corrade-lsl-templates – Rev 35
########################## START CONFIGURATION ############################
# This is a configuration notecard based on the key-value data Wizardry and
# Steamworks reader. Everything following the "#" character is ignored
# along with blank lines. Values can be set for various parameters in a
# simple and understandable format with the following syntax:
# Every time you change this configuration notecard, the script will reset
# itself and the new configuration will be read from this notecard.
# The "corrade", "group" and "password" settings must correspond to your
# settings in Corrade.ini otherwise the script will not work at all.
# Set this to the UUID of the Corrade bot.
corrade = "b85c75dc-115a-434f-b6a8-51787160fae0"
# The name of the group.
group = "My Group"
# The password for the group.
password = "mypassword"
# The range in meters to search for objects.
range = 10
# The scan range in meters to detect object proximity.
scan = 2
# The attachment point to attach the object when returning.
attachPoint = "Mouth"
# A tag for installed notifications.
tag = "edb86679-846b-4400-9b71-29544366c786"
########################### END CONFIGURATION #############################