
Subversion Repositories:
Compare Path: Rev
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?path1? @ 20  →  ?path2? @ 21
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# Maintainer needed
This library is no longer actively used at Axinom. It therefore lacks a maintainer who can pay attention to pull requests and issues. If you are an active developer who would like to take over, please open an issue stating your intentions and providing contact information so that the maintainership can be transferred to you.
# x2js
This is a library that converts between XML and JavaScript objects.
The conversion is not necessarily lossless but it is very convenient.
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master | development
------ | -----------
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# Integration
The code is all contained within the `x2js.js` file, so you can include it directly
via a script tag. It will create `window.X2JS`, which is a constructor that can be
used to create instances of the converter, providing an optional configuration object.
In a Node app, `require("x2js")` will give you the constructor that you can use the same way.
Loading via AMD-capable loaders (e.g. require.js) is also supported and works equivalently.
The `xmldom` package is a dependency but it is only used under Node, as in browsers the browser DOM is used.
# Quick start
var x2js = new X2JS();
var document = x2js.xml2js(xml);
var xml = x2js.js2xml(document);
See the type definitions within `x2js.d.ts` for information about what configuration options you can pass.
# Automated tests
A set of QUnit test cases are part of the project and act as the primary usage examples.
Run `karma start --single run` to test with Chrome, Firefox and IE.
Run `node_modules\.bin\qunit-cli all_tests.js` to test with the Node runtime.
Run `npm test` to execute both sets of tests.
Travis CI uses `npm travistest` to run tests using Firefox via Karma and Node.
# Contributing
Contributions are welcome! To ensure speedy merges, please:
* base any pull requests on the **development** branch.
* ensure that the code passes ESLint validation with the included ruleset.