wasCSharpSQLite – Rev 3

Subversion Repositories:
// Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient.SqliteConnection.cs
// Represents an open connection to a Sqlite database file.
// Author(s): Vladimir Vukicevic <vladimir@pobox.com>
//            Everaldo Canuto <everaldo_canuto@yahoo.com.br>
//            Daniel Morgan <monodanmorg@yahoo.com>
//            Noah Hart <Noah.Hart@gmail.com>
//            Stewart Adcock <stewart.adcock@medit.fr>
// Copyright (C) 2002  Vladimir Vukicevic
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.IO;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Text;
using Community.CsharpSqlite;

namespace Community.CsharpSqlite.SQLiteClient
  /// <summary>
  /// Represents an open connection to a SQLite3 database.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// This only supports SQLite version 3, NOT version 2.
  /// </remarks>
  public class SqliteConnection : DbConnection, ICloneable

#region Fields

    private string conn_str;
    private string db_file;
    private int db_version;
    private int db_BusyTimeout;
    private string db_password;
    private bool db_IsReadonly;
    private bool db_IsFailIfMissing;
    private Encoding db_Encoding; // This is ignored for SQLIte3.
    private IntPtr sqlite_handle;
    private Sqlite3.sqlite3 sqlite_handle2;
    private ConnectionState state;
    private bool disposed;


#region Constructors and destructors
                public SqliteConnection ()
                        db_file = null;
                        db_version = 3;
                        state = ConnectionState.Closed;
                        sqlite_handle = IntPtr.Zero;
                        db_Encoding = null;
                        db_BusyTimeout = 0;
                public SqliteConnection (string connstring) : this ()
                        ConnectionString = connstring;

                protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
                        try {
                                if (disposing && !disposed) {
                                        Close ();
                                        conn_str = null;
                        } finally {
                                disposed = true;
                                base.Dispose (disposing);


#region Properties

                public override string ConnectionString {
                        get { return conn_str; }
                        set { SetConnectionString(value); }

                public override int ConnectionTimeout {
                        get { return 0; }

                public override string Database {
                        get { return db_file; }

                public override ConnectionState State {
                        get { return state; }

    [Obsolete("Only meaningful for SQLite2 which is unsupported.")]
                public Encoding Encoding {
                        get { return db_Encoding; }

                public int Version {
                        get { return db_version; }

                public override string ServerVersion
                        get { return Sqlite3.sqlite3_libversion(); }

                internal Sqlite3.sqlite3 Handle2
                        get { return sqlite_handle2; }
                internal IntPtr Handle {
                        get { return sqlite_handle; }
                public override string DataSource {
                        get { return db_file; }

                public int LastInsertRowId {
                        get {
                                        return (int) Sqlite3.sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(Handle2);

                public int BusyTimeout {
                        get {
                                return db_BusyTimeout;  
                        set {
                                db_BusyTimeout = value < 0 ? 0 : value;

#region Private Methods
    private void SetConnectionString (string connstring)
      if (connstring == null) {
        Close ();
        conn_str = null;

      if (connstring != conn_str) {
        Close ();
        conn_str = connstring;

        db_file = null;
        db_IsReadonly = false;
        db_IsFailIfMissing = false;

        string[] conn_pieces = connstring.Split (new char[]{',',';'}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
        for (int i = 0; i < conn_pieces.Length; i++) {
          string piece = conn_pieces [i].Trim ();
          int firstEqual = piece.IndexOf ('=');
          if (firstEqual == -1) {
            throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid connection string");
          string token = piece.Substring (0, firstEqual);
          string tvalue = piece.Remove (0, firstEqual + 1).Trim ();
          string tvalue_lc = tvalue.ToLower (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim ();
          switch (token.ToLower (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Trim ()) {
          case "data source":
          case "uri": 
            if (tvalue_lc.StartsWith ("file://")) {
              db_file = tvalue.Substring (7);
            } else if (tvalue_lc.StartsWith ("file:")) {
              db_file = tvalue.Substring (5);
            } else if (tvalue_lc.StartsWith ("/")) {
              db_file = tvalue;
            } else if (tvalue_lc.StartsWith ("|DataDirectory|",
                                                                                         StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
              AppDomainSetup ads = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation;
              string filePath = String.Format ("App_Data{0}{1}",
                                                                                                 tvalue_lc.Substring (15));
              db_file = Path.Combine (ads.ApplicationBase, filePath);
            } else {
              throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid connection string: invalid URI");
              db_file = tvalue;

          case "mode": // Ignored for SQLite3.
            ////int db_mode = Convert.ToInt32 (tvalue);

          case "version":
            db_version = Convert.ToInt32 (tvalue);
            if (db_version < 3)
              throw new InvalidOperationException ("Minimum database version is 3");

          case "encoding": // Ignored for SQLite3.
            db_Encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding (tvalue);

          case "busy_timeout":
            db_BusyTimeout = Convert.ToInt32 (tvalue);

          case "read only":
          case "readonly":
            db_IsReadonly = ConvertStringToBoolean (tvalue.ToLowerInvariant());

          case "failifmissing":
            db_IsFailIfMissing = ConvertStringToBoolean (tvalue.ToLowerInvariant());

          case "password":
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (db_password) && (db_password.Length != 34 || !db_password.StartsWith ("0x")))
              throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid password string: must be 34 hex digits starting with 0x");
            db_password = tvalue;

        if (db_file == null) {
          throw new InvalidOperationException ("Invalid connection string: no URI");

    /// <summary>
    /// Convert the specified string to a boolean value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The string must be one of "true", "yes" (converted to <c>true<c/c>),
    /// "false", "no" (converted to <c>false<c/c>).
    /// </remarks>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown if string is null.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if string is not converted to valid boolean.</exception>
    private static bool ConvertStringToBoolean (string value) 
      if (value == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException ("null value cannot be converted to boolean");
      if (value == "yes" || value == "true")
        return true;
      if (value == "no" || value == "false")
        return false;
      throw new ArgumentException (string.Format ("Invalid boolean value: \"{0}\"", value));

#region Internal Methods
                internal void StartExec ()
                        // use a mutex here
                        state = ConnectionState.Executing;
                internal void EndExec ()
                        state = ConnectionState.Open;

#region Public Methods

                object ICloneable.Clone ()
                        return new SqliteConnection (ConnectionString);

                protected override DbTransaction BeginDbTransaction (IsolationLevel il)
                        if (state != ConnectionState.Open)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid operation: The connection is closed");
                        SqliteTransaction t = new SqliteTransaction();
                        t.SetConnection (this);
                        SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)this.CreateCommand();
                        cmd.CommandText = "BEGIN";
                        return t;

                public new DbTransaction BeginTransaction ()
                        return BeginDbTransaction (IsolationLevel.Unspecified);

                public new DbTransaction BeginTransaction (IsolationLevel il)
                        return BeginDbTransaction (il);

                public override void Close ()
                        if (state != ConnectionState.Open) {
                        state = ConnectionState.Closed;
                        if (Version == 3)
                                Sqlite3.sqlite3_close (sqlite_handle2);
                        sqlite_handle = IntPtr.Zero;

                public override void ChangeDatabase (string databaseName)
                        Close ();
                        db_file = databaseName;
                        Open ();

                protected override DbCommand CreateDbCommand ()
                        return new SqliteCommand (null, this);

    /// <summary>
    /// Opens the connection using the parameters provided by the <see cref="ConnectionString">ConnectionString</see>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if no database was specified.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">Thrown if the connection stater is not closed.</exception>
    /// <exception cref="ApplicationException">Thrown if a database error occurred.</exception>
    public override void Open ()
      if (conn_str == null) {
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("No database specified");

      if (state != ConnectionState.Closed) {
        throw new InvalidOperationException ("Connection state is not closed.");

      if (Version == 3) {
        int flags = Sqlite3.SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX;
        if (!db_IsFailIfMissing && !db_IsReadonly)
          flags |= Sqlite3.SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE;
        if (db_IsReadonly) {
          flags |= Sqlite3.SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY;
        } else {
          flags |= Sqlite3.SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE;

        sqlite_handle = (IntPtr)1;
        int err = Sqlite3.sqlite3_open_v2( db_file, out sqlite_handle2, flags, null );
        if (err == (int)SqliteError.ERROR)
          throw new ApplicationException (Sqlite3.sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite_handle2));
        if (db_BusyTimeout != 0)
          Sqlite3.sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite_handle2, db_BusyTimeout);
        if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( db_password ) )
          SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)this.CreateCommand();
          cmd.CommandText = "pragma hexkey='" + db_password + "'";
      state = ConnectionState.Open;

        public override DataTable GetSchema( String collectionName )
                return GetSchema( collectionName, null );

        public override DataTable GetSchema( String collectionName, string[] restrictionValues )
                if ( State != ConnectionState.Open )
                throw new InvalidOperationException( "Invalid operation.  The connection is closed." );

                int restrictionsCount = 0;
                if ( restrictionValues != null )
                restrictionsCount = restrictionValues.Length;

                DataTable metaTable = GetSchemaMetaDataCollections();
                foreach ( DataRow row in metaTable.Rows )
                if ( String.Compare( row["CollectionName"].ToString(), collectionName, true ) == 0 )
                        int restrictions = (int)row["NumberOfRestrictions"];
                        if ( restrictionsCount > restrictions )
                        throw new ArgumentException( "More restrictions were provided than needed." );

                switch ( collectionName.ToUpper() )
                case "METADATACOLLECTIONS":
                        return metaTable;
                case "DATASOURCEINFORMATION":
                        return GetSchemaDataSourceInformation();
                case "DATATYPES":
                        return GetSchemaDataTypes();
                case "RESTRICTIONS":
                        return GetSchemaRestrictions();
                case "RESERVEDWORDS":
                        return GetSchemaReservedWords();
                case "TABLES":
                        return GetSchemaTables( restrictionValues );
                case "COLUMNS":
                        return GetSchemaColumns( restrictionValues );
                case "VIEWS":
                        return GetSchemaViews( restrictionValues );
                case "INDEXCOLUMNS":
                        return GetSchemaIndexColumns( restrictionValues );
                case "INDEXES":
                        return GetSchemaIndexes( restrictionValues );
                case "UNIQUEKEYS":
                        throw new NotImplementedException( collectionName );
                case "PRIMARYKEYS":
                        throw new NotImplementedException( collectionName );
                case "FOREIGNKEYS":
                        return GetSchemaForeignKeys( restrictionValues );
                case "FOREIGNKEYCOLUMNS":
                        throw new NotImplementedException( collectionName );
                case "TRIGGERS":
                        return GetSchemaTriggers( restrictionValues );

                throw new ArgumentException( "The requested collection is not defined." );

        static DataTable metaDataCollections = null;
        DataTable GetSchemaMetaDataCollections()
                if ( metaDataCollections != null )
                return metaDataCollections;

                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                dt.Columns.Add( "CollectionName", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "NumberOfRestrictions", typeof( System.Int32 ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "NumberOfIdentifierParts", typeof( System.Int32 ) );

                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "MetaDataCollections", 0, 0 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DataSourceInformation", 0, 0 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DataTypes", 0, 0 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Restrictions", 0, 0 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ReservedWords", 0, 0 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Tables", 1, 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Columns", 1, 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Views", 1, 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "IndexColumns", 1, 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Indexes", 1, 1 }, true );
                //dt.LoadDataRow(new object[] { "UniqueKeys", 1, 1 }, true);
                //dt.LoadDataRow(new object[] { "PrimaryKeys", 1, 1 }, true);
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ForeignKeys", 1, 1 }, true );
                //dt.LoadDataRow(new object[] { "ForeignKeyColumns", 1, 1 }, true);
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Triggers", 1, 1 }, true );

                return dt;

        DataTable GetSchemaRestrictions()
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                dt.Columns.Add( "CollectionName", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "RestrictionName", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "ParameterName", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "RestrictionDefault", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "RestrictionNumber", typeof( System.Int32 ) );

                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Tables", "Table", "TABLENAME", "TABLE_NAME", 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Columns", "Table", "TABLENAME", "TABLE_NAME", 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Views", "View", "VIEWNAME", "VIEW_NAME", 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "IndexColumns", "Name", "NAME", "INDEX_NAME", 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Indexes", "TableName", "TABLENAME", "TABLE_NAME", 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ForeignKeys", "Foreign_Key_Table_Name", "TABLENAME", "TABLE_NAME", 1 }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "Triggers", "TableName", "TABLENAME", "TABLE_NAME", 1 }, true );

                return dt;

        DataTable GetSchemaTables( string[] restrictionValues )
                SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(
                                        "SELECT type, name, tbl_name, rootpage, sql " +
                                        " FROM sqlite_master " +
                                        " WHERE (name = :pname or (:pname is null)) " +
                                        " AND type = 'table' " +
                                        " ORDER BY name", this );
                cmd.Parameters.Add( "pname", DbType.String ).Value = DBNull.Value;
                return GetSchemaDataTable( cmd, restrictionValues );

        DataTable GetSchemaColumns( string[] restrictionValues )
                if ( restrictionValues == null || restrictionValues.Length == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Columns must contain at least one restriction value for the table name." );
                ValidateIdentifier( restrictionValues[0] );

                SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = string.Format( "PRAGMA table_info({0})", restrictionValues[0] );
                return GetSchemaDataTable( cmd, restrictionValues );

        DataTable GetSchemaTriggers( string[] restrictionValues )
                SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(
                                        "SELECT type, name, tbl_name, rootpage, sql " +
                                        " FROM sqlite_master " +
                                        " WHERE (tbl_name = :pname or :pname is null) " +
                                        " AND type = 'trigger' " +
                                        " ORDER BY name", this );
                cmd.Parameters.Add( "pname", DbType.String ).Value = DBNull.Value;
                return GetSchemaDataTable( cmd, restrictionValues );

        DataTable GetSchemaIndexColumns( string[] restrictionValues )
                if ( restrictionValues == null || restrictionValues.Length == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "IndexColumns must contain at least one restriction value for the index name." );
                ValidateIdentifier( restrictionValues[0] );

                SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = string.Format( "PRAGMA index_info({0})", restrictionValues[0] );
                return GetSchemaDataTable( cmd, restrictionValues );

        DataTable GetSchemaIndexes( string[] restrictionValues )
                if ( restrictionValues == null || restrictionValues.Length == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Indexes must contain at least one restriction value for the table name." );
                ValidateIdentifier( restrictionValues[0] );

                SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = string.Format( "PRAGMA index_list({0})", restrictionValues[0] );
                return GetSchemaDataTable( cmd, restrictionValues );

        DataTable GetSchemaForeignKeys( string[] restrictionValues )
                if ( restrictionValues == null || restrictionValues.Length == 0 )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Foreign Keys must contain at least one restriction value for the table name." );
                ValidateIdentifier( restrictionValues[0] );

                SqliteCommand cmd = (SqliteCommand)CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = string.Format( "PRAGMA foreign_key_list({0})", restrictionValues[0] );
                return GetSchemaDataTable( cmd, restrictionValues );

        void ValidateIdentifier( string value )
                if ( value.Contains( "'" ) )
                throw new ArgumentException( "Identifiers can not contain a single quote." );

        DataTable GetSchemaViews( string[] restrictionValues )
                SqliteCommand cmd = new SqliteCommand(
                                        "SELECT type, name, tbl_name, rootpage, sql " +
                                        " FROM sqlite_master " +
                                        " WHERE (name = :pname or :pname is null) " +
                                        " AND type = 'view' " +
                                        " ORDER BY name", this );
                cmd.Parameters.Add( "pname", DbType.String ).Value = DBNull.Value;
                return GetSchemaDataTable( cmd, restrictionValues );

        DataTable GetSchemaDataSourceInformation()
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                dt.Columns.Add( "CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "DataSourceProductName", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "DataSourceProductVersion", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "DataSourceProductVersionNormalized", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "GroupByBehavior", typeof( System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior ) );
        dt.Columns.Add("GroupByBehavior", typeof(object));
                dt.Columns.Add( "IdentifierPattern", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "IdentifierCase", typeof( System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase ) );
        dt.Columns.Add("IdentifierCase", typeof(object ));
                dt.Columns.Add( "OrderByColumnsInSelect", typeof( System.Boolean ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "ParameterMarkerFormat", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "ParameterMarkerPattern", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "ParameterNameMaxLength", typeof( System.Int32 ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "ParameterNamePattern", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "QuotedIdentifierPattern", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "QuotedIdentifierCase", typeof( System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase ) );
        dt.Columns.Add("QuotedIdentifierCase", typeof(object));
        dt.Columns.Add( "StatementSeparatorPattern", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "StringLiteralPattern", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "SupportedJoinOperators", typeof( System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators ) );
        dt.Columns.Add("SupportedJoinOperators", typeof(object ));

                // TODO: set correctly
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "",
                                                                "" },
                        true );

                return dt;

        DataTable GetSchemaDataTypes()
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                dt.Columns.Add( "TypeName", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "ProviderDbType", typeof( System.String ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "StorageType", typeof( System.Int32 ) );
                dt.Columns.Add( "DataType", typeof( System.String ) );
                // TODO: fill the rest of these
                dt.Columns.Add("ColumnSize", typeof(System.Int64));
                dt.Columns.Add("CreateFormat", typeof(System.String));
                dt.Columns.Add("CreateParameters", typeof(System.String));
                dt.Columns.Add("IsBestMatch", typeof(System.Boolean));
                dt.Columns.Add("IsCaseSensitive", typeof(System.Boolean));
                dt.Columns.Add("IsFixedLength", typeof(System.Boolean));
                dt.Columns.Add("IsLong", typeof(System.Boolean));
                dt.Columns.Add("IsNullable", typeof(System.Boolean));
                dt.Columns.Add("IsSearchable", typeof(System.Boolean));
                dt.Columns.Add("IsUnsigned", typeof(System.Boolean));
                dt.Columns.Add("MaximumScale", typeof(System.Int16));
                dt.Columns.Add("MinimumScale", typeof(System.Int16));
                dt.Columns.Add("LiteralPrefix", typeof(System.String));
                dt.Columns.Add("LiteralSuffix", typeof(System.String));

                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INT", "INTEGER", 1, "System.Int32" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INTEGER", "INTEGER", 1, "System.Int32" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "TINYINT", "INTEGER", 1, "System.Byte" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "SMALLINT", "INTEGER", 1, "System.Int16" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "MEDIUMINT", "INTEGER", 1, "System.Int32" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "BIGINT", "INTEGER", 1, "System.Int64" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "UNSIGNED BIGINT", "INTEGER", 1, "System.UInt64" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INT2", "INTEGER", 1, "System.Int16" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INT8", "INTEGER", 1, "System.Int64" }, true );

                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CHARACTER", "TEXT", 2, "System.String" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "VARCHAR", "TEXT", 2, "System.String" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "VARYING CHARACTER", "TEXT", 2, "System.String" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "NCHAR", "TEXT", 2, "System.String" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "NATIVE CHARACTER", "TEXT", 2, "System.String" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "NVARHCAR", "TEXT", 2, "System.String" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "TEXT", "TEXT", 2, "System.String" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CLOB", "TEXT", 2, "System.String" }, true );

                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "BLOB", "NONE", 3, "System.Byte[]" }, true );

                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "REAL", "REAL", 4, "System.Double" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DOUBLE", "REAL", 4, "System.Double" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DOUBLE PRECISION", "REAL", 4, "System.Double" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "FLOAT", "REAL", 4, "System.Double" }, true );

                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "NUMERIC", "NUMERIC", 5, "System.Decimal" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DECIMAL", "NUMERIC", 5, "System.Decimal" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "BOOLEAN", "NUMERIC", 5, "System.Boolean" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DATE", "NUMERIC", 5, "System.DateTime" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DATETIME", "NUMERIC", 5, "System.DateTime" }, true );

                return dt;

        DataTable GetSchemaReservedWords()
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                dt.Columns.Add( "ReservedWord", typeof( System.String ) );

                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ABORT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ACTION" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ADD" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "AFTER" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ALL" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ANALYZE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "AND" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "AS" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ATTACH" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "AUTOINCREMENT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "BEFORE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "BEFORE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "BEGIN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "BETWEEN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "BY" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CASCADE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CASE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CAST" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CHECK" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "COLLATE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "COLUMN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "COMMIT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CONFLICT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CONTRAINT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CREATE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CROSS" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CURRENT_DATE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CURRENT_TIME" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DATABASE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DEFAULT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DEFERRABLE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DEFERRED" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DELETE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DESC" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DETACH" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DISTINCT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "DROP" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "EACH" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ELSE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "END" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ESCAPE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "EXCEPT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "EXCLUSIVE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "EXISTS" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "EXPLAIN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "FAIL" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "FOR" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "FOREIGN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "FROM" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "FULL" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "GLOB" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "GROUP" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "HAVING" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "IF" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "IGNORE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "IMMEDIATE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "IN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INDEX" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INITIALLY" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INNER" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INSERT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INSTEAD" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INTERSECT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "INTO" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "IS" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ISNULL" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "JOIN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "KEY" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "LEFT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "LIKE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "LIMIT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "MATCH" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "NATURAL" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "NO" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "NOT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "NOT NULL" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "OF" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "OFFSET" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ON" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "OR" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ORDER" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "OUTER" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "PLAN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "PRAGMA" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "PRIMARY" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "QUERY" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "RAISE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "REFERENCES" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "REGEXP" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "REINDEX" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "RELEASE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "RENAME" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "REPLACE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "RESTRICT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "RIGHT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ROLLBACK" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "ROW" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "SAVEPOOINT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "SELECT" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "SET" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "TABLE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "TEMP" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "TEMPORARY" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "THEN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "TO" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "TRANSACTION" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "TRIGGER" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "UNION" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "UNIQUE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "UPDATE" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "USING" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "VACUUM" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "VALUES" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "VIEW" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "VIRTUAL" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "WHEN" }, true );
                dt.LoadDataRow( new object[] { "WHERE" }, true );

                return dt;

        DataTable GetSchemaDataTable( SqliteCommand cmd, string[] restrictionValues )
                if ( restrictionValues != null && cmd.Parameters.Count > 0 )
                for ( int i = 0; i < restrictionValues.Length; i++ )
                        cmd.Parameters[i].Value = restrictionValues[i];

                SqliteDataAdapter adapter = new SqliteDataAdapter( cmd );
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                adapter.Fill( dt );

                return dt;


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