vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
2 YA_MAPS = {
3 ["Eastern Kingdoms"] = {"Azeroth"},
4 ["Kalimdor"] = {"Kalimdor"},
5 --
6 };
8 Yatlas_WorldMapIds = {
9 ["Azeroth"] = 2,
10 ["Kalimdor"] = 1
11 };
14 -- These MUST MATCH the values returned by GetMapZones()
15 -- (These are the id versions)
16 Yatlas_ZoneIds = {
17 ["Azeroth"] = {
18 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 28, 33, 36, 38, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46,
19 47, 51, 85, 130, 139, 267, 1497, 1519, 1537
20 },
21 ["Kalimdor"] = {
22 14, 15, 16, 17, 141, 148, 215, 331, 357, 361, 400, 405,
23 406, 440, 490, 493, 618, 1377, 1637, 1638, 1657
24 },
25 }
27 Yatlas_PaperZoneNames = {}; -- we don't fill this in by hand
28 Yatlas_Landmarks = {}; -- this is filled in automatically too
30 -- Adjustment for dropdown menu
31 Yatlas_mapareas_adjust = {
32 [148] = {-1,0}, -- Darkshore
33 [361] = {-0.95,0}, -- Felwood
34 [357] = {1.2, .1}, -- Feralas
35 [618] = {0.7, -0.5}, -- Winterspring
37 [36] = {-0.3, 0}, -- Alterac
38 [12] = {0, 0.4}, -- Elwynn Forest
39 [267] = {0.3, -0.3}, -- Hillsbrad
40 [33] = {-1.4, -1}, -- STV
41 [8] = {0.4, 0}, -- Swamp of Sorrows
42 [40] = {-0.1, 0}, -- Westfall
43 [11] = {-0.7, -0.9} -- Wetlands
44 };
46 -- Instances (entrances)
47 Yatlas_instances = {
48 ["Kalimdor"] = {
49 {"Ahn'Qiraj", 1526, -8132},
50 {"Blackfathom Deeps", 888, 4138},
51 {"Dire Maul", 1341, -4367},
52 {"Maraudon", 2932, -1415},
53 {"Onyxia's Lair", -3730, -4712},
54 {"Ragefire Chasm", -4416.2, 1818.4},
55 {"Razorfen Downs", -2336, -4721},
56 {"Razorfen Kraul", -1606, -4455},
57 {"Wailing Caverns", -2027, -796},
58 {"Zul'Farrak", -2904, -6665},
59 },
60 ["Azeroth"] = {
61 {"Blackrock Depths", -919, -7179},
62 {"Blackrock Spire", -1223, -7529},
63 {"Gnomeregan", 933, -5161},
64 -- {"Blackwing Lair", -1217, -7658},
65 -- {"Molten Core", -1038, -7508},
66 {"Scarlet Monestary", -867, 2916},
67 {"Scholomance", -2567, 1275},
68 {"Shadowfang Keep", 1585, -229},
69 {"Stratholme", -3375, 3381},
70 {"Stratholme (Service Entrance)", -4033, 3187},
71 {"The Deadmines", 1512, -11081},
72 {"The Temple of Atal'Hakkar", -3826, -10414},
73 {"Zul'Gurub", -1250, -11915},
75 }
76 };
78 Yatlas_towns2 = {
79 ["Kalimdor"] = {
80 -- Ashenvale --
81 {"Maestra's Post", 154, 3240},
82 {"The Talondeep Path", -718, 1913},
83 {"Raynewood Retreat", -1881, 2707},
84 {"Satyrnaar", -2981.2, 2694},
85 {"Warsong Lumber Camp", -3545.8, 2438},
86 {"Zoram'Gar Outpost", 1012.5, 3353},
87 -- Azshara --
88 {"Valormok", -4400, 3600},
89 {"Talrendis Point", -3975, 2693},
90 {"Ruins of Eldarath", -5150, 3542},
91 -- Darkshore --
92 {"Ruins of Mathystra", -845, 7368},
93 {"Bashal'Aran", -22.9, 6695},
94 {"Ameth'Aran", 200, 5702},
95 {"Grove of the Ancients", 102, 4993},
96 -- Desolace --
97 {"Sargeron", 762, -230},
98 {"Thunder Axe Fortress", 1762, -346},
99 {"Kodo Graveyard", 1929, -1303},
100 {"Ghostwalker Post", 1752, -1238},
101 {"Mannoroc Coven", 1902, -1905},
102 {"Valley of Spears", 2793, -1273},
103 {"Gelkis Village", 2558, -2184},
104 {"Magram Village", 1045, -1807},
105 {"Kolkar Village", 954, -948},
106 -- Durotar --
107 {"Razor Hill", -4741.6, 309},
108 {"The Den", -4218, -609},
109 {"Sen'jin Village", -4912, -823},
110 -- Duskwallow --
111 {"Brackenwall Village", -2877, -3122},
112 {"Stonemaul Ruins", -3295, -4329},
113 -- Felwood --
114 {"Felpaw Village", -1935, 6785},
115 {"Jaedenar", -551, 4329},
116 {"Emerald Sanctuary", -1310, 4008},
117 {"Talonbranch Glade", -1935, 6173},
118 -- Feralas --
119 {"Ruins of Isildien", 1376, -5686},
120 {"Gordunni Outpost", 155, -3730},
121 {"Grimtotem Compound", 824, -4507},
122 -- Moonglade --
123 {"Nighthaven", -2497, 7890},
124 {"Stormrage Barrow Dens", -2947, 7565},
125 {"Shrine of Remulos", -2214, 7846},
126 -- Mulgore --
127 {"Red Rocks", -1137.5, -935},
128 {"Bloodhoof Village", -381.2, -2318},
129 {"Brambleblade Ravine", -1181, -3000},
130 {"Camp Narache", -254, -2904},
131 -- Silithus --
132 {"Staghelm Point", 100, -6548},
133 {"Valor's Rest", -304, -6430},
134 {"Southwind Village", 364, -7196},
135 {"Bronzebeard Encampment", 1122, -8036},
136 -- Stonetalon Mountains --
137 {"Malaka'jin", -327, -196},
138 {"The Talon Den", 1814, 2409},
139 {"The Talondeep Path", -579, 1544},
140 -- Tanaris --
141 {"Steamwheedle Port", -4864, -6937},
142 {"Uldum", -2785, -9656},
143 {"Dunemaul Compound", -3050, -8435},
144 {"Sandsorrow Warch", -2952, -7162},
145 -- Teldrassil --
146 {"Aldrassil", 818, 10480},
147 {"The Oracle Glade", 1918, 10684},
148 {"Dolanaar", 968, 9846},
149 {"Starbreeze Village", 420, 9871},
150 {"Rut'Theran Village", 991, 8709},
151 -- The Barrens --
152 {"The Sludge Fen", -3079, 1044},
153 {"Northwatch Hold", -3641, -2098},
154 -- Thousand Needles --
155 {"The Great Lift", -1849, -4662},
156 {"Mirage Raceway", -3914, -6220},
157 {"Roguefeather Den", -1614, -5487},
158 {"The Weathered Nook", -2797, -5208},
159 {"Ironstone Camp", -3422, -5825},
160 {"Whitereach Post", -1366, -4918},
161 {"Darkcloud Pinnacle", -1931, -5087},
162 -- Un'goro Crater --
163 {"Marshal's Refuge", -1087, -6165},
164 {"Fungal Rock", -1856, -6382},
165 -- Winterspring --
166 {"Owl Wing Thicket", -4958, 5652},
167 {"The Hidden Grove", -4842, 7733},
168 {"Starfall Village", -3931, 7147},
169 {"Winterfall Village", -5129, 6764},
170 },
171 ["Azeroth"] = {
172 -- Alterac --
173 {"Strahnbrad", -956, 679},
174 {"Ruins of Alterac", -310, 539},
175 {"Dalaran", 364, 266},
176 {"Lordamere Internment Camp", 226, -95},
177 -- Arathi Highlands --
178 {"The Tower of Arathor", -1500, -1777},
179 {"Stromgarde", -1800, -1631},
180 {"Witherbark Village", -3398, -1741},
181 {"Faldir's Cove", -2112, -2079},
182 {"Refuge Pointe", -2416, -1373},
183 -- Badlands --
184 {"Angor Fortress", -3137, -6375},
185 {"Dustbelch Grotto", -2289, -7275},
186 -- Blasted Lands --
187 {"Nethergarde Keep", -3431, -10991},
188 {"The Dark Portal", -3193, -11829},
189 {"Dreadmaul Hold", -2664, -108524},
190 -- Burning Steppes --
191 {"Flame Crest", -2193, -7480},
192 {"Blackrock Stronghold", -1439, -7701},
193 -- Deadwind Pass --
194 -- Dun Morogh --
195 {"Anvilmar", 387, -6102},
196 {"Kharanos", -500, -5583},
197 {"Brewnall Village", 302, -5360},
198 -- Duskwood --
199 {"Ravenhill", 327, -10735},
200 -- Eastern Plaguelands --
201 {"Terrorweb Tunnel", -2772, 3034},
202 {"Terrorweb Tunnel", -2470, 2751},
203 {"Light's Hope Chapel", -5339, 2298},
204 {"Tyr's Hand", -5558, 1596},
205 {"Darrowshire", -3695, 1438},
206 {"Corin's Crossing", -4505, 2032},
207 -- Elwynn Forest --
208 {"Northshire Abbey", -172, -8878},
209 {"Eastvale Logging Camp", -1352, -9460},
210 {"Goldshire", 68, -9458},
211 {"Westbrook Garrison", 677, -9624},
212 -- Hillsbrad Foothills
213 {"Azurlode Mine", 196, -827},
214 {"Durnholde Keep", -1457, -456},
215 {"Dun Garok", -1218, -1292},
216 {"Purgation Isle", 590, -1333},
217 -- Loch Modan --
218 {"The Farstrider Lodge", -4270, -5655},
219 -- Red Ridge Mountains --
220 {"Tower of Ilgalar", -3297, -9280},
221 {"Stonewatch Keep", -3052, -9380},
222 -- Searing Gorge --
223 {"Thorium Point", -1153, -6504},
224 -- Silverpine Forest --
225 {"Ambermill", 791, -122},
226 {"Pyrewood Village", 1556, -385},
227 -- Strangethorn Vale --
228 {"Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound", -1006, -12368},
229 {"Venture Co. Base Camp", -523, -11972},
230 {"Gurubashi Arena", 278, -13204},
231 -- Swamp of Sorrows --
232 {"Fallow Sanctuary", -3641, -9954},
233 {"Misty Valley", -2526, -10164},
234 {"Stagalbog Cave", -3745, -10795},
235 -- The Hinterlands --
236 {"Skulk Rock", -3795, 393},
237 {"Quel'Danil Lodge", -2764, 239},
238 {"The Altar of Zul", -3454, -293},
239 {"Jintha'Alor", -3955, -468},
240 -- Tirisfal Glades --
241 {"Agamand Mills", 871, 2839},
242 {"Deathknell", 1580, 1929},
243 {"Brill", 286, 2304},
244 -- Western Plaguelands --
245 {"Hearthglen", 1516, 2877},
246 {"Ruins of Andorhal", -1518,1383},
247 {"Caer Darrow", -2558, 1156},
248 {"The Bulwark", -762, 1745},
249 {"Chillwind Camp", -1441, 925},
250 -- Westfall --
251 {"Jangolode Mine", 1453, -9968},
252 {"Gold Coast Quarry", 1915, -10416},
253 {"Moonbrook", 1501, -11010},
254 -- Wetlands --
255 {"Dun Modr", -2327, -2610},
256 {"Dun Algaz", -2369, -4198},
257 {"Grim Batol", -3429, -4006},
258 }
260 }
262 -- XXX USEME
263 Yatlas_Mobs = {
264 -- two original outdoor raid bosses
265 {"Lord Kazzak", "Kalimdor", -2439, -12211},
266 {"Azuregos", "Azeroth", -5884, 2764},
267 -- four dragons
268 {"Dragons of Nightmare", "Azeroth", -4081, 624},
269 {"Dragons of Nightmare", "Kalimdor", -3741, 3174},
270 {"Dragons of Nightmare", "Azeroth", -421, -10441},
271 {"Dragons of Nightmare", "Kalimdor", 1874, -2796},
272 };
274 -- 'blacklist' some of our 'graveyards'
275 function YA_BL_gy(cont, c)
276 for h,v in ipairs(Yatlas_graveyards[cont]) do
277 if(v[1] == c[1] and v[2] == c[2]) then
278 tremove(Yatlas_graveyards[cont], h);
279 return;
280 end
281 end
282 end
283 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {-831.880981, -3518.520020}); -- AB
284 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {-1215.589966, -2531.750000}); -- AB
285 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {536.494995, -1085.719971}); -- AV
286 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {101.143997, -184.934006}); -- AV
287 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {-5687.000000, -515.000000}); -- Dun Morogh Extra
288 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {-9115.000000, 423.000000}); -- Stormwind Bogus
289 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {-9151.980469, 410.944000}); -- Stormwind Bogus
290 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {1822.609985, 214.673996}); -- Undercity Bogus
291 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {-5049.450195, -809.697021}); -- Ironforge extra
292 YA_BL_gy("Azeroth", {-13290.000000, 108.000000}); -- Gurubashi Arena Bogus
293 YA_BL_gy("Kalimdor", {1357.099976, -4412.009766}); -- Orgrimmar Bogus
294 YA_BL_gy("Kalimdor", {1459.170044, -1858.670044}); -- WSG
295 YA_BL_gy("Kalimdor", {1035.270020, -2104.280029}); -- WSG