node-http-server – Rev 26

Subversion Repositories:
// Main configuration file.
module.exports = {
    // Network related settings.
    net: {
        // The address or hostname that the HTTP server will be listening on.
        address: 'localhost',
        // The port that the HTTP server will be listening on.
        port: 8070,
    log: {
        // The relative path to where to place the server log file.
        file: 'logs/server.log',
    // Authentication settings.
    auth: {
        // The web locations that require authentication.
        locations: [
        // The authentication realm.
        realm: 'Wizardry and Steamworks',
        // The path to the password digset file containing users and passwords.
        digest: 'auth/htpasswd',
    site: {
        // The document index that will be served when a directory is requested.
        index: 'index.html',
        // The web locations for which sending a directory index is allowed.
        indexing: [
        // Any file matching these regular expressions will be offered.
        accept: [
        // Any files matching these regular expressions will never be offered.
        reject: [
        //  The name of the website.
        name: 'Wizardry and Steamworks',
    ssl: {
        // Whether to enable HTTPs through SSL.
        enable: true,
        // The size of the key to generate for SSL.
        privateKeySize: 1024,
        // The address or hostname that the HTTPs server will be listening on.
        address: 'localhost',
        // The port that the HTTPs server will be listening on.
        port: 8080