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* TraceCmd.java --
*       This file implements the Tcl "trace" command.
* Copyright (c) 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
* redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL
* Included in SQLite3 port to C# for use in testharness only;  2008 Noah B Hart
* RCS @(#) $Id: TraceCmd.java,v 1.6 1999/08/15 19:38:36 mo Exp $
using System.Collections;
using System.Text;

namespace tcl.lang

  /// <summary> The TraceCmd class implements the Command interface for specifying
  /// a new Tcl command. The method cmdProc implements the built-in Tcl
  /// command "trace" which is used to manupilate variable traces.  See
  /// user documentation for more details.
  /// </summary>

  class TraceCmd : Command

    // Valid sub-commands for the trace command.

    private static readonly string[] validCmds = new string[] { "variable", "vdelete", "vinfo" };

    private const int OPT_VARIABLE = 0;
    private const int OPT_VDELETE = 1;
    private const int OPT_VINFO = 2;

    // An array for quickly generating the Tcl strings corresponding to
    // the TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_READS, TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_WRITES and TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS flags.

    private static TclObject[] opStr;

    * initOptStr --
    *   This static method is called when the TraceCmd class is loaded
    *   into the VM. It initializes the opStr array.
    * Results:
    *   Initial value for opStr.
    * Side effects:
    *   The TclObjects stored in opStr are preserve()'ed.

    private static TclObject[] initOptStr()
      TclObject[] strings = new TclObject[8];
      strings[0] = TclString.newInstance( "error" );
      strings[1] = TclString.newInstance( "r" );
      strings[2] = TclString.newInstance( "w" );
      strings[3] = TclString.newInstance( "rw" );
      strings[4] = TclString.newInstance( "u" );
      strings[5] = TclString.newInstance( "ru" );
      strings[6] = TclString.newInstance( "wu" );
      strings[7] = TclString.newInstance( "rwu" );

      for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )

      return strings;
    public TCL.CompletionCode cmdProc( Interp interp, TclObject[] objv )
      int len;

      if ( objv.Length < 2 )
        throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 1, objv, "option [arg arg ...]" );
      int opt = TclIndex.get( interp, objv[1], validCmds, "option", 0 );

      switch ( opt )

        case OPT_VARIABLE:
        case OPT_VDELETE:
          if ( objv.Length != 5 )
            if ( opt == OPT_VARIABLE )
              throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 1, objv, "variable name ops command" );
              throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 1, objv, "vdelete name ops command" );

          TCL.VarFlag flags = 0;

          string ops = objv[3].ToString();
          len = ops.Length;
            for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
              switch ( ops[i] )

                case 'r':
                  flags |= TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_READS;

                case 'w':
                  flags |= TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_WRITES;

                case 'u':
                  flags |= TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS;

                  flags = 0;
                  goto check_ops_brk;



if ( flags == 0 )

  throw new TclException( interp, "bad operations \"" + objv[3] + "\": should be one or more of rwu" );

if ( opt == OPT_VARIABLE )

  CmdTraceProc trace = new CmdTraceProc( objv[4].ToString(), flags );
  Var.traceVar( interp, objv[2], flags, trace );
  // Search through all of our traces on this variable to
  // see if there's one with the given command.  If so, then
  // delete the first one that matches.

  ArrayList traces = Var.getTraces( interp, objv[2].ToString(), 0 );
  if ( traces != null )
    len = traces.Count;
    for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
      TraceRecord rec = (TraceRecord)traces[i];

      if ( rec.trace is CmdTraceProc )
        CmdTraceProc proc = (CmdTraceProc)rec.trace;

        if ( proc.flags == flags && proc.command.ToString().Equals( objv[4].ToString() ) )
          Var.untraceVar( interp, objv[2], flags, proc );

        case OPT_VINFO:
if ( objv.Length != 3 )
  throw new TclNumArgsException( interp, 2, objv, "name" );

ArrayList traces2 = Var.getTraces( interp, objv[2].ToString(), 0 );
if ( traces2 != null )
  len = traces2.Count;
  TclObject list = TclList.newInstance();
  TclObject cmd = null;

    for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
      TraceRecord rec = (TraceRecord)traces2[i];

      if ( rec.trace is CmdTraceProc )
        CmdTraceProc proc = (CmdTraceProc)rec.trace;
        TCL.VarFlag mode = proc.flags;
        mode &= ( TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_READS | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_WRITES | TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS );
        int modeInt = (int)mode;
        modeInt /= ( (int)TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_READS );

        cmd = TclList.newInstance();
        TclList.append( interp, cmd, opStr[modeInt] );
        TclList.append( interp, cmd, TclString.newInstance( proc.command ) );
        TclList.append( interp, list, cmd );
    interp.setResult( list );
      return TCL.CompletionCode.RETURN;
    static TraceCmd()
      opStr = initOptStr();
  } // TraceCmd
  class CmdTraceProc : VarTrace

    // The command holds the Tcl script that will execute. The flags
    // hold the mode flags that define what conditions to fire under.

    internal string command;
    internal TCL.VarFlag flags;

    internal CmdTraceProc( string cmd, TCL.VarFlag newFlags )
      flags = newFlags;
      command = cmd;
    public void traceProc( Interp interp, string part1, string part2, TCL.VarFlag flags )
      if ( ( ( this.flags & flags ) != 0 ) && ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.INTERP_DESTROYED ) == 0 ) )
        StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder( command );

          Util.appendElement( interp, sbuf, part1 );
          if ( (System.Object)part2 != null )
            Util.appendElement( interp, sbuf, part2 );
            Util.appendElement( interp, sbuf, "" );

          if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_READS ) != 0 )
            Util.appendElement( interp, sbuf, "r" );
          else if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_WRITES ) != 0 )
            Util.appendElement( interp, sbuf, "w" );
          else if ( ( flags & TCL.VarFlag.TRACE_UNSETS ) != 0 )
            Util.appendElement( interp, sbuf, "u" );
        catch ( TclException e )
          throw new TclRuntimeError( "unexpected TclException: " + e.Message, e );

        // Execute the command.

        interp.eval( sbuf.ToString(), 0 );
  } // CmdTraceProc