corrade-http-templates – Rev 25

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##  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2015 - License: GNU GPLv3      ##
## This is a script that removes a Corrade group.                        ##

##                          GET POST VARIABLES                           ##

if(!isset($_POST['group'])) return -1;

##                            CONFIGURATION                              ##

# The path to the configuration.

##                               INTERNALS                               ##

# This function searches for a Corrade group and deletes it.
# The JSON must contain "Name" set to the name of the group and "UUID"
# set to the UUID of the group to be deleted.
function RemoveCorradeGroup($domDocument, $JSONdata) {
        $JSONdata = json_decode($JSONdata);
        $groups = $domDocument->getElementsByTagName('Groups');
        if($groups->length == 0) return $domDocument;
        foreach($groups[0]->getElementsByTagName('Group') as $group) {
                        $group->getElementsByTagName('Name')[0]->nodeValue !=
                        $JSONdata->Name &&
                        getElementsByTagName('Guid')[0]->nodeValue !=
                ) continue;
        return $domDocument;

# This function checks whether a Corrade group by name and UUID exists.
# The JSON must contain "Name" set to the name of the group and "UUID"
# set to the UUID of the group to be searched.
function DoesCorradeGroupExist($domDocument, $JSONdata) {
        $JSONdata = json_decode($JSONdata);
        $groups = $domDocument->getElementsByTagName('Groups');
        if($groups->length == 0) return false;
        foreach($groups[0]->getElementsByTagName('Group') as $group) {
                        $group->getElementsByTagName('Name')[0]-> nodeValue ==
                        $JSONdata->Name &&
                        getElementsByTagName('Guid')[0]->nodeValue ==
                ) return true;
        return false;

##                                 DEMO                                  ##

# I. Read the configuration file.
$doc = new DomDocument("1.0");
# This is needed to preserve the indenting of Corrade.ini
$doc->formatOutput = true;
$doc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;

# II. Delete a group if it exists.
switch(DoesCorradeGroupExist($doc, $_POST['group'])) {
        case true: # only remove the group if it exists
                $doc = RemoveCorradeGroup($doc, $_POST['group']);
        default: # the group does not exist - panic!

# III. Save the configuration file.
