corrade-http-templates – Rev 62

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define( [
], function( QUnit, $, common ) {

QUnit.assert.present = function( value, array, message ) {
        this.push( jQuery.inArray( value, array ) !== -1, value, array, message );

QUnit.assert.notPresent = function( value, array, message ) {
        this.push( jQuery.inArray( value, array ) === -1, value, array, message );

// MinDuration is used for "short" animate tests where we are only concerned about the final
var minDuration = 60,

        // Duration is used for "long" animates where we plan on testing properties during animation
        duration = 200;

QUnit.module( "effects.core" );

// TODO: test all signatures of .show(), .hide(), .toggle().
// Look at core's signatures and UI's signatures.
QUnit.test( ".hide() with step", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        assert.expect( 1 );
        var element = $( "#elem" ),
                step = function() {
                        assert.ok( true, "step callback invoked" );
                        step = $.noop;

        element.hide( {
                step: function() {
                complete: ready
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "Immediate Return Conditions", function( assert ) {
        var hidden = $( "div.hidden" ),
                count = 0;
        assert.expect( 3 );
        hidden.hide( "blind", function() {
                assert.equal( ++count, 1, "Hide on hidden returned immediately" );
        } ).show().show( "blind", function() {
                assert.equal( ++count, 2, "Show on shown returned immediately" );
        } );
        assert.equal( ++count, 3, "Both Functions worked properly" );
} );

QUnit.test( ".hide() with hidden parent", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 1 );
        var element = $( "div.hidden" ).children();
        element.hide( "blind", function() {
                assert.equal( element.css( "display" ), "none", "display: none" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "Parse of null for options", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        var hidden = $( "div.hidden" ),
                count = 0;
        assert.expect( 1 ); "blind", null, 1, function() {
                assert.equal( ++count, 1, "null for options still works" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "removeClass", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 3 );

        var element = $( "<div>" );
        assert.equal( "", element[ 0 ].className );
        element.addClass( "destroyed" );
        assert.equal( "destroyed", element[ 0 ].className );
        assert.equal( "", element[ 0 ].className );
} );

QUnit.module( "effects.core: animateClass" );

QUnit.test( "animateClass works with borderStyle", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        var test = $( "div.animateClass" );
        assert.expect( 3 );
        test.toggleClass( "testAddBorder", minDuration, function() {
                test.toggleClass( "testAddBorder", minDuration, function() {
                        assert.equal( test.css( "borderLeftStyle" ), "none", "None border set" );
                } );
                assert.equal( test.css( "borderLeftStyle" ), "solid", "None border not immedately set" );
        } );
        assert.equal( test.css( "borderLeftStyle" ), "solid", "Solid border immedately set" );
} );

QUnit.test( "animateClass works with colors", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        var test = $( "div.animateClass" ),
                oldStep = jQuery.fx.step.backgroundColor;

        assert.expect( 2 );

        // We want to catch the first frame of animation
        jQuery.fx.step.backgroundColor = function( fx ) {
                oldStep.apply( this, arguments );

                // Make sure it has animated somewhere we can detect
                if ( fx.pos > 255 / 2000 ) {
                        jQuery.fx.step.backgroundColor = oldStep;
                        assert.notPresent( test.css( "backgroundColor" ),
                                [ "#000000", "#ffffff", "#000", "#fff", "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "rgb(255,255,255)" ],
                                "Color is not endpoints in middle." );
                        test.stop( true, true );

        test.toggleClass( "testChangeBackground", {
                duration: 2000,
                complete: function() {
                        assert.present( test.css( "backgroundColor" ), [ "#ffffff", "#fff", "rgb(255, 255, 255)" ], "Color is final" );
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "animateClass calls step option", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 1 );
        var ready = assert.async();
        var test = jQuery( "div.animateClass" ),
                step = function() {
                        assert.ok( true, "Step Function Called" );
                        step = $.noop;
        test.toggleClass( "testChangeBackground", {
                step: function() {
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "animateClass works with children", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 3 );
        var ready = assert.async();
        var animatedChild,
                test = $( "div.animateClass" ),
                h2 = test.find( "h2" );

        test.toggleClass( "testChildren", {
                children: true,
                duration: duration,
                complete: function() {
                        assert.equal( h2.css( "fontSize" ), "20px", "Text size is final during complete" );
                        test.toggleClass( "testChildren", {
                                duration: duration,
                                complete: function() {
                                        assert.equal( h2.css( "fontSize" ), "10px", "Text size revertted after class removed" );

                                step: function( val, fx ) {
                                        if ( fx.elem === h2[ 0 ] ) {
                                                assert.ok( false, "Error - Animating property on h2" );
                        } );
                step: function( val, fx ) {
                        if ( fx.prop === "fontSize" && fx.elem === h2[ 0 ] && !animatedChild ) {
                                assert.equal( fx.end, 20, "animating font size on child" );
                                animatedChild = true;
        } );
} );

QUnit.test( "animateClass clears style properties when stopped", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        var test = $( "div.animateClass" ),
                style = test[ 0 ].style,
                orig = style.cssText;

        assert.expect( 2 );

        test.addClass( "testChangeBackground", duration );
        assert.notEqual( orig, style.cssText, "cssText is not the same after starting animation" );

                .stop( true, true )
                .then( function() {
                        assert.equal( orig, $.trim( style.cssText ), "cssText is the same after stopping animation midway" );
                } );
} );

QUnit.test( "animateClass: css and class changes during animation are not lost (#7106)",
function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        assert.expect( 2 );
        var test = $( "div.ticket7106" );

        // Ensure the class stays and that the css property stays
        function animationComplete() {
                assert.hasClasses( test, "testClass", "class change during animateClass was not lost" );
                assert.equal( test.height(), 100, "css change during animateClass was not lost" );

        // Add a class and change a style property after starting an animated class
        test.addClass( "animate", minDuration, animationComplete )
                .addClass( "testClass" )
                .height( 100 );
} );

QUnit.test( "createPlaceholder: only created for static or relative elements", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 4 );

        assert.ok( $.effects.createPlaceholder( $( ".relative" ) ).length, "placeholder created for relative element" );
        assert.ok( $.effects.createPlaceholder( $( ".static" ) ).length, "placeholder created for static element" );
        assert.ok( !$.effects.createPlaceholder( $( ".absolute" ) ), "placeholder not created for absolute element" );
        assert.ok( !$.effects.createPlaceholder( $( ".fixed" ) ), "placeholder not created for fixed element" );
} );

QUnit.test( "createPlaceholder: preserves layout affecting properties", function( assert ) {
        assert.expect( 7 );

        var position = 5,
                element = $( ".relative" ).css( {
                        top: position,
                        left: position
                } ),
                before = {
                        offset: element.offset(),
                        outerWidth: element.outerWidth( true ),
                        outerHeight: element.outerHeight( true ),
                        "float": element.css( "float" ),
                        position: element.position()
                placeholder = $.effects.createPlaceholder( element );

        // Placeholders are only placed to preserve the effect on layout. Considering
        // top and left do not change layout, they are not preserved, which makes some
        // of the math simpler in the implementation.
        assert.deepEqual( - position, placeholder.offset().top, "offset top preserved" );
        assert.deepEqual( before.offset.left - position, placeholder.offset().left, "offset left preserved" );
        assert.deepEqual( - position, placeholder.position().top, "position top preserved" );
        assert.deepEqual( before.position.left - position, placeholder.position().left, "position left preserved" );

        assert.deepEqual( before[ "float" ], placeholder.css( "float" ), "float preserved" );
        assert.deepEqual( before.outerWidth, placeholder.outerWidth( true ), "width preserved" );
        assert.deepEqual( before.outerHeight, placeholder.outerHeight( true ), "height preserved" );
} );

QUnit.module( "transfer" );

QUnit.test( "transfer() without callback", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        assert.expect( 0 );

        // Verify that the effect works without a callback
        $( "#elem" ).transfer( {
                to: ".animateClass",
                duration: 1
        } );
        setTimeout( function() {
        }, 25 );
} );

QUnit.test( "transfer() with callback", function( assert ) {
        var ready = assert.async();
        assert.expect( 1 );
        $( "#elem" ).transfer( {
                to: ".animateClass",
                duration: 1
        }, function() {
                assert.ok( true, "callback invoked" );
        } );
} );

$.each( $.effects.effect, function( effect ) {
        QUnit.module( "effects." + effect );

        common.testJshint( "effects/effect-" + effect );

        if ( effect === "transfer" ) {
        QUnit.test( "show/hide", function( assert ) {
                var ready = assert.async();
                assert.expect( 12 );
                var hidden = $( "div.hidden" ),
                        count = 0,
                        test = 0;

                function queueTest( fn ) {
                        var point = count;
                        return function( next ) {
                                assert.equal( point, test, "Queue function fired in order" );
                                if ( fn ) {
                                } else {
                                        setTimeout( next, minDuration );

                function duringTest( fn ) {
                        return function( next ) {
                                setTimeout( fn, minDuration / 2 );

                        .queue( queueTest() )
                        .queue( duringTest( function() {
                                assert.ok( ":animated" ),
                                        "Hidden is seen as animated during .show(\"" + effect + "\", time)" );
                        } ) )
                        .show( effect, minDuration, queueTest( function() {
                                assert.equal( hidden.css( "display" ), "block",
                                        "Hidden is shown after .show(\"" + effect + "\", time)" );
                                assert.ok( !$( ".ui-effects-placeholder" ).length,
                                        "No placeholder remains after .show(\"" + effect + "\", time)" );
                        } ) )
                        .queue( queueTest() )
                        .queue( duringTest( function() {
                                assert.ok( ":animated" ),
                                        "Hidden is seen as animated during .hide(\"" + effect + "\", time)" );
                        } ) )
                        .hide( effect, minDuration, queueTest( function() {
                                assert.equal( hidden.css( "display" ), "none",
                                        "Back to hidden after .hide(\"" + effect + "\", time)" );
                                assert.ok( !$( ".ui-effects-placeholder" ).length,
                                        "No placeholder remains after .hide(\"" + effect + "\", time)" );
                        } ) )
                        .queue( queueTest( function() {
                                assert.deepEqual( hidden.queue(), [ "inprogress" ], "Only the inprogress sentinel remains" );
                        } ) );
        } );

        QUnit.test( "relative width & height - properties are preserved", function( assert ) {
                var ready = assert.async();
                var test = $( "div.relWidth.relHeight" ),
                        width = test.width(), height = test.height(),
                        cssWidth = test[ 0 ].style.width, cssHeight = test[ 0 ].style.height;

                assert.expect( 4 );
                test.toggle( effect, minDuration, function() {
                        assert.equal( test[ 0 ].style.width, cssWidth, "Inline CSS Width has been reset after animation ended" );
                        assert.equal( test[ 0 ].style.height, cssHeight, "Inline CSS Height has been rest after animation ended" );
                } );
                assert.equal( test.width(), width, "Width is the same px after animation started" );
                assert.equal( test.height(), height, "Height is the same px after animation started" );
        } );
} );

} );