scratch – Rev 94

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/* drawingboard.js v0.4.6 -
* Copyright (c) 2015 Emmanuel Pelletier
* Licensed MIT */
(function() {
'use strict';

 * SimpleUndo is a very basic javascript undo/redo stack for managing histories of basically anything.
 * options are: {
 *      * `provider` : required. a function to call on `save`, which should provide the current state of the historized object through the given "done" callback
 *      * `maxLength` : the maximum number of items in history
 *      * `opUpdate` : a function to call to notify of changes in history. Will be called on `save`, `undo`, `redo` and `clear`
 * }
var SimpleUndo = function(options) {
        var settings = options ? options : {};
        var defaultOptions = {
                provider: function() {
                        throw new Error("No provider!");
                maxLength: 30,
                onUpdate: function() {}
        this.provider = (typeof settings.provider != 'undefined') ? settings.provider : defaultOptions.provider;
        this.maxLength = (typeof settings.maxLength != 'undefined') ? settings.maxLength : defaultOptions.maxLength;
        this.onUpdate = (typeof settings.onUpdate != 'undefined') ? settings.onUpdate : defaultOptions.onUpdate;
        this.initialItem = null;

function truncate (stack, limit) {
        while (stack.length > limit) {

SimpleUndo.prototype.initialize = function(initialItem) {
        this.stack[0] = initialItem;
        this.initialItem = initialItem;

SimpleUndo.prototype.clear = function() {
        this.stack = [this.initialItem];
        this.position = 0;
}; = function() {
        this.provider(function(current) {
                truncate(this.stack, this.maxLength);
                this.position = Math.min(this.position,this.stack.length - 1);
                this.stack = this.stack.slice(0, this.position + 1);

SimpleUndo.prototype.undo = function(callback) {
        if (this.canUndo()) {
                var item =  this.stack[--this.position];
                if (callback) {

SimpleUndo.prototype.redo = function(callback) {
        if (this.canRedo()) {
                var item = this.stack[++this.position];
                if (callback) {

SimpleUndo.prototype.canUndo = function() {
        return this.position > 0;

SimpleUndo.prototype.canRedo = function() {
        return this.position < this.count();

SimpleUndo.prototype.count = function() {
        return this.stack.length - 1; // -1 because of initial item

// node module
if (typeof module != 'undefined') {
        module.exports = SimpleUndo;

// browser global
if (typeof window != 'undefined') {
        window.SimpleUndo = SimpleUndo;

window.DrawingBoard = typeof DrawingBoard !== "undefined" ? DrawingBoard : {};

DrawingBoard.Utils = {};

* Tim (lite)
        A tiny, secure JavaScript micro-templating script.
DrawingBoard.Utils.tpl = (function(){
        "use strict";

        var start   = "{{",
                end     = "}}",
                path    = "[a-z0-9_][\\.a-z0-9_]*", // e.g.
                pattern = new RegExp(start + "\\s*("+ path +")\\s*" + end, "gi"),

        return function(template, data){
                // Merge data into the template string
                return template.replace(pattern, function(tag, token){
                        var path = token.split("."),
                                len = path.length,
                                lookup = data,
                                i = 0;

                        for (; i < len; i++){
                                lookup = lookup[path[i]];

                                // Property not found
                                if (lookup === undef){
                                        throw "tim: '" + path[i] + "' not found in " + tag;

                                // Return the required value
                                if (i === len - 1){
                                        return lookup;

 * MicroEvent - to make any js object an event emitter (server or browser)
 * - pure javascript - server compatible, browser compatible
 * - dont rely on the browser doms
 * - super simple - you get it immediatly, no mistery, no magic involved
 * - create a MicroEventDebug with goodies to debug
 *   - make it safer to use
DrawingBoard.Utils.MicroEvent = function(){};

DrawingBoard.Utils.MicroEvent.prototype = {
        bind : function(event, fct){
                this._events = this._events || {};
                this._events[event] = this._events[event]       || [];
        unbind : function(event, fct){
                this._events = this._events || {};
                if( event in this._events === false  )  return;
                this._events[event].splice(this._events[event].indexOf(fct), 1);
        trigger : function(event /* , args... */){
                this._events = this._events || {};
                if( event in this._events === false  )  return;
                for(var i = 0; i < this._events[event].length; i++){
                        this._events[event][i].apply(this,, 1));

//I know.
DrawingBoard.Utils._boxBorderSize = function($el, withPadding, withMargin, direction) {
        withPadding = !!withPadding || true;
        withMargin = !!withMargin || false;
        var width = 0,
        if (direction == "width") {
                props = ['border-left-width', 'border-right-width'];
                if (withPadding) props.push('padding-left', 'padding-right');
                if (withMargin) props.push('margin-left', 'margin-right');
        } else {
                props = ['border-top-width', 'border-bottom-width'];
                if (withPadding) props.push('padding-top', 'padding-bottom');
                if (withMargin) props.push('margin-top', 'margin-bottom');
        for (var i = props.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                width += parseInt($el.css(props[i]).replace('px', ''), 10);
        return width;

DrawingBoard.Utils.boxBorderWidth = function($el, withPadding, withMargin) {
        return DrawingBoard.Utils._boxBorderSize($el, withPadding, withMargin, 'width');

DrawingBoard.Utils.boxBorderHeight = function($el, withPadding, withMargin) {
        return DrawingBoard.Utils._boxBorderSize($el, withPadding, withMargin, 'height');

DrawingBoard.Utils.isColor = function(string) {
        if (!string || !string.length) return false;
        return (/(^#[0-9A-F]{6}$)|(^#[0-9A-F]{3}$)/i).test(string) || $.inArray(string.substring(0, 3), ['rgb', 'hsl']) !== -1;

 * Packs an RGB color into a single integer.
DrawingBoard.Utils.RGBToInt = function(r, g, b) {
        var c = 0;
        c |= (r & 255) << 16;
        c |= (g & 255) << 8;
        c |= (b & 255);
        return c;

 * Returns informations on the pixel located at (x,y).
DrawingBoard.Utils.pixelAt = function(image, x, y) {
        var i = (y * image.width + x) * 4;
        var c = DrawingBoard.Utils.RGBToInt(
      [i + 1],
      [i + 2]

        return [
                i, // INDEX
                x, // X
                y, // Y
                c  // COLOR

 * Compares two colors with the given tolerance (between 0 and 255).
DrawingBoard.Utils.compareColors = function(a, b, tolerance) {
        if (tolerance === 0) {
                return (a === b);

        var ra = (a >> 16) & 255, rb = (b >> 16) & 255,
                ga = (a >> 8) & 255, gb = (b >> 8) & 255,
                ba = a & 255, bb = b & 255;

        return (Math.abs(ra - rb) <= tolerance)
                && (Math.abs(ga - gb) <= tolerance)
                && (Math.abs(ba - bb) <= tolerance);

(function() {
        var lastTime = 0;
        var vendors = ['ms', 'moz', 'webkit', 'o'];
        for(var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; ++x) {
                window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'RequestAnimationFrame'];
                window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x]+'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x]+'CancelRequestAnimationFrame'];

window.DrawingBoard = typeof DrawingBoard !== "undefined" ? DrawingBoard : {};

 * pass the id of the html element to put the drawing board into
 * and some options : {
 *      controls: array of controls to initialize with the drawingboard. 'Colors', 'Size', and 'Navigation' by default
 *              instead of simple strings, you can pass an object to define a control opts
 *              ie ['Color', { Navigation: { reset: false }}]
 *      controlsPosition: "top left" by default. Define where to put the controls: at the "top" or "bottom" of the canvas, aligned to "left"/"right"/"center"
 *      background: background of the drawing board. Give a hex color or an image url "#ffffff" (white) by default
 *      color: pencil color ("#000000" by default)
 *      size: pencil size (3 by default)
 *      webStorage: 'session', 'local' or false ('session' by default). store the current drawing in session or local storage and restore it when you come back
 *      droppable: true or false (false by default). If true, dropping an image on the canvas will include it and allow you to draw on it,
 *      errorMessage: html string to put in the board's element on browsers that don't support canvas.
 *      stretchImg: default behavior of image setting on the canvas: set to the canvas width/height or not? false by default
 * }
DrawingBoard.Board = function(id, opts) {
        this.opts = this.mergeOptions(opts);

        this.ev = new DrawingBoard.Utils.MicroEvent(); = id;
        this.$el = $(document.getElementById(id));
        if (!this.$el.length)
                return false;

        var tpl = '<div class="drawing-board-canvas-wrapper"></canvas><canvas class="drawing-board-canvas"></canvas><div class="drawing-board-cursor drawing-board-utils-hidden"></div></div>';
        if (this.opts.controlsPosition.indexOf("bottom") > -1) tpl += '<div class="drawing-board-controls"></div>';
        else tpl = '<div class="drawing-board-controls"></div>' + tpl;

        this.dom = {
                $canvasWrapper: this.$el.find('.drawing-board-canvas-wrapper'),
                $canvas: this.$el.find('.drawing-board-canvas'),
                $cursor: this.$el.find('.drawing-board-cursor'),
                $controls: this.$el.find('.drawing-board-controls')

        $.each(['left', 'right', 'center'], $.proxy(function(n, val) {
                if (this.opts.controlsPosition.indexOf(val) > -1) {
                        this.dom.$controls.attr('data-align', val);
                        return false;
        }, this));

        this.canvas = this.dom.$canvas.get(0);
        this.ctx = this.canvas && this.canvas.getContext && this.canvas.getContext('2d') ? this.canvas.getContext('2d') : null;
        this.color = this.opts.color;

        if (!this.ctx) {
                if (this.opts.errorMessage)
                return false;
        } = this._getStorage();

        //init default board values before controls are added (mostly pencil color and size)
        this.reset({ webStorage: false, history: false, background: false });
        //init controls (they will need the default board values to work like pencil color and size)
        //set board's size after the controls div is added
        //reset the board to take all resized space
        this.reset({ webStorage: false, history: false, background: true });

DrawingBoard.Board.defaultOpts = {
        controls: ['Color', 'DrawingMode', 'Size', 'Navigation'],
        controlsPosition: "top left",
        color: "#000000",
        size: 1,
        background: "#fff",
        eraserColor: "background",
        fillTolerance: 100,
        fillHack: true, //try to prevent issues with anti-aliasing with a little hack by default
        webStorage: 'session',
        droppable: false,
        enlargeYourContainer: false,
        errorMessage: "<p>It seems you use an obsolete browser. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Update it</a> to start drawing.</p>",
        stretchImg: false //when setting the canvas img, strech the image at the whole canvas size when this opt is true

DrawingBoard.Board.prototype = {

        mergeOptions: function(opts) {
                opts = $.extend({}, DrawingBoard.Board.defaultOpts, opts);
                if (!opts.background && opts.eraserColor === "background")
                        opts.eraserColor = "transparent";
                return opts;

         * Canvas reset/resize methods: put back the canvas to its default values
         * depending on options, can set color, size, background back to default values
         * and store the reseted canvas in webstorage and history queue
         * resize values depend on the `enlargeYourContainer` option

        reset: function(opts) {
                opts = $.extend({
                        color: this.opts.color,
                        size: this.opts.size,
                        webStorage: true,
                        history: true,
                        background: false
                }, opts);


                if (opts.background) {
                        this.resetBackground(this.opts.background, $.proxy(function() {
                                if (opts.history) this.saveHistory();
                        }, this));

                if (opts.color) this.setColor(opts.color);
                if (opts.size) this.ctx.lineWidth = opts.size;

                this.ctx.lineCap = "round";
                this.ctx.lineJoin = "round";
                // this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.width);

                if (opts.webStorage) this.saveWebStorage();

                // if opts.background we already dealt with the history
                if (opts.history && !opts.background) this.saveHistory();

                this.blankCanvas = this.getImg();

                this.ev.trigger('board:reset', opts);

        resetBackground: function(background, callback) {
                background = background || this.opts.background;

                var bgIsColor = DrawingBoard.Utils.isColor(background);
                var prevMode = this.getMode();
                this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);
                if (bgIsColor) {
                        this.ctx.fillStyle = background;
                        this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);
                        if (callback) callback();
                } else if (background)
                        this.setImg(background, {
                                callback: $.proxy(function() {
                                        if (callback) callback();
                                }, this)

        resize: function() {
                this.dom.$controls.toggleClass('drawing-board-controls-hidden', (!this.controls || !this.controls.length));

                var canvasWidth, canvasHeight;
                var widths = [
                        DrawingBoard.Utils.boxBorderWidth(this.dom.$canvasWrapper, true, true)
                var heights = [
                        DrawingBoard.Utils.boxBorderHeight(this.dom.$controls, false, true),
                        DrawingBoard.Utils.boxBorderHeight(this.dom.$canvasWrapper, true, true)
                var that = this;
                var sum = function(values, multiplier) { //make the sum of all array values
                        multiplier = multiplier || 1;
                        var res = values[0];
                        for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
                                res = res + (values[i]*multiplier);
                        return res;
                var sub = function(values) { return sum(values, -1); }; //substract all array values from the first one

                if (this.opts.enlargeYourContainer) {
                        canvasWidth = this.$el.width();
                        canvasHeight = this.$el.height();

                        this.$el.width( sum(widths) );
                        this.$el.height( sum(heights) );
                } else {
                        canvasWidth = sub(widths);
                        canvasHeight = sub(heights);

                this.dom.$canvasWrapper.css('width', canvasWidth + 'px');
                this.dom.$canvasWrapper.css('height', canvasHeight + 'px');

                this.dom.$canvas.css('width', canvasWidth + 'px');
                this.dom.$canvas.css('height', canvasHeight + 'px');

                this.canvas.width = canvasWidth;
                this.canvas.height = canvasHeight;

         * Controls:
         * the drawing board can has various UI elements to control it.
         * one control is represented by a class in the namespace DrawingBoard.Control
         * it must have a $el property (jQuery object), representing the html element to append on the drawing board at initialization.

        initControls: function() {
                this.controls = [];
                if (!this.opts.controls.length || !DrawingBoard.Control) return false;
                for (var i = 0; i < this.opts.controls.length; i++) {
                        var c = null;
                        if (typeof this.opts.controls[i] == "string")
                                c = new window['DrawingBoard']['Control'][this.opts.controls[i]](this);
                        else if (typeof this.opts.controls[i] == "object") {
                                for (var controlName in this.opts.controls[i]) break;
                                c = new window['DrawingBoard']['Control'][controlName](this, this.opts.controls[i][controlName]);
                        if (c) {

        //add a new control or an existing one at the position you want in the UI
        //to add a totally new control, you can pass a string with the js class as 1st parameter and control options as 2nd ie "addControl('Navigation', { reset: false }"
        //the last parameter (2nd or 3rd depending on the situation) is always the position you want to place the control at
        addControl: function(control, optsOrPos, pos) {
                if (typeof control !== "string" && (typeof control !== "object" || !control instanceof DrawingBoard.Control))
                        return false;

                var opts = typeof optsOrPos == "object" ? optsOrPos : {};
                pos = pos ? pos*1 : (typeof optsOrPos == "number" ? optsOrPos : null);

                if (typeof control == "string")
                        control = new window['DrawingBoard']['Control'][control](this, opts);

                if (pos)

                if (!this.controls)
                        this.controls = [];

         * History methods: undo and redo drawed lines

        initHistory: function() {
                this.history = new SimpleUndo({
                        maxLength: 30,
                        provider: $.proxy(function(done) {
                        }, this),
                        onUpdate: $.proxy(function() {
                        }, this)

        saveHistory: function() {

        restoreHistory: function(image) {
                this.setImg(image, {
                        callback: $.proxy(function() {
                        }, this)

        goBackInHistory: function() {
                this.history.undo($.proxy(this.restoreHistory, this));

        goForthInHistory: function() {
                this.history.redo($.proxy(this.restoreHistory, this));

         * Image methods: you can directly put an image on the canvas, get it in base64 data url or start a download

        setImg: function(src, opts) {
                opts = $.extend({
                        stretch: this.opts.stretchImg,
                        callback: null
                }, opts);

                var ctx = this.ctx;
                var img = new Image();
                var oldGCO = ctx.globalCompositeOperation;
                img.onload = function() {
                        ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "source-over";
                        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);

                        if (opts.stretch) {
                                ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
                        } else {
                                ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

                        ctx.globalCompositeOperation = oldGCO;

                        if (opts.callback) {
                img.src = src;

        getImg: function() {
                return this.canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

        downloadImg: function() {
                var img = this.getImg();
                img = img.replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream");
                window.location.href = img;

         * WebStorage handling : save and restore to local or session storage

        saveWebStorage: function() {
                if (window[]) {
                        window[].setItem('drawing-board-' +, this.getImg());
                        this.ev.trigger('board:save' + +, this.getImg());

        restoreWebStorage: function() {
                if (window[] && window[].getItem('drawing-board-' + !== null) {
                        this.setImg(window[].getItem('drawing-board-' +;
                        this.ev.trigger('board:restore' + +, window[].getItem('drawing-board-' +;

        clearWebStorage: function() {
                if (window[] && window[].getItem('drawing-board-' + !== null) {
                        window[].removeItem('drawing-board-' +;
                        this.ev.trigger('board:clear' + +;

        _getStorage: function() {
                if (!this.opts.webStorage || !(this.opts.webStorage === 'session' || this.opts.webStorage === 'local')) return false;
                return this.opts.webStorage + 'Storage';

         * Drop an image on the canvas to draw on it

        initDropEvents: function() {
                if (!this.opts.droppable)
                        return false;

                this.dom.$canvas.on('dragover dragenter drop', function(e) {

                this.dom.$canvas.on('drop', $.proxy(this._onCanvasDrop, this));

        _onCanvasDrop: function(e) {
                e = e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent : e;
                var files = e.dataTransfer.files;
                if (!files || !files.length || files[0].type.indexOf('image') == -1 || !window.FileReader)
                        return false;
                var fr = new FileReader();
                fr.onload = $.proxy(function(ev) {
                        this.setImg(, {
                                callback: $.proxy(function() {
                                }, this)
                }, this);

         * set and get current drawing mode
         * possible modes are "pencil" (draw normally), "eraser" (draw transparent, like, erase, you know), "filler" (paint can)

        setMode: function(newMode, silent) {
                silent = silent || false;
                newMode = newMode || 'pencil';

                this.ev.unbind('board:startDrawing', $.proxy(this.fill, this));

                if (this.opts.eraserColor === "transparent")
                        this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = newMode === "eraser" ? "destination-out" : "source-over";
                else {
                        if (newMode === "eraser") {
                                if (this.opts.eraserColor === "background" && DrawingBoard.Utils.isColor(this.opts.background))
                                        this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.opts.background;
                                else if (DrawingBoard.Utils.isColor(this.opts.eraserColor))
                                        this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.opts.eraserColor;
                        } else if (!this.mode || this.mode === "eraser") {
                                this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;

                        if (newMode === "filler")
                                this.ev.bind('board:startDrawing', $.proxy(this.fill, this));
                this.mode = newMode;
                if (!silent)
                        this.ev.trigger('board:mode', this.mode);

        getMode: function() {
                return this.mode || "pencil";

        setColor: function(color) {
                var that = this;
                color = color || this.color;
                if (!DrawingBoard.Utils.isColor(color))
                        return false;
                this.color = color;
                if (this.opts.eraserColor !== "transparent" && this.mode === "eraser") {
                        var setStrokeStyle = function(mode) {
                                if (mode !== "eraser")
                                        that.strokeStyle = that.color;
                                that.ev.unbind('board:mode', setStrokeStyle);
                        this.ev.bind('board:mode', setStrokeStyle);
                } else
                        this.ctx.strokeStyle = this.color;

         * Fills an area with the current stroke color.
        fill: function(e) {
                if (this.getImg() === this.blankCanvas) {
                        this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);
                        this.ctx.fillStyle = this.color;
                        this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);

                var img = this.ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);

                // constants identifying pixels components
                var INDEX = 0, X = 1, Y = 2, COLOR = 3;

                // target color components
                var stroke = this.ctx.strokeStyle;
                var r = parseInt(stroke.substr(1, 2), 16);
                var g = parseInt(stroke.substr(3, 2), 16);
                var b = parseInt(stroke.substr(5, 2), 16);

                // starting point
                var start = DrawingBoard.Utils.pixelAt(img, parseInt(e.coords.x, 10), parseInt(e.coords.y, 10));
                var startColor = start[COLOR];
                var tolerance = this.opts.fillTolerance;
                var useHack = this.opts.fillHack; //see

                // no need to continue if starting and target colors are the same
                if (DrawingBoard.Utils.compareColors(startColor, DrawingBoard.Utils.RGBToInt(r, g, b), tolerance))

                // pixels to evaluate
                var queue = [start];

                // loop vars
                var pixel, x, y;
                var maxX = img.width - 1;
                var maxY = img.height - 1;

                function updatePixelColor(pixel) {
              [pixel[INDEX]] = r;
              [pixel[INDEX] + 1] = g;
              [pixel[INDEX] + 2] = b;

                while ((pixel = queue.pop())) {
                        if (useHack)

                        if (DrawingBoard.Utils.compareColors(pixel[COLOR], startColor, tolerance)) {
                                if (!useHack)
                                if (pixel[X] > 0) // west
                                        queue.push(DrawingBoard.Utils.pixelAt(img, pixel[X] - 1, pixel[Y]));
                                if (pixel[X] < maxX) // east
                                        queue.push(DrawingBoard.Utils.pixelAt(img, pixel[X] + 1, pixel[Y]));
                                if (pixel[Y] > 0) // north
                                        queue.push(DrawingBoard.Utils.pixelAt(img, pixel[X], pixel[Y] - 1));
                                if (pixel[Y] < maxY) // south
                                        queue.push(DrawingBoard.Utils.pixelAt(img, pixel[X], pixel[Y] + 1));

                this.ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0);

         * Drawing handling, with mouse or touch

        initDrawEvents: function() {
                this.isDrawing = false;
                this.isMouseHovering = false;
                this.coords = {};
                this.coords.old = this.coords.current = this.coords.oldMid = { x: 0, y: 0 };

                this.dom.$canvas.on('mousedown touchstart', $.proxy(function(e) {
                        this._onInputStart(e, this._getInputCoords(e) );
                }, this));

                this.dom.$canvas.on('mousemove touchmove', $.proxy(function(e) {
                        this._onInputMove(e, this._getInputCoords(e) );
                }, this));

                this.dom.$canvas.on('mousemove', $.proxy(function(e) {

                }, this));

                this.dom.$canvas.on('mouseup touchend', $.proxy(function(e) {
                        this._onInputStop(e, this._getInputCoords(e) );
                }, this));

                this.dom.$canvas.on('mouseover', $.proxy(function(e) {
                        this._onMouseOver(e, this._getInputCoords(e) );
                }, this));

                this.dom.$canvas.on('mouseout', $.proxy(function(e) {
                        this._onMouseOut(e, this._getInputCoords(e) );

                }, this));

                $('body').on('mouseup touchend', $.proxy(function(e) {
                        this.isDrawing = false;
                }, this));

                if (window.requestAnimationFrame) requestAnimationFrame( $.proxy(this.draw, this) );

        draw: function() {
                //if the pencil size is big (>10), the small crosshair makes a friend: a circle of the size of the pencil
                //todo: have the circle works on every browser - it currently should be added only when CSS pointer-events are supported
                //we assume that if requestAnimationFrame is supported, pointer-events is too, but this is terribad.
                if (window.requestAnimationFrame && this.ctx.lineWidth > 10 && this.isMouseHovering) {
                        this.dom.$cursor.css({ width: this.ctx.lineWidth + 'px', height: this.ctx.lineWidth + 'px' });
                        var transform = DrawingBoard.Utils.tpl("translateX({{x}}px) translateY({{y}}px)", { x: this.coords.current.x-(this.ctx.lineWidth/2), y: this.coords.current.y-(this.ctx.lineWidth/2) });
                        this.dom.$cursor.css({ 'transform': transform, '-webkit-transform': transform, '-ms-transform': transform });
                } else {

                if (this.isDrawing) {
                        var currentMid = this._getMidInputCoords(this.coords.current);
                        this.ctx.moveTo(currentMid.x, currentMid.y);
                        this.ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.coords.old.x, this.coords.old.y, this.coords.oldMid.x, this.coords.oldMid.y);

                        this.coords.old = this.coords.current;
                        this.coords.oldMid = currentMid;

                if (window.requestAnimationFrame) requestAnimationFrame( $.proxy(function() { this.draw(); }, this) );

        _onInputStart: function(e, coords) {
                this.coords.current = this.coords.old = coords;
                this.coords.oldMid = this._getMidInputCoords(coords);
                this.isDrawing = true;

                if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) this.draw();

                this.ev.trigger('board:startDrawing', {e: e, coords: coords});

        _onInputMove: function(e, coords) {
                this.coords.current = coords;
                this.ev.trigger('board:drawing', {e: e, coords: coords});

                if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) this.draw();


        _onInputStop: function(e, coords) {
                if (this.isDrawing && (!e.touches || e.touches.length === 0)) {
                        this.isDrawing = false;


                        this.ev.trigger('board:stopDrawing', {e: e, coords: coords});

        _onMouseOver: function(e, coords) {
                this.isMouseHovering = true;
                this.coords.old = this._getInputCoords(e);
                this.coords.oldMid = this._getMidInputCoords(this.coords.old);

                this.ev.trigger('board:mouseOver', {e: e, coords: coords});

        _onMouseOut: function(e, coords) {
                this.isMouseHovering = false;

                this.ev.trigger('board:mouseOut', {e: e, coords: coords});

        _getInputCoords: function(e) {
                e = e.originalEvent ? e.originalEvent : e;
                        rect = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(),
                        width = this.dom.$canvas.width(),
                        height = this.dom.$canvas.height()
                var x, y;
                if (e.touches && e.touches.length == 1) {
                        x = e.touches[0].pageX;
                        y = e.touches[0].pageY;
                } else {
                        x = e.pageX;
                        y = e.pageY;
                x = x - this.dom.$canvas.offset().left;
                y = y - this.dom.$canvas.offset().top;
                x *= (width / rect.width);
                y *= (height / rect.height);
                return {
                        x: x,
                        y: y

        _getMidInputCoords: function(coords) {
                return {
                        x: this.coords.old.x + coords.x>>1,
                        y: this.coords.old.y + coords.y>>1