configuration-templates – Rev 52

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##  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2017 - License: GNU GPLv3      ##
##  Please see: for legal details,  ##
##  rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions.        ##
## A class declaration for Apple NetBoot clients.                        ##
##   original by Bennett Perkin & Brandon (aka Sedorox)                  ##
##                                                                       ##
## You will have to change this file in order to change some addresses   ##
## and settings that cannot be parametrized.                             ##
##                                                                       ##
## Current configuration that needs to be changed:                       ##
##   * The server dishes out OSX image files and is located at:          ##
## (hex: C0:A8:00:01)                                    ##
##   * This file serves netboot images for El Capitan and Snow Leopard   ##
##   * The images are served through TFTP (boot) and NFS (image)         ##

class "Apple-Intel-NetBoot" {
    # Limit this class to only Intel Apple machines
    match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 14) = "AAPLBSDPC/i386";

    # From:
    # 1 - Subnet Mask
    # 3 - Router
    # 17 - Root Path
    # 43 - Vendor Specific
    # 60 - Class ID
    # Send these options to the client (possibly forcing it, if the client didn't request it)
    option dhcp-parameter-request-list 1,3,17,43,60;

    if (option dhcp-message-type = 8) {
        # on DHCPInform Messages, Us/Our (Server), Them (Client)
        # Let Them know we're responding with Apple BSDP Information
        option vendor-class-identifier "AAPLBSDPC";
        if (substring(option vendor-encapsulated-options, 0, 3) = 01:01:01) {
            log(info, "BSDP_LIST");
            # BSDP List
            # Let Them know this is the let, what server, the server's priority, what our default image is, and provide the image list.
            option vendor-encapsulated-options
                # Start BSDP Inform/List Option 1 (01:), Length 1 (01:), Message Type List(1) (01:)
                # BSDP option code 3 (length 04) -- Server Identifier        
                    # Server IP (, Dec->Hex
                # BSDP option code 4 (length 02) -- Server Priority
                    # Priority (32768) Dec -> Hex
                # BSDP option code 7 (length 04) -- Default Image ID   
                    # This is what is picked as Default when you only hold down N on the client
                    # 01 breaks into: 0 or 8 for Non-Install (NetBoot) set or Install (NetInstal) set,
                    # Then 0 for Mac OS 9, 1 for Mac OS X (Client) 2 for OS X Server, and 3 for Hardware Diagnostics
                    # 4 through 127 (x4:00-xf:ff) reversed for future use
                    # And the last two are for the Image ID (Dec->Hex)
                    # IDs 1-4095 (00:01-0F:FF) are for Server-Specific Images (You will probably want an ID in this range)
                    # IDs 4096-65535 (10:00-FF:FF) Are "Globally-Unique", Multiple servers can present this same ID
                    # and the client will only see one image, and pick a random(?) server to talk to.
                    # Image ID - (137) Dec->Hex
                # BSDP option code 9 -- Boot image list
                    # Length = 5 * <number of images> + <sum of the number of characters in the image name>
                    # For this case: 5 * (2 images) + (20 characters + 23 characters) = 53 = 35 in hexadecimal
                        # This only appears once in the package, no matter how many images you have below
                        # Image ID (137) -- dec->hex, see above (Default Image ID) for how to formulate the full ID
                            # Format: <sum of characters in image name>:<the name of the image in Hex>
                            # For this example: 20 characters so 14 hex:N:e:t:B:o:o:t: :(:E:l: :C:a:p:i:t:a:n:):
                        # Image ID -- 138
                            # Note that since no other images follow, this is ended by the semi-colon (;) - otherwise
                            # this segment would end with colon (:) after which the other images would follow.
                            # 23 characters so 17 hex:N:e:t:I:n:s:t:a:l:l: :(:E:l: :C:a:p:i:t:a:n:):
            # Image ID -- 139
                # 22 characters so 16 hex:N:e:t:B:o:o:t: :(:S:n:o:w: :L:e:o:p:a:r:d:):
        } elsif (substring(option vendor-encapsulated-options, 0, 3) = 01:01:02) {
            log(info, "BSDP_SELECT");
            # This is BSDP Option 3 (Length 04)
            # BSDP Select, This is the client selecting which image they want to boot from
            # Here we basically do if statements to catch what image is referenced
            # Since we MIGHT be clustered, Check to see if we're the server being asked.
            # In this example "AC:10:01:01" is the hex representation of "" which
            # is the IP address of the server dishing out the image files for net booting.
            if (substring(option vendor-encapsulated-options, 9, 4) = C0:A8:00:01) {
                log(info, "BSDP_SELECT-Responding, Client is talking to us.");
                # Catch Image ID 01:00:00:89 defined above (NetBoot)
                if (substring(option vendor-encapsulated-options, 15, 4) = 01:00:00:89) {
                    log(info, "BSDP_SELECT-Image: NetBoot (El Capitan)");

                    # This file is retrieved from System Image Utility on OS X when it creates a NetBoot image.
                    # The "booter" file along with all the other files are created by the System Image Utility
                    # on OS X and placed where the .NBI folder is created under i386/. The files must be then
                    # be copied from OSX and then served by the server through tftpd (Trivial FTP) by this server.
                    # Tree structure is:
                    # /srv
                    #   +
                    #   |
                    #   +- /tftp
                    #        +
                    #        |
                    #        + /Apple
                    #            +
                    #            |
                    #            + /NetBoot
                    #                 +
                    #                 |
                    #                 +- /macnbi-i386
                    #                         +
                    #                         |
                    #                         +- booter
                    #                         +- PlatformSupport.plist
                    #                         +- x86_64
                    #                              +
                    #                              |
                    #                              +- kernelcache
                    filename "/srv/tftp/pxe/Mac/NetBoot/El\ Capitan/macnbi-i386/booter";

                    # In this example HTTP is used to serve the image.
                    # Tree structure is:
                    # Web Server Root
                    #       +
                    #       |
                    #       +- /Apple
                    #            +
                    #            |
                    #            +- /Netboot
                    #            +
                    #            |
                    #            +- El Capitan (space encoded with %20)
                    #                   +
                    #                   |
                    #                   +- NetBoot.dmg
                    #                   +- NBImageInfo.plist
                    ## Serve images either through HTTP...
                    ## option root-path "";
                    ## ... or NFS.
                    option root-path "nfs:\ Capitan:NetBoot.dmg";
                # Catch Image ID 81:00:00:8A defined above (NetBoot)
                } elsif(substring(option vendor-encapsulated-options, 15, 4) = 81:00:00:8A) {
                    log(info, "BSDP_SELECT-Image: NetInstall (El Capitan)");
                    filename "/srv/tftp/pxe/Mac/NetInstall/El\ Capitan/macnbi-i386/booter";
                    ## Serve images either through HTTP...
                    ## option root-path "";
                    ## ... or NFS.
                    option root-path "nfs:\ Capitan:NetInstall.dmg";
                } elsif(substring(option vendor-encapsulated-options, 15, 4) = 01:00:00:8B) {
                    log(info, "BSDP_SELECT-Image: NetBoot (Snow Leopard)");
                    filename "/srv/tftp/pxe/Mac/NetBoot/Snow\ Leopard/macnbi-i386/booter";
                    ## Serve images either through HTTP...
                    ## option root-path "";
                    ## ... or NFS.
                    option root-path "nfs:\ Leopard:NetBoot.dmg";
                } else {
                    log(info,"BSDP_SELECT-ERROR: Client responded with an image we don't have a match for! -- (Image added to list, but not in select catch?)");
            } else {
                # Client is talking to a different machine.
                log(info,"BSDP_SELECT-Ignoring, Client is talking to another server!");