increase and re-copy tilePartNum array                
                                                tmpA = tilePartNum[tile];
                                                tilePartNum[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                                for (int i = 0; i < tileParts[tile] - 1; i++)
                                                        tilePartNum[tile][i] = tmpA[i];
                                                // Increase and re-copy firstPackOff array
                                                tmpA = firstPackOff[tile];
                                                firstPackOff[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                                for (int i = 0; i < tileParts[tile] - 1; i++)
                                                        firstPackOff[tile][i] = tmpA[i];
                                                // Increase and re-copy tilePartHeadLen array
                                                tmpA = tilePartHeadLen[tile];
                                                tilePartHeadLen[tile] = new int[nrOfTileParts];
                                                for (int i = 0; i < tileParts[tile] - 1; i++)
                                                        tilePartHeadLen[tile][i] = tmpA[i];
                        // Other markers
                        hd.nTileParts[tile] = nrOfTileParts;
                        // Decode and store the tile-part header (i.e. until a SOD marker is
                        // found)
                                hd.extractTilePartMarkSeg(in_Renamed.readShort(), in_Renamed, tile, tilePart);
                        while ((hd.NumFoundMarkSeg & CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.reader.HeaderDecoder.SOD_FOUND) == 0);
                        // Read each marker segment previously found
                        hd.readFoundTilePartMarkSeg(tile, tilePart);
                        tilePartLen[tile][tilePart] = psot;
                        tilePartNum[tile][tilePart] = totTilePartsRead;
                        // Add to list of which tile each successive tile-part belongs.
                        // This list is needed if there are PPM markers used
                        hd.TileOfTileParts = tile;
                        return tile;
                /// <summary> Reads packets of the current tile according to the
                /// layer-resolution-component-position progressiveness.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="lys">Index of the first layer for each component and resolution.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="lye">Index of the last layer.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ress">Index of the first resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="rese">Index of the last resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="comps">Index of the first component.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="compe">Index of the last component.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> True if rate has been reached.
                /// </returns>
                private bool readLyResCompPos(int[][] lys, int lye, int ress, int rese, int comps, int compe)
                        int minlys = 10000;
                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                //loop on components
                                // Check if this component exists
                                if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                        //loop on resolution levels
                                        if (lys[c] != null && r < lys[c].Length && lys[c][r] < minlys)
                                                minlys = lys[c][r];
                        int t = TileIdx;
                        int start;
                        bool status = false;
                        int lastByte = firstPackOff[t][curTilePart] + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                        int numLayers = ((System.Int32) decSpec.nls.getTileDef(t));
                        int nPrec = 1;
                        int hlen, plen;
                        bool pph = false;
                        if (((System.Boolean) decSpec.pphs.getTileDef(t)))
                                pph = true;
                        for (int l = minlys; l < lye; l++)
                // store the layer starting position

                                // loop on layers
                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                        // loop on resolution levels
                                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                                // loop on components
                                                // Checks if component exists
                                                if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                                // Checks if resolution level exists
                                                if (r >= lys[c].Length)
                                                if (r > mdl[c])
                                                // Checks if layer exists
                                                if (l < lys[c][r] || l >= numLayers)
                                                nPrec = pktDec.getNumPrecinct(c, r);
                                                for (int p = 0; p < nPrec; p++)
                                                        // loop on precincts
                                                        start = in_Renamed.Pos;
                                                        // If packed packet headers are used, there is no need
                                                        // to check that there are bytes enough to read header
                                                        if (pph)
                                                                pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, p, cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                        // If we are about to read outside of tile-part,
                                                        // skip to next tile-part
                                                        if (start > lastByte && curTilePart < firstPackOff[t].Length - 1)
                                                                lastByte = in_Renamed.Pos + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                                                        // Read SOP marker segment if necessary
                                                        status = pktDec.readSOPMarker(nBytes, p, c, r);
                                                        if (status)
                                                                if (printInfo)
                                                                return true;
                                                        if (!pph)
                                                                status = pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, p, cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                        if (status)
                                                                if (printInfo)
                                                                return true;
                                                        // Store packet's head length
                                                        hlen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                        pktHL.Add((System.Int32) hlen);
                                                        // Reads packet's body
                                                        status = pktDec.readPktBody(l, r, c, p, cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                        plen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                        if (status)
                                                                if (printInfo)
                                                                return true;
                                                } // end loop on precincts
                                        } // end loop on components
                                } // end loop on resolution levels
                        } // end loop on layers
                        if (printInfo)
                        return false; // Decoding rate was not reached
                /// <summary> Reads packets of the current tile according to the
                /// resolution-layer-component-position progressiveness.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="lys">Index of the first layer for each component and resolution.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="lye">Index of the last layer.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ress">Index of the first resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="rese">Index of the last resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="comps">Index of the first component.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="compe">Index of the last component.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> True if rate has been reached.
                /// </returns>
                private bool readResLyCompPos(int[][] lys, int lye, int ress, int rese, int comps, int compe)
                        int t = TileIdx; // Current tile index
                        bool status = false; // True if decoding rate is reached when
                        int lastByte = firstPackOff[t][curTilePart] + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                        int minlys = 10000;
                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                //loop on components
                                // Check if this component exists
                                if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                        //loop on resolution levels
                                        if (r > mdl[c])
                                        if (lys[c] != null && r < lys[c].Length && lys[c][r] < minlys)
                                                minlys = lys[c][r];
                        int numLayers = ((System.Int32) decSpec.nls.getTileDef(t));
                        bool pph = false;
                        if (((System.Boolean) decSpec.pphs.getTileDef(t)))
                                pph = true;
                        int nPrec = 1;
                        int start;
                        int hlen, plen;
                        for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                // loop on resolution levels
                                for (int l = minlys; l < lye; l++)
                                        // loop on layers
                                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                                // loop on components
                                                // Checks if component exists
                                                if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                                // Checks if resolution level exists
                                                if (r > mdl[c])
                                                if (r >= lys[c].Length)
                                                // Checks if layer exists
                                                if (l < lys[c][r] || l >= numLayers)
                                                nPrec = pktDec.getNumPrecinct(c, r);
                                                for (int p = 0; p < nPrec; p++)
                                                        // loop on precincts
                                                        start = in_Renamed.Pos;
                                                        // If packed packet headers are used, there is no need
                                                        // to check that there are bytes enough to read header
                                                        if (pph)
                                                                pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, p, cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                        // If we are about to read outside of tile-part,
                                                        // skip to next tile-part
                                                        if (start > lastByte && curTilePart < firstPackOff[t].Length - 1)
                                                                lastByte = in_Renamed.Pos + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                                                        // Read SOP marker segment if necessary
                                                        status = pktDec.readSOPMarker(nBytes, p, c, r);
                                                        if (status)
                                                                if (printInfo)
                                                                return true;
                                                        if (!pph)
                                                                status = pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, p, cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                        if (status)
                                                                if (printInfo)
                                                                // Output rate of EOF reached
                                                                return true;
                                                        // Store packet's head length
                                                        hlen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                        pktHL.Add((System.Int32) hlen);
                                                        // Reads packet's body
                                                        status = pktDec.readPktBody(l, r, c, p, cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                        plen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                        if (status)
                                                                if (printInfo)
                                                                // Output rate or EOF reached
                                                                return true;
                                                } // end loop on precincts
                                        } // end loop on components
                                } // end loop on layers
                        } // end loop on resolution levels
                        if (printInfo)
                        return false; // Decoding rate was not reached
                /// <summary> Reads packets of the current tile according to the
                /// resolution-position-component-layer progressiveness.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="lys">Index of the first layer for each component and resolution.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="lye">Index of the last layer.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ress">Index of the first resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="rese">Index of the last resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="comps">Index of the first component.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="compe">Index of the last component.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> True if rate has been reached.
                /// </returns>
                private bool readResPosCompLy(int[][] lys, int lye, int ress, int rese, int comps, int compe)
                        // Computes current tile offset in the reference grid
                        Coord nTiles = getNumTiles(null);
                        Coord tileI = getTile(null);
                        int x0siz = hd.ImgULX;
                        int y0siz = hd.ImgULY;
                        int xsiz = x0siz + hd.ImgWidth;
                        int ysiz = y0siz + hd.ImgHeight;
                        int xt0siz = TilePartULX;
                        int yt0siz = TilePartULY;
                        int xtsiz = NomTileWidth;
                        int ytsiz = NomTileHeight;
                        int tx0 = (tileI.x == 0)?x0siz:xt0siz + tileI.x * xtsiz;
                        int ty0 = (tileI.y == 0)?y0siz:yt0siz + tileI.y * ytsiz;
                        int tx1 = (tileI.x != nTiles.x - 1)?xt0siz + (tileI.x + 1) * xtsiz:xsiz;
                        int ty1 = (tileI.y != nTiles.y - 1)?yt0siz + (tileI.y + 1) * ytsiz:ysiz;
                        // Get precinct information (number,distance between two consecutive
                        // precincts in the reference grid) in each component and resolution
                        // level
                        int t = TileIdx; // Current tile index
                        PrecInfo prec; // temporary variable
                        int p; // Current precinct index
                        int gcd_x = 0; // Horiz. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid
                        int gcd_y = 0; // Vert. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid
                        int nPrec = 0; // Total number of found precincts
                        int[][] nextPrec = new int[compe][]; // Next precinct index in each
                        // component and resolution level
                        int minlys = 100000; // minimum layer start index of each component
                        int minx = tx1; // Horiz. offset of the second precinct in the
                        // reference grid
                        int miny = ty1; // Vert. offset of the second precinct in the
                        // reference grid. 
                        int maxx = tx0; // Max. horiz. offset of precincts in the ref. grid
                        int maxy = ty0; // Max. vert. offset of precincts in the ref. grid
                        //Coord numPrec;
                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                // components
                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                        // resolution levels
                                        if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                        if (r > mdl[c])
                                        nextPrec[c] = new int[mdl[c] + 1];
                                        if (lys[c] != null && r < lys[c].Length && lys[c][r] < minlys)
                                                minlys = lys[c][r];
                                        p = pktDec.getNumPrecinct(c, r) - 1;
                                        for (; p >= 0; p--)
                                                prec = pktDec.getPrecInfo(c, r, p);
                                                if (prec.rgulx != tx0)
                                                        if (prec.rgulx < minx)
                                                                minx = prec.rgulx;
                                                        if (prec.rgulx > maxx)
                                                                maxx = prec.rgulx;
                                                if (prec.rguly != ty0)
                                                        if (prec.rguly < miny)
                                                                miny = prec.rguly;
                                                        if (prec.rguly > maxy)
                                                                maxy = prec.rguly;
                                                if (nPrec == 0)
                                                        gcd_x = prec.rgw;
                                                        gcd_y = prec.rgh;
                                                        gcd_x = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_x, prec.rgw);
                                                        gcd_y = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_y, prec.rgh);
                                        } // precincts
                                } // resolution levels
                        } // components
                        if (nPrec == 0)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Image cannot have no precinct");
                        int pyend = (maxy - miny) / gcd_y + 1;
                        int pxend = (maxx - minx) / gcd_x + 1;
                        int x, y;
                        int hlen, plen;
                        int start;
                        bool status = false;
                        int lastByte = firstPackOff[t][curTilePart] + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                        int numLayers = ((System.Int32) decSpec.nls.getTileDef(t));
                        bool pph = false;
                        if (((System.Boolean) decSpec.pphs.getTileDef(t)))
                                pph = true;
                        for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                // loop on resolution levels
                                y = ty0;
                                x = tx0;
                                for (int py = 0; py <= pyend; py++)
                                        // Vertical precincts
                                        for (int px = 0; px <= pxend; px++)
                                                // Horiz. precincts
                                                for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                                        // Components
                                                        if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                                        if (r > mdl[c])
                                                        if (nextPrec[c][r] >= pktDec.getNumPrecinct(c, r))
                                                        prec = pktDec.getPrecInfo(c, r, nextPrec[c][r]);
                                                        if ((prec.rgulx != x) || (prec.rguly != y))
                                                        for (int l = minlys; l < lye; l++)
                                                                // layers
                                                                if (r >= lys[c].Length)
                                                                if (l < lys[c][r] || l >= numLayers)
                                                                start = in_Renamed.Pos;
                                                                // If packed packet headers are used, there is no
                                                                // need to check that there are bytes enough to
                                                                // read header
                                                                if (pph)
                                                                        pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                // If we are about to read outside of tile-part,
                                                                // skip to next tile-part
                                                                if (start > lastByte && curTilePart < firstPackOff[t].Length - 1)
                                                                        lastByte = in_Renamed.Pos + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                                                                // Read SOP marker segment if necessary
                                                                status = pktDec.readSOPMarker(nBytes, nextPrec[c][r], c, r);
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                                if (!pph)
                                                                        status = pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                                // Store packet's head length
                                                                hlen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                                pktHL.Add((System.Int32) hlen);
                                                                // Reads packet's body
                                                                status = pktDec.readPktBody(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                plen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                        } // layers
                                                } // Components
                                                if (px != pxend)
                                                        x = minx + px * gcd_x;
                                                        x = tx0;
                                        } // Horizontal precincts
                                        if (py != pyend)
                                                y = miny + py * gcd_y;
                                                y = ty0;
                                } // Vertical precincts
                        } // end loop on resolution levels
                        if (printInfo)
                        return false; // Decoding rate was not reached
                /// <summary> Reads packets of the current tile according to the
                /// position-component-resolution-layer progressiveness.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="lys">Index of the first layer for each component and resolution.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="lye">Index of the last layer.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ress">Index of the first resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="rese">Index of the last resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="comps">Index of the first component.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="compe">Index of the last component.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> True if rate has been reached.
                /// </returns>
                private bool readPosCompResLy(int[][] lys, int lye, int ress, int rese, int comps, int compe)
                        Coord nTiles = getNumTiles(null);
                        Coord tileI = getTile(null);
                        int x0siz = hd.ImgULX;
                        int y0siz = hd.ImgULY;
                        int xsiz = x0siz + hd.ImgWidth;
                        int ysiz = y0siz + hd.ImgHeight;
                        int xt0siz = TilePartULX;
                        int yt0siz = TilePartULY;
                        int xtsiz = NomTileWidth;
                        int ytsiz = NomTileHeight;
                        int tx0 = (tileI.x == 0)?x0siz:xt0siz + tileI.x * xtsiz;
                        int ty0 = (tileI.y == 0)?y0siz:yt0siz + tileI.y * ytsiz;
                        int tx1 = (tileI.x != nTiles.x - 1)?xt0siz + (tileI.x + 1) * xtsiz:xsiz;
                        int ty1 = (tileI.y != nTiles.y - 1)?yt0siz + (tileI.y + 1) * ytsiz:ysiz;
                        // Get precinct information (number,distance between two consecutive
                        // precincts in the reference grid) in each component and resolution
                        // level
                        int t = TileIdx; // Current tile index
                        PrecInfo prec; // temporary variable
                        int p; // Current precinct index
                        int gcd_x = 0; // Horiz. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid
                        int gcd_y = 0; // Vert. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid
                        int nPrec = 0; // Total number of found precincts
                        int[][] nextPrec = new int[compe][]; // Next precinct index in each
                        // component and resolution level
                        int minlys = 100000; // minimum layer start index of each component
                        int minx = tx1; // Horiz. offset of the second precinct in the
                        // reference grid
                        int miny = ty1; // Vert. offset of the second precinct in the
                        // reference grid. 
                        int maxx = tx0; // Max. horiz. offset of precincts in the ref. grid
                        int maxy = ty0; // Max. vert. offset of precincts in the ref. grid
                        //Coord numPrec;
                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                // components
                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                        // resolution levels
                                        if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                        if (r > mdl[c])
                                        nextPrec[c] = new int[mdl[c] + 1];
                                        if (lys[c] != null && r < lys[c].Length && lys[c][r] < minlys)
                                                minlys = lys[c][r];
                                        p = pktDec.getNumPrecinct(c, r) - 1;
                                        for (; p >= 0; p--)
                                                prec = pktDec.getPrecInfo(c, r, p);
                                                if (prec.rgulx != tx0)
                                                        if (prec.rgulx < minx)
                                                                minx = prec.rgulx;
                                                        if (prec.rgulx > maxx)
                                                                maxx = prec.rgulx;
                                                if (prec.rguly != ty0)
                                                        if (prec.rguly < miny)
                                                                miny = prec.rguly;
                                                        if (prec.rguly > maxy)
                                                                maxy = prec.rguly;
                                                if (nPrec == 0)
                                                        gcd_x = prec.rgw;
                                                        gcd_y = prec.rgh;
                                                        gcd_x = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_x, prec.rgw);
                                                        gcd_y = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_y, prec.rgh);
                                        } // precincts
                                } // resolution levels
                        } // components
                        if (nPrec == 0)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Image cannot have no precinct");
                        int pyend = (maxy - miny) / gcd_y + 1;
                        int pxend = (maxx - minx) / gcd_x + 1;
                        int hlen, plen;
                        int start;
                        bool status = false;
                        int lastByte = firstPackOff[t][curTilePart] + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                        int numLayers = ((System.Int32) decSpec.nls.getTileDef(t));
                        bool pph = false;
                        if (((System.Boolean) decSpec.pphs.getTileDef(t)))
                                pph = true;
                        int y = ty0;
                        int x = tx0;
                        for (int py = 0; py <= pyend; py++)
                                // Vertical precincts
                                for (int px = 0; px <= pxend; px++)
                                        // Horiz. precincts
                                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                                // Components
                                                if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                                        // Resolution levels
                                                        if (r > mdl[c])
                                                        if (nextPrec[c][r] >= pktDec.getNumPrecinct(c, r))
                                                        prec = pktDec.getPrecInfo(c, r, nextPrec[c][r]);
                                                        if ((prec.rgulx != x) || (prec.rguly != y))
                                                        for (int l = minlys; l < lye; l++)
                                                                // Layers
                                                                if (r >= lys[c].Length)
                                                                if (l < lys[c][r] || l >= numLayers)
                                                                start = in_Renamed.Pos;
                                                                // If packed packet headers are used, there is no
                                                                // need to check that there are bytes enough to
                                                                // read header
                                                                if (pph)
                                                                        pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                // If we are about to read outside of tile-part,
                                                                // skip to next tile-part
                                                                if (start > lastByte && curTilePart < firstPackOff[t].Length - 1)
                                                                        lastByte = in_Renamed.Pos + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                                                                // Read SOP marker segment if necessary
                                                                status = pktDec.readSOPMarker(nBytes, nextPrec[c][r], c, r);
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                                if (!pph)
                                                                        status = pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                                // Store packet's head length
                                                                hlen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                                pktHL.Add((System.Int32) hlen);
                                                                // Reads packet's body
                                                                status = pktDec.readPktBody(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                plen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                        } // layers
                                                } // Resolution levels
                                        } // Components
                                        if (px != pxend)
                                                x = minx + px * gcd_x;
                                                x = tx0;
                                } // Horizontal precincts
                                if (py != pyend)
                                        y = miny + py * gcd_y;
                                        y = ty0;
                        } // Vertical precincts        
                        if (printInfo)
                        return false; // Decoding rate was not reached
                /// <summary> Reads packets of the current tile according to the
                /// component-position-resolution-layer progressiveness.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="lys">Index of the first layer for each component and resolution.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="lye">Index of the last layer.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ress">Index of the first resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="rese">Index of the last resolution level.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="comps">Index of the first component.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="compe">Index of the last component.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> True if rate has been reached.
                /// </returns>
                private bool readCompPosResLy(int[][] lys, int lye, int ress, int rese, int comps, int compe)
                        Coord nTiles = getNumTiles(null);
                        Coord tileI = getTile(null);
                        int x0siz = hd.ImgULX;
                        int y0siz = hd.ImgULY;
                        int xsiz = x0siz + hd.ImgWidth;
                        int ysiz = y0siz + hd.ImgHeight;
                        int xt0siz = TilePartULX;
                        int yt0siz = TilePartULY;
                        int xtsiz = NomTileWidth;
                        int ytsiz = NomTileHeight;
                        int tx0 = (tileI.x == 0)?x0siz:xt0siz + tileI.x * xtsiz;
                        int ty0 = (tileI.y == 0)?y0siz:yt0siz + tileI.y * ytsiz;
                        int tx1 = (tileI.x != nTiles.x - 1)?xt0siz + (tileI.x + 1) * xtsiz:xsiz;
                        int ty1 = (tileI.y != nTiles.y - 1)?yt0siz + (tileI.y + 1) * ytsiz:ysiz;
                        // Get precinct information (number,distance between two consecutive
                        // precincts in the reference grid) in each component and resolution
                        // level
                        int t = TileIdx; // Current tile index
                        PrecInfo prec; // temporary variable
                        int p; // Current precinct index
                        int gcd_x = 0; // Horiz. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid
                        int gcd_y = 0; // Vert. distance between 2 precincts in the ref. grid
                        int nPrec = 0; // Total number of found precincts
                        int[][] nextPrec = new int[compe][]; // Next precinct index in each
                        // component and resolution level
                        int minlys = 100000; // minimum layer start index of each component
                        int minx = tx1; // Horiz. offset of the second precinct in the
                        // reference grid
                        int miny = ty1; // Vert. offset of the second precinct in the
                        // reference grid. 
                        int maxx = tx0; // Max. horiz. offset of precincts in the ref. grid
                        int maxy = ty0; // Max. vert. offset of precincts in the ref. grid
                        //Coord numPrec;
                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                // components
                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                        // resolution levels
                                        if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                        if (r > mdl[c])
                                        nextPrec[c] = new int[mdl[c] + 1];
                                        if (lys[c] != null && r < lys[c].Length && lys[c][r] < minlys)
                                                minlys = lys[c][r];
                                        p = pktDec.getNumPrecinct(c, r) - 1;
                                        for (; p >= 0; p--)
                                                prec = pktDec.getPrecInfo(c, r, p);
                                                if (prec.rgulx != tx0)
                                                        if (prec.rgulx < minx)
                                                                minx = prec.rgulx;
                                                        if (prec.rgulx > maxx)
                                                                maxx = prec.rgulx;
                                                if (prec.rguly != ty0)
                                                        if (prec.rguly < miny)
                                                                miny = prec.rguly;
                                                        if (prec.rguly > maxy)
                                                                maxy = prec.rguly;
                                                if (nPrec == 0)
                                                        gcd_x = prec.rgw;
                                                        gcd_y = prec.rgh;
                                                        gcd_x = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_x, prec.rgw);
                                                        gcd_y = MathUtil.gcd(gcd_y, prec.rgh);
                                        } // precincts
                                } // resolution levels
                        } // components
                        if (nPrec == 0)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("Image cannot have no precinct");
                        int pyend = (maxy - miny) / gcd_y + 1;
                        int pxend = (maxx - minx) / gcd_x + 1;
                        int hlen, plen;
                        int start;
                        bool status = false;
                        int lastByte = firstPackOff[t][curTilePart] + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                        int numLayers = ((System.Int32) decSpec.nls.getTileDef(t));
                        bool pph = false;
                        if (((System.Boolean) decSpec.pphs.getTileDef(t)))
                                pph = true;
                        int x, y;
                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                // components
                                if (c >= mdl.Length)
                                y = ty0;
                                x = tx0;
                                for (int py = 0; py <= pyend; py++)
                                        // Vertical precincts
                                        for (int px = 0; px <= pxend; px++)
                                                // Horiz. precincts
                                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                                        // Resolution levels
                                                        if (r > mdl[c])
                                                        if (nextPrec[c][r] >= pktDec.getNumPrecinct(c, r))
                                                        prec = pktDec.getPrecInfo(c, r, nextPrec[c][r]);
                                                        if ((prec.rgulx != x) || (prec.rguly != y))
                                                        for (int l = minlys; l < lye; l++)
                                                                // Layers
                                                                if (r >= lys[c].Length)
                                                                if (l < lys[c][r])
                                                                start = in_Renamed.Pos;
                                                                // If packed packet headers are used, there is no
                                                                // need to check that there are bytes enough to
                                                                // read header
                                                                if (pph)
                                                                        pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                // If we are about to read outside of tile-part,
                                                                // skip to next tile-part
                                                                if (start > lastByte && curTilePart < firstPackOff[t].Length - 1)
                                                                        lastByte = in_Renamed.Pos + tilePartLen[t][curTilePart] - 1 - tilePartHeadLen[t][curTilePart];
                                                                // Read SOP marker segment if necessary
                                                                status = pktDec.readSOPMarker(nBytes, nextPrec[c][r], c, r);
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                                if (!pph)
                                                                        status = pktDec.readPktHead(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                                // Store packet's head length
                                                                hlen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                                pktHL.Add((System.Int32) hlen);
                                                                // Reads packet's body
                                                                status = pktDec.readPktBody(l, r, c, nextPrec[c][r], cbI[c][r], nBytes);
                                                                plen = in_Renamed.Pos - start;
                                                                if (status)
                                                                        if (printInfo)
                                                                        return true;
                                                        } // layers                        
                                                } // Resolution levels
                                                if (px != pxend)
                                                        x = minx + px * gcd_x;
                                                        x = tx0;
                                        } // Horizontal precincts
                                        if (py != pyend)
                                                y = miny + py * gcd_y;
                                                y = ty0;
                                } // Vertical precincts
                        } // components
                        if (printInfo)
                        return false; // Decoding rate was not reached
                /// <summary> Finish initialization of members for specified tile, reads packets head
                /// of each tile and keeps location of each code-block's codewords. The
                /// last 2 tasks are done by calling specific methods of PktDecoder.
                /// <p>Then, if a parsing output rate is defined, it keeps information of
                /// first layers only. This operation simulates a creation of a
                /// layer-resolution-component progressive bit-stream which will be next
                /// truncated and decoded.</p>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="t">Tile index
                /// </param>
                /// <seealso cref="PktDecoder">
                /// </seealso>
                private void  readTilePkts(int t)
                        pktHL = System.Collections.ArrayList.Synchronized(new System.Collections.ArrayList(10));
            layerStarts = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>(5);
                        // Number of layers
                        int nl = ((System.Int32) decSpec.nls.getTileDef(t));
                        // If packed packet headers was used, get the packet headers for this
                        // tile
                        if (((System.Boolean) decSpec.pphs.getTileDef(t)))
                                // Gets packed headers as separate input stream
                                System.IO.MemoryStream pphbais = hd.getPackedPktHead(t);
                                // Restarts PktDecoder instance
                                cbI = pktDec.restart(, mdl, nl, cbI, true, pphbais);
                                // Restarts PktDecoder instance
                                cbI = pktDec.restart(, mdl, nl, cbI, false, null);
                        // Reads packets of the tile according to the progression order
                        int[][] pocSpec = ((int[][]) decSpec.pcs.getTileDef(t));
                        int nChg = (pocSpec == null)?1:pocSpec.Length;
                        // Create an array containing information about changes (progression
                        // order type, layers index start, layer index end, resolution level
                        // start, resolution level end, component index start, component index
                        // end). There is one row per progresion order
                        int[][] change = new int[nChg][];
                        for (int i = 0; i < nChg; i++)
                                change[i] = new int[6];
                        int idx = 0; // Index of the current progression order
                        change[0][1] = 0; // layer start
                        if (pocSpec == null)
                                change[idx][0] = ((System.Int32) decSpec.pos.getTileDef(t));
                                // Progression type found in COx marker segments
                                change[idx][1] = nl; // Layer index end
                                change[idx][2] = 0; // resolution level start
                                change[idx][3] = decSpec.dls.getMaxInTile(t) + 1; // res. level end
                                change[idx][4] = 0; // Component index start
                                change[idx][5] =; // Component index end
                                for (idx = 0; idx < nChg; idx++)
                                        change[idx][0] = pocSpec[idx][5];
                                        change[idx][1] = pocSpec[idx][2]; // layer end
                                        change[idx][2] = pocSpec[idx][0]; // res. lev. start
                                        change[idx][3] = pocSpec[idx][3]; // res. lev. end
                                        change[idx][4] = pocSpec[idx][1]; // Comp. index start
                                        change[idx][5] = pocSpec[idx][4]; // Comp. index end
                        // Seeks to the first packet of the first tile-part
                                // If in truncation mode, the first tile-part may be beyond the
                                // target decoding rate. In this case, the offset of the first
                                // packet is not defined.
                                if (isTruncMode && firstPackOff == null || firstPackOff[t] == null)
                                        return ;
                        catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException)
                                FacilityManager.getMsgLogger().printmsg(CSJ2K.j2k.util.MsgLogger_Fields.WARNING, "Codestream truncated in tile " + t);
                                return ;
                        curTilePart = 0;
                        // Start and end indexes for layers, resolution levels and components.
                        int lye, ress, rese, comps, compe;
                        bool status = false;
                        int nb = nBytes[t];
                        int[][] lys = new int[][];
                        for (int c = 0; c <; c++)
                                lys[c] = new int[((System.Int32) decSpec.dls.getTileCompVal(t, c)) + 1];
                                for (int chg = 0; chg < nChg; chg++)
                                        lye = change[chg][1];
                                        ress = change[chg][2];
                                        rese = change[chg][3];
                                        comps = change[chg][4];
                                        compe = change[chg][5];
                                        switch (change[chg][0])
                                                case CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.ProgressionType.LY_RES_COMP_POS_PROG: 
                                                        status = readLyResCompPos(lys, lye, ress, rese, comps, compe);
                                                case CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.ProgressionType.RES_LY_COMP_POS_PROG: 
                                                        status = readResLyCompPos(lys, lye, ress, rese, comps, compe);
                                                case CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.ProgressionType.RES_POS_COMP_LY_PROG: 
                                                        status = readResPosCompLy(lys, lye, ress, rese, comps, compe);
                                                case CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.ProgressionType.POS_COMP_RES_LY_PROG: 
                                                        status = readPosCompResLy(lys, lye, ress, rese, comps, compe);
                                                case CSJ2K.j2k.codestream.ProgressionType.COMP_POS_RES_LY_PROG: 
                                                        status = readCompPosResLy(lys, lye, ress, rese, comps, compe);
                                                        throw new System.ArgumentException("Not recognized " + "progression type");
                                        // Update next first layer index 
                                        for (int c = comps; c < compe; c++)
                                                if (c >= lys.Length)
                                                for (int r = ress; r < rese; r++)
                                                        if (r >= lys[c].Length)
                                                        lys[c][r] = lye;
                                        if (status || usePOCQuit)
                        catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException e)
                                // Should never happen. Truncated codestream are normally found by
                                // the class constructor
                                throw e;
                        // In truncation mode, update the number of read bytes
                        if (isTruncMode)
                                anbytes += nb - nBytes[t];
                                // If truncation rate is reached
                                if (status)
                                        nBytes[t] = 0;
                        else if (nBytes[t] < (totTileLen[t] - totTileHeadLen[t]))
                                // In parsing mode, if there is not enough rate to entirely read the
                                // tile. Then, parses the bit stream so as to create a virtual
                                // layer-resolution-component progressive bit stream that will be
                                // truncated and decoded afterwards.
                                CBlkInfo cb;
                                // Systematicaly reject all remaining code-blocks if one
                                // code-block, at least, is refused.
                                bool reject;
                                // Stop reading any data from the bit stream
                                bool stopCount = false;
                                // Length of each packet's head (in an array)
                                int[] pktHeadLen = new int[pktHL.Count];
                                for (int i = pktHL.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                        pktHeadLen[i] = ((System.Int32) pktHL[i]);
                                // Parse each code-block, layer per layer until nBytes[t] is
                                // reached
                                reject = false;
                                for (int l = 0; l < nl; l++)
                                        // layers
                                        if (cbI == null)
                                        int nc = cbI.Length;
                                        int mres = 0;
                                        for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++)
                                                if (cbI[c] != null && cbI[c].Length > mres)
                                                        mres = cbI[c].Length;
                                        for (int r = 0; r < mres; r++)
                                                // resolutions
                                                int msub = 0;
                                                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++)
                                                        if (cbI[c] != null && cbI[c][r] != null && cbI[c][r].Length > msub)
                                                                msub = cbI[c][r].Length;
                                                for (int s = 0; s < msub; s++)
                                                        // subbands
                                                        // Only LL subband resolution level 0
                                                        if (r == 0 && s != 0)
                                                        else if (r != 0 && s == 0)
                                                                // No LL subband in resolution level > 0
                                                        int mnby = 0;
                                                        for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++)
                                                                if (cbI[c] != null && cbI[c][r] != null && cbI[c][r][s] != null && cbI[c][r][s].Length > mnby)
                                                                        mnby = cbI[c][r][s].Length;
                                                        for (int m = 0; m < mnby; m++)
                                                                int mnbx = 0;
                                                                for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++)
                                                                        if (cbI[c] != null && cbI[c][r] != null && cbI[c][r][s] != null && cbI[c][r][s][m] != null && cbI[c][r][s][m].Length > mnbx)
                                                                                mnbx = cbI[c][r][s][m].Length;
                                                                for (int n = 0; n < mnbx; n++)
                                                                        for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++)
                                                                                if (cbI[c] == null || cbI[c][r] == null || cbI[c][r][s] == null || cbI[c][r][s][m] == null || cbI[c][r][s][m][n] == null)
                                                                                cb = cbI[c][r][s][m][n];
                                                                                // If no code-block has been refused until
                                                                                // now
                                                                                if (!reject)
                                                                                        // Rate is to low to allow reading of
                                                                                        // packet's head
                                                                                        if (nBytes[t] < pktHeadLen[cb.pktIdx[l]])
                                                                                                // Stop parsing
                                                                                                stopCount = true;
                                                                                                // Reject all next
                                                                                                // code-blocks
                                                                                                reject = true;
                                                                                                // Rate is enough to read packet's
                                                                                                // head 
                                                                                                if (!stopCount)
                                                                                                        //If parsing was not stopped
                                                                                                        //Takes into account packet's
                                                                                                        //head length
                                                                                                        nBytes[t] -= pktHeadLen[cb.pktIdx[l]];
                                                                                                        anbytes += pktHeadLen[cb.pktIdx[l]];
                                                                                                        // Set packet's head length to
                                                                                                        // 0, so that it won't be
                                                                                                        // taken into account next
                                                                                                        // time
                                                                                                        pktHeadLen[cb.pktIdx[l]] = 0;
                                                                                // Code-block has no data in this layer
                                                                                if (cb.len[l] == 0)
                                                                                // Accepts code-block if length is enough,
                                                                                // if this code-block was not refused in a
                                                                                // previous layer and if no code-block was
                                                                                // refused in current component
                                                                                if (cb.len[l] < nBytes[t] && !reject)
                                                                                        nBytes[t] -= cb.len[l];
                                                                                        anbytes += cb.len[l];
                                                                                        // Refuses code-block
                                                                                        // Forgets code-block's data
                                                                                        cb.len[l] =[l] = cb.ntp[l] = 0;
                                                                                        // Refuses all other code-block in
                                                                                        // current and next component
                                                                                        reject = true;
                                                                        } // End loop on components
                                                                } // End loop on horiz. code-blocks
                                                        } // End loop on vert. code-blocks
                                                } // End loop on subbands
                                        } // End loop on resolutions
                                } // End loop on layers
                                // No parsing for this tile, adds tile's body to the total
                                // number of read bytes.
                                anbytes += totTileLen[t] - totTileHeadLen[t];
                                if (t < getNumTiles() - 1)
                                        nBytes[t + 1] += nBytes[t] - (totTileLen[t] - totTileHeadLen[t]);
                /// <summary> Changes the current tile, given the new indexes. An
                /// IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the indexes do not correspond to
                /// a valid tile.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="x">The horizontal indexes the tile.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="y">The vertical indexes of the new tile.
                /// </param>
                public override void  setTile(int x, int y)
                        int i; // counter
                        // Check validity of tile indexes
                        if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= ntX || y >= ntY)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException();
                        int t = (y * ntX + x);
                        // Reset number of read bytes if needed
                        if (t == 0)
                                anbytes = headLen;
                                if (!isTruncMode)
                                        anbytes += 2;
                                // Restore values of nBytes
                                for (int tIdx = 0; tIdx < nt; tIdx++)
                                        nBytes[tIdx] = baknBytes[tIdx];
                        // Set the new current tile
                        ctX = x;
                        ctY = y;
                        // Calculate tile relative points
                        int ctox = (x == 0)?ax:px + x * ntW;
                        int ctoy = (y == 0)?ay:py + y * ntH;
                        for (i = nc - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                culx[i] = (ctox + hd.getCompSubsX(i) - 1) / hd.getCompSubsX(i);
                                culy[i] = (ctoy + hd.getCompSubsY(i) - 1) / hd.getCompSubsY(i);
                                offX[i] = (px + x * ntW + hd.getCompSubsX(i) - 1) / hd.getCompSubsX(i);
                                offY[i] = (py + y * ntH + hd.getCompSubsY(i) - 1) / hd.getCompSubsY(i);
                        // Initialize subband tree and number of resolution levels
                        subbTrees = new SubbandSyn[nc];
                        mdl = new int[nc];
                        derived = new bool[nc];
                        params_Renamed = new StdDequantizerParams[nc];
                        gb = new int[nc];
                        for (int c = 0; c < nc; c++)
                                derived[c] = decSpec.qts.isDerived(t, c);
                                params_Renamed[c] = (StdDequantizerParams) decSpec.qsss.getTileCompVal(t, c);
                                gb[c] = ((System.Int32) decSpec.gbs.getTileCompVal(t, c));
                                mdl[c] = ((System.Int32) decSpec.dls.getTileCompVal(t, c));
                                subbTrees[c] = new SubbandSyn(getTileCompWidth(t, c, mdl[c]), getTileCompHeight(t, c, mdl[c]), getResULX(c, mdl[c]), getResULY(c, mdl[c]), mdl[c], decSpec.wfs.getHFilters(t, c), decSpec.wfs.getVFilters(t, c));
                                initSubbandsFields(c, subbTrees[c]);
                        // Read tile's packets
                        catch (System.IO.IOException e)
                                SupportClass.WriteStackTrace(e, Console.Error);
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("IO Error when reading tile " + x + " x " + y);
                /// <summary> Advances to the next tile, in standard scan-line order (by rows then
                /// columns). A NoNextElementException is thrown if the current tile is the
                /// last one (i.e. there is no next tile).
                /// </summary>
                public override void  nextTile()
                        if (ctX == ntX - 1 && ctY == ntY - 1)
                                // Already at last tile
                                throw new NoNextElementException();
                        else if (ctX < ntX - 1)
                                // If not at end of current tile line
                                setTile(ctX + 1, ctY);
                                // Go to first tile at next line
                                setTile(0, ctY + 1);
                /// <summary> Returns the specified coded code-block, for the specified component, in
                /// the current tile. The first layer to return is indicated by 'fl'. The
                /// number of layers that is returned depends on 'nl' and the amount of
                /// available data.
                /// <p>The argument 'fl' is to be used by subsequent calls to this method
                /// for the same code-block. In this way supplemental data can be retrieved
                /// at a later time. The fact that data from more than one layer can be
                /// returned means that several packets from the same code-block, of the
                /// same component, and the same tile, have been concatenated.</p>
                /// <p>The returned compressed code-block can have its progressive
                /// attribute set. If this attribute is set it means that more data can be
                /// obtained by subsequent calls to this method (subject to transmission
                /// delays, etc). If the progressive attribute is not set it means that the
                /// returned data is all the data that can be obtained for the specified
                /// code-block.</p>
                /// <p>The compressed code-block is uniquely specified by the current tile,
                /// the component (identified by 'c'), the subband (indentified by 'sb')
                /// and the code-block vertical and horizontal indexes 'n' and 'm'.</p>
                /// <p>The 'ulx' and 'uly' members of the returned 'DecLyrdCBlk' object
                /// contain the coordinates of the top-left corner of the block, with
                /// respect to the tile, not the subband.</p>
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="c">The index of the component, from 0 to N-1.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="m">The vertical index of the code-block to return, in the
                /// specified subband.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="n">The horizontal index of the code-block to return, in the
                /// specified subband.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="sb">The subband in whic the requested code-block is.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="fl">The first layer to return.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="nl">The number of layers to return, if negative all available
                /// layers are returned, starting at 'fl'.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="ccb">If not null this object is used to return the compressed
                /// code-block. If null a new object is created and returned. If the data
                /// array in ccb is not null then it can be reused to return the compressed
                /// data.
                /// </param>
                /// <returns> The compressed code-block, with a certain number of layers
                /// determined by the available data and 'nl'.
                /// </returns>
                public override DecLyrdCBlk getCodeBlock(int c, int m, int n, SubbandSyn sb, int fl, int nl, DecLyrdCBlk ccb)
                        int t = TileIdx;
                        CBlkInfo rcb; // requested code-block
                        int r = sb.resLvl; // Resolution level
                        int s = sb.sbandIdx; // Subband index
                        int tpidx;
                        int passtype;
                        // Number of layers
                        int numLayers = ((System.Int32) decSpec.nls.getTileDef(t));
                        int options = ((System.Int32) decSpec.ecopts.getTileCompVal(t, c));
                        if (nl < 0)
                                nl = numLayers - fl + 1;
                        // If the l quit condition is used, Make sure that no layer 
                        // after lquit is returned
                        if (lQuit != - 1 && fl + nl > lQuit)
                                nl = lQuit - fl;
                        // Check validity of resquested resolution level (according to the
                        // "-res" option).
                        int maxdl = getSynSubbandTree(t, c).resLvl;
                        if (r > targetRes + maxdl - decSpec.dls.Min)
                                throw new System.ApplicationException("JJ2000 error: requesting a code-block " + "disallowed by the '-res' option.");
                        // Check validity of all the arguments
                                rcb = cbI[c][r][s][m][n];
                                if (fl < 1 || fl > numLayers || fl + nl - 1 > numLayers)
                                        throw new System.ArgumentException();
                        catch (System.IndexOutOfRangeException)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException("Code-block (t:" + t + ", c:" + c + ", r:" + r + ", s:" + s + ", " + m + "x" + (+ n) + ") not found in codestream");
                        catch (System.NullReferenceException)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException("Code-block (t:" + t + ", c:" + c + ", r:" + r + ", s:" + s + ", " + m + "x" + n + ") not found in bit stream");
                        // Create DecLyrdCBlk object if necessary
                        if (ccb == null)
                                ccb = new DecLyrdCBlk();
                        ccb.m = m;
                        ccb.n = n;
               = 0;
                        ccb.dl = 0;
                        ccb.nTrunc = 0;
                        if (rcb == null)
                                // This code-block was skipped when reading. Returns no data
                                ccb.skipMSBP = 0;
                                ccb.prog = false;
                                ccb.w = ccb.h = ccb.ulx = ccb.uly = 0;
                                return ccb;
                        // ccb initialization
                        ccb.skipMSBP = rcb.msbSkipped;
                        ccb.ulx = rcb.ulx;
                        ccb.uly = rcb.uly;
                        ccb.w = rcb.w;
                        ccb.h = rcb.h;
                        ccb.ftpIdx = 0;
                        // Search for index of first truncation point (first layer where
                        // length of data is not zero)
                        int l = 0;
                        while ((l < rcb.len.Length) && (rcb.len[l] == 0))
                                ccb.ftpIdx += rcb.ntp[l];
                        // Calculate total length, number of included layer and number of
                        // truncation points
                        for (l = fl - 1; l < fl + nl - 1; l++)
                                ccb.dl += rcb.len[l];
                                ccb.nTrunc += rcb.ntp[l];
                        // Calculate number of terminated segments
                        int nts;
                        if ((options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_TERM_PASS) != 0)
                                // Regular termination in use One segment per pass
                                // (i.e. truncation point)
                                nts = ccb.nTrunc - ccb.ftpIdx;
                        else if ((options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_BYPASS) != 0)
                                // Selective arithmetic coding bypass mode in use, but no regular
                                // termination: 1 segment upto the end of the last pass of the 4th
                                // most significant bit-plane, and, in each following bit-plane,
                                // one segment upto the end of the 2nd pass and one upto the end
                                // of the 3rd pass.
                                if (ccb.nTrunc <= CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.FIRST_BYPASS_PASS_IDX)
                                        nts = 1;
                                        nts = 1;
                                        // Adds one for each terminated pass
                                        for (tpidx = ccb.ftpIdx; tpidx < ccb.nTrunc; tpidx++)
                                                if (tpidx >= CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.FIRST_BYPASS_PASS_IDX - 1)
                                                        passtype = (tpidx + CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.NUM_EMPTY_PASSES_IN_MS_BP) % CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.NUM_PASSES;
                                                        if (passtype == 1 || passtype == 2)
                                                                // lazy pass just before MQ pass or MQ pass just
                                                                // before lazy pass => terminated
                                // Nothing special in use, just one terminated segment
                                nts = 1;
                        // creation
                        if ( == null || < ccb.dl)
                       = new byte[ccb.dl];
                        // ccb.tsLengths creation
                        if (nts > 1 && (ccb.tsLengths == null || ccb.tsLengths.Length < nts))
                                ccb.tsLengths = new int[nts];
                        else if (nts > 1 && (options & (CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_BYPASS | CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_TERM_PASS)) == CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_BYPASS)
                                ArrayUtil.intArraySet(ccb.tsLengths, 0);
                        // Fill ccb with compressed data
                        int dataIdx = - 1;
                        tpidx = ccb.ftpIdx;
                        int ctp = ccb.ftpIdx; // Cumulative number of truncation
                        // point for the current layer layer
                        int tsidx = 0;
                        int j;
                        for (l = fl - 1; l < fl + nl - 1; l++)
                                ctp += rcb.ntp[l];
                                // No data in this layer
                                if (rcb.len[l] == 0)
                                // Read data
                                // NOTE: we should never get an EOFException here since all
                                // data is checked to be within the file.
                                        in_Renamed.readFully(, dataIdx + 1, rcb.len[l]);
                                        dataIdx += rcb.len[l];
                                catch (System.IO.IOException e)
                                // Get the terminated segment lengths, if any
                                if (nts == 1)
                                if ((options & CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.OPT_TERM_PASS) != 0)
                                        // Regular termination => each pass is terminated
                                        for (j = 0; tpidx < ctp; j++, tpidx++)
                                                if (rcb.segLen[l] != null)
                                                        ccb.tsLengths[tsidx++] = rcb.segLen[l][j];
                                                        // Only one terminated segment in packet
                                                        ccb.tsLengths[tsidx++] = rcb.len[l];
                                        // Lazy coding without regular termination
                                        for (j = 0; tpidx < ctp; tpidx++)
                                                if (tpidx >= CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.FIRST_BYPASS_PASS_IDX - 1)
                                                        passtype = (tpidx + CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.NUM_EMPTY_PASSES_IN_MS_BP) % CSJ2K.j2k.entropy.StdEntropyCoderOptions.NUM_PASSES;
                                                        if (passtype != 0)
                                                                // lazy pass just before MQ pass or MQ
                                                                // pass just before lazy pass =>
                                                                // terminated
                                                                if (rcb.segLen[l] != null)
                                                                        ccb.tsLengths[tsidx++] += rcb.segLen[l][j++];
                                                                        rcb.len[l] -= rcb.segLen[l][j - 1];
                                                                        // Only one terminated segment in packet
                                                                        ccb.tsLengths[tsidx++] += rcb.len[l];
                                                                        rcb.len[l] = 0;
                                        // Last length in packet always in (either terminated segment
                                        // or contribution to terminated segment)
                                        if (rcb.segLen[l] != null && j < rcb.segLen[l].Length)
                                                ccb.tsLengths[tsidx] += rcb.segLen[l][j];
                                                rcb.len[l] -= rcb.segLen[l][j];
                                                // Only one terminated segment in packet
                                                if (tsidx < nts)
                                                        ccb.tsLengths[tsidx] += rcb.len[l];
                                                        rcb.len[l] = 0;
                        if (nts == 1 && ccb.tsLengths != null)
                                ccb.tsLengths[0] = ccb.dl;
                        // Set the progressive flag
                        int lastlayer = fl + nl - 1;
                        if (lastlayer < numLayers - 1)
                                for (l = lastlayer + 1; l < numLayers; l++)
                                        // It remains data for this code-block in the bit stream
                                        if (rcb.len[l] != 0)
                                                ccb.prog = true;
                        return ccb;

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