corrade-vassal – Rev 1

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/// <summary>**************************************************************************
/// $Id:,v 1.1 2002/07/25 14:56:50 grosbois Exp $
/// Copyright Eastman Kodak Company, 343 State Street, Rochester, NY 14650
/// $Date $
/// ***************************************************************************
/// </summary>
using System;
using ColorSpace = CSJ2K.Color.ColorSpace;
using ICCProfile = CSJ2K.Icc.ICCProfile;
using RestrictedICCProfile = CSJ2K.Icc.RestrictedICCProfile;
using DataBlkInt = CSJ2K.j2k.image.DataBlkInt;
using DataBlkFloat = CSJ2K.j2k.image.DataBlkFloat;
namespace CSJ2K.Icc.Lut
        /// <summary> 
        /// This class constructs a LookUpTableFP from a RestrictedICCProfile.
        /// The values in this table are used to calculate a second lookup table (simply a short []).  
        /// table.  When this transform is applied to an input DataBlk, an output data block is
        /// constructed by using the input samples as indices into the lookup table, whose values
        /// are used to populate the output DataBlk.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="jj2000.j2k.icc.RestrictedICCProfile">
        /// </seealso>
        /// <seealso cref="jj2000.j2k.icc.lut.LookUpTableFP">
        /// </seealso>
        /// <version>   1.0
        /// </version>
        /// <author>    Bruce A. Kern
        /// </author>
        public class MonochromeTransformTosRGB
                //UPGRADE_NOTE: Final was removed from the declaration of 'eol '. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1003'"
                private static readonly System.String eol = System.Environment.NewLine;
                /// <summary>Transform parameter. </summary>
                public const double ksRGBShadowCutoff = 0.0031308;
                /// <summary>Transform parameter. </summary>
                public const double ksRGBShadowSlope = 12.92;
                /// <summary>Transform parameter. </summary>
                //UPGRADE_NOTE: Final was removed from the declaration of 'ksRGB8ShadowSlope '. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1003'"
                public static readonly double ksRGB8ShadowSlope = (255 * ksRGBShadowSlope);
                /// <summary>Transform parameter. </summary>
                public const double ksRGBExponent = (1.0 / 2.4);
                /// <summary>Transform parameter. </summary>
                public const double ksRGB8ScaleAfterExp = 269.025;
                /// <summary>Transform parameter. </summary>
                public const double ksRGB8ReduceAfterExp = 14.025;
                private short[] lut = null;
                private int dwInputMaxValue = 0;
                private LookUpTableFP fLut = null;
                /// <summary> String representation of class</summary>
                /// <returns> suitable representation for class 
                /// </returns>
                public override System.String ToString()
                        System.Text.StringBuilder rep = new System.Text.StringBuilder("[MonochromeTransformTosRGB ");
                        System.Text.StringBuilder body = new System.Text.StringBuilder("  ");
                        // Print the parameters:
                        body.Append(eol).Append("ksRGBShadowSlope= ").Append(System.Convert.ToString(ksRGBShadowSlope));
                        body.Append(eol).Append("ksRGBShadowCutoff= ").Append(System.Convert.ToString(ksRGBShadowCutoff));
                        body.Append(eol).Append("ksRGBShadowSlope= ").Append(System.Convert.ToString(ksRGBShadowSlope));
                        body.Append(eol).Append("ksRGB8ShadowSlope= ").Append(System.Convert.ToString(ksRGB8ShadowSlope));
                        body.Append(eol).Append("ksRGBExponent= ").Append(System.Convert.ToString(ksRGBExponent));
                        body.Append(eol).Append("ksRGB8ScaleAfterExp= ").Append(System.Convert.ToString(ksRGB8ScaleAfterExp));
                        body.Append(eol).Append("ksRGB8ReduceAfterExp= ").Append(System.Convert.ToString((ksRGB8ReduceAfterExp)));
                        body.Append(eol).Append("dwInputMaxValue= ").Append(System.Convert.ToString(dwInputMaxValue));
                        // Print the LinearSRGBtoSRGB lut.
                        body.Append(eol).Append("[lut = [short[" + lut.Length + "]]]");
                        // Print the FP luts.
                        //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.lang.Object.toString' may return a different value. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1043'"
                        body.Append(eol).Append("fLut=  " + fLut.ToString());
                        rep.Append(ColorSpace.indent("  ", body));
                        return rep.Append("]").ToString();
                /// <summary> Construct the lut from the RestrictedICCProfile.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="ricc">input RestrictedICCProfile
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="dwInputMaxValue">size of the output lut.
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="dwInputShiftValue">value used to shift samples to positive
                /// </param>
                public MonochromeTransformTosRGB(RestrictedICCProfile ricc, int dwInputMaxValue, int dwInputShiftValue)
                        if (ricc.Type != RestrictedICCProfile.kMonochromeInput)
                                throw new System.ArgumentException("MonochromeTransformTosRGB: wrong type ICCProfile supplied");
                        this.dwInputMaxValue = dwInputMaxValue;
                        lut = new short[dwInputMaxValue + 1];
                        fLut = LookUpTableFP.createInstance(ricc.trc[ICCProfile.GRAY], dwInputMaxValue + 1);
                        // First calculate the value for the shadow region
                        int i;
                        for (i = 0; ((i <= dwInputMaxValue) && (fLut.lut[i] <= ksRGBShadowCutoff)); i++)
                                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
                                lut[i] = (short) (System.Math.Floor(ksRGB8ShadowSlope * (double) fLut.lut[i] + 0.5) - dwInputShiftValue);
                        // Now calculate the rest   
                        for (; i <= dwInputMaxValue; i++)
                                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
                                lut[i] = (short) (System.Math.Floor(ksRGB8ScaleAfterExp * System.Math.Pow((double) fLut.lut[i], ksRGBExponent) - ksRGB8ReduceAfterExp + 0.5) - dwInputShiftValue);
                /// <summary> Populate the output block by looking up the values in the lut, using the input
                /// as lut indices.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="inb">input samples
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="outb">output samples.
                /// </param>
                /// <exception cref="MonochromeTransformException">
                /// </exception>
                public virtual void  apply(DataBlkInt inb, DataBlkInt outb)

            int i, j, o; //  x, y removed
                        int[] in_Renamed = (int[]) inb.Data;
                        int[] out_Renamed = (int[]) outb.Data;
                        if (out_Renamed == null || out_Renamed.Length < in_Renamed.Length)
                                out_Renamed = new int[in_Renamed.Length];
                                outb.Data = out_Renamed;
                        outb.uly = inb.uly;
                        outb.ulx = inb.ulx;
                        outb.h = inb.h;
                        outb.w = inb.w;
                        outb.offset = inb.offset;
                        outb.scanw = inb.scanw;
                        o = inb.offset;
                        for (i = 0; i < inb.h * inb.w; ++i)
                                j = in_Renamed[i];
                                if (j < 0)
                                        j = 0;
                                else if (j > dwInputMaxValue)
                                        j = dwInputMaxValue;
                                out_Renamed[i] = lut[j];
                /// <summary> Populate the output block by looking up the values in the lut, using the input
                /// as lut indices.
                /// </summary>
                /// <param name="inb">input samples
                /// </param>
                /// <param name="outb">output samples.
                /// </param>
                /// <exception cref="MonochromeTransformException">
                /// </exception>
                public virtual void  apply(DataBlkFloat inb, DataBlkFloat outb)

            int i, j, o; // x, y removed
                        float[] in_Renamed = (float[]) inb.Data;
                        float[] out_Renamed = (float[]) outb.Data;
                        if (out_Renamed == null || out_Renamed.Length < in_Renamed.Length)
                                out_Renamed = new float[in_Renamed.Length];
                                outb.Data = out_Renamed;
                                outb.uly = inb.uly;
                                outb.ulx = inb.ulx;
                                outb.h = inb.h;
                                outb.w = inb.w;
                                outb.offset = inb.offset;
                                outb.scanw = inb.scanw;
                        o = inb.offset;
                        for (i = 0; i < inb.h * inb.w; ++i)
                                //UPGRADE_WARNING: Data types in Visual C# might be different.  Verify the accuracy of narrowing conversions. "ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_commoner/local/redirect.htm?index='!DefaultContextWindowIndex'&keyword='jlca1042'"
                                j = (int) in_Renamed[i];
                                if (j < 0)
                                        j = 0;
                                else if (j > dwInputMaxValue)
                                        j = dwInputMaxValue;
                                out_Renamed[i] = lut[j];
                /* end class MonochromeTransformTosRGB */

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