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 * ilbm.h:      Definitions for IFFParse ILBM reader.
 * 6/27/91

#ifndef IFFP_ILBM_H
#define IFFP_ILBM_H

#ifndef IFFP_IFF_H
#include "iffp/iff.h"

#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <graphics/videocontrol.h>

#ifndef NO_PROTOS
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>

/*  IFF types we may encounter  */
#define ID_ILBM         MAKE_ID('I','L','B','M')

/* ILBM Chunk ID's we may encounter
 * (see iffp/iff.h for some other generic chunks)
#define ID_BMHD         MAKE_ID('B','M','H','D')
#define ID_CMAP         MAKE_ID('C','M','A','P')
#define ID_CRNG         MAKE_ID('C','R','N','G')
#define ID_CCRT         MAKE_ID('C','C','R','T')
#define ID_GRAB         MAKE_ID('G','R','A','B')
#define ID_SPRT         MAKE_ID('S','P','R','T')
#define ID_DEST         MAKE_ID('D','E','S','T')
#define ID_CAMG         MAKE_ID('C','A','M','G')

/* Use this constant instead of sizeof(ColorRegister). */
#define sizeofColorRegister  3

typedef WORD Color4;   /* Amiga RAM version of a color-register,
          * with 4 bits each RGB in low 12 bits.*/

/* Maximum number of bitplanes storable in BitMap structure */
#define MAXAMDEPTH 8

/* Maximum planes we can save */

/* convert width to BytesPerRow */
#define BytesPerRow(w)  ((w) + 15 >> 4 << 1)
#define BitsPerRow(w)   ((w) + 15 >> 4 << 4)

/* Flags that should be masked out of old 16-bit CAMG before save or use.
 * Note that 32-bit mode id (non-zero high word) bits should not be twiddled

/*  Masking techniques  */
#define mskNone                 0
#define mskHasMask              1
#define mskHasTransparentColor  2
#define mskLasso                3

/*  Compression techniques  */
#define cmpNone                 0
#define cmpByteRun1             1

#define RowBytes(w)     ((((w) + 15) >> 4) << 1)

/* ---------- BitMapHeader ---------------------------------------------*/
/*  Required Bitmap header (BMHD) structure describes an ILBM */
typedef struct {
        UWORD   w, h;           /* Width, height in pixels */
        WORD    x, y;           /* x, y position for this bitmap  */
        UBYTE   nPlanes;        /* # of planes (not including mask) */
        UBYTE   masking;        /* a masking technique listed above */
        UBYTE   compression;    /* cmpNone or cmpByteRun1 */
        UBYTE   reserved1;      /* must be zero for now */
        UWORD   transparentColor;
        UBYTE   xAspect, yAspect;
        WORD    pageWidth, pageHeight;
} BitMapHeader;

/* ---------- ColorRegister --------------------------------------------*/
/* A CMAP chunk is a packed array of ColorRegisters (3 bytes each). */
typedef struct {
    UBYTE red, green, blue;   /* MUST be UBYTEs so ">> 4" won't sign extend.*/
    } ColorRegister;

/* ---------- Point2D --------------------------------------------------*/
/* A Point2D is stored in a GRAB chunk. */
typedef struct {
    WORD x, y;      /* coordinates (pixels) */
    } Point2D;

/* ---------- DestMerge ------------------------------------------------*/
/* A DestMerge is stored in a DEST chunk. */
typedef struct {
    UBYTE depth;   /* # bitplanes in the original source */
    UBYTE pad1;      /* UNUSED; for consistency store 0 here */
    UWORD planePick;   /* how to scatter source bitplanes into destination */
    UWORD planeOnOff;   /* default bitplane data for planePick */
    UWORD planeMask;   /* selects which bitplanes to store into */
    } DestMerge;

/* ---------- SpritePrecedence -----------------------------------------*/
/* A SpritePrecedence is stored in a SPRT chunk. */
typedef UWORD SpritePrecedence;

/* ---------- Camg Amiga Viewport Mode ---------------------------------*/
/* A Commodore Amiga ViewPort->Modes is stored in a CAMG chunk. */
/* The chunk's content is declared as a LONG. */
typedef struct {
   ULONG ViewModes;
   } CamgChunk;

/* ---------- CRange cycling chunk -------------------------------------*/
#define RNG_NORATE  36   /* Dpaint uses this rate to mean non-active */
/* A CRange is store in a CRNG chunk. */
typedef struct {
    WORD  pad1;              /* reserved for future use; store 0 here */
    WORD  rate;      /* 60/sec=16384, 30/sec=8192, 1/sec=16384/60=273 */
    WORD  active;     /* bit0 set = active, bit 1 set = reverse */
    UBYTE low, high;   /* lower and upper color registers selected */
    } CRange;

/* ---------- Ccrt (Graphicraft) cycling chunk -------------------------*/
/* A Ccrt is stored in a CCRT chunk. */
typedef struct {
   WORD  direction;  /* 0=don't cycle, 1=forward, -1=backwards */
   UBYTE start;      /* range lower */
   UBYTE end;        /* range upper */
   LONG  seconds;    /* seconds between cycling */
   LONG  microseconds; /* msecs between cycling */
   WORD  pad;        /* future exp - store 0 here */
   } CcrtChunk;

/* If you are writing all of your chunks by hand,
 * you can use these macros for these simple chunks.
#define putbmhd(iff, bmHdr)  \
    PutCk(iff, ID_BMHD, sizeof(BitMapHeader), (BYTE *)bmHdr)
#define putgrab(iff, point2D)  \
    PutCk(iff, ID_GRAB, sizeof(Point2D), (BYTE *)point2D)
#define putdest(iff, destMerge)  \
    PutCk(iff, ID_DEST, sizeof(DestMerge), (BYTE *)destMerge)
#define putsprt(iff, spritePrec)  \
    PutCk(iff, ID_SPRT, sizeof(SpritePrecedence), (BYTE *)spritePrec)
#define putcamg(iff, camg)  \
    PutCk(iff, ID_CAMG, sizeof(CamgChunk),(BYTE *)camg)
#define putcrng(iff, crng)  \
    PutCk(iff, ID_CRNG, sizeof(CRange),(BYTE *)crng)
#define putccrt(iff, ccrt)  \
    PutCk(iff, ID_CCRT, sizeof(CcrtChunk),(BYTE *)ccrt)

#ifndef NO_PROTOS
/* unpacker.c */
BOOL unpackrow(BYTE **pSource, BYTE **pDest, WORD srcBytes0, WORD dstBytes0);

/* packer.c */
LONG packrow(BYTE **pSource, BYTE **pDest, LONG rowSize);

/* ilbmr.c  ILBM reader routines */
LONG loadbody(struct IFFHandle *iff, struct BitMap *bitmap,
                BitMapHeader *bmhd);
LONG loadbody2(struct IFFHandle *iff, struct BitMap *bitmap,
                BYTE *mask, BitMapHeader *bmhd,
                BYTE *buffer, ULONG bufsize);
LONG loadcmap(struct IFFHandle *, WORD *colortable, USHORT *pNcolors);
LONG getcolors(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm);
void freecolors(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm);
LONG alloccolortable(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm);
ULONG getcamg(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm);

/* ilbmw.c  ILBM writer routines */
long initbmhd(BitMapHeader *bmhd, struct BitMap *bitmap,
              WORD masking, WORD compression, WORD transparentColor,
              WORD width, WORD height, WORD pageWidth, WORD pageHeight,
              ULONG modeid);
long putcmap(struct IFFHandle *iff,APTR colortable,UWORD ncolors,UWORD bitspergun);
long putbody(struct IFFHandle *iff, struct BitMap *bitmap,
                BYTE *mask, BitMapHeader *bmHdr,
                BYTE *buffer, LONG bufsize);

/* getdisplay.c (used to load a display) */
LONG showilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm, UBYTE *filename);
void unshowilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm);
LONG createdisplay(struct ILBMInfo *);
void deletedisplay(struct ILBMInfo *);
LONG getdisplay(struct ILBMInfo *);
void freedisplay(struct ILBMInfo *);

/* getbitmap.c (used if just loading brush or bitmap) */
LONG createbrush(struct ILBMInfo *);
void deletebrush(struct ILBMInfo *);
LONG getbitmap(struct ILBMInfo *);
void freebitmap(struct ILBMInfo *);

/* screen.c (opens 1.3 or 2.0 screen) */
struct Screen *openidscreen(struct ILBMInfo *,SHORT,SHORT,SHORT,ULONG);
struct Window *opendisplay(struct ILBMInfo *,SHORT,SHORT,SHORT,ULONG);
void clipit(SHORT wide, SHORT high, struct Rectangle *spos,
        struct Rectangle *dclip, struct Rectangle *txto,
        struct Rectangle *stdo,struct Rectangle *maxo,
        struct Rectangle * uclip);
void closedisplay(struct ILBMInfo *);
void modeErrorMsg(ULONG,ULONG);

/* loadilbm.c */
LONG loadbrush(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm, UBYTE *filename);
void unloadbrush(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm);

LONG queryilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm, UBYTE *filename);

LONG loadilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm, UBYTE *filename);
void unloadilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm);

/* saveilbm.c */
LONG screensave(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,
                        struct Screen *scr,
                        struct Chunk *chunklist1, struct Chunk *chunklist2,
                        UBYTE *filename);

LONG saveilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ilbm,
                struct BitMap *bitmap, ULONG modeid,
                WORD width, WORD height, WORD pagewidth, WORD pageheight,
                APTR colortable, UWORD count, UWORD bitspergun,
                WORD masking, WORD transparentColor,
                struct Chunk *chunklist1, struct Chunk *chunklist2,
                UBYTE *filename);

/* screendump.c (print screen or brush) */
int screendump(struct Screen *scr,
     UWORD srcx, UWORD srcy, UWORD srcw, UWORD srch,
     LONG destcols, UWORD special);

/* bmprintc.c (write C source for ILBM) */
void BMPrintCRep(struct BitMap *bm, FILE *fp, UBYTE *name, UBYTE *fmt);

#endif /* NO_PROTOS */

#endif /* IFFP_ILBM_H */