
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 1  →  ?path2? @ 2
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
-:[ About ]:-
The scripts are meant to display a 3D overview of a region in
a Linden-Lab grid (such as Second Life) with the help of the
Wizardry and Steamworks Corrade scripted agent [1].
-:[ Requirements ]:-
* A WebGL enabled browser: Chome, Opera, Firefox, Safari...
-:[ Setup ]:-
1.) Edit "config.php" to reflect your settings in Corrade.ini
2.) Enable the Corrade permissions for your configured group:
* land
* interact
3.) Place the all the files in a directory on your webserver.
4.) Naviage to the renderMapAvatars.html and enjoy.
-:[ References ]:-
[1] Corrade -