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Bootstrap Tokenfield
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[![Build status][travis-badge]](
A jQuery tagging / tokenizer input plugin for Twitter's Bootstrap, by the guys from [Sliptree](
Check out the [demo and docs](
### Installation
Requirements: jQuery 1.9+, Bootstrap 3+ (only CSS)
1. Install via npm or bower (recommended) or manually download the package
2. Include `dist/bootstrap-tokenfield.js` or `dist/bootstrap-tokenfield.min.js` in your HTML
3. Include `dist/css/bootstrap-tokenfield.css` in your HTML
### Usage
### Features
* Copy & paste tokens with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V
* Keyboard navigation, delete tokens with keyboard (arrow keys, Shift + arrow keys)
* Select specific tokens with Ctrl + click and Shift + click
* Twitter Typeahead and jQuery UI Autocomplete support
### FAQ
#### How can I prevent duplicate tokens from being entered?
You can use the `tokenfield:createtoken` event for that. Check the `event.attrs` property for token value and label,
and the run your duplicate detection logic. If it's a duplicate token, simply do `event.preventDefault()`.
Here's a simple example that checks if token's value is equal to any of the existing tokens' values.
$('#my-tokenfield').on('tokenfield:createtoken', function (event) {
var existingTokens = $(this).tokenfield('getTokens');
$.each(existingTokens, function(index, token) {
if (token.value === event.attrs.value)
#### And how about limiting tokens to my typeahead/autocomplete data?
Similarly, using `tokenfield:createtoken`, you can check to see if a token exists in your autocomplete/typeahead
data. This example checks if the given token already exists and stops its entry if it doesn't.
$('#my-tokenfield').on('tokenfield:createtoken', function (event) {
var available_tokens = bloodhound_tokens.index.datums
var exists = true;
$.each(available_tokens, function(index, token) {
if (token.value === event.attrs.value)
exists = false;
if(exists === true)
### Changelog
See [release notes](
Previous releases:
* Fixed: Entering a duplicate token does not submit the underlying form anymore
* Fixed: Selecting a duplicate token from autocomplete or typeahead suggestions no longer clears the input
* Improved: Trying to enter a duplicate tag now animates the existing tag for a little while
* Improved: Tokenfield input has now `autocomplete="off"` to prevent browser-specific autocomplete suggestions
* Changed: `triggerKeys` has been renamed to `delimiter` and accepts a single or an array of characters instead of character codes.
* Fixed: setTokens now respects `triggerKeys` option
* New: `triggerKeys` option
* Fixed: Long placeholders are not being cut off anymore when initializing tokenfield with no tokens #37
* Fixed: createTokensOnBlur no more breaks token editing #35
0.9.7 Valuable
* Fixed: Twitter Typeahead valueKey support #18
* Fixed: Removing multiple tokens returned wrong data #30
* Fixed: If token is removed in beforeEdit event, no longer falls over #27, #28
* Fixed: Change event was triggered on initialization #22
* Fixed: When token is removed in tokenfield:preparetoken event, no longer tries to create a token
* Fixed: Pressing comma key was not handled reliably
* New: `prevetDuplicateToken` event
* Improved: Typeahead integration
* Improved: styling
* Minor tweaks, fixes, improvements
0.9.5 Typeable
* New: Twitter Typeahead support
* New: When triggering 'change' event on original input, setTokens is now called. This allows you to update tokens externally.
* Fixed: Nnput labels did not work with tokenfield
* Fixed: Set correct input width on fixed-width inputs
0.9.2 Maintenance release
* Many small fixes and improvements
0.9.0 Bootstrappable
* New: Bootstrap 3 support
* New: Input group support
* New: Disable/enable tokenfield
* New: Tokenfield is now responsive
* Deprecated: Bootstrap 2 support
* Fixed: pressing comma did not create a token in Firefox
* Fixed: tokenfield('getTokensList') returned array instead of string
0.7.0 Autocompleted
* New feature: jQuery UI Autocomplete support
0.6.7 Crossable
* Fixed: Firefox close icon was misplaced
* New: IE 8-10 support (both CSS and Javascript)
0.6.5 Shiftable
* New feature: select specific tokens with Ctrl/Shift + click
* New feature: select specific tokens with Shift + arrow keys
* Internal API improvements
0.6 Editable
* New feature: Edit existing tokens by double-clicking or pressing enter
* A lot of improvements and bugfixes
0.5 Initial release