OpenWrt – Rev 2

Subversion Repositories:
# Server configuration
config uhttpd main

        # HTTP listen addresses, multiple allowed
        list listen_http
        list listen_http        [::]:80

        # HTTPS listen addresses, multiple allowed
        list listen_https
        list listen_https       [::]:443

        # Redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS if possible
        option redirect_https   1

        # Server document root
        option home             /www

        # Reject requests from RFC1918 IP addresses
        # directed to the servers public IP(s).
        # This is a DNS rebinding countermeasure.
        option rfc1918_filter 1

        # Maximum number of concurrent requests.
        # If this number is exceeded, further requests are
        # queued until the number of running requests drops
        # below the limit again.
        option max_requests 1

        # Maximum number of concurrent connections.
        # If this number is exceeded, further TCP connection
        # attempts are queued until the number of active
        # connections drops below the limit again.
        option max_connections 100

        # Certificate and private key for HTTPS.
        # If no listen_https addresses are given,
        # the key options are ignored.
        option cert             /etc/uhttpd.crt
        option key              /etc/uhttpd.key

        # CGI url prefix, will be searched in docroot.
        # Default is /cgi-bin
        option cgi_prefix       /cgi-bin

        # List of extension->interpreter mappings.
        # Files with an associated interpreter can
        # be called outside of the CGI prefix and do
        # not need to be executable.
#       list interpreter        ".php=/usr/bin/php-cgi"
#       list interpreter        ".cgi=/usr/bin/perl"

        # List of prefix->Lua handler mappings.
        # Any request to an URL beneath the prefix
        # will be dispatched to the associated Lua
        # handler script. Lua support is disabled when
        # no handler mappings are specified. Lua prefix
        # matches have precedence over the CGI prefix.
        list lua_prefix         "/cgi-bin/luci=/usr/lib/lua/luci/sgi/uhttpd.lua"

        # Specify the ubus-rpc prefix and socket path.
#       option ubus_prefix      /ubus
#       option ubus_socket      /var/run/ubus.sock

        # CGI/Lua timeout, if the called script does not
        # write data within the given amount of seconds,
        # the server will terminate the request with
        # 504 Gateway Timeout response.
        option script_timeout   60

        # Network timeout, if the current connection is
        # blocked for the specified amount of seconds,
        # the server will terminate the associated
        # request process.
        option network_timeout  30

        # HTTP Keep-Alive, specifies the timeout for persistent
        # HTTP/1.1 connections. Setting this to 0 will disable
        # persistent HTTP connections.
        option http_keepalive   20

        # TCP Keep-Alive, send periodic keep-alive probes
        # over established connections to detect dead peers.
        # The value is given in seconds to specify the
        # interval between subsequent probes.
        # Setting this to 0 will disable TCP keep-alive.
        option tcp_keepalive    1

        # Basic auth realm, defaults to local hostname
#       option realm    OpenWrt

        # Configuration file in busybox httpd format
#       option config   /etc/httpd.conf

        # Do not follow symlinks that point outside of the
        # home directory.
#       option no_symlinks      0

        # Do not produce directory listings but send 403
        # instead if a client requests an url pointing to
        # a directory without any index file.
#       option no_dirlists      0

        # Do not authenticate any ubus-rpc requests against
        # the ubus session/access procedure.
        # This is dangerous and should be always left off
        # except for development and debug purposes!
#       option no_ubusauth      0

        # For this instance of uhttpd use the listed httpauth
        # sections to require Basic auth to the specified
        # resources.
#       list httpauth prefix_user

# Defaults for automatic certificate and key generation
config cert defaults

        # Validity time
        option days             730

        # RSA key size
        option bits             2048

        # Location
        option country          ZZ
        option state            Somewhere
        option location         Unknown

        # Common name
        option commonname       '%D'

# config httpauth prefix_user
#       option prefix /protected/url/path
#       option username user
#       option password 'plaintext_or_md5_or_$p$user_for_system_user'