corrade-http-templates – Rev 25

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-:[ About ]:-

This template demonstrates downloading textures by asset UUID from
a Linden Lab grid using the Corrade scripted agent [1].

-:[ Requirements ]:-

  * A modern browser: Chome, Opera, Firefox, Safari...
  * A webserver.
  * PHP version 5 and beyond.
    * the curl extension.
    * the gd extension (libgd).

-:[ Setup ]:-

  1.) Rename "config.php.dist" to "config.php" and edit "config.php" 
      to reflect your settings in Corrade.ini
  2.) Enable the Corrade permissions for your configured group:
      * interact
  3.) Place the all the files in a directory on your webserver.
  4.) Navigate to downloadTexture.html in your browser and enjoy.

-:[ References ]:-

[1] Corrade -