clockwerk-www – Rev

Subversion Repositories:
 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Contributors,
 * See CONTRIBUTORS for a full list of copyright holders.
 * See LICENSE for the full licensing terms of this file.

//This looks like its lifted from  
//I'd contact the original developer for licensing info, but his website is broken.

// Modified by Fumi.Iseki for CMS/LMS '10 3/29 - '10 6/8

class DB
        var $Host         = null;                               // Hostname of our MySQL server
        var $Database = null;                           // Logical database name on that server
        var $User         = null;                               // Database user
        var $Password = null;                           // Database user's password
        var $Link_ID  = null;                           // Result of mysql_connect()
        var $Query_ID = null;                           // Result of most recent mysql_query()
        var $Record       = array();                    // Current mysql_fetch_array()-result
        var $Row;                                                       // Current row number
        var $Errno    = 0;                                      // Error state of query
        var $Error    = '';

        var $Timeout;                                           // not implement yet

        function DB($dbhost=null, $dbname=null, $dbuser=null, $dbpass=null, $timeout=60)
                $this->Host     = $dbhost;      
                $this->Database = $dbname;      
                $this->User     = $dbuser;      
                $this->Password = $dbpass;      

                $this->Timeout  = $timeout;
                ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', $timeout);

        function set_DB($dbhost, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass)
                $this->Host     = $dbhost;      
                $this->Database = $dbname;      
                $this->User     = $dbuser;      
                $this->Password = $dbpass;      

        function halt($msg)
                echo "</td></tr></table><b>Database error:</b> $msg<br />\n";
                echo "<b>MySQL error</b>: $this->Errno ($this->Error)<br />\n";
                die('Session halted.');

        function connect()
                if ($this->Link_ID==null) {
                        $this->Link_ID = mysql_connect($this->Host, $this->User, $this->Password);
                        if (!$this->Link_ID) {
                                //$this->halt('Link_ID == false, connect failed');
                                $this->Errno = 999;

                        //if (_CHARSET=='UTF-8') mysql_set_charset('utf8'); 
                        $SelectResult = mysql_select_db($this->Database, $this->Link_ID);
                        if (!$SelectResult) {
                                $this->Errno = mysql_errno($this->Link_ID);
                                $this->Error = mysql_error($this->Link_ID);
                                $this->Link_ID = null;
                                $this->halt('cannot select database <i>'.$this->Database.'</i>');

        function escape($String)
                return mysql_real_escape_string($String);

        function query($Query_String)
                if ($this->Errno!=0) return 0;

                $this->Query_ID = mysql_query($Query_String, $this->Link_ID);
                $this->Row = 0;
                $this->Errno = mysql_errno();
                $this->Error = mysql_error();
                if (!$this->Query_ID) {
                        $this->halt('Invalid SQL: '.$Query_String);
                return $this->Query_ID;

        function next_record()
                $this->Record = @mysql_fetch_array($this->Query_ID);
                $this->Row += 1;
                $this->Errno = mysql_errno();
                $this->Error = mysql_error();
                $stat = is_array($this->Record);
                if (!$stat) {
                        $this->Query_ID = null;
                return $this->Record;

        function num_rows()
                return mysql_num_rows($this->Query_ID);

        function affected_rows()
                return mysql_affected_rows($this->Link_ID);

        function optimize($tbl_name)
                if ($this->Errno!=0) return;

                $this->Query_ID = @mysql_query('OPTIMIZE TABLE '.$tbl_name, $this->Link_ID);

        function clean_results()
                if ($this->Query_ID!=null) {
                        $this->Query_ID = null;

        function close()
                if ($this->Link_ID) {
                        $this->Link_ID = null;

        function exist_table($table, $lower_case=true)
                $ret = false;

                if ($lower_case) $table = strtolower($table);

                $this->query('SHOW TABLES');
                if ($this->Errno==0) {
                        while (list($db_tbl) = $this->next_record()) {
                                if ($lower_case) $db_tbl = strtolower($db_tbl);
                                if ($db_tbl==$table) {
                                        $ret = true;

                if ($this->Errno!=0) return false;

                $tl = mysql_list_tables($this->Database, $this->Link_ID);
                while($row=mysql_fetch_row($tl)) {
                        if (in_array($table, $row)) {
                                $ret = true;

                return $ret;

        function exist_field($table, $field, $lower_case=true)
                $ret1 = false;
                $ret2 = false;

                if ($lower_case) $cmp_table = strtolower($table);
                else             $cmp_table = $table;

                $this->query('SHOW TABLES');
                if ($this->Errno==0) {
                        while (list($db_tbl) = $this->next_record()) {
                                if ($lower_case) $db_tbl = strtolower($db_tbl);
                                if ($db_tbl==$cmp_table) {
                                        $ret1 = true;

                if ($ret1) {
                        $this->query('SHOW COLUMNS FROM '.$table);
                        if ($this->Errno==0) {
                                while (list($db_fld) = $this->next_record()) {
                                        if ($db_fld==$field) {
                                                $ret2 = true;

                return $ret2;

        function get_update_time($table, $unixtime=true)
                $update = "";
                if ($unixtime) $update = 0;

                $this->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE name='$table'");

                if ($this->Errno==0) {
                        $table_status = $this->next_record();
                        $update = $table_status['Update_time'];
                        if ($unixtime) {
                                if ($update!="") $update = strtotime($update);
                                else $update = 0;

                return $update;

        // Lock
        function lock_table($table, $mode='write')
                $this->query("LOCK TABLES ".$table." ".$mode);

        function unlock_table()
                $this->query("UNLOCK TABLES");

        // Timeout
        function set_default_timeout($tm)
        ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', $tm);
                $this->Timeout = $tm;

        function set_temp_timeout($tm)
        ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', $tm);

        function reset_timeout()
        ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', $this->Timeout);

