
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 65  →  ?path2? @ 66
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
function assemble(ast) {
var result;
if (!ast) {
return ast;
if (!ast.constructor || ! {
return ast.value;
switch ({
case 'String':
result = ast;
case 'YAMLDoc':
result = assemble(ast.value);
case 'YAMLHash':
result = {};
ast.keys.forEach(function (key){
result[key.keyName] = assemble(key.value);
case 'YAMLList':
result = [];
ast.items.forEach(function (item){
result = ast.value;
return result;
module.exports = assemble;
var helpers = require('./helpers');
// --- AST
* Initialize with _tokens_.
function AST(tokens, str) {
this.tokens = tokens;
// Windows new line support (CR+LF, \r\n)
str = str.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
// Use a regex to do this magic
this.lines = str.split(/\n/g).map(function(i){ return i + '\n'});
this.strLength = str.length;
* Look-ahead a single token.
* @return {array}
* @api public
AST.prototype.peek = function() {
return this.tokens[0]
* Advance by a single token.
* @return {array}
* @api public
AST.prototype.advance = function() {
return this.tokens.shift()
* Advance and return the token's value.
* @return {mixed}
* @api private
AST.prototype.advanceValue = function() {
return this.advance()[1][1]
* Accept _type_ and advance or do nothing.
* @param {string} type
* @return {bool}
* @api private
AST.prototype.accept = function(type) {
if (this.peekType(type))
return this.advance()
* Expect _type_ or throw an error _msg_.
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} msg
* @api private
AST.prototype.expect = function(type, msg) {
if (this.accept(type)) return
throw new Error(msg + ', ' + helpers.context(this.peek()[1].input))
* Return the next token type.
* @return {string}
* @api private
AST.prototype.peekType = function(val) {
return this.tokens[0] &&
this.tokens[0][0] === val
* space*
AST.prototype.ignoreSpace = function() {
while (this.peekType('space'))
* (space | indent | dedent)*
AST.prototype.ignoreWhitespace = function() {
while (this.peekType('space') ||
this.peekType('indent') ||
// constructor functions
function YAMLDoc() {
this.node = 'YAMLDoc';
function YAMLHash() {
this.node = 'YAMLHash';
this.keys = [];
function YAMLHashKey(id) {
this.node = 'YAMLHashKey';
this.keyName = id[1][0]
function YAMLList() {
this.node = 'YAMLList';
this.items = [];
function YAMLInt(token){
this.node = 'YAMLInt';
this.raw = token[1][0];
this.value = parseInt(token[1][0]);
function YAMLFloat(token) {
this.node = 'YAMLFloat';
this.raw = token[1][0];
this.value = parseFloat(token[1][0]);
function YAMLString(token) {
var raw = token[1][0];
this.raw = raw;
this.node = 'YAMLString';
if (raw[0] === raw[raw.length - 1] && (raw[0] === '"' || raw[0] === '\'')){
// Remove quotation marks
this.value = raw.substring(1, raw.length - 1);
} else {
this.value = token[1][0];
function YAMLTrue(token) {
this.node = 'YAMLTrue';
this.raw = token[1][0];
this.value = true
function YAMLFalse(token) {
this.node = 'YAMLFalse';
this.raw = token[1][0];
this.value = false;
function YAMLNull(token) {
this.node = 'YAMLNull';
this.raw = token[1][0];
this.value = null;
function YAMLDate(token) {
this.node = 'YAMLDate';
this.raw = token[1][0];
this.value = helpers.parseTimestamp(token[1]);
AST.prototype.parse = function() {
switch (this.peek()[0]) {
case 'doc':
return this.parseDoc();
case '-':
return this.parseList();
case '{':
return this.parseInlineHash();
case '[':
return this.parseInlineList();
case 'id':
return this.parseHash();
case 'string':
return this.parseValue(YAMLString);
case 'timestamp':
return this.parseValue(YAMLDate);
case 'float':
return this.parseValue(YAMLFloat);
case 'int':
return this.parseValue(YAMLInt);
case 'true':
return this.parseValue(YAMLTrue);
case 'false':
return this.parseValue(YAMLFalse);
case 'null':
return this.parseValue(YAMLNull);
AST.prototype.parseDoc = function() {
this.expect('indent', 'expected indent after document');
var val = this.parse();
this.expect('dedent', 'document not properly dedented');
var yamlDoc = new YAMLDoc();
yamlDoc.value = val;
yamlDoc.start = this.indexToRowCol(0);
yamlDoc.end = this.indexToRowCol(this.strLength - 1);
return yamlDoc;
AST.prototype.parseHash = function() {
var id, hash = new YAMLHash();
while (this.peekType('id') && (id = this.advance())) {
this.expect(':', 'expected semi-colon after id');
var hashKey = new YAMLHashKey(id);
this.assignStartEnd(hashKey, id);
if (this.accept('indent')) {
hashKey.value = this.parse();
if (this.tokens.length){
this.expect('dedent', 'hash not properly dedented');
} else {
hashKey.value = this.parse();
// Add start and end to the hash based on start of the first key
// and end of the last key
hash.start = hash.keys[0].start;
hash.end = hash.keys[hash.keys.length - 1].value.end;
return hash;
AST.prototype.parseInlineHash = function() {
var hash = new YAMLHash(), id, i = 0;
while (!this.accept('}')) {
if (i) {
this.expect(',', 'expected comma');
if (this.peekType('id') && (id = this.advance())) {
var hashKey = new YAMLHashKey(id);
this.assignStartEnd(hashKey, id);
this.expect(':', 'expected semi-colon after id');
hashKey.value = this.parse();
// Add start and end to the hash based on start of the first key
// and end of the last key
hash.start = hash.keys[0].start;
hash.end = hash.keys[hash.keys.length - 1].value.end;
return hash;
AST.prototype.parseList = function() {
var list = new YAMLList();
var begining, end;
begining = this.accept('-');
while (true) {
if (this.accept('indent')) {
this.expect('dedent', 'list item not properly dedented');
} else{
end = this.accept('-');
if (end){
// Keep a copy of last end to use it for list.end
endBuffer = end;
} else {
end = endBuffer;
list.start = begining[2];
list.end = end[3];
return list;
AST.prototype.parseInlineList = function() {
var list = new YAMLList(), i = 0;
var begining = this.accept('[');
var end = this.accept(']');
while (!end) {
if (i) this.expect(',', 'expected comma');
end = this.accept(']');
list.start = begining[2];
list.end = end[3];
return list
AST.prototype.parseValue = function(constructorFn) {
var token = this.advance();
var value = new constructorFn(token);
this.assignStartEnd(value, token);
return value;
AST.prototype.assignStartEnd = function (node, token) {
node.start = this.indexToRowCol(token[2]);
node.end = this.indexToRowCol(token[3]);
AST.prototype.indexToRowCol = function (index) {
if (!this.lines) return null;
for (var l = 0; l < this.lines.length; l++) {
if (index >= this.lines[l].length){
index -= this.lines[l].length;
} else {
return {
row: l,
column: index
module.exports = AST;
// --- Helpers
* Return 'near "context"' where context
* is replaced by a chunk of _str_.
* @param {string} str
* @return {string}
* @api public
function context(str) {
if (typeof str !== 'string')
return '';
str = str
.slice(0, 25)
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
.replace(/"/g, '\\\"');
return 'near "' + str + '"';
* Return a UTC time from a time token
* @param {mixed} token
* @return {Date}
* @api public
function parseTimestamp(token) {
var date = new Date
var year = token[2],
month = token[3],
day = token[4],
hour = token[5] || 0,
min = token[6] || 0,
sec = token[7] || 0;
date.setUTCFullYear(year, month-1, day);
return date;
module.exports = {
context: context,
parseTimestamp: parseTimestamp
var helpers = require('./helpers');
// --- Lexer
* YAML grammar tokens.
var tokens = [
['comment', /^#[^\n]*/],
['indent', /^\n( *)/],
['space', /^ +/],
['true', /^\b(enabled|true|yes|on)\b/],
['false', /^\b(disabled|false|no|off)\b/],
['null', /^\b(null|Null|NULL|~)\b/],
['string', /^"(.*?)"/],
['string', /^'(.*?)'/],
['timestamp', /^((\d{4})-(\d\d?)-(\d\d?)(?:(?:[ \t]+)(\d\d?):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?)?)/],
['float', /^(\d+\.\d+)/],
['int', /^(\d+)/],
['doc', /^---/],
[',', /^,/],
['{', /^\{(?![^\n\}]*\}[^\n]*[^\s\n\}])/],
['}', /^\}/],
['[', /^\[(?![^\n\]]*\][^\n]*[^\s\n\]])/],
[']', /^\]/],
['-', /^\-/],
[':', /^[:]/],
['string', /^(?![^:\n\s]*:[^\/]{2})(([^:,\]\}\n\s]|(?!\n)\s(?!\s*?\n)|:\/\/|,(?=[^\n]*\s*[^\]\}\s\n]\s*\n)|[\]\}](?=[^\n]*\s*[^\]\}\s\n]\s*\n))*)(?=[,:\]\}\s\n]|$)/],
['id', /^([\w|\/|\$][\w -]*)/ ]
* Tokenize the given _str_.
* @param {string} str
* @return {array}
* @api private
exports.tokenize = function (str) {
var token, captures, ignore, input,
index = 0,
indents = 0, lastIndents = 0,
stack = [], indentAmount = -1
// Windows new line support (CR+LF, \r\n)
str = str.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
while (str.length) {
for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; ++i)
if (captures = tokens[i][1].exec(str)) {
// token format: [tokenType, capturedToken, startIndex, endIndex]
token = [tokens[i][0], captures, index, index + captures[0].length - 1];
str = str.replace(tokens[i][1], '');
index += captures[0].length;
switch (token[0]) {
case 'comment':
ignore = true;
case 'indent':
lastIndents = indents;
// determine the indentation amount from the first indent
if (indentAmount == -1) {
indentAmount = token[1][1].length;
indents = token[1][1].length / indentAmount;
if (indents === lastIndents || isNaN(indents)) {
ignore = true;
else if (indents > lastIndents + 1){
throw new SyntaxError('invalid indentation, got ' + indents + ' instead of ' + (lastIndents + 1));
else if (indents < lastIndents) {
input = token[1].input;
token = ['dedent'];
token.input = input;
while (--lastIndents > indents){
if (!ignore)
if (token)
token = null
throw new SyntaxError(helpers.context(str))
ignore = false
return stack
// YAML - Core -
// Copyright TJ Holowaychuk <> (MIT Licensed)
// Copyright Mohsen Azimi <> (MIT Licensed)
var assemble = require('./assembler');
var AST = require('./ast');
var tokenize = require('./lexer').tokenize;
* Version triplet.
exports.version = '0.3.0';
* Evaluate a _str_ of yaml.
* @param {string} str
* @return {mixed}
* @api public
var eval = function(str) {
return assemble(exports.ast(str));
* Evaluate a _str_ of yaml to an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
* @param {string} str
* @return {mixed}
* @api public
var ast = function(str) {
return (new AST(tokenize(str), str)).parse()
if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
window.yaml2 = window.yaml2 || {
eval: eval,
ast: ast
exports.eval = eval;
exports.ast = ast;
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
module.exports = require('../src/yaml');