clockwerk-opensim-config – Rev 2

Subversion Repositories:
; Place to create a PID file
; PIDFile = "/tmp/"

;Connection parameters of MySQL
hostname = localhost
database = opensim
username = opensim
password = ***
pooling  = false
port = 3306

; Max DB connections kept by money server.
MaxConnection = 20

; If the user is not found in database,he/she will be created with the default balance.
DefaultBalance = 1000
; If "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" is specified, all avatars can get money from system.
; If "" is specified, nobody can get money.
BankerAvatar = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"

; If you want to use llGiveMoney() function normally even when payer doesn't login to OpenSim,
; please set true to this valiable
EnableForceTransfer = true

; send money to avatar by MoneyScript (for Bonus)
;EnableScriptSendMoney = false
;MoneyScriptAccessKey  = "123456789"            ;; specify same secret key in include/config.php or WI(XoopenSim/Modlos)
;MoneyScriptIPaddress  = ""       ;; not use

; Message that displayed in blue dialog, when balance is updated.
; If "" is specified, blue dialog is not displayed.
; You can use {0} and {1} in message string.
; {0} means amount and {1} means avatar name or object owner name
;BalanceMessageLandSale     = "Paid the Money L${0} for Land."                          ;; for buy the land
;BalanceMessageScvLandSale  = ""                                                                                        ;; for get the money of the sold land
;BalanceMessageSendGift     = "Sent Gift L${0} to {1}."                                         ;; for send gift to other avatar
;BalanceMessageReceiveGift  = "Received Gift L${0} from {1}."                           ;; for receieve gift from other avatar
;BalanceMessagePayCharge    = ""                                                                                        ;; for upload and group creation charge
;BalanceMessageBuyObject    = "Bought the Object L${0} from {1}."                       ;; for buy the object
;BalanceMessageGetMoney     = "Got the Money L${0} from {1}."                           ;; for get the money from object by llGiveMoney()
;BalanceMessageBuyMoney     = "Bought the Money L${0}."                                         ;; for buy the money from system
;BalanceMessageReceiveMoney = "Received L${0} from System."                                     ;; for receive the money from system by send_money() script
;BalanceMessageRollBack     = "RollBack the Transaction: L${0} from/to {1}."    ;; when roll back ocuurred

; for HTTPS
ServerCertFilename = "SineWaveCert.pfx"
ServerCertPassword = "123"
