vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- TrackerAssist
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- global variables which get saved across sessions
7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 -- whether or not the AddOn is enabled.
10 TrackerAssist_ENABLED = true;
12 -- whether or not label delay is enabled. if enabled, labels will only display
13 -- for a period of time and will then be cleared.
14 TrackerAssist_ENABLE_LABEL_DECAY = true;
16 -- if enabled track info printed in your chat window will also be sent to the
17 -- specified chat channel ("party", "guild", or "raid")
18 TrackerAssist_ENABLE_CHAT_ANNOUNCE = true;
19 TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL = "party";
21 -- if enabled, then the label under the minimap updates by mousing over blips
22 TrackerAssist_ENABLE_MOUSEOVER = false;
24 -- if enabled, NPCs are colored based on their reaction to the player
25 TrackerAssist_ENABLE_NPCCOLOR = true;
27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 -- global variables
29 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 -- current version
32 local curVersion = "v1.7";
34 -- the text label (FontString) currently being displayed, or nil if none
35 local curLabel = nil;
37 -- the time (returned from GetTime()) at which the currently displayed
38 -- label was first displayed. used to decay the label after a period of time.
39 local curLabelStartTime = 0;
41 -- if label decay is enabled, this controls how long (in seconds) before the
42 -- label decays. this is initially set to a longer time period so that the
43 -- announcement/version message gets displayed, but is shortened when text
44 -- is set via the SetTextXXX() functions.
45 local LABEL_DECAY_TIME = 30.0;
47 -- when multiple items are under the mouse, these variables are used to cycle
48 -- through them.
49 local prevLineText = "";
50 local prevLineItemNum = 0;
51 local prevLineNumItems = 0;
53 -- if there was already a target and the tooltip didn't contain a valid target
54 -- this is used to preserve the original target
55 local origTarget = nil;
57 -- indicates the new target selected as a result of processing the click
58 local newTarget = nil;
60 -- the last mouse-over tooltip text that was processed
61 local lastMOText = "";
63 -- indicates current event is a mouse-over not a click
64 local eventIsMouseOver = false;
66 -- stores original functions while processing text
67 local orig_TargetFrame_OnShow;
68 local orig_TargetFrame_OnHide;
70 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 -- function which does nothing
72 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 function TrackerAssist_nil()
74 end
76 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 -- clears currently displayed label
78 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 function TrackerAssist_ClearText()
80 if (curLabel ~= nil) then
81 curLabel:SetText("");
82 curLabel = nil;
83 curLabelStartTime = 0;
84 end
85 end
87 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
88 -- sets and shows regular message text
89 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
90 function TrackerAssist_SetText(text)
91 TrackerAssist_ClearText();
92 TrackerAssistText:SetText(text);
93 TrackerAssistText:SetTextColor(1.0,1.0,0.0);
94 TrackerAssistText:Show();
95 curLabel = TrackerAssistText;
96 curLabelStartTime = GetTime();
98 end
100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 -- sets and shows friendly message text
102 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 function TrackerAssist_SetFriendText(text)
104 TrackerAssist_ClearText();
105 TrackerAssistText:SetText(text);
106 TrackerAssistText:SetTextColor(0.3,1.0,0.3);
107 TrackerAssistText:Show();
108 curLabel = TrackerAssistText;
109 curLabelStartTime = GetTime();
111 end
113 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114 -- sets and shows hostile message text
115 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 function TrackerAssist_SetFoeText(text)
117 TrackerAssist_ClearText();
118 TrackerAssistText:SetText(text);
119 TrackerAssistText:SetTextColor(1.0,0.3,0.3);
120 TrackerAssistText:Show();
121 curLabel = TrackerAssistText;
122 curLabelStartTime = GetTime();
124 end
126 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 -- prints message text of the specified color to the chat window
128 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
129 function TrackerAssist_PrintColoredMsg(msg,r,g,b)
130 if(ChatFrame1) then
131 ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg, r, g, b);
132 end
133 end
135 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 -- prints regular message text to the chat window
137 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 function TrackerAssist_Print(msg)
139 TrackerAssist_PrintColoredMsg(msg,1.0,1.0,0.0);
140 end
142 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
143 -- prints NPC message text to the chat window
144 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 function TrackerAssist_PrintNPC(msg)
146 TrackerAssist_PrintColoredMsg(msg,1.0,1.0,0.0);
147 end
149 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 -- prints friendly message text to the chat window
151 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
152 function TrackerAssist_PrintFriend(msg)
153 TrackerAssist_PrintColoredMsg(msg,0.3,1.0,0.3);
154 end
156 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 -- prints hostile message text to the chat window
158 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 function TrackerAssist_PrintFoe(msg)
160 TrackerAssist_PrintColoredMsg(msg,1.0,0.3,0.3);
161 end
163 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 -- called when the AddOn is loaded. Performs initialization tasks.
165 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 function TrackerAssist_OnLoad()
167 -- register for minimap ping (mouse click on minimap) events
168 this:RegisterEvent("MINIMAP_PING");
170 -- create slash "/" command
171 SlashCmdList["TRACKERASSIST"] = TrackerAssist_Command;
172 SLASH_TRACKERASSIST1 = "/trackerassist";
175 -- set text label to right/top-justified
176 TrackerAssistText:SetJustifyH("right");
177 TrackerAssistText:SetJustifyV("top");
179 -- show initial welcome text
180 TrackerAssist_SetText("TrackerAssist " .. curVersion);
181 -- TrackerAssist_Print("TrackerAssist " .. curVersion .. " loaded");
182 end
184 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 -- called on each visual update
186 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 function TrackerAssist_OnUpdate()
188 -- if a label is currently being displayed and if label decay is enabled
189 if ((curLabel ~= nil) and
190 (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_LABEL_DECAY)) then
191 -- if the label has been displayed for longer than the decay time
192 if ((GetTime() - curLabelStartTime) > LABEL_DECAY_TIME) then
193 -- clear the label
194 TrackerAssist_ClearText();
195 lastMOText = "";
196 end
197 end
199 -- only process event if enabled
200 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLED) then
201 -- only process if mouseover processing is enabled
202 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_MOUSEOVER) then
203 if (TrackerAssist_MouseCheck()) then
204 -- only proceed if tooltip is showing
205 if (GameTooltip:IsVisible()) then
206 TrackerAssist_Process_Tooltip_MouseOver();
207 end
208 end
209 end
210 end
211 end
213 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
214 -- checks if the mouse should be processed
215 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 function TrackerAssist_MouseCheck()
217 local result = false;
219 -- if the mouse is over the visible minimap or zoomed minimap and its not
220 -- over any of the edge buttons (clock, mail, etc) then process
221 if ((MinimapCluster and MouseIsOver(MinimapCluster) and MinimapCluster:IsVisible() and
222 MiniMapTrackingFrame and (not MouseIsOver(MiniMapTrackingFrame)) and
223 MiniMapMailFrame and (not MouseIsOver(MiniMapMailFrame)) and
224 MinimapZoomIn and (not MouseIsOver(MinimapZoomIn)) and
225 MinimapZoneTextButton and (not MouseIsOver(MinimapZoneTextButton)) and
226 MinimapZoomOut and (not MouseIsOver(MinimapZoomOut)) and
227 GameTimeFrame and (not MouseIsOver(GameTimeFrame))) or
228 (ZoomMapCluster and MouseIsOver(ZoomMapCluster) and ZoomMapCluster:IsVisible())) then
229 result = true;
230 end
232 return result;
233 end
235 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 -- responds to the slash "/" command
237 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
238 function TrackerAssist_Command(cmd)
240 if (string.len(cmd) == 0) then
241 TrackerAssist_Print("\nTrackerAssist " .. curVersion .. "\n\n");
243 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLED) then
244 TrackerAssist_Print("TrackerAssist is ENABLED\n");
245 else
246 TrackerAssist_Print("TrackerAssist is DISABLED\n");
247 end
249 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_LABEL_DECAY) then
250 TrackerAssist_Print("Label Decay is ENABLED\n");
251 else
252 TrackerAssist_Print("Label Decay is DISABLED\n");
253 end
255 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_CHAT_ANNOUNCE) then
256 TrackerAssist_Print("Chat Announce is ENABLED\n");
257 else
258 TrackerAssist_Print("Chat Announce is DISABLED\n");
259 end
261 TrackerAssist_Print("Chat Announce Channel is " ..
262 TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL .. "\n");
264 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_MOUSEOVER) then
265 TrackerAssist_Print("Mouse Over is ENABLED\n");
266 else
267 TrackerAssist_Print("Mouse Over is DISABLED\n");
268 end
270 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_NPCCOLOR) then
271 TrackerAssist_Print("NPC color is ENABLED\n");
272 else
273 TrackerAssist_Print("NPC color is DISABLED\n");
274 end
276 TrackerAssist_Print("\n/trackerassist enabled - toggles whether or not " ..
277 "the TrackerAssist AddOn is enabled\n");
278 TrackerAssist_Print("/trackerassist decay - toggles decay of the " ..
279 "label under the minimap\n");
280 TrackerAssist_Print("/trackerassist announce - toggles " ..
281 "announcement of track info on the specified chat channel\n");
282 TrackerAssist_Print("/trackerassist channel <chan> - sets the chat channel used " ..
283 "to announce track info (must be party, guild, or raid)\n");
284 TrackerAssist_Print("/trackerassist mouseover - toggles whether " ..
285 "or not mouseover is enabled.\n");
286 TrackerAssist_Print("/trackerassist npccolor - toggles whether " ..
287 "or not NPC text is color-coded based on the unit " ..
288 "reaction to the player.\n\n");
290 else
291 if (cmd == "enabled") then
292 TrackerAssist_ENABLED = not TrackerAssist_ENABLED;
294 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLED) then
295 TrackerAssist_Print("TrackerAssist is ENABLED\n");
296 else
297 TrackerAssist_Print("TrackerAssist is DISABLED\n");
298 TrackerAssist_ClearText();
299 end
300 elseif (cmd == "decay") then
301 TrackerAssist_ENABLE_LABEL_DECAY =
302 not TrackerAssist_ENABLE_LABEL_DECAY;
304 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_LABEL_DECAY) then
305 TrackerAssist_Print("Label Decay is ENABLED\n");
306 else
307 TrackerAssist_Print("Label Decay is DISABLED\n");
308 end
309 elseif (cmd == "announce") then
310 TrackerAssist_ENABLE_CHAT_ANNOUNCE =
311 not TrackerAssist_ENABLE_CHAT_ANNOUNCE;
313 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_CHAT_ANNOUNCE) then
314 TrackerAssist_Print("Chat Announce is ENABLED\n");
315 else
316 TrackerAssist_Print("Chat Announce is DISABLED\n");
317 end
318 elseif (cmd == "channel party") then
319 TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL = "party";
320 TrackerAssist_Print("Chat Announce Channel is " ..
321 TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL .. "\n");
322 elseif (cmd == "channel guild") then
323 TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL = "guild";
324 TrackerAssist_Print("Chat Announce Channel is " ..
325 TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL .. "\n");
326 elseif (cmd == "channel raid") then
327 TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL = "raid";
328 TrackerAssist_Print("Chat Announce Channel is " ..
329 TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL .. "\n");
330 elseif (cmd == "mouseover") then
331 TrackerAssist_ENABLE_MOUSEOVER =
332 not TrackerAssist_ENABLE_MOUSEOVER;
334 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_MOUSEOVER) then
335 TrackerAssist_Print("Mouse Over is ENABLED\n");
336 else
337 TrackerAssist_Print("Mouse Over is DISABLED\n");
338 end
339 elseif (cmd == "npccolor") then
340 TrackerAssist_ENABLE_NPCCOLOR =
341 not TrackerAssist_ENABLE_NPCCOLOR;
343 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_NPCCOLOR) then
344 TrackerAssist_Print("NPC color is ENABLED\n");
345 else
346 TrackerAssist_Print("NPC color is DISABLED\n");
347 end
348 end
349 end
350 end
352 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
353 -- called when events occur
354 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
355 function TrackerAssist_OnEvent()
356 -- only process event if enabled
357 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLED) then
358 -- look for minimap ping events
359 if (event == "MINIMAP_PING") then
360 if (TrackerAssist_MouseCheck()) then
361 -- only proceed if tooltip is showing
362 if (GameTooltip:IsVisible()) then
363 TrackerAssist_Process_Tooltip();
364 end
365 end
366 end
367 end
368 end
370 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 -- process the tooltip resulting from a mouse click
372 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
373 function TrackerAssist_Process_Tooltip()
374 -- for purposes of targeting blips on the map, we only need
375 -- the first tooltip line. when there are multiple blips
376 -- being represented, they're all actually in the first tooltip
377 -- line as a string which itself has multiple lines
378 numLines = GameTooltip:NumLines();
379 if (numLines > 0) then
380 local tttext = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText();
381 if (tttext ~= nil) then
382 TrackerAssist_Process_TooltipLine(tttext);
383 end
384 end
385 end
387 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 -- process the tooltip resulting from a mouse over
389 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 function TrackerAssist_Process_Tooltip_MouseOver()
391 numLines = GameTooltip:NumLines();
392 if (numLines > 0) then
393 local motext = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText();
394 if (motext ~= nil) then
395 local moline = TrackerAssist_GetLine(motext,1);
396 if (string.len(moline) > 0) then
397 -- if the first line of the tooltip text has changed since we last
398 -- did this, then process it
399 if (moline ~= lastMOText) then
401 -- hook these to avoid the targeting sound
402 orig_TargetFrame_OnShow = TargetFrame_OnShow;
403 orig_TargetFrame_OnHide = TargetFrame_OnHide;
404 TargetFrame_OnShow = TrackerAssist_nil;
405 TargetFrame_OnHide = TrackerAssist_nil;
407 eventIsMouseOver = true;
409 lastMOText = moline;
410 TrackerAssist_Process_TooltipLine(moline);
412 -- restore or clear target, since mouse-over shouldn't affect
413 -- targeting
414 if (origTarget ~= nil) then
415 TargetByName(origTarget);
416 else
417 ClearTarget();
418 end
420 eventIsMouseOver = false;
422 -- unhook
423 TargetFrame_OnShow = orig_TargetFrame_OnShow;
424 TargetFrame_OnHide = orig_TargetFrame_OnHide;
425 end
426 end
427 end
428 end
429 end
431 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
432 -- processes the specified tooltip line (which may contain multiple units)
433 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
434 function TrackerAssist_Process_TooltipLine(line)
436 -- store current target, if any and initialize new target variable
437 origTarget = UnitName("target");
438 newTarget = nil;
440 -- temporarily clear some error messages which could be shown
446 -- gets rid of any items which can not be a target.
447 -- when the mouse is over multiple items, clicking multiple
448 -- times cycles through them. if there are non-targetable items
449 -- included in this cycling, then extra clicks would be needed
450 -- to cycle through the valid targets. this avoids that.
451 line = TrackerAssist_StripNontargets(line);
453 local idx = string.find(line,"\n");
454 if (idx == nil) then
455 -- if there's only a single item, then process it and
456 -- clear out the variables used for cycling through multiple items
457 prevLineText = "";
458 prevLineItemNum = 0;
459 prevLineNumItems = 0;
460 TrackerAssist_Process_Unit(line);
461 else
462 -- if there are multiple items and this is the
463 -- first time this particular set of items was clicked
464 -- initialize the variables used for cycling through the items
465 if (line ~= prevLineText) then
466 prevLineText = line;
467 prevLineItemNum = 0;
468 prevLineNumItems = TrackerAssist_NumLines(line);
469 end
470 -- advance to next item in the set of items
471 prevLineItemNum = prevLineItemNum + 1;
472 if (prevLineItemNum > prevLineNumItems) then
473 prevLineItemNum = 1;
474 end
475 -- process the next item in the set of items
476 TrackerAssist_Process_Unit(TrackerAssist_GetLine(line,prevLineItemNum));
477 end
479 -- if we didn't select a new target and if there was previously
480 -- a target, then restore that target
481 if ((origTarget ~= nil) and
482 (newTarget == nil)) then
483 TargetByName(origTarget);
484 end
486 -- restore error messages
489 end
491 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
492 -- counts the # of lines in the specified string
493 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
494 function TrackerAssist_NumLines(s)
495 local idx = string.find(s,"\n");
496 if (idx == nil) then
497 return 1;
498 else
499 return 1 + TrackerAssist_NumLines(string.sub(s,idx+1,string.len(s)));
500 end
501 end
503 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
504 -- retrieves the specified line from the string
505 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
506 function TrackerAssist_GetLine(s,line)
507 local tmp = s;
508 local curLineNum = 0;
509 local result = "";
510 while (curLineNum < line) do
511 curLineNum = curLineNum + 1;
512 local idx = string.find(tmp,"\n");
513 if (idx == null) then
514 result = tmp;
515 break;
516 else
517 result = string.sub(tmp,1,idx-1);
518 tmp = string.sub(tmp,idx+1,string.len(tmp));
519 end
520 end
521 if (curLineNum ~= line) then
522 result = "";
523 end
524 return result;
525 end
527 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
528 -- removes all lines from the string which do not represent valid targets
529 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
530 function TrackerAssist_StripNontargets(line)
531 local newline = "";
532 local curLineNum = 0;
533 local numLines = TrackerAssist_NumLines(line);
534 while (curLineNum < numLines) do
535 curLineNum = curLineNum + 1;
536 local s = TrackerAssist_GetLine(line,curLineNum);
537 ClearTarget();
538 TargetByName(s);
539 local name = UnitName("target");
540 if (name ~= nil) then
541 newline = newline .. s;
542 if (curLineNum < numLines) then
543 newline = newline .. "\n";
544 end
545 end
546 end
547 ClearTarget();
548 return newline;
549 end
551 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
552 -- called once a targetable unit has been identified in the tooltip text
553 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
554 function TrackerAssist_Process_Unit(line)
555 ClearTarget();
556 TargetByName(line);
558 local s, x, name, level, race, class, guildname, guildstatust, guildstatusn,
559 reaction;
561 name = UnitName("target");
562 if (name ~= nil) then
563 newTarget = name;
564 s = "TRACK INFO: ";
566 if (UnitIsPlayer("target")) then
567 s = s .. "PLAYER: ";
568 else
569 s = s .. "NPC: ";
570 end
572 s = s .. name;
574 level = UnitLevel("target");
575 if (level ~= nil) then
576 s = s .. ", " .. level;
577 end
579 if (UnitIsPlayer("target")) then
580 race = UnitRace("target");
581 if (race ~= nil) then
582 s = s .. " " .. race;
583 end
585 class = UnitClass("target");
586 if (class ~= nil) then
587 s = s .. " " .. class;
588 end
589 end
591 if (UnitIsPlayer("target")) then
592 x = name .. " " .. level .. " " .. race .. " " .. class;
594 guildname,guildstatust,guildstatusn = GetGuildInfo("target");
595 if (guildname ~= nil) then
596 x = x .. "\n<" .. guildname .. ">";
597 s = s .. " <" .. guildname .. ">";
598 end
600 local factionT, groupT = UnitFactionGroup("target");
601 local factionP, groupP = UnitFactionGroup("player");
603 if (factionT == factionP) then
604 TrackerAssist_SetFriendText(x);
605 if (not eventIsMouseOver) then
606 TrackerAssist_PrintFriend(s);
607 end
608 else
609 TrackerAssist_SetFoeText(x);
610 if (not eventIsMouseOver) then
611 TrackerAssist_PrintFoe(s);
612 end
613 end
614 else
615 x = name .. " " .. level .. " NPC";
617 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_NPCCOLOR) then
618 reaction = UnitReaction("target","player");
620 if (reaction < 4) then
621 TrackerAssist_SetFoeText(x);
622 if (not eventIsMouseOver) then
623 TrackerAssist_PrintFoe(s);
624 end
625 elseif (reaction > 4) then
626 TrackerAssist_SetFriendText(x);
627 if (not eventIsMouseOver) then
628 TrackerAssist_PrintFriend(s);
629 end
630 else
631 TrackerAssist_SetText(x);
632 if (not eventIsMouseOver) then
633 TrackerAssist_PrintNPC(s);
634 end
635 end
636 else
637 TrackerAssist_SetText(x);
638 if (not eventIsMouseOver) then
639 TrackerAssist_PrintNPC(s);
640 end
641 end
642 end
644 if (TrackerAssist_ENABLE_CHAT_ANNOUNCE and (not eventIsMouseOver)) then
645 if (TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL == "party") then
646 if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) then
647 SendChatMessage(s,"party");
648 end
649 elseif (TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL == "guild") then
650 guildname,guildstatust,guildstatusn = GetGuildInfo("player");
651 if (guildname ~= nil) then
652 SendChatMessage(s,"guild");
653 end
654 elseif (TrackerAssist_CHAT_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL == "raid") then
655 if (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
656 SendChatMessage(s,"raid");
657 end
658 end
659 end
660 end
661 end