
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
With Path: Rev
?path1? @ 41  →  ?path2? @ 42
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Blind 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Blind Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Blinds the element.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "blind", "hide", function( options, done ) {
var map = {
up: [ "bottom", "top" ],
vertical: [ "bottom", "top" ],
down: [ "top", "bottom" ],
left: [ "right", "left" ],
horizontal: [ "right", "left" ],
right: [ "left", "right" ]
element = $( this ),
direction = options.direction || "up",
start = element.cssClip(),
animate = { clip: $.extend( {}, start ) },
placeholder = $.effects.createPlaceholder( element );
animate.clip[ map[ direction ][ 0 ] ] = animate.clip[ map[ direction ][ 1 ] ];
if ( options.mode === "show" ) {
element.cssClip( animate.clip );
if ( placeholder ) {
placeholder.css( $.effects.clipToBox( animate ) );
animate.clip = start;
if ( placeholder ) {
placeholder.animate( $.effects.clipToBox( animate ), options.duration, options.easing );
element.animate( animate, {
queue: false,
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
complete: done
} );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Bounce 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Bounce Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Bounces an element horizontally or vertically n times.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "bounce", function( options, done ) {
var upAnim, downAnim, refValue,
element = $( this ),
// Defaults:
mode = options.mode,
hide = mode === "hide",
show = mode === "show",
direction = options.direction || "up",
distance = options.distance,
times = options.times || 5,
// Number of internal animations
anims = times * 2 + ( show || hide ? 1 : 0 ),
speed = options.duration / anims,
easing = options.easing,
// Utility:
ref = ( direction === "up" || direction === "down" ) ? "top" : "left",
motion = ( direction === "up" || direction === "left" ),
i = 0,
queuelen = element.queue().length;
$.effects.createPlaceholder( element );
refValue = element.css( ref );
// Default distance for the BIGGEST bounce is the outer Distance / 3
if ( !distance ) {
distance = element[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight" : "outerWidth" ]() / 3;
if ( show ) {
downAnim = { opacity: 1 };
downAnim[ ref ] = refValue;
// If we are showing, force opacity 0 and set the initial position
// then do the "first" animation
.css( "opacity", 0 )
.css( ref, motion ? -distance * 2 : distance * 2 )
.animate( downAnim, speed, easing );
// Start at the smallest distance if we are hiding
if ( hide ) {
distance = distance / Math.pow( 2, times - 1 );
downAnim = {};
downAnim[ ref ] = refValue;
// Bounces up/down/left/right then back to 0 -- times * 2 animations happen here
for ( ; i < times; i++ ) {
upAnim = {};
upAnim[ ref ] = ( motion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
.animate( upAnim, speed, easing )
.animate( downAnim, speed, easing );
distance = hide ? distance * 2 : distance / 2;
// Last Bounce when Hiding
if ( hide ) {
upAnim = { opacity: 0 };
upAnim[ ref ] = ( motion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
element.animate( upAnim, speed, easing );
element.queue( done );
$.effects.unshift( element, queuelen, anims + 1 );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Clip 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Clip Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Clips the element on and off like an old TV.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "clip", "hide", function( options, done ) {
var start,
animate = {},
element = $( this ),
direction = options.direction || "vertical",
both = direction === "both",
horizontal = both || direction === "horizontal",
vertical = both || direction === "vertical";
start = element.cssClip();
animate.clip = {
top: vertical ? ( start.bottom - ) / 2 :,
right: horizontal ? ( start.right - start.left ) / 2 : start.right,
bottom: vertical ? ( start.bottom - ) / 2 : start.bottom,
left: horizontal ? ( start.right - start.left ) / 2 : start.left
$.effects.createPlaceholder( element );
if ( options.mode === "show" ) {
element.cssClip( animate.clip );
animate.clip = start;
element.animate( animate, {
queue: false,
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
complete: done
} );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Drop 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Drop Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Moves an element in one direction and hides it at the same time.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "drop", "hide", function( options, done ) {
var distance,
element = $( this ),
mode = options.mode,
show = mode === "show",
direction = options.direction || "left",
ref = ( direction === "up" || direction === "down" ) ? "top" : "left",
motion = ( direction === "up" || direction === "left" ) ? "-=" : "+=",
oppositeMotion = ( motion === "+=" ) ? "-=" : "+=",
animation = {
opacity: 0
$.effects.createPlaceholder( element );
distance = options.distance ||
element[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight" : "outerWidth" ]( true ) / 2;
animation[ ref ] = motion + distance;
if ( show ) {
element.css( animation );
animation[ ref ] = oppositeMotion + distance;
animation.opacity = 1;
// Animate
element.animate( animation, {
queue: false,
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
complete: done
} );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Explode 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Explode Effect
//>>group: Effects
// jscs:disable maximumLineLength
//>>description: Explodes an element in all directions into n pieces. Implodes an element to its original wholeness.
// jscs:enable maximumLineLength
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "explode", "hide", function( options, done ) {
var i, j, left, top, mx, my,
rows = options.pieces ? Math.round( Math.sqrt( options.pieces ) ) : 3,
cells = rows,
element = $( this ),
mode = options.mode,
show = mode === "show",
// Show and then visibility:hidden the element before calculating offset
offset = "visibility", "hidden" ).offset(),
// Width and height of a piece
width = Math.ceil( element.outerWidth() / cells ),
height = Math.ceil( element.outerHeight() / rows ),
pieces = [];
// Children animate complete:
function childComplete() {
pieces.push( this );
if ( pieces.length === rows * cells ) {
// Clone the element for each row and cell.
for ( i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { // ===>
top = + i * height;
my = i - ( rows - 1 ) / 2;
for ( j = 0; j < cells; j++ ) { // |||
left = offset.left + j * width;
mx = j - ( cells - 1 ) / 2;
// Create a clone of the now hidden main element that will be absolute positioned
// within a wrapper div off the -left and -top equal to size of our pieces
.appendTo( "body" )
.wrap( "<div></div>" )
.css( {
position: "absolute",
visibility: "visible",
left: -j * width,
top: -i * height
} )
// Select the wrapper - make it overflow: hidden and absolute positioned based on
// where the original was located +left and +top equal to the size of pieces
.addClass( "ui-effects-explode" )
.css( {
position: "absolute",
overflow: "hidden",
width: width,
height: height,
left: left + ( show ? mx * width : 0 ),
top: top + ( show ? my * height : 0 ),
opacity: show ? 0 : 1
} )
.animate( {
left: left + ( show ? 0 : mx * width ),
top: top + ( show ? 0 : my * height ),
opacity: show ? 1 : 0
}, options.duration || 500, options.easing, childComplete );
function animComplete() {
element.css( {
visibility: "visible"
} );
$( pieces ).remove();
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Fade 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Fade Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Fades the element.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "fade", "toggle", function( options, done ) {
var show = options.mode === "show";
$( this )
.css( "opacity", show ? 0 : 1 )
.animate( {
opacity: show ? 1 : 0
}, {
queue: false,
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
complete: done
} );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Fold 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Fold Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Folds an element first horizontally and then vertically.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "fold", "hide", function( options, done ) {
// Create element
var element = $( this ),
mode = options.mode,
show = mode === "show",
hide = mode === "hide",
size = options.size || 15,
percent = /([0-9]+)%/.exec( size ),
horizFirst = !!options.horizFirst,
ref = horizFirst ? [ "right", "bottom" ] : [ "bottom", "right" ],
duration = options.duration / 2,
placeholder = $.effects.createPlaceholder( element ),
start = element.cssClip(),
animation1 = { clip: $.extend( {}, start ) },
animation2 = { clip: $.extend( {}, start ) },
distance = [ start[ ref[ 0 ] ], start[ ref[ 1 ] ] ],
queuelen = element.queue().length;
if ( percent ) {
size = parseInt( percent[ 1 ], 10 ) / 100 * distance[ hide ? 0 : 1 ];
animation1.clip[ ref[ 0 ] ] = size;
animation2.clip[ ref[ 0 ] ] = size;
animation2.clip[ ref[ 1 ] ] = 0;
if ( show ) {
element.cssClip( animation2.clip );
if ( placeholder ) {
placeholder.css( $.effects.clipToBox( animation2 ) );
animation2.clip = start;
// Animate
.queue( function( next ) {
if ( placeholder ) {
.animate( $.effects.clipToBox( animation1 ), duration, options.easing )
.animate( $.effects.clipToBox( animation2 ), duration, options.easing );
} )
.animate( animation1, duration, options.easing )
.animate( animation2, duration, options.easing )
.queue( done );
$.effects.unshift( element, queuelen, 4 );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Highlight 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Highlight Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Highlights the background of an element in a defined color for a custom duration.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "highlight", "show", function( options, done ) {
var element = $( this ),
animation = {
backgroundColor: element.css( "backgroundColor" )
if ( options.mode === "hide" ) {
animation.opacity = 0;
$.effects.saveStyle( element );
.css( {
backgroundImage: "none",
backgroundColor: options.color || "#ffff99"
} )
.animate( animation, {
queue: false,
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
complete: done
} );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Puff 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Puff Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Creates a puff effect by scaling the element up and hiding it at the same time.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "puff", "hide", function( options, done ) {
var newOptions = $.extend( true, {}, options, {
fade: true,
percent: parseInt( options.percent, 10 ) || 150
} );
$ this, newOptions, done );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Pulsate 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Pulsate Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Pulsates an element n times by changing the opacity to zero and back.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "pulsate", "show", function( options, done ) {
var element = $( this ),
mode = options.mode,
show = mode === "show",
hide = mode === "hide",
showhide = show || hide,
// Showing or hiding leaves off the "last" animation
anims = ( ( options.times || 5 ) * 2 ) + ( showhide ? 1 : 0 ),
duration = options.duration / anims,
animateTo = 0,
i = 1,
queuelen = element.queue().length;
if ( show || ! ":visible" ) ) {
element.css( "opacity", 0 ).show();
animateTo = 1;
// Anims - 1 opacity "toggles"
for ( ; i < anims; i++ ) {
element.animate( { opacity: animateTo }, duration, options.easing );
animateTo = 1 - animateTo;
element.animate( { opacity: animateTo }, duration, options.easing );
element.queue( done );
$.effects.unshift( element, queuelen, anims + 1 );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Scale 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Scale Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Grows or shrinks an element and its content.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "scale", function( options, done ) {
// Create element
var el = $( this ),
mode = options.mode,
percent = parseInt( options.percent, 10 ) ||
( parseInt( options.percent, 10 ) === 0 ? 0 : ( mode !== "effect" ? 0 : 100 ) ),
newOptions = $.extend( true, {
from: $.effects.scaledDimensions( el ),
to: $.effects.scaledDimensions( el, percent, options.direction || "both" ),
origin: options.origin || [ "middle", "center" ]
}, options );
// Fade option to support puff
if ( options.fade ) {
newOptions.from.opacity = 1; = 0;
$ this, newOptions, done );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Shake 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Shake Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Shakes an element horizontally or vertically n times.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "shake", function( options, done ) {
var i = 1,
element = $( this ),
direction = options.direction || "left",
distance = options.distance || 20,
times = options.times || 3,
anims = times * 2 + 1,
speed = Math.round( options.duration / anims ),
ref = ( direction === "up" || direction === "down" ) ? "top" : "left",
positiveMotion = ( direction === "up" || direction === "left" ),
animation = {},
animation1 = {},
animation2 = {},
queuelen = element.queue().length;
$.effects.createPlaceholder( element );
// Animation
animation[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
animation1[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "+=" : "-=" ) + distance * 2;
animation2[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance * 2;
// Animate
element.animate( animation, speed, options.easing );
// Shakes
for ( ; i < times; i++ ) {
.animate( animation1, speed, options.easing )
.animate( animation2, speed, options.easing );
.animate( animation1, speed, options.easing )
.animate( animation, speed / 2, options.easing )
.queue( done );
$.effects.unshift( element, queuelen, anims + 1 );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Size 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Size Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Resize an element to a specified width and height.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "size", function( options, done ) {
// Create element
var baseline, factor, temp,
element = $( this ),
// Copy for children
cProps = [ "fontSize" ],
vProps = [ "borderTopWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
hProps = [ "borderLeftWidth", "borderRightWidth", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
// Set options
mode = options.mode,
restore = mode !== "effect",
scale = options.scale || "both",
origin = options.origin || [ "middle", "center" ],
position = element.css( "position" ),
pos = element.position(),
original = $.effects.scaledDimensions( element ),
from = options.from || original,
to = || $.effects.scaledDimensions( element, 0 );
$.effects.createPlaceholder( element );
if ( mode === "show" ) {
temp = from;
from = to;
to = temp;
// Set scaling factor
factor = {
from: {
y: from.height / original.height,
x: from.width / original.width
to: {
y: to.height / original.height,
x: to.width / original.width
// Scale the css box
if ( scale === "box" || scale === "both" ) {
// Vertical props scaling
if ( factor.from.y !== ) {
from = $.effects.setTransition( element, vProps, factor.from.y, from );
to = $.effects.setTransition( element, vProps,, to );
// Horizontal props scaling
if ( factor.from.x !== ) {
from = $.effects.setTransition( element, hProps, factor.from.x, from );
to = $.effects.setTransition( element, hProps,, to );
// Scale the content
if ( scale === "content" || scale === "both" ) {
// Vertical props scaling
if ( factor.from.y !== ) {
from = $.effects.setTransition( element, cProps, factor.from.y, from );
to = $.effects.setTransition( element, cProps,, to );
// Adjust the position properties based on the provided origin points
if ( origin ) {
baseline = $.effects.getBaseline( origin, original ); = ( original.outerHeight - from.outerHeight ) * baseline.y +;
from.left = ( original.outerWidth - from.outerWidth ) * baseline.x + pos.left; = ( original.outerHeight - to.outerHeight ) * baseline.y +;
to.left = ( original.outerWidth - to.outerWidth ) * baseline.x + pos.left;
element.css( from );
// Animate the children if desired
if ( scale === "content" || scale === "both" ) {
vProps = vProps.concat( [ "marginTop", "marginBottom" ] ).concat( cProps );
hProps = hProps.concat( [ "marginLeft", "marginRight" ] );
// Only animate children with width attributes specified
// TODO: is this right? should we include anything with css width specified as well
element.find( "*[width]" ).each( function() {
var child = $( this ),
childOriginal = $.effects.scaledDimensions( child ),
childFrom = {
height: childOriginal.height * factor.from.y,
width: childOriginal.width * factor.from.x,
outerHeight: childOriginal.outerHeight * factor.from.y,
outerWidth: childOriginal.outerWidth * factor.from.x
childTo = {
height: childOriginal.height *,
width: childOriginal.width *,
outerHeight: childOriginal.height *,
outerWidth: childOriginal.width *
// Vertical props scaling
if ( factor.from.y !== ) {
childFrom = $.effects.setTransition( child, vProps, factor.from.y, childFrom );
childTo = $.effects.setTransition( child, vProps,, childTo );
// Horizontal props scaling
if ( factor.from.x !== ) {
childFrom = $.effects.setTransition( child, hProps, factor.from.x, childFrom );
childTo = $.effects.setTransition( child, hProps,, childTo );
if ( restore ) {
$.effects.saveStyle( child );
// Animate children
child.css( childFrom );
child.animate( childTo, options.duration, options.easing, function() {
// Restore children
if ( restore ) {
$.effects.restoreStyle( child );
} );
} );
// Animate
element.animate( to, {
queue: false,
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
complete: function() {
var offset = element.offset();
if ( to.opacity === 0 ) {
element.css( "opacity", from.opacity );
if ( !restore ) {
.css( "position", position === "static" ? "relative" : position )
.offset( offset );
// Need to save style here so that automatic style restoration
// doesn't restore to the original styles from before the animation.
$.effects.saveStyle( element );
} );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Slide 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Slide Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Slides an element in and out of the viewport.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
return $.effects.define( "slide", "show", function( options, done ) {
var startClip, startRef,
element = $( this ),
map = {
up: [ "bottom", "top" ],
down: [ "top", "bottom" ],
left: [ "right", "left" ],
right: [ "left", "right" ]
mode = options.mode,
direction = options.direction || "left",
ref = ( direction === "up" || direction === "down" ) ? "top" : "left",
positiveMotion = ( direction === "up" || direction === "left" ),
distance = options.distance ||
element[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight" : "outerWidth" ]( true ),
animation = {};
$.effects.createPlaceholder( element );
startClip = element.cssClip();
startRef = element.position()[ ref ];
// Define hide animation
animation[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? -1 : 1 ) * distance + startRef;
animation.clip = element.cssClip();
animation.clip[ map[ direction ][ 1 ] ] = animation.clip[ map[ direction ][ 0 ] ];
// Reverse the animation if we're showing
if ( mode === "show" ) {
element.cssClip( animation.clip );
element.css( ref, animation[ ref ] );
animation.clip = startClip;
animation[ ref ] = startRef;
// Actually animate
element.animate( animation, {
queue: false,
duration: options.duration,
easing: options.easing,
complete: done
} );
} );
} ) );
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* jQuery UI Effects Transfer 1.12.1
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
//>>label: Transfer Effect
//>>group: Effects
//>>description: Displays a transfer effect from one element to another.
( function( factory ) {
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define( [
], factory );
} else {
// Browser globals
factory( jQuery );
}( function( $ ) {
var effect;
if ( $.uiBackCompat !== false ) {
effect = $.effects.define( "transfer", function( options, done ) {
$( this ).transfer( options, done );
} );
return effect;
} ) );