
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 9  →  ?path2? @ 10
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
* Bootstrap's Gruntfile
* Copyright 2013-2016 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (
module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
// Force use of Unix newlines
grunt.util.linefeed = '\n';
RegExp.quote = function (string) {
return string.replace(/[-\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var generateGlyphiconsData = require('./grunt/bs-glyphicons-data-generator.js');
var BsLessdocParser = require('./grunt/bs-lessdoc-parser.js');
var getLessVarsData = function () {
var filePath = path.join(__dirname, 'less/variables.less');
var fileContent = fs.readFileSync(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
var parser = new BsLessdocParser(fileContent);
return { sections: parser.parseFile() };
var generateRawFiles = require('./grunt/bs-raw-files-generator.js');
var generateCommonJSModule = require('./grunt/bs-commonjs-generator.js');
var configBridge = grunt.file.readJSON('./grunt/configBridge.json', { encoding: 'utf8' });
Object.keys(configBridge.paths).forEach(function (key) {
configBridge.paths[key].forEach(function (val, i, arr) {
arr[i] = path.join('./docs/assets', val);
// Project configuration.
// Metadata.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
banner: '/*!\n' +
' * Bootstrap v<%= pkg.version %> (<%= pkg.homepage %>)\n' +
' * Copyright 2011-<%="yyyy") %> <%= %>\n' +
' * Licensed under the <%= pkg.license %> license\n' +
' */\n',
jqueryCheck: configBridge.config.jqueryCheck.join('\n'),
jqueryVersionCheck: configBridge.config.jqueryVersionCheck.join('\n'),
// Task configuration.
clean: {
dist: 'dist',
docs: 'docs/dist'
jshint: {
options: {
jshintrc: 'js/.jshintrc'
grunt: {
options: {
jshintrc: 'grunt/.jshintrc'
src: ['Gruntfile.js', 'package.js', 'grunt/*.js']
core: {
src: 'js/*.js'
test: {
options: {
jshintrc: 'js/tests/unit/.jshintrc'
src: 'js/tests/unit/*.js'
assets: {
src: ['docs/assets/js/src/*.js', 'docs/assets/js/*.js', '!docs/assets/js/*.min.js']
jscs: {
options: {
config: 'js/.jscsrc'
grunt: {
src: '<%= jshint.grunt.src %>'
core: {
src: '<%= jshint.core.src %>'
test: {
src: '<%= jshint.test.src %>'
assets: {
options: {
requireCamelCaseOrUpperCaseIdentifiers: null
src: '<%= jshint.assets.src %>'
concat: {
options: {
banner: '<%= banner %>\n<%= jqueryCheck %>\n<%= jqueryVersionCheck %>',
stripBanners: false
bootstrap: {
src: [
dest: 'dist/js/<%= %>.js'
uglify: {
options: {
compress: {
warnings: false
mangle: true,
preserveComments: /^!|@preserve|@license|@cc_on/i
core: {
src: '<%= concat.bootstrap.dest %>',
dest: 'dist/js/<%= %>.min.js'
customize: {
src: configBridge.paths.customizerJs,
dest: 'docs/assets/js/customize.min.js'
docsJs: {
src: configBridge.paths.docsJs,
dest: 'docs/assets/js/docs.min.js'
qunit: {
options: {
inject: 'js/tests/unit/phantom.js'
files: 'js/tests/index.html'
less: {
compileCore: {
options: {
strictMath: true,
sourceMap: true,
outputSourceFiles: true,
sourceMapURL: '<%= %>',
sourceMapFilename: 'dist/css/<%= %>'
src: 'less/bootstrap.less',
dest: 'dist/css/<%= %>.css'
compileTheme: {
options: {
strictMath: true,
sourceMap: true,
outputSourceFiles: true,
sourceMapURL: '<%= %>',
sourceMapFilename: 'dist/css/<%= %>'
src: 'less/theme.less',
dest: 'dist/css/<%= %>-theme.css'
autoprefixer: {
options: {
browsers: configBridge.config.autoprefixerBrowsers
core: {
options: {
map: true
src: 'dist/css/<%= %>.css'
theme: {
options: {
map: true
src: 'dist/css/<%= %>-theme.css'
docs: {
src: ['docs/assets/css/src/docs.css']
examples: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'docs/examples/',
src: ['**/*.css'],
dest: 'docs/examples/'
csslint: {
options: {
csslintrc: 'less/.csslintrc'
dist: [
examples: [
docs: {
options: {
ids: false,
'overqualified-elements': false
src: 'docs/assets/css/src/docs.css'
cssmin: {
options: {
// TODO: disable `zeroUnits` optimization once clean-css 3.2 is released
// and then simplify the fix for accordingly
compatibility: 'ie8',
keepSpecialComments: '*',
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapInlineSources: true,
advanced: false
minifyCore: {
src: 'dist/css/<%= %>.css',
dest: 'dist/css/<%= %>.min.css'
minifyTheme: {
src: 'dist/css/<%= %>-theme.css',
dest: 'dist/css/<%= %>-theme.min.css'
docs: {
src: [
dest: 'docs/assets/css/docs.min.css'
csscomb: {
options: {
config: 'less/.csscomb.json'
dist: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'dist/css/',
src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'],
dest: 'dist/css/'
examples: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'docs/examples/',
src: '**/*.css',
dest: 'docs/examples/'
docs: {
src: 'docs/assets/css/src/docs.css',
dest: 'docs/assets/css/src/docs.css'
copy: {
fonts: {
expand: true,
src: 'fonts/**',
dest: 'dist/'
docs: {
expand: true,
cwd: 'dist/',
src: [
dest: 'docs/dist/'
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 3000,
base: '.'
jekyll: {
options: {
bundleExec: true,
config: '_config.yml',
incremental: false
docs: {},
github: {
options: {
raw: 'github: true'
htmlmin: {
dist: {
options: {
collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
collapseWhitespace: true,
conservativeCollapse: true,
decodeEntities: false,
minifyCSS: {
compatibility: 'ie8',
keepSpecialComments: 0
minifyJS: true,
minifyURLs: false,
processConditionalComments: true,
removeAttributeQuotes: true,
removeComments: true,
removeOptionalAttributes: true,
removeOptionalTags: true,
removeRedundantAttributes: true,
removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
removeTagWhitespace: false,
sortAttributes: true,
sortClassName: true
expand: true,
cwd: '_gh_pages',
dest: '_gh_pages',
src: [
pug: {
options: {
pretty: true,
data: getLessVarsData
customizerVars: {
src: 'docs/_pug/customizer-variables.pug',
dest: 'docs/_includes/customizer-variables.html'
customizerNav: {
src: 'docs/_pug/customizer-nav.pug',
dest: 'docs/_includes/nav/customize.html'
htmllint: {
options: {
ignore: [
'Attribute "autocomplete" not allowed on element "button" at this point.',
'Attribute "autocomplete" is only allowed when the input type is "color", "date", "datetime", "datetime-local", "email", "hidden", "month", "number", "password", "range", "search", "tel", "text", "time", "url", or "week".',
'Element "img" is missing required attribute "src".'
src: '_gh_pages/**/*.html'
watch: {
src: {
files: '<%= jshint.core.src %>',
tasks: ['jshint:core', 'qunit', 'concat']
test: {
files: '<%= jshint.test.src %>',
tasks: ['jshint:test', 'qunit']
less: {
files: 'less/**/*.less',
tasks: 'less'
'saucelabs-qunit': {
all: {
options: {
build: process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_ID,
throttled: 10,
maxRetries: 3,
maxPollRetries: 4,
urls: [''],
browsers: grunt.file.readYAML('grunt/sauce_browsers.yml')
exec: {
npmUpdate: {
command: 'npm update'
compress: {
main: {
options: {
archive: 'bootstrap-<%= pkg.version %>',
mode: 'zip',
level: 9,
pretty: true
files: [
expand: true,
cwd: 'dist/',
src: ['**'],
dest: 'bootstrap-<%= pkg.version %>-dist'
// These plugins provide necessary tasks.
require('load-grunt-tasks')(grunt, { scope: 'devDependencies' });
// Docs HTML validation task
grunt.registerTask('validate-html', ['jekyll:docs', 'htmllint']);
var runSubset = function (subset) {
return !process.env.TWBS_TEST || process.env.TWBS_TEST === subset;
var isUndefOrNonZero = function (val) {
return val === undefined || val !== '0';
// Test task.
var testSubtasks = [];
// Skip core tests if running a different subset of the test suite
if (runSubset('core') &&
// Skip core tests if this is a Savage build
process.env.TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG !== 'twbs-savage/bootstrap') {
testSubtasks = testSubtasks.concat(['dist-css', 'dist-js', 'csslint:dist', 'test-js', 'docs']);
// Skip HTML validation if running a different subset of the test suite
if (runSubset('validate-html') &&
// Skip HTML5 validator on Travis when [skip validator] is in the commit message
isUndefOrNonZero(process.env.TWBS_DO_VALIDATOR)) {
// Only run Sauce Labs tests if there's a Sauce access key
if (typeof process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY !== 'undefined' &&
// Skip Sauce if running a different subset of the test suite
runSubset('sauce-js-unit') &&
// Skip Sauce on Travis when [skip sauce] is in the commit message
isUndefOrNonZero(process.env.TWBS_DO_SAUCE)) {
grunt.registerTask('test', testSubtasks);
grunt.registerTask('test-js', ['jshint:core', 'jshint:test', 'jshint:grunt', 'jscs:core', 'jscs:test', 'jscs:grunt', 'qunit']);
// JS distribution task.
grunt.registerTask('dist-js', ['concat', 'uglify:core', 'commonjs']);
// CSS distribution task.
grunt.registerTask('less-compile', ['less:compileCore', 'less:compileTheme']);
grunt.registerTask('dist-css', ['less-compile', 'autoprefixer:core', 'autoprefixer:theme', 'csscomb:dist', 'cssmin:minifyCore', 'cssmin:minifyTheme']);
// Full distribution task.
grunt.registerTask('dist', ['clean:dist', 'dist-css', 'copy:fonts', 'dist-js']);
// Default task.
grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean:dist', 'copy:fonts', 'test']);
grunt.registerTask('build-glyphicons-data', function () {, grunt); });
// task for building customizer
grunt.registerTask('build-customizer', ['build-customizer-html', 'build-raw-files']);
grunt.registerTask('build-customizer-html', 'pug');
grunt.registerTask('build-raw-files', 'Add scripts/less files to customizer.', function () {
var banner = grunt.template.process('<%= banner %>');
generateRawFiles(grunt, banner);
grunt.registerTask('commonjs', 'Generate CommonJS entrypoint module in dist dir.', function () {
var srcFiles = grunt.config.get('concat.bootstrap.src');
var destFilepath = 'dist/js/npm.js';
generateCommonJSModule(grunt, srcFiles, destFilepath);
// Docs task.
grunt.registerTask('docs-css', ['autoprefixer:docs', 'autoprefixer:examples', 'csscomb:docs', 'csscomb:examples', 'cssmin:docs']);
grunt.registerTask('lint-docs-css', ['csslint:docs', 'csslint:examples']);
grunt.registerTask('docs-js', ['uglify:docsJs', 'uglify:customize']);
grunt.registerTask('lint-docs-js', ['jshint:assets', 'jscs:assets']);
grunt.registerTask('docs', ['docs-css', 'lint-docs-css', 'docs-js', 'lint-docs-js', 'clean:docs', 'copy:docs', 'build-glyphicons-data', 'build-customizer']);
grunt.registerTask('docs-github', ['jekyll:github', 'htmlmin']);
grunt.registerTask('prep-release', ['dist', 'docs', 'docs-github', 'compress']);