wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 7

Subversion Repositories:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# This file runs all C#SQLite tests.
# $Header$
source $testdir/permutations.test

set excludeList { ^* _* *.c *.tcl
  all.test        async.test         quick.test  veryquick.test
  memleak.test    permutations.test  soak.test   fts3.test
  mallocAll.test  rtree.test }

#Exclude Configuration Tests
append excludeList { dbstatus.test init.test pcache2.test tkt2565.test}

#Exclude Multiclient & pipe tests
append excludeList { exists.test pager1.test schema3.test tkt-5d863f876e.test tkt-fc62af4523.test tkt4018.test}

#Exclude Mutex tests
append excludeList { mutex1.test mutex2.test }

#Exclude Shared Cache
append excludeList { tkt-f7b4edec.test }

#Exclude for not Unix
append excludeList { crash.test crash2.test }

#Exclude for VFS tests
append excludeList { incrblob3.test journal2.test pager2.test quota.test tkt-9d68c883.test tkt-f3e5abed55.test e_uri.test uri.test}

#Exclude for now TODO
append excludeList { analyze7.test e_select2.test savepoint6.test speed*.test}

if { $TESTSUITE == "ALL" } { 
set csTests [test_set $alltests -exclude $excludeList] 
} else { 
set csTests [test_set $allquicktests -exclude $excludeList]  

test_suite "C#SQLitetests" -prefix "" -description {
  Quick test suite for C#-SQLite. Runs in around 7 minutes on a workstation.
} -files [ 
  test_set $csTests

test_suite "C#SQLiteErrors" -prefix "" -description {
  Run just the Errors
} -files [list { 

test_suite "C#SQLiteFilterTests" -prefix "" -description {
  Run all the tests, following a pattern of filenames
}  -files [test_set [glob -nocomplain $::testdir/$filter*] -exclude $excludeList]