clockwerk-www – Rev 5

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This file acts as a client to the xmlrpc.php service, to test a call to the getAgentGroupMemberships() method.  This can be used to debug whether or not your installation is failing server side due to php, apache, or other similiar errors.


        //$client = new xmlrpc_client('');
        $client->return_type = 'phpvals';
        $verifyParams = new xmlrpcval(array('RequestingAgentID' => new xmlrpcval('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'string')
                                                                           ,'RequestingSessionID'  => new xmlrpcval('00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'string')
                                                                           ,'RequestingAgentUserService'  => new xmlrpcval('', 'string')
                                                                           ,'ReadKey'  => new xmlrpcval('XXXXX', 'string')
                                                                           ,'WriteKey' => new xmlrpcval('XXXXX', 'string')
                                                                           ,'AgentID'  => new xmlrpcval('61dfee5c-2440-49f7-8668-a47cecb19d04', 'string'))
                                                                           , 'struct');

        $message = new xmlrpcmsg("groups.getAgentGroupMemberships", array($verifyParams));
        $resp = $client->send($message, 5);
        if ($resp->faultCode()) 
                return array('error' => "Error validating AgentID and SessionID"
                           , 'xmlrpcerror'=> $resp->faultString()
                                   , 'params' => var_export($params, TRUE));
        $verifyReturn = $resp->value();
        if( !isset($verifyReturn['auth_session']) || ($verifyReturn['auth_session'] != 'TRUE') )
                return array('error' => "UserService.check_auth_session() did not return TRUE"
                                   , 'params' => var_export($params, TRUE));
