wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 7

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# 2006 November 23
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file implements regression tests for SQLite library.  The
# focus of this script is measuring executing speed.
# $Id: speed2.test,v 1.7 2007/04/16 15:02:20 drh Exp $

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
speed_trial_init speed2

# Set a uniform random seed
expr srand(0)

set sqlout [open speed2.txt w]
proc tracesql {sql} {
  puts $::sqlout $sql\;
#db trace tracesql

# The number_name procedure below converts its argment (an integer)
# into a string which is the English-language name for that number.
# Example:
#     puts [number_name 123]   ->  "one hundred twenty three"
set ones {zero one two three four five six seven eight nine
          ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen
          eighteen nineteen}
set tens {{} ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety}
proc number_name {n} {
  if {$n>=1000} {
    set txt "[number_name [expr {$n/1000}]] thousand"
    set n [expr {$n%1000}]
  } else {
    set txt {}
  if {$n>=100} {
    append txt " [lindex $::ones [expr {$n/100}]] hundred"
    set n [expr {$n%100}]
  if {$n>=20} {
    append txt " [lindex $::tens [expr {$n/10}]]"
    set n [expr {$n%10}]
  if {$n>0} {
    append txt " [lindex $::ones $n]"
  set txt [string trim $txt]
  if {$txt==""} {set txt zero}
  return $txt

# Create a database schema.
do_test speed2-1.0 {
  execsql {
    PRAGMA page_size=1024;
    PRAGMA cache_size=8192;
    PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;
    CREATE INDEX i2a ON t2(a);
    CREATE INDEX i2b ON t2(b);
  execsql {
    SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ORDER BY 1;
} {i2a i2b t1 t2}

# 50000 INSERTs on an unindexed table
set sql {}
for {set i 1} {$i<=50000} {incr i} {
  set r [expr {int(rand()*500000)}]
  append sql "INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($i,$r,'[number_name $r]');\n"
db eval BEGIN
speed_trial speed2-insert1 50000 row $sql
db eval COMMIT

# 50000 INSERTs on an indexed table
set sql {}
for {set i 1} {$i<=50000} {incr i} {
  set r [expr {int(rand()*500000)}]
  append sql "INSERT INTO t2 VALUES($i,$r,'[number_name $r]');\n"
db eval BEGIN
speed_trial speed2-insert2 50000 row $sql
db eval COMMIT

# 50 SELECTs on an integer comparison.  There is no index so
# a full table scan is required.
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<50} {incr i} {
  set lwr [expr {$i*100}]
  set upr [expr {($i+10)*100}]
  append sql "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t1 WHERE b>=$lwr AND b<$upr;"
speed_trial speed2-select1a [expr {50*50000}] row $sql

# 50 SELECTs on an LIKE comparison.  There is no index so a full
# table scan is required.
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<50} {incr i} {
  append sql \
    "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE '%[number_name $i]%';"
speed_trial speed2-select2a [expr {50*50000}] row $sql

# Vacuum
speed_trial speed2-vacuum1 100000 row VACUUM

# 50 SELECTs on an integer comparison.  There is no index so
# a full table scan is required.
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<50} {incr i} {
  set lwr [expr {$i*100}]
  set upr [expr {($i+10)*100}]
  append sql "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t1 WHERE b>=$lwr AND b<$upr;"
speed_trial speed2-select1b [expr {50*50000}] row $sql

# 50 SELECTs on an LIKE comparison.  There is no index so a full
# table scan is required.
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<50} {incr i} {
  append sql \
    "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t1 WHERE c LIKE '%[number_name $i]%';"
speed_trial speed2-select2b [expr {50*50000}] row $sql

# Create indices
db eval BEGIN
speed_trial speed2-createidx 150000 row {
  CREATE INDEX i1a ON t1(a);
  CREATE INDEX i1b ON t1(b);
  CREATE INDEX i1c ON t1(c);
db eval COMMIT

# 5000 SELECTs on an integer comparison where the integer is
# indexed.
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<5000} {incr i} {
  set lwr [expr {$i*100}]
  set upr [expr {($i+10)*100}]
  append sql "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t1 WHERE b>=$lwr AND b<$upr;"
speed_trial speed2-select3a 5000 stmt $sql

# 100000 random SELECTs against rowid.
set sql {}
for {set i 1} {$i<=100000} {incr i} {
  set id [expr {int(rand()*50000)+1}]
  append sql "SELECT c=='hi' FROM t1 WHERE rowid=$id;\n"
speed_trial speed2-select4a 100000 row $sql

# 100000 random SELECTs against a unique indexed column.
set sql {}
for {set i 1} {$i<=100000} {incr i} {
  set id [expr {int(rand()*50000)+1}]
  append sql "SELECT c FROM t1 WHERE a=$id;"
speed_trial speed2-select5a 100000 row $sql

# 50000 random SELECTs against an indexed column text column
set sql {}
db eval {SELECT c FROM t1 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 50000} {
  append sql "SELECT c FROM t1 WHERE c='$c';"
speed_trial speed2-select6a 50000 row $sql

# Vacuum
speed_trial speed2-vacuum2 100000 row VACUUM

# 5000 SELECTs on an integer comparison where the integer is
# indexed.
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<5000} {incr i} {
  set lwr [expr {$i*100}]
  set upr [expr {($i+10)*100}]
  append sql "SELECT count(*), avg(b) FROM t1 WHERE b>=$lwr AND b<$upr;"
speed_trial speed2-select3b 5000 stmt $sql

# 100000 random SELECTs against rowid.
set sql {}
for {set i 1} {$i<=100000} {incr i} {
  set id [expr {int(rand()*50000)+1}]
  append sql "SELECT c=='hi' FROM t1 WHERE rowid=$id;\n"
speed_trial speed2-select4b 100000 row $sql

# 100000 random SELECTs against a unique indexed column.
set sql {}
for {set i 1} {$i<=100000} {incr i} {
  set id [expr {int(rand()*50000)+1}]
  append sql "SELECT c FROM t1 WHERE a=$id;"
speed_trial speed2-select5b 100000 row $sql

# 50000 random SELECTs against an indexed column text column
set sql {}
db eval {SELECT c FROM t1 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 50000} {
  append sql "SELECT c FROM t1 WHERE c='$c';"
speed_trial speed2-select6b 50000 row $sql

# 5000 updates of ranges where the field being compared is indexed.
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<5000} {incr i} {
  set lwr [expr {$i*2}]
  set upr [expr {($i+1)*2}]
  append sql "UPDATE t1 SET b=b*2 WHERE a>=$lwr AND a<$upr;"
db eval BEGIN
speed_trial speed2-update1 5000 stmt $sql
db eval COMMIT

# 50000 single-row updates.  An index is used to find the row quickly.
set sql {}
for {set i 0} {$i<50000} {incr i} {
  set r [expr {int(rand()*500000)}]
  append sql "UPDATE t1 SET b=$r WHERE a=$i;"
db eval BEGIN
speed_trial speed2-update2 50000 row $sql
db eval COMMIT

# 1 big text update that touches every row in the table.
speed_trial speed2-update3 50000 row {
  UPDATE t1 SET c=a;

# Many individual text updates.  Each row in the table is
# touched through an index.
set sql {}
for {set i 1} {$i<=50000} {incr i} {
  set r [expr {int(rand()*500000)}]
  append sql "UPDATE t1 SET c='[number_name $r]' WHERE a=$i;"
db eval BEGIN
speed_trial speed2-update4 50000 row $sql
db eval COMMIT

# Delete all content in a table.
speed_trial speed2-delete1 50000 row {DELETE FROM t1}

# Copy one table into another
speed_trial speed2-copy1 50000 row {INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t2}

# Delete all content in a table, one row at a time.
speed_trial speed2-delete2 50000 row {DELETE FROM t1 WHERE 1}

# Refill the table yet again
speed_trial speed2-copy2 50000 row {INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t2}

# Drop the table and recreate it without its indices.
db eval BEGIN
speed_trial speed2-drop1 50000 row {
db eval COMMIT

# Refill the table yet again.  This copy should be faster because
# there are no indices to deal with.
speed_trial speed2-copy3 50000 row {INSERT INTO t1 SELECT * FROM t2}

# Select 20000 rows from the table at random.
speed_trial speed2-random1 50000 row {
  SELECT rowid FROM t1 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 20000

# Delete 20000 random rows from the table.
speed_trial speed2-random-del1 20000 row {
    (SELECT rowid FROM t1 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 20000)
do_test speed2-1.1 {
  db one {SELECT count(*) FROM t1}
} 30000

# Delete 20000 more rows at random from the table.
speed_trial speed2-random-del2 20000 row {
    (SELECT rowid FROM t1 ORDER BY random() LIMIT 20000)
do_test speed2-1.2 {
  db one {SELECT count(*) FROM t1}
} 10000
speed_trial_summary speed2
