vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
2 This is the basic template for adding a variable:
4 ["variable"] = { func = function(text, unit)
5 code that creates the value that replaces your variable
6 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, 'variable', value);
7 return text;
8 end,
10 variable - Can be anything you want and doesn't necessarily have to be preceded with a $.
11 func - This is the function called when the variable needs to be updated.
12 text - This is the entire text of the TextBox and must be returned after it is modified.
13 unit - This is the unit ID (party1, player, target, etc.) that the TextBox refers to.
14 No other parameters will be passed to your function and those 2 will always be passed.
15 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, 'variable', value) - This line is used to replace the variable
16 with the value you generated in the preceding code. It handles trimming leading spaces
17 if value is nil or false.
18 --]]
21 -- New Line (resets coloring)
22 ["$nl"] = { func = function(text, unit)
23 text = string.gsub(text, '$nl', "\n");
24 return text;
25 end,
26 },
28 -- Carriage Return (resets coloring)
29 ["\n"] = { func = function(text, unit)
30 text = string.gsub(text, "\n", "|r\n");
31 return text;
32 end,
33 },
34 -- Name
35 ["$nm"] = { func = function(text, unit)
36 local unitname = UnitName(unit);
37 if (not unitname) then unitname = unit; end
38 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$nm', unitname, "nm");
39 return text;
40 end,
41 },
43 --Guild - Returns guild name for PCs, title for NPCs
44 ["$gu"] = { func = function(text, unit)
45 local value = TipBuddy.gtt_guild;
46 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$gu', value, "gu");
47 return text;
48 end,
49 },
51 --Guild Title - returns the player's title rank in their guild
52 ["$gt"] = { func = function(text, unit)
53 local _, value = GetGuildInfo(unit);
54 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$gt', value, "gt");
55 return text;
56 end,
57 },
59 -- Level
60 ["$lv"] = { func = function(text, unit)
61 TipBuddy.gtt_level = UnitLevel(unit);
62 local level = TipBuddy.gtt_level;
63 if (level == -1) then
64 level = "??";
65 end
66 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$lv', level, "lv");
67 return text;
68 end,
69 },
71 -- Unit's Class
72 ["$cl"] = { func = function(text, unit)
73 --local class = TipBuddy.gtt_class;
74 local class = UnitClass(unit);
75 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$cl', class, "cl");
76 return text;
77 end,
78 },
80 -- Race (players only)
81 ["$rc"] = { func = function(text, unit)
82 local race = UnitRace(unit);
83 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$rc', race, "rc");
84 return text;
85 end,
86 },
88 -- Faction - Horde, Alliance, or nothing (players only)
89 ["$fa"] = { func = function(text, unit)
90 local value = UnitFactionGroup(unit);
91 if (not UnitName(unit)) then value = "faction"; end
92 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$fa', value, "fa");
93 return text;
94 end,
95 },
97 -- City Faction - Stormwind, Darkspear Trolls, etc. (NPCs only)
98 ["$cf"] = { func = function(text, unit)
99 local value = TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac;
100 if (not UnitName(unit)) then value = "city faction"; end
101 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$cf', value, "cf");
102 return text;
103 end,
104 },
106 -- Current Health (actual)
107 ["$hc"] = { func = function(text, unit)
108 local health = TB_GetHealth_Text( unit, "current" );
109 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$hc', health, "hc");
110 return text;
111 end,
112 },
114 -- Max Health (actual)
115 ["$hm"] = { func = function(text, unit)
116 local healthmax = TB_GetHealth_Text( unit, "max" );
117 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$hm', healthmax, "hm");
118 return text;
119 end,
120 },
122 -- Health as a percent
123 ["$hp"] = { func = function(text, unit)
124 local health = TB_GetHealth_Text( unit, "percent" );
125 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$hp', health, "hp");
126 return text;
127 end,
128 },
130 -- Current Mana (actual)
131 ["$mc"] = { func = function(text, unit)
132 local mana = UnitMana(unit);
133 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$mc', mana, "mc");
134 return text;
135 end,
136 },
138 -- Max Mana (actual)
139 ["$mm"] = { func = function(text, unit)
140 local manamax = UnitManaMax(unit);
141 if (not manamax) then
142 manamax = 0;
143 end
144 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$mm', manamax, "mm");
145 return text;
146 end,
147 },
149 -- Mana as a percent
150 ["$mp"] = { func = function(text, unit)
151 local mana = UnitMana(unit);
152 local manamax = UnitManaMax(unit);
153 local percent = 0;
154 if (manamax == 0) then
155 percent = 0;
156 else
157 percent = math.floor(mana/manamax * 100);
158 end
159 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$mp', percent, "mp");
160 return text;
161 end,
162 },
164 --[[ Death Status - DEAD, GHOST, or nothing
165 ["$ds"] = { func = function(text, unit)
166 local value;
167 if (UnitIsGhost(unit)) then
168 value = TipBuddy_TEXT.Ghost;
169 elseif (UnitIsDead(unit)) then
170 value = TipBuddy_TEXT.Dead;
171 elseif (not UnitName(unit)) then
172 value = TipBuddy_TEXT.Dead;
173 else
174 value = "";
175 end
176 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$ds', value);
177 return text;
178 end,
179 },]]
181 --[[In Combat - COMBAT or nothing
182 ["$ic"] = { func = function(text, unit)
183 local value = "";
184 if (UnitAffectingCombat(unit) or (not UnitName(unit))) then
185 value = TipBuddy_TEXT.Combat;
186 end
187 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$ic', value);
188 return text;
189 end,
190 },]]
192 -- NPC Classification - Elite, Boss, etc.
193 ["$ns"] = { func = function(text, unit)
194 local value = UnitClassification(unit);
195 if (value == "normal") then
196 value = "";
197 elseif (value == "elite" or (not UnitName(unit))) then
198 value = TB_elite;
199 elseif (value == "worldboss") then
200 value = TB_worldboss;
201 elseif (value == "rare") then
202 value = TB_rare;
203 elseif (value == "rareelite") then
204 value = TB_rareelite;
205 end
206 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$ns', value, "ns");
207 return text;
208 end,
209 },
211 -- NPC Type - Beast, Humanoid, Undead, etc.
212 ["$nt"] = { func = function(text, unit)
213 local value = UnitCreatureType(unit);
214 if (UnitIsPlayer(unit)) then value = nil; end
215 if (not UnitName(unit)) then value = "beast"; end
216 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$nt', value, "nt");
217 return text;
218 end,
219 },
221 -- NPC Family - Bear, Crab, Cat, etc.
222 ["$nf"] = { func = function(text, unit)
223 local value = UnitCreatureFamily(unit);
224 if (not UnitName(unit)) then value = "cat"; end
225 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$nf', value, "nf");
226 return text;
227 end,
228 },
230 -- Tapped - TAPPED or nothing
231 ["$tp"] = { func = function(text, unit)
232 local value;
233 if (UnitIsTapped(unit) and (not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit))) then
234 value = TB_tapped;
235 end
236 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$tp', value, "tp");
237 return text;
238 end,
239 },
241 -- Unit Reaction - Hostile, Neutral, Friendly
242 ["$re"] = { func = function(text, unit)
243 local value = UnitReaction("player", unit);
244 if (value) then
245 if (value < 4) then
247 elseif (value == 4) then
249 else
251 end
252 end
253 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$re', value, "re");
254 return text;
255 end,
256 },
258 --PVP Rank
259 ["$pr"] = { func = function(text, unit)
260 local value = GetPVPRankInfo(UnitPVPRank(unit), unit);
261 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$pr', value, "pr");
262 return text;
263 end,
264 },
266 --PVP Rank Number
267 ["$pn"] = { func = function(text, unit)
268 local value = UnitPVPRank(unit);
269 if (value > 0) then
270 value = value - 4;
271 else
272 value = nil;
273 end
274 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$pn', value, "pn");
275 return text;
276 end,
277 },
279 --PVP Flagged - PvP or PvP Free For All
280 ["$pv"] = { func = function(text, unit)
281 local value;
282 if (UnitIsPVPFreeForAll(unit)) then
283 value = "FFA";
284 elseif (UnitIsPVP(unit)) then
285 value = PVP_ENABLED;
286 end
287 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$pv', value, "pv");
288 return text;
289 end,
290 },
292 --Mana Label - Mana, Energy, Rage, Focus
293 ["$ml"] = { func = function(text, unit)
294 local value = UnitPowerType(unit);
295 if (value == 0) then
296 value = MANA;
297 elseif (value == 1) then
298 value = RAGE;
299 elseif (value == 2) then
300 value = FOCUS;
301 elseif (value == 3) then
302 value = ENERGY;
303 end
304 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$ml', value, "ml");
305 return text;
306 end,
307 },
309 --Unit Difficulty - Trivial, Minor, Suicide, etc.
310 ["$df"] = { func = function(text, unit)
311 local _, value = TipBuddy_GetDifficultyColor(UnitLevel(unit));
312 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$df', value, "df");
313 return text;
314 end,
315 },
317 -- Unit Target's Target Name
318 ["$tn"] = { func = function(text, unit)
319 local target = TipBuddy_Adv_TargetsTarget( unit );
320 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$tn', target, "tn");
321 return text;
322 end,
323 },
325 -- Civilian
326 --[[["$cv"] = { func = function(text, unit)
327 local value;
328 if (UnitIsCivilian(unit)) then
329 value = "Civilian";
330 end
331 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$cv', value, "cv");
332 return text;
333 end,
334 },]]
336 -- Shorthand Elite Text
337 ["$cx"] = { func = function(text, unit)
338 local value = UnitClassification(unit);
339 if (value == "normal") then
340 value = nil;
341 elseif (value == "elite" or (not UnitName(unit))) then
342 value = "+";
343 elseif (value == "worldboss") then
344 value = "++";
345 elseif (value == "rare") then
346 value = "(R)";
347 elseif (value == "rareelite") then
348 value = "(R)+";
349 end
350 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '$cx', value, "cx");
351 return text;
352 end,
353 },
355 ---- COLORS ----
356 -- Reaction Name
357 ["@Crn"] = { func = function(text, unit)
358 local value = getglobal("tbcolor_nam_"..TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction( unit ));
359 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Crn', value);
360 return text;
361 end,
362 },
364 -- Reaction Guild
365 ["@Crg"] = { func = function(text, unit)
366 local value = getglobal("tbcolor_gld_"..TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction( unit ));
367 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Crg', value);
368 return text;
369 end,
370 },
372 -- Difficulty
373 ["@Cdf"] = { func = function(text, unit)
374 local value = TipBuddy_GetDifficultyColor(UnitLevel(unit));
375 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cdf', value);
376 return text;
377 end,
378 },
380 -- Class Color
381 ["@Ccl"] = { func = function(text, unit)
382 if (UnitClass(unit) == TB_mage) then
383 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_mage;
384 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_warlock) then
385 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_warlock;
386 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_priest) then
387 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_priest;
388 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_druid) then
389 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_druid;
390 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_shaman) then
391 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_shaman;
392 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_paladin) then
393 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_paladin;
394 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_rogue) then
395 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_rogue;
396 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_hunter) then
397 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_hunter;
398 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_warrior) then
399 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_warrior;
400 else
401 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_other;
402 end
403 local value = TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor;
404 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Ccl', value);
405 return text;
406 end,
407 },
409 -- Target's Target Color (only color's if the unit has a target)
410 ["@Ctt"] = { func = function(text, unit)
411 local _, value = TipBuddy_Adv_TargetsTarget( unit );
412 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Ctt', value);
413 return text;
414 end,
415 },
418 -- Corpse Color
419 -- Will only color text if unit is a corpse
420 ["@Ccp"] = { func = function(text, unit)
421 local value;
422 if (UnitHealth(unit) <= 0) then
423 value = tbcolor_corpse;
424 --TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor = tbcolor_corpse;
425 --TipBuddy.gtt_classcorpse = " "..CORPSE;
426 else
427 value = "";
428 end
429 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Ccp', value);
430 return text;
431 end,
432 },
434 -- Orange
435 ["@Cor"] = { func = function(text, unit)
436 local value = TB_NML_TXT;
437 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cor', value);
438 return text;
439 end,
440 },
441 -- White
442 ["@Cwt"] = { func = function(text, unit)
443 local value = TB_WHT_TXT;
444 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cwt', value);
445 return text;
446 end,
447 },
448 -- Grey
449 ["@Cgy"] = { func = function(text, unit)
450 local value = TB_GRY_TXT;
451 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cgy', value);
452 return text;
453 end,
454 },
455 -- Red
456 ["@Crd"] = { func = function(text, unit)
457 local value = TB_RED_TXT;
458 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Crd', value);
459 return text;
460 end,
461 },
462 -- Green
463 ["@Cgn"] = { func = function(text, unit)
464 local value = TB_GRN_TXT;
465 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cgn', value);
466 return text;
467 end,
468 },
469 -- Yellow
470 ["@Cyw"] = { func = function(text, unit)
471 local value = TB_YLW_TXT;
472 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cyw', value);
473 return text;
474 end,
475 },
476 -- Blue
477 ["@Cbl"] = { func = function(text, unit)
478 local value = TB_BLE_TXT;
479 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cbl', value);
480 return text;
481 end,
482 },
483 -- Pink
484 ["@Cpk"] = { func = function(text, unit)
485 local value = TB_PNK_TXT;
486 text = TipBuddy_gsub(text, '@Cpk', value);
487 return text;
488 end,
489 }
490 };
492 function TipBuddy_gsub(text, variable, value, tag)
493 if (not tag) then
494 tag = "";
495 end
496 if (value and value ~= "") then
497 if (string.find(text, "<"..tag..">.-"..variable..".-<\/"..tag..">")) then
498 --TB_AddMessage("found pattern: "..variable);
499 text = string.gsub(text, "<"..tag..">(.-)"..variable.."(.-)<\/"..tag..">", "%1"..value.."%2");
500 else
501 --TB_AddMessage("didn't find pattern...: "..variable);
502 text = string.gsub(text, variable, value);
503 end
504 elseif (string.find(text, "<"..tag..">.-"..variable..".-<\/"..tag..">")) then
505 text = string.gsub(text, "<"..tag..">.-"..variable..".-</"..tag..">", "");
506 else
507 text = string.gsub(text, variable, "", 1);
508 end
509 --TB_AddMessage("start: "..text);
510 return text;
511 end