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namespace Tests\FFMpeg\Unit\FFProbe\DataMapping;
use FFMpeg\Coordinate\Dimension;
use Tests\FFMpeg\Unit\TestCase;
use FFMpeg\FFProbe\DataMapping\Stream;
class StreamTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider provideAudioCases
public function testIsAudio($isAudio, $properties)
$stream = new Stream($properties);
$this->assertTrue($isAudio === $stream->isAudio());
public function provideAudioCases()
return array(
array(true, array('codec_type' => 'audio')),
array(false, array('codec_type' => 'video')),
* @dataProvider provideVideoCases
public function testIsVideo($isVideo, $properties)
$stream = new Stream($properties);
$this->assertTrue($isVideo === $stream->isVideo());
public function provideVideoCases()
return array(
array(true, array('codec_type' => 'video')),
array(false, array('codec_type' => 'audio')),
* @expectedException FFMpeg\Exception\LogicException
* @expectedExceptionMessage Dimensions can only be retrieved from video streams.
public function testGetDimensionsFromAudio()
$stream = new Stream(array('codec_type' => 'audio'));
public function testGetDimensionsFromVideo()
$stream = new Stream(array('codec_type' => 'video', 'width' => 960, 'height' => 720));
$this->assertEquals(new Dimension(960, 720), $stream->getDimensions());
* @dataProvider provideInvalidPropertiesForDimensionsExtraction
* @expectedException FFMpeg\Exception\RuntimeException
* @expectedExceptionMessage Unable to extract dimensions.
public function testUnableToGetDimensionsFromVideo($properties)
$stream = new Stream(array('codec_type' => 'video', 'width' => 960));
public function provideInvalidPropertiesForDimensionsExtraction()
return array(
array('codec_type' => 'video', 'width' => 960),
array('codec_type' => 'video', 'height' => 960),
* @dataProvider providePropertiesForDimensionsExtraction
public function testGetDimensionsFromVideoWithDisplayRatio($data)
$stream = new Stream(array(
'codec_type' => 'video',
'width' => $data['width'],
'height' => $data['height'],
'sample_aspect_ratio' => $data['sar'],
'display_aspect_ratio' => $data['dar']
$this->assertEquals(new Dimension($data['result_width'], $data['result_height']), $stream->getDimensions());
* @dataProvider provideInvalidRatios
public function testGetDimensionsFromVideoWithInvalidDisplayRatio($invalidRatio)
$stream = new Stream(array('codec_type' => 'video', 'width' => 960, 'height' => 720, 'sample_aspect_ratio' => $invalidRatio, 'display_aspect_ratio' => '16:9'));
$this->assertEquals(new Dimension(960, 720), $stream->getDimensions());
public function provideInvalidRatios()
return array(array('0:1'), array('2:1:3'));
public function providePropertiesForDimensionsExtraction()
return array(
array('width' => '960', 'height' => '720',
'sar' => '4:3', 'dar' => '16:9',
'result_width' => '1280', 'result_height' => '720'),
array('width' => '1920', 'height' => '1080',
'sar' => '1:1', 'dar' => '16:9',
'result_width' => '1920', 'result_height' => '1080'),
array('width' => '640', 'height' => '480',
'sar' => '75:74', 'dar' => '50:37',
'result_width' => '649', 'result_height' => '480'),
array('width' => '720', 'height' => '576',
'sar' => '52:28', 'dar' => '16:9',
'result_width' => '1337', 'result_height' => '752'),