vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
3 TipBuddy: ---------
4 copyright 2005 by Chester
6 ]]
9 function TipBuddy_OnLoad()
11 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
12 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN");
14 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT");
15 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_LEVEL");
16 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FACTION");
17 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS");
19 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_PVPLEVEL_CHANGED");
20 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA");
21 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_FLAGS_CHANGED");
22 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH");
23 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHEALTH");
24 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA");
25 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE");
26 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FOCUS");
27 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY");
28 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HAPPINESS");
29 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA");
30 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXRAGE");
31 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXFOCUS");
32 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXENERGY");
33 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHAPPINESS");
34 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER");
35 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE");
36 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS");
38 SLASH_TIPBUDDY1 = "/tipbuddy";
39 SLASH_TIPBUDDY2 = "/tbuddy";
40 SLASH_TIPBUDDY3 = "/tip";
41 SlashCmdList["TIPBUDDY"] = function(msg)
42 TipBuddy_SlashCommand(msg);
43 end
45 -- commented out cause it fucked up my buttons
46 -- Add TipBuddy_OptionsFrame to the UIPanelWindows list
47 --UIPanelWindows['TipBuddy_OptionsFrame'] = {area = 'center', pushable = 0};
48 end
50 local lGameTooltip_OnEvent_Orig;
51 local lGameTooltip_OnShow_Orig;
52 local lGameTooltip_FadeOut_Orig;
53 function TipBuddy_OnEvent()
54 if( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" ) then
56 TipBuddy_Variable_Initialize();
57 TB_GameTooltip_IniHooks();
59 TipBuddy.uiscale = TipBuddy_GetUIScale();
61 --hooking GameTooltip's OnEvent
62 lGameTooltip_OnEvent_Orig = GameTooltip:GetScript("OnEvent");
63 GameTooltip:SetScript( "OnEvent", TipBuddy_GameTooltip_OnEvent );
65 --hooking GameTooltip's OnShow
66 lGameTooltip_OnShow_Orig = GameTooltip:GetScript("OnShow");
67 GameTooltip:SetScript( "OnShow", TipBuddy_GameTooltip_OnShow );
69 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].framepos_L or TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].framepos_T) then
70 TipBuddy_Header_Frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].framepos_L, TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].framepos_T);
71 end
72 if (not TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].delaytime) then
73 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].delaytime = "0.5";
74 end
75 if (not TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].fadetime) then
76 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].fadetime = "0.3";
77 end
78 if (not TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_anchored) then
79 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_anchored = 0;
80 end
82 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchored == 1) then
83 if (not TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchor_vis_first or TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchor_vis == 1) then
84 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchor_vis_first = 1;
85 TipBuddy_Header_Frame:Show();
86 else
87 TipBuddy_Header_Frame:Show();
88 TipBuddy_Header_Frame:Hide();
89 end
90 TipBuddy.anchor, TipBuddy.fanchor, TipBuddy.offset = TipBuddy_GetFrameAnchorPos();
91 this:SetPoint(TipBuddy.anchor, "TipBuddy_Header_Frame", TipBuddy.fanchor, 0, 1);
92 else
93 if (not TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchor_vis_first) then
94 TipBuddy_ResetAnchorPos();
95 TipBuddy_Header_Frame:Hide();
96 else
97 TipBuddy_Header_Frame:Show();
98 TipBuddy_Header_Frame:Hide();
99 end
100 end
102 if( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then
103 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffffd200TipBuddy |cffffff00v"..TIPBUDDY_VERSION.." loaded.");
104 end
106 TipBuddy_InitializeTextColors();
108 elseif( event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" ) then
109 -- Add TipBuddy to myAddOns addons list
110 if (myAddOnsFrame) then
111 myAddOnsList.TipBuddy = {
112 name = "|cff20ff20TipBuddy",
113 description = "Enhanced, configurable unit tooltip.",
114 version = "|cffffff00"..TIPBUDDY_VERSION,
115 author = "chester",
116 email = "",
118 frame = "TipBuddy_OptionsFrame",
119 optionsframe = "TipBuddy_OptionsFrame"
120 };
121 end
123 TipBuddy.xpoint, TipBuddy.xpos, TipBuddy.ypos = TipBuddy_GetFrameCursorOffset();
124 TipBuddy.anchor, TipBuddy.fanchor, TipBuddy.offset = TipBuddy_GetFrameAnchorPos();
125 GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
126 GameTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
127 GameTooltip:SetText(" ");
128 GameTooltip:SetBackdrop({bgFile="Interface\\AddOns\\TipBuddy\\gfx\\UI-Tooltip-Background",edgeFile="Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",tile=true,tileSize=32,edgeSize=16,insets={ left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4 }});
129 GameTooltip:Hide();
130 TipBuddyTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
131 TipBuddyTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
132 TipBuddyTooltip:SetText(" ");
133 TipBuddyTooltip:SetBackdrop({bgFile="Interface\\AddOns\\TipBuddy\\gfx\\UI-Tooltip-Background",edgeFile="Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",tile=true,tileSize=32,edgeSize=16,insets={ left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4 }});
134 TipBuddyTooltip:Hide();
135 --TB_AddMessage("loading: ("..TipBuddyTooltip:GetTop()..")");
136 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:SetBackdrop({bgFile="Interface\\AddOns\\TipBuddy\\gfx\\UI-Tooltip-Background",edgeFile="Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border",tile=true,tileSize=32,edgeSize=8,insets={ left = 2, right = 2, top = 2, bottom = 2 }});
138 --/script TipBuddyTooltip:SetOwner(TipBuddy_Parent_Frame); TipBuddyTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", "CENTER", 0, 0); TipBuddyTooltip:SetText("player");
139 --/script TipBuddyTooltip:SetOwner(TipBuddy_Parent_Frame); TipBuddyTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame"); TipBuddyTooltip:SetText("player");
141 --/script TipBuddyTooltip:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
143 elseif (event == "UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT" or
144 event == "UNIT_LEVEL" or
145 event == "UNIT_FACTION" or
147 event == "UNIT_DYNAMIC_FLAGS" or
148 event == "UNIT_MAXHEALTH") then
149 if (UnitExists("mouseover")) then
151 TipBuddy.hasTarget = 1;
152 TipBuddy_ShowUnitTooltip();
153 elseif (TipBuddy.targetUnit and TipBuddy.targetUnit == arg1) then
154 TipBuddy.hasTarget = 1;
155 TipBuddy_ShowUnitTooltip();
156 end
158 --this fires after mouseover_unit when buffs change
159 elseif ( event == "UNIT_AURA" and (arg1 == "mouseover" or string.find(arg1, "party"))) then
160 if ((arg1 == "mouseover") or (TipBuddy.targetUnit and TipBuddy.targetUnit == arg1)) then
161 ----TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."UNIT_AURA");
162 TipBuddy_TargetBuffs_Update( TipBuddy.targetType, arg1 );
163 end
164 elseif ( event == "UNIT_HEALTH" ) then
165 if ((arg1 == "mouseover") or (TipBuddy.targetUnit and TipBuddy.targetUnit == arg1)) then
167 if (UnitHealth(arg1) <= 0) then
168 TipBuddy_ShowUnitTooltip();
169 return;
170 end
172 if (TipBuddy.compactvis) then
173 TipBuddy_UpdateHealthText( TipBuddy_HealthText, TipBuddy.targetType, arg1 );
174 TipBuddy_UpdateManaText( TipBuddy_ManaText, TipBuddy.targetType, arg1 );
175 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_FindExtras( arg1 );
176 else
177 TipBuddyTooltipStatusBar:SetValue(UnitHealth(arg1));
178 TipBuddy_UpdateHealthText( TipBuddy_HealthTextGTT, TipBuddy.targetType, arg1 );
179 TipBuddy_UpdateManaText( TipBuddy_ManaTextGTT, TipBuddy.targetType, arg1 );
180 end
181 end
182 elseif ( event == "UNIT_MANA" or event == "UNIT_RAGE" or event == "UNIT_FOCUS" or event == "UNIT_ENERGY" or event == "UNIT_HAPPINESS" or event == "UNIT_MAXMANA" or event == "UNIT_MAXRAGE" or event == "UNIT_MAXFOCUS" or event == "UNIT_MAXENERGY" or event == "UNIT_MAXHAPPINESS" or event == "UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER" or event == "UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS") then
183 if ( arg1 == "mouseover" or UnitIsPlayer("mouseover")) then
184 ----TB_AddMessage("UNIT_MANA");
185 if (not TipBuddy.targetType) then
186 TipBuddy.targetType = TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetTargetType( arg1 );
187 end
188 if (not TipBuddy_SavedVars[TipBuddy.targetType]) then
189 return;
190 elseif ( TipBuddy_SavedVars[TipBuddy.targetType].off ~= 0 ) then
191 ------TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."UNIT_MANA - go");
192 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Visibility( TipBuddy.targetType, arg1, 1 );
193 TipBuddy_SetFrame_BackgroundColor( TipBuddy.targetType, arg1 );
194 end
195 end
196 end
197 end
199 function TipBuddy_SlashCommand(msg)
200 if( not msg or msg == "" ) then
201 TipBuddy_ToggleOptionsFrame();
202 end
203 if( msg == "rankname" ) then
204 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].rankname == 1) then
205 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].rankname = 0;
206 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cff20ff20TipBuddy: No longer showing full rank title in name.");
207 else
208 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].rankname = 1;
209 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cff20ff20TipBuddy: Showing full rank titles in name.");
210 end
211 end
212 if( msg == "resetanchor" ) then
213 TipBuddy_ResetAnchorPos();
214 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cff20ff20TipBuddy: Resetting TipBuddyAnchor position.");
215 end
216 if( msg == "report" ) then
217 TipBuddy_ReportVarStats();
218 end
219 if( msg == "blizdefault" ) then
220 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1) then
221 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault = 0;
222 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cff20ff20TipBuddy: Default tooltips are now enhanced.");
223 else
224 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault = 1;
225 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cff20ff20TipBuddy: Default tooltips are no longer enhanced.");
226 end
227 end
228 if (string.find(msg, "extras") ~= nil) then
229 local type = "";
230 for type in string.gfind(msg, "extras%s(.+)") do
231 type = TipBuddy_ToggleExtras(type);
232 ----TB_AddMessage(type);
233 end
234 if (not type) then
235 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cff20ff20TipBuddy: Please specify a target type (ex: /tip extras pc_friend)");
236 return;
237 end
238 return;
239 end
240 if (string.find(msg, "scale") ~= nil) then
241 --local i, s = string.find(msg, "%d+");
242 for scale in string.gfind(msg, "scale%s(%d.*)") do
243 TipBuddy.s = tonumber(scale);
244 end
245 if (TipBuddy.s) then
246 if (TipBuddy.s > 2) then
247 TipBuddy.s = 2;
248 elseif (TipBuddy.s < 0.25) then
249 TipBuddy.s = 0.25;
250 end
251 GameTooltip:SetScale(2);
252 TipBuddyTooltip:SetScale(2);
253 --GameTooltip:SetScale(UIParent:GetScale() * TipBuddy.s);
254 TipBuddy_SetEffectiveScale(GameTooltip, TipBuddy.s, UIParent);
255 TipBuddy_SetEffectiveScale(TipBuddyTooltip, TipBuddy.s, UIParent);
256 --TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_scale = (UIParent:GetScale() * TipBuddy.s);
257 TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_scale = TipBuddy.s;
258 else
259 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cff20ff20TipBuddy: Please type a scale number after 'scale' (valid numbers: 0.25-2)");
260 end
261 return;
262 end
264 end
268 function TipBuddy_ShowUnitTooltip(unit, refresh)
269 if (not unit) then
270 unit = "mouseover";
271 end
272 if (not refresh) then
273 TipBuddy.targetUnit = unit;
274 TipBuddy.uName = UnitName(unit);
275 TipBuddy.uLevel = UnitLevel(unit);
276 TipBuddy.uClass = UnitClass(unit);
277 TipBuddy.uRace = UnitRace(unit);
278 TipBuddy.uGuild = GetGuildInfo(unit);
279 TipBuddy.uReaction = TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction(unit);
281 --TB_AddMessage("ShowUnitTooltip");
282 TipBuddy.targetType = TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetTargetType( unit );
283 else
284 --TB_AddMessage("ShowUnitTooltip -- refresh!");
285 end
287 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Visibility( TipBuddy.targetType, unit, refresh );
288 TipBuddy_SetFrame_BackgroundColor( TipBuddy.targetType, unit );
289 TipBuddy_ShowRank( TipBuddy.targetType, unit );
290 TipBuddy_TargetBuffs_Update( TipBuddy.targetType, unit );
292 --local text = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft1");
293 --if (not text or not TipBuddy.uName or not string.find(text:GetText(), TipBuddy_FixMagicChars(TipBuddy.uName)) ) then
294 --end
295 end
297 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
298 -- CHECK PET
299 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
300 --[[
301 UNITNAME_TITLE_CHARM = "%s's Minion"; -- %s is the name of the unit's charmer
302 UNITNAME_TITLE_CREATION = "%s's Creation";
303 UNITNAME_TITLE_GUARDIAN = "%s's Guardian";
304 UNITNAME_TITLE_MINION = "%s's Minion";
305 UNITNAME_TITLE_PET = "%s's Pet"; -- %s is the name of the unit's summoner
306 ]]--
307 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_CheckPet()
308 for i=1, (GameTooltip:NumLines()), 1 do
309 local tipstring = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft"..i);
310 if (not tipstring or not tipstring:GetText()) then
311 return;
312 end
313 if ( string.find(tipstring:GetText(), TB_minion) ) then
314 return 1;
315 end
316 if ( string.find(tipstring:GetText(), TB_creation) ) then
317 return 1;
318 end
319 if ( string.find(tipstring:GetText(), TB_guardian) ) then
320 return 1;
321 end
322 if ( string.find(tipstring:GetText(), TB_pet) ) then
323 return 1;
324 end
325 end
326 return;
327 end
329 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
332 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetTargetType( unit )
333 if (not unit) then
334 return;
335 end
336 if ( ( UnitHealth(unit) <= 0 ) ) then
337 return ( "corpse" );
338 elseif ( ( UnitHealthMax(unit) > 0 ) ) then
339 if (string.find(unit, "party.+")) then
340 return ( "pc_party" );
341 end
342 if (UnitPlayerControlled(unit)) then
343 if (UnitIsFriend(unit, "player")) then
344 if ( UnitIsUnit(unit, "pet") or TipBuddy_TargetInfo_CheckPet() ) then
345 TB_AddMessage("1 - pet_friend");
346 return ( "pet_friend" );
347 end
349 if (UnitInParty(unit)) then
350 TB_AddMessage("1 - pc_party");
351 return ( "pc_party" );
352 else
353 return ( "pc_friend" );
354 end
355 elseif (UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player")) then
356 if ( TipBuddy_TargetInfo_CheckPet() ) then
357 return ( "pet_enemy" );
358 else
359 return ( "pc_enemy" );
360 end
361 else
362 TB_AddMessage("2 - pet_friend");
363 return ( "pet_friend" );
364 end
365 else
366 if (UnitIsFriend(unit, "player")) then
367 if ( TipBuddy_TargetInfo_CheckPet() ) then
368 return ( "pet_friend" );
369 else
370 return ( "npc_friend" );
371 end
372 elseif (UnitIsEnemy(unit, "player")) then
373 if ( TipBuddy_TargetInfo_CheckPet() ) then
374 return ( "pet_enemy" );
375 else
376 return ( "npc_enemy" );
377 end
378 else --neutral
379 return ( "npc_neutral" );
380 end
381 end
382 else
383 TipBuddy_Hide( TipBuddy_Main_Frame );
384 return;
385 end
386 end
388 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
392 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_FindExtras( unit )
393 TipBuddy_GTT_GetExtraLines(20, unit);
394 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_ShowExtras();
395 end
397 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_ShowExtras()
398 ----TB_AddMessage("SHOWING_EXTRAS");
399 if (TipBuddy.gtt_xtra) then
400 local lineL, LineR;
401 for i=1, 20, 1 do
402 getglobal("TipBuddy_Xtra"..i.."_Text"):Hide();
403 getglobal("TipBuddy_Xtra"..i.."_Text"):SetText("");
404 getglobal("TipBuddy_XtraR"..i.."_Text"):Hide();
405 getglobal("TipBuddy_XtraR"..i.."_Text"):SetText("");
406 end
407 for i=1, table.getn(TipBuddy.gtt_xtra), 1 do
408 lineL = getglobal("TipBuddy_Xtra"..i.."_Text");
409 ----TB_AddMessage(TEXT(TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i]))
410 if (TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"]) then
411 lineL:SetVertexColor(TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].b);
412 else
414 end
415 if (TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"]) then
416 lineR:SetVertexColor(TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].b);
417 else
419 end
420 if (TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR) then
421 lineL:SetText(TEXT(TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i]));
422 lineL:Show();
423 lineR = getglobal("TipBuddy_XtraR"..i.."_Text");
424 ------TB_AddMessage(TEXT(TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i]))
425 lineR:SetText(TEXT(TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i]));
426 lineR:Show();
427 else
428 lineL:SetText(TEXT(TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i]));
429 lineL:Show();
430 end
431 end
432 end
433 end
435 function TipBuddy_GTT_GetExtraLines( numlines, unit )
436 TB_AddMessage("getting extra lines");
437 if (not numlines) then
438 return;
439 end
440 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra = {};
441 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR = {};
442 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_lastline) then
443 if (GameTooltip:IsVisible()) then
444 TipBuddy.gtt_lastline = GameTooltip:NumLines();
445 else
446 TipBuddy.gtt_lastline = 2;
447 end
448 end
449 TB_AddMessage("!! lastline: "..TipBuddy.gtt_lastline..", numlines (stored): "..TipBuddy.gtt_numlines..", numlines (real): "..GameTooltip:NumLines());
450 if (numlines > TipBuddy.gtt_lastline) then
451 TB_AddMessage("numlines > TipBuddy.gtt_lastline");
452 --/script GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetText(GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText().."\nSecondLine");GameTooltip:Show();
453 local line, text;
454 local j = 1;
455 for i=TipBuddy.gtt_lastline + 1, numlines, 1 do
456 line = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft"..i);
457 lineR = getglobal("GameTooltipTextRight"..i);
458 if (not line or not line:GetText() or string.find(line:GetText(), PVP_ENABLED)) then
459 return;
460 else
461 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[j.."color"] = {};
462 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[j.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[j.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[j.."color"].b = line:GetTextColor();
463 text = line:GetText();
464 end
466 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[j] = text;
467 if (lineR:GetText() and lineR:IsShown()) then
468 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[j.."color"] = {};
469 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[j.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[j.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[j.."color"].b = lineR:GetTextColor();
470 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[j] = lineR:GetText();
471 else
472 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[j] = "";
473 end
474 TB_AddMessage(line:GetText());
475 j = j + 1;
476 --/script ----TB_AddMessage(GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText());
477 end
478 else
479 return;
480 end
481 end
483 function TipBuddy_GTT_AddExtras()
484 if (TipBuddy.gtt_xtra) then
485 --TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."Adding Extras");
486 for i=1, table.getn(TipBuddy.gtt_xtra), 1 do
487 local lCr, lCg, lCb, rCr, rCg, rCb;
488 if (TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"]) then
489 lCr, lCg, lCb = TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].b;
490 else
492 end
493 if (TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR and TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"]) then
494 rCr, rCg, rCb = TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].b;
495 else
497 end
499 if (TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR) then
500 TipBuddyTooltip:AddDoubleLine(TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i], TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i], lCr, lCg, lCb, rCr, rCg, rCb);
501 else
502 TipBuddyTooltip:AddLine(TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i], lCr, lCg, lCb);
503 end
504 end
505 end
506 end
508 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
510 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 -- Target Types are:
512 -- pc_friend
513 -- pc_party
514 -- pc_enemy
515 -- npc_friend
516 -- npc_neutral
517 -- npc_enemy
518 -- pet_friend
519 -- pet_enemy
521 function TipBuddy_SetFrame_Visibility( type, unit, refresh )
522 if (not type or not unit) then
523 return;
524 end
526 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
527 if (not targettype) then
528 ----TB_AddMessage("BUG! NO SAVED VARS FOR: "..type);
529 TipBuddy_SetFrame_BackgroundColor( "corpse", unit );
530 return;
531 end
533 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
534 ----TB_AddMessage("1: "..GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText());
535 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1) then
537 elseif ( == 1 ) then
539 TipBuddy_ForceHide(TipBuddy_Main_Frame);
540 if (not TipBuddy_Main_Frame:IsVisible()) then
541 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:Show();
542 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:SetAlpha(1);
543 end
544 TipBuddy.compactvis = 1;
545 else
546 TipBuddy_ForceHide( TipBuddy_Main_Frame );
547 end
548 TipBuddy_SetFrame_TargetType( type, unit, refresh );
549 TipBuddy.vis = 1;
550 TipBuddy.gotextras = 1;
551 end
553 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_CheckName( type, unit )
555 TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor = "";
556 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
557 if ( == 2) then
558 return;
559 end
561 if (not type or not unit) then
562 TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor = tbcolor_unknown;
563 if (UnitName(unit)) then
564 TipBuddy.gtt_name = UnitName(unit);
565 else
566 TipBuddy.gtt_name = TB_notspecified;
567 end
568 return;
569 end
571 if (UnitHealth(unit) <= 0) then
572 TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor = tbcolor_corpse;
573 elseif (TipBuddy.uReaction) then
574 TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor = getglobal("tbcolor_nam_"..TipBuddy.uReaction);
575 elseif ( UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) ) then
576 TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor = (tbcolor_nam_tappedother.." >");
577 elseif (UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit)) then
578 TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor = (tbcolor_nam_tappedplayer);
579 else
580 TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor = tbcolor_unknown;
581 end
583 if (TipBuddy.refresh == 1 and TipBuddy.gtt_name ~= nil) then
584 return;
585 end
587 if (TipBuddy.uName) then
588 TipBuddy.gtt_name = TipBuddy.uName;
589 else
590 TipBuddy.gtt_name = TB_notspecified;
591 end
592 if (UnitPlayerControlled(unit) and targettype.rnm == 1) then
593 if (unit == "player" or unit == "mouseover" or unit == "target" ) then
594 TipBuddy.gtt_name = UnitPVPName(unit);
595 elseif (getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft1"):GetText()) then
596 TipBuddy.gtt_name = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft1"):GetText();
597 end
598 end
599 end
601 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
603 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
605 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_TargetsTarget( type, unit )
606 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_target) then
607 TipBuddy.gtt_target = "";
608 end
609 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg == 0 and TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].off ~= 2) then
610 ------TB_AddMessage("TT for "..type.." is turned off");
611 return;
612 end
613 local tunit = unit.."target";
614 local target = UnitName(tunit);
615 if (target) then
616 if (target == UNKNOWNOBJECT) then
617 return;
618 end
619 local treaction = TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction( tunit );
620 local tcolor = "";
621 = 1;
622 if (target == UnitName("player")) then
623 tcolor = TB_WHT_TXT;
624 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_2l and TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_2l == 1) then
625 TipBuddy.gtt_target = "\n"..tcolor.." [YOU]";
626 else
627 TipBuddy.gtt_target = tcolor.." : [YOU]";
628 end
629 ------TB_AddMessage("target = "..tcolor.." [YOU]");
630 return;
631 elseif (target == UnitInParty(tunit)) then
632 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_pa == 0) then
633 return;
634 else
635 tcolor = TB_PNK_TXT;
636 end
637 elseif (UnitHealth(tunit) <= 0) then
638 tcolor = TB_DGY_TXT;
639 --elseif (treaction) then
640 elseif ( UnitPlayerControlled(tunit) ) then
641 --[[
642 TB_NML_TXT = "|cffffd200"
643 TB_WHT_TXT = "|cffffffff"
644 TB_GRY_TXT = "|cffC0C0C0"
645 TB_DGY_TXT = "|cff585858"
646 TB_RED_TXT = "|cffff2020"
647 TB_GRN_TXT = "|cff20ff20"
648 TB_YLW_TXT = "|cffffff00"
649 TB_BLE_TXT = "|cff3366ff"
650 TB_PNK_TXT = "|cffff00ff"
651 TB_DBL_TXT = "|cff3399ff"
652 TB_DGN_TXT = "|cff339900"
653 TB_DRD_TXT = "|cffcc0000"
654 ]]
655 if ( UnitCanAttack(tunit, "player") or UnitCanAttack("player", tunit) ) then
656 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_en == 0) then
657 return;
658 else
659 tcolor = TB_RED_TXT;
660 end
661 --return "hostile";
662 else
663 -- All other players are green
664 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_pl == 0) then
665 return;
666 else
667 tcolor = TB_GRN_TXT;
668 --return "friendly";
669 end
670 end
671 elseif ( UnitIsEnemy(tunit, "player") ) then
672 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_en == 0) then
673 return;
674 else
675 tcolor = TB_RED_TXT;
676 --return "pvp";
677 end
678 else
679 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_np == 0) then
680 return;
681 else
682 tcolor = TB_BLE_TXT;
683 end
684 end
685 --TipBuddy.gtt_target = tcolor.." ["..TB_WHT_TXT..UnitName(unit.."target")..tcolor.."]";
686 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_2l and TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_2l == 1) then
687 TipBuddy.gtt_target = "\n"..TB_WHT_TXT.." "..tcolor.."["..UnitName(unit.."target").."]";
688 else
689 TipBuddy.gtt_target = TB_WHT_TXT.." : "..tcolor.."["..UnitName(unit.."target").."]";
690 ------TB_AddMessage("target = "..tcolor.."["..UnitName(unit.."target").."]");
691 end
692 else
693 = 0;
694 end
695 end
697 function TipBuddy_Adv_TargetsTarget( unit )
698 local tunit = unit.."target";
699 local target = UnitName(tunit);
700 if (target) then
701 local treaction = TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction( tunit );
702 local tcolor = "";
703 if (target == UnitName("player")) then
704 return "YOU", TB_WHT_TXT;
705 elseif (target == UnitInParty(tunit)) then
706 return target, TB_PNK_TXT;
707 elseif (UnitHealth(tunit) <= 0) then
708 return target, TB_DGY_TXT;
709 elseif ( UnitPlayerControlled(tunit) ) then
710 if ( UnitCanAttack(tunit, "player") or UnitCanAttack("player", tunit) ) then
711 --return "hostile";
712 return target, TB_RED_TXT;
713 else
714 --return "friendly";
715 return target, TB_GRN_TXT;
716 end
717 elseif ( UnitIsEnemy(tunit, "player") ) then
718 --return "pvp";
719 return target, TB_RED_TXT;
720 else
721 return target, TB_BLE_TXT;
722 end
723 else
724 return "", "";
725 end
726 end
728 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
729 -- GET GUILD
730 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
731 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetGuild( type, unit )
732 if (not unit or not type) then
733 return;
734 end
735 if (TipBuddy.refresh == 1) then
736 ------TB_AddMessage("REFRESH == 1");
737 if (TipBuddy.gtt_guild == "" or TipBuddy.gtt_guild == nil) then
738 return;
739 end
740 end
742 --/script GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, UIParent);GameTooltip:SetUnit("partypet1"); ----TB_AddMessage(GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText());
743 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
744 TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor = "";
745 if ( ~= 2) then
746 if (TipBuddy.uGuild and GetGuildInfo("player") and TipBuddy.uGuild == GetGuildInfo("player")) then
747 TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor = tbcolor_gld_mate;
748 elseif ( UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit) ) then
749 TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor = (tbcolor_gld_tappedother);
750 elseif (UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit)) then
751 TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor = (tbcolor_gld_tappedplayer);
752 elseif (TipBuddy.uReaction) then
753 TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor = getglobal("tbcolor_gld_"..TipBuddy.uReaction);
754 else
755 TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor = tbcolor_unknown;
756 end
757 if (TipBuddy.refresh == 1) then
758 return;
759 end
760 end
762 if (unit == "party1" or unit == "partypet1" or unit == "party2" or unit == "partypet2" or unit == "party3" or unit == "partypet3" or unit == "party4" or unit == "partypet4" or unit == "party5" or unit == "partypet5" ) then
763 if ( TipBuddy.uGuild ) then
764 TipBuddy.gtt_guild = TipBuddy.uGuild;
765 ------TB_AddMessage(GetGuildInfo(unit));
766 end
767 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_guild) then
768 TipBuddy.gtt_guild = "";
769 end
770 return;
771 elseif (UnitPlayerControlled(unit) or (GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText() and string.find(GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText(), PLAYER ) ) ) then
772 if ( type == "pet_friend" or type == "pet_enemy" ) then
773 TipBuddy.gtt_guild = (GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText());
774 ------TB_AddMessage("player pet guild: "..TipBuddy.gtt_guild);
775 return;
776 elseif ( TipBuddy.uGuild ) then
777 TipBuddy.gtt_guild = TipBuddy.uGuild;
778 ------TB_AddMessage("player guild: "..TipBuddy.gtt_guild);
779 end
780 return;
781 else
782 ------TB_AddMessage("GUILD: npc, testing...");
783 if (not GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText()) then
784 ------TB_AddMessage("GUILD: npc, line 2 is blank");
785 return;
786 end
787 if ( type == "pet_friend" or type == "pet_enemy" ) then
788 TipBuddy.gtt_guild = (GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText());
789 ------TB_AddMessage("pet guild: "..TipBuddy.gtt_guild);
790 return;
791 end
792 if (string.find(GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText(), TB_level ) ) then
793 ------TB_AddMessage("GUILD: npc, line 2 is level");
794 return;
795 else
796 TipBuddy.gtt_guild = (GameTooltipTextLeft2:GetText());
797 ----TB_AddMessage("title guild: "..TipBuddy.gtt_guild);
798 end
799 end
801 end
803 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
805 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
806 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetClass( type, unit )
807 --TipBuddy.uClass
808 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
809 TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor = "";
810 TipBuddy.gtt_classcorpse = "";
811 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = "";
812 TipBuddy.gtt_class = "";
813 TipBuddy.gtt_race = "";
814 if ( == 2) then
815 return;
816 elseif (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].classcolor == 1) then
817 TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor = "";
818 elseif ( UnitCanAttack(unit, "player") or UnitCanAttack("player", unit) or UnitIsPVP(unit) ) then
819 -- Hostile Units, use con color system
820 TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor = TipBuddy_GetDifficultyColor(TipBuddy.uLevel);
821 else
822 -- Friendly (non-PvP flagged) Units, we don't want to use the con color cause we don't care
823 TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor = tbcolor_lvl_same_faction;
824 end
825 if (UnitHealth(unit) <= 0) then
826 TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor = tbcolor_corpse;
827 TipBuddy.gtt_classcorpse = " "..CORPSE.."|r";
828 end
830 if ( UnitPlayerControlled(unit) or TipBuddy.uRace) then
831 if (targettype.rac == 1 and TipBuddy.uRace ~= nil) then
832 TipBuddy.gtt_race = (tbcolor_race..TipBuddy.uRace.." |r");
833 else
834 TipBuddy.gtt_race = "|r";
835 end
837 --coloring class text
838 if (UnitClass(unit) == TB_mage) then
839 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_mage;
840 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_warlock) then
841 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_warlock;
842 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_priest) then
843 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_priest;
844 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_druid) then
845 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_druid;
846 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_shaman) then
847 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_shaman;
848 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_paladin) then
849 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_paladin;
850 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_rogue) then
851 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_rogue;
852 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_hunter) then
853 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_hunter;
854 elseif (UnitClass(unit) == TB_warrior) then
855 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_warrior;
856 else
857 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_other;
858 end
859 else
860 TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor = tbcolor_cls_other;
861 end
862 --/script ----TB_AddMessage(UnitCreatureFamily("mouseover"));
863 if ( type == "pet_friend" or type == "pet_enemy" ) then
864 TipBuddy.gtt_race = "";
865 if (UnitCreatureFamily(unit)) then
866 TipBuddy.gtt_class = UnitCreatureFamily(unit).."|r";
867 return;
868 else
869 TipBuddy.gtt_class = "|r";
870 end
871 return;
872 end
874 ------TB_AddMessage("Get Class - "..unit);
875 -- /script ----TB_AddMessage(UnitCreatureType(unit));
876 if ( UnitPlayerControlled(unit) or TipBuddy.uRace) then
877 TipBuddy.gtt_class = TipBuddy.uClass.."|r";
878 elseif ( UnitCreatureFamily(unit) ) then
879 TipBuddy.gtt_class = UnitCreatureFamily(unit).."|r";
880 else
881 if ( UnitCreatureType(unit) == TB_notspecified) then
882 TipBuddy.gtt_class = TB_creature.."|r";
883 else
884 if (not UnitCreatureType(unit)) then
885 TipBuddy.gtt_class = "|r";
886 else
887 TipBuddy.gtt_class = UnitCreatureType(unit).."|r";
888 end
889 end
890 end
891 end
893 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
894 -- GET LEVEL
895 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
896 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetLevel( type, unit )
897 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
898 if (not unit or == 2) then
899 return;
900 end
902 local targetLevel = TipBuddy.uLevel;
903 if ( targetLevel == -1 ) then
904 targetLevel = 100;
905 end
907 -- Color level number
908 local color;
909 if (UnitHealth(unit) <= 0) then
910 color = tbcolor_corpse;
911 ------TB_AddMessage("level color = corpse");
912 elseif ( UnitCanAttack(unit, "player") or UnitCanAttack("player", unit) or UnitIsPVP(unit) ) then
913 -- Hostile unit of friendly unit flagged for PvP
914 color = TipBuddy_GetDifficultyColor(targetLevel);
915 ------TB_AddMessage("level color = hostile or pvp");
916 else
917 color = tbcolor_lvl_same_faction;
918 ------TB_AddMessage("level color = same fac");
919 end
921 if ( targetLevel == 100 ) then
922 targetLevel = "??";
923 end
925 TipBuddy.classification = UnitClassification(unit);
926 if ( not targetLevel or targetLevel == 0 ) then
927 TipBuddy.gtt_level = ("|r");
928 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_level);
929 elseif ( TipBuddy.classification == "worldboss" ) then
930 TipBuddy.gtt_level = (color..targetLevel..tbcolor_elite_worldboss.." ("..TB_worldboss..")|r");
931 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_level);
932 elseif ( TipBuddy.classification == "rareelite" ) then
933 TipBuddy.gtt_level = (color.."+"..targetLevel..tbcolor_elite_rare.." ("..TB_rare..")|r");
934 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_level);
935 elseif ( TipBuddy.classification == "elite" ) then
936 TipBuddy.gtt_level = (color.."+"..targetLevel.."|r");
937 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_level);
938 elseif ( TipBuddy.classification == "rare" ) then
939 TipBuddy.gtt_level = (color..targetLevel..tbcolor_elite_rare.." ("..TB_rare..")|r");
940 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_level);
941 else
942 TipBuddy.gtt_level = (color..targetLevel.."|r");
943 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_level);
944 end
945 end
947 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
949 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
950 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_ShowCityFaction( type, unit )
951 if (UnitPlayerControlled(unit) or unit == "player" or unit == "party1" or unit == "partypet1" or unit == "party2" or unit == "partypet2" or unit == "party3" or unit == "partypet3" or unit == "party4" or unit == "partypet4" or unit == "party5" or unit == "partypet5" ) then
952 ------TB_AddMessage("CityFac: found a player");
953 return;
954 end
955 local line;
956 for i=1, (GameTooltip:NumLines()), 1 do
957 local tipline = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft"..i);
958 if (not tipline or not tipline:GetText()) then
959 ------TB_AddMessage("tipline: "..i.." is empty");
960 return;
961 end
962 if ( string.find(tipline:GetText(), TB_level..".+") ) then
963 line = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft"..(i + 1));
964 if (line:GetText() == "\n" or line:GetText() == nil) then
965 ------TB_AddMessage("Line after Level is empty");
966 break;
967 end
969 if (string.find(line:GetText(), PVP_ENABLED) or line:GetText() == nil) then
970 ------TB_AddMessage("CityFac: found PvP or something");
971 break;
972 else
973 local first = string.sub(line:GetText(), 0 , 1);
974 if (first and TB_Factions[first]) then
975 ------TB_AddMessage("testing cityfac: ("..line:GetText()..") Line: "..(i+1));
976 for j=1, table.getn(TB_Factions[first]), 1 do
977 if (line:GetText() == TB_Factions[first][j]) then
978 ------TB_AddMessage("found cityfac: ("..line:GetText()..") Line: "..(i+1));
979 TipBuddy.gtt_lastline = i+1;
980 TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac = tbcolor_cityfac..line:GetText();
981 break;
982 end
983 end
984 end
985 end
986 end
987 end
988 end
990 function TipBuddy_ConfirmLastLine(unit)
991 local line;
992 if (not unit) then
993 unit = "mouseover";
994 TipBuddy.targetUnit = unit;
995 end
996 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_numlines) then
997 if (GameTooltip:IsVisible()) then
998 TipBuddy.gtt_numlines = GameTooltip:NumLines();
999 else
1000 TipBuddy.gtt_numlines = 2;
1001 end
1002 end
1003 for i=TipBuddy.gtt_numlines, 1, -1 do
1004 line = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft"..i);
1005 if (not line or not line:GetText()) then
1006 return;
1007 end
1008 ----TB_AddMessage("LASTLINE: i = "..i..", text: "..line:GetText());
1009 if (string.find(line:GetText(), PVP_ENABLED)
1010 or string.find(line:GetText(), TB_level )
1011 or (TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac ~= "" and string.find(line:GetText(), TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac ) ) ) then
1012 if (i > TipBuddy.gtt_lastline) then
1013 TipBuddy.gtt_lastline = i;
1014 ------TB_AddMessage("i>LL: "..TipBuddy.gtt_lastline);
1015 break;
1016 else
1017 ------TB_AddMessage("i!>LL: "..TipBuddy.gtt_lastline);
1018 break;
1019 end
1020 end
1021 end
1022 end
1024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1025 -- HEALTH / MANA
1026 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1027 function TipBuddy_UnitFrame_UpdateHealth( unit )
1028 UnitFrameHealthBar_Update(TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar, unit);
1029 end
1031 function TipBuddy_UnitFrame_UpdateMana( unit )
1033 local manatype = UnitPowerType(unit);
1034 local info = ManaBarColor[manatype];
1036 info = ManaBarColor[manatype];
1037 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:SetStatusBarColor(info.r, info.g, info.b);
1038 UnitFrameManaBar_Update(TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar, unit);
1039 end
1041 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1043 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1044 function TipBuddy_UpdateHealthText( frame, type, unit )
1045 if (not type) then
1046 if (frame) then
1047 frame:Hide();
1048 end
1049 return;
1050 elseif (not frame) then
1051 return
1052 elseif (not TipBuddy_SavedVars[type] or not TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].txt_hth or TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].txt_hth == 0) then
1053 TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].txt_hth = 0;
1054 frame:Hide();
1055 return;
1056 end
1057 --/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitInParty("target"));
1058 --TipBuddy_HealthTextGTT, TipBuddy_UpdateHealthTextGTT( TipBuddy_HealthTextGTT, unit )
1059 --TipBuddy_HealthText
1060 local health = UnitHealth(unit);
1061 --local percent = tonumber(format("%.0f", ( (health / UnitHealthMax(unit)) * 100 ) ));
1062 local text = getglobal(frame:GetName().."Text");
1063 TB_AddMessage("health of: "..unit);
1064 if ( unit == "player" or UnitInParty(unit) or UnitInRaid(unit) ) then
1065 text:SetText( health.." / "..UnitHealthMax(unit) );
1066 elseif ( type == "pet_friend" and UnitName("mouseover") == UnitName("pet") ) then
1067 text:SetText( health.." / "..UnitHealthMax(unit) );
1068 --/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitName("partypet1"));
1069 else
1070 if (MobHealthDB) then
1071 local ppp = MobHealth_PPP(UnitName(unit)..":"..UnitLevel(unit));
1072 local curHP = math.floor(health * ppp + 0.5);
1073 local maxHP = math.floor(100 * ppp + 0.5);
1075 if (curHP and maxHP and maxHP ~= 0) then
1076 text:SetText( curHP.." / "..maxHP );
1077 ------TB_AddMessage(curHP.." / "..maxHP);
1078 else
1079 text:SetText( health.."%" );
1080 end
1081 else
1082 text:SetText( health.."%" );
1083 end
1084 end
1085 frame:Show();
1086 end
1088 function TipBuddy_UpdateManaText( frame, type, unit )
1089 if (not frame or not unit or TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].txt_mna == 0) then
1090 return;
1091 end
1092 frame:Hide();
1093 --local percent = (UnitMana(unit) / UnitManaMax(unit)) * 100;
1094 --local mana = UnitMana(unit);
1095 local text = getglobal(frame:GetName().."Text");
1096 if (UnitMana(unit) and UnitMana(unit) > 0) then
1097 frame:Show();
1098 text:SetText( UnitMana(unit).." / "..UnitManaMax(unit) );
1099 end
1100 end
1102 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1104 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1105 function TipBuddy_TargetBuffs_Initialize()
1106 local frame, bframe;
1107 for i=1, 8 do
1108 frame = "TipBuddy_BuffFrame";
1109 bframe = getglobal(frame.."B"..i);
1110 bframe:Hide();
1111 bframe = getglobal(frame.."D"..i);
1112 bframe:Hide();
1113 frame = "TipBuddy_BuffFrameGTT";
1114 bframe = getglobal(frame.."B"..i);
1115 bframe:Hide();
1116 bframe = getglobal(frame.."D"..i);
1117 bframe:Hide();
1118 end
1119 end
1121 function TipBuddy_TargetBuffs_Update( type, unit )
1122 if (not unit or not type) then
1123 TipBuddy_TargetBuffs_Initialize(type, unit);
1124 return;
1125 end
1126 local debuff, buff;
1127 local frame, bframe;
1128 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
1129 if ( TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1 or ~= 1 ) then
1130 frame = "TipBuddy_BuffFrameGTT";
1131 else
1132 frame = "TipBuddy_BuffFrame";
1133 end
1134 for i=1, 8 do
1135 buff = UnitBuff(unit, i);
1136 bframe = getglobal(frame.."B"..i);
1137 if ( buff ) then
1138 --/script ----TB_AddMessage(UnitCreatureFamily("mouseover"));
1139 ----TB_AddMessage(buff);
1140 if ( targettype.bff == 1 ) then
1141 getglobal(frame.."B"..i.."Icon"):SetTexture(buff);
1142 bframe:Show();
1143 = i;
1144 --TB_AddMessage(buff);
1145 else
1146 bframe:Hide();
1147 end
1148 else
1149 bframe:Hide();
1150 end
1151 end
1152 for i=1, 8 do
1153 debuff = UnitDebuff(unit, i);
1154 bframe = getglobal(frame.."D"..i);
1155 if ( debuff ) then
1156 if ( targettype.bff == 1 ) then
1157 getglobal(frame.."D"..i.."Icon"):SetTexture(debuff);
1158 bframe:Show();
1159 else
1160 bframe:Hide();
1161 end
1162 else
1163 bframe:Hide();
1164 end
1165 = i;
1166 end
1167 end
1170 function TipBuddy_ShowRank( type, unit )
1171 ------TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy_ShowRank");
1172 TipBuddy_RankFrameGTT:Hide();
1173 TipBuddy_RankFrame:Hide();
1175 if (not type or not unit or ( TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].rnk == 0 )) then
1176 ------TB_AddMessage("no type or unit");
1177 return;
1178 end
1180 local rankName, rankNumber = GetPVPRankInfo(UnitPVPRank(unit));
1181 local rankFrame, srankFrame;
1183 if ( TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].off == 1 ) then
1184 rankFrame = getglobal("TipBuddy_RankFrame");
1185 srankFrame = "TipBuddy_RankFrame";
1186 else
1187 rankFrame = getglobal("TipBuddy_RankFrameGTT");
1188 srankFrame = "TipBuddy_RankFrameGTT";
1189 end
1190 local rankFrameIcon = getglobal(srankFrame.."Icon");
1192 -- /script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(UnitPVPRank("target"));
1193 if (not UnitPlayerControlled(unit) or rankNumber == 0) then
1194 rankFrame:Hide();
1195 return;
1196 end
1197 -- Set icon
1198 if ( rankNumber > 0 ) then
1199 rankFrameIcon:SetTexture(format("%s%02d","Interface\\PvPRankBadges\\PvPRank",rankNumber));
1200 rankFrame:Show();
1201 else
1202 rankFrame:Hide();
1203 end
1204 end
1206 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1208 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1209 function TipBuddy_TargetInfo_ShowFaction( type, unit )
1210 TipBuddy_FactionFrameGTT:Hide();
1211 TipBuddy_FactionFrame:Hide();
1212 if (not unit) then
1213 return;
1214 end
1216 local factionGroup = UnitFactionGroup(unit);
1217 if (not factionGroup) then
1218 return;
1219 end
1221 local frame, sframe;
1222 if ( TipBuddy_SavedVars[TipBuddy.targetType].off == 1 ) then
1223 frame = getglobal("TipBuddy_FactionFrame");
1224 sframe = "TipBuddy_FactionFrame";
1225 else
1226 frame = getglobal("TipBuddy_FactionFrameGTT");
1227 sframe = "TipBuddy_FactionFrameGTT";
1228 end
1229 local frameIcon = getglobal(sframe.."Icon");
1230 local frameText = getglobal(sframe.."Text");
1231 --how in the world does this happen?
1233 if ( UnitIsPVPFreeForAll(unit) ) then
1234 frameIcon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-PVP-FFA");
1235 frame:Show();
1236 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[TipBuddy.targetType].txt_pvp == 1) then
1237 frameIcon:Hide();
1238 frameText:Show();
1239 frameText:SetText("FFA");
1240 else
1241 frameIcon:Show();
1242 frameText:Hide();
1243 end
1244 elseif ( UnitIsPVP(unit) ) then
1245 ------TB_AddMessage("txt_pvp = "..TipBuddy_SavedVars[TipBuddy.targetType].txt_pvp);
1246 frameIcon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-PVP-"..factionGroup);
1247 frame:Show();
1248 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars[TipBuddy.targetType].txt_pvp == 1) then
1249 frameIcon:Hide();
1250 frameText:Show();
1251 frameText:SetText("PvP");
1252 else
1253 frameIcon:Show();
1254 frameText:Hide();
1255 end
1256 else
1257 frame:Hide();
1258 end
1259 end
1261 function TipBuddy_SetFrame_TargetType( type, unit, refresh )
1263 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars.debug == 1 and TipBuddy.uName) then
1264 ------TB_AddMessage(TipBuddy.uName.." == TT: "..GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText());
1265 end
1267 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
1268 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault ~= 1) then
1269 if (refresh) then
1270 ------TB_AddMessage("!! lastline: "..TipBuddy.gtt_lastline..", numlines (stored): "..TipBuddy.gtt_numlines..", numlines (real): "..GameTooltip:NumLines());
1271 TipBuddy.refresh = 1;
1272 ----TB_AddMessage("!! REFRESH");
1273 else
1274 ----TB_AddMessage("!! CLEARING ALL DATA");
1275 TipBuddy.refresh = nil;
1276 TipBuddy.gtt_numlines = GameTooltip:NumLines();
1277 TipBuddy.gtt_lastline = 1;
1278 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra = nil;
1279 TipBuddy.gtt_name = "";
1280 TipBuddy.gtt_target = "";
1281 TipBuddy.gtt_guild = "";
1282 TipBuddy.gtt_level = "";
1283 TipBuddy.gtt_race = "";
1284 TipBuddy.gtt_class = "";
1285 TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac = "";
1286 end
1288 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_numlines) then
1289 TipBuddy.gtt_numlines = 0;
1290 end
1292 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_CheckName( type, unit );
1293 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_TargetsTarget( type, unit );
1294 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetGuild( type, unit );
1295 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetClass( type, unit );
1296 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetLevel( type, unit );
1297 if (TipBuddy.refresh ~= 1) then
1298 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_ShowCityFaction( type, unit );
1299 TipBuddy_ConfirmLastLine(unit);
1300 if ( ~= 1 ) then
1301 TipBuddy_GTT_GetExtraLines(TipBuddy.gtt_numlines);
1302 end
1303 end
1304 end
1306 if ( == 1 ) then
1307 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1) then
1308 TipBuddy_ClearFade(TipBuddyTooltip, 1);
1309 TipBuddyTooltip:SetUnit(unit);
1310 TipBuddy_GTT_AddExtras();
1311 TipBuddyTooltip:Show();
1312 else
1313 TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor..TipBuddy.gtt_name..TipBuddy.gtt_target);
1314 TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:Show();
1316 if ( targettype.gld == 1 ) then
1317 if (TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor and TipBuddy.gtt_guild and TipBuddy.gtt_guild ~= "" ) then
1318 ----TB_AddMessage(TB_RED_TXT.."Guild text = "..TB_YLW_TXT..TipBuddy.gtt_guild);
1319 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor.."<"..TipBuddy.gtt_guild..TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor..">");
1320 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:Show();
1321 else
1322 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:Hide();
1323 end
1324 else
1325 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:Hide();
1326 end
1327 if ( targettype.hth == 1 ) then
1328 TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:Show();
1329 ------TB_AddMessage(unit);
1330 if (UnitMana( unit ) > 0) then
1331 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:Show();
1332 else
1333 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:Hide();
1334 end
1335 TipBuddy_UnitFrame_UpdateHealth( unit );
1336 TipBuddy_UnitFrame_UpdateMana( unit );
1337 TipBuddy_UpdateHealthText( TipBuddy_HealthText, type, unit );
1338 TipBuddy_UpdateManaText( TipBuddy_ManaText, type, unit );
1339 else
1340 TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:Hide();
1341 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:Hide();
1342 end
1343 if ( targettype.cfc == 1 and TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac ~= "" ) then
1344 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:SetText(tbcolor_cityfac..TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac);
1345 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:Show();
1346 else
1347 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:Hide();
1348 end
1349 if ( targettype.cls == 1 ) then
1350 if (TipBuddy.gtt_class == "" and TipBuddy.gtt_level == "") then
1351 TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:Hide();
1352 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:Hide();
1353 elseif (TipBuddy.gtt_class and TipBuddy.gtt_class ~= "" ) then
1354 TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_race..TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor..TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor..TipBuddy.gtt_class..TipBuddy.gtt_classcorpse);
1355 TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:Show();
1356 else
1357 TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:Hide();
1358 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:Hide();
1359 end
1361 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:Show();
1362 else
1363 TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:Hide();
1364 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:Hide();
1365 end
1366 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_FindExtras( unit );
1368 TipBuddy_FrameHeights_Initialize(type);
1369 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Width();
1370 end
1371 else
1372 --TB_AddMessage(getglobal("TipBuddyTooltipTextLeft1"):GetText());
1373 TipBuddy_ClearFade(TipBuddyTooltip, 1);
1374 TipBuddyTooltip:SetUnit(unit);
1375 ----TB_AddMessage("setunit show: ("..TipBuddyTooltip:GetTop()..")");
1377 --/script = 2
1378 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1) then
1380 elseif ( == 2) then
1381 GameTooltip.variables1 = {};
1382 GameTooltip.variables2 = {};
1383 if (not targettype.ebx1) then
1384 targettype.ebx1 = "";
1385 end
1386 if (not targettype.ebx2) then
1387 targettype.ebx2 = "";
1388 end
1389 local ebtext1 = targettype.ebx1;
1390 local ebtext2 = targettype.ebx2;
1391 for variable, value in TB_VARIABLE_FUNCTIONS do
1392 if (string.find(ebtext1, variable)) then
1393 GameTooltip.variables1[variable] = true;
1394 end
1395 if (string.find(ebtext2, variable)) then
1396 GameTooltip.variables2[variable] = true;
1397 end
1398 end
1400 local maxchar = 256;
1401 TipBuddyTooltipTextLeft1:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1);
1402 if ((not ebtext1) or ebtext1 == "") then
1403 TipBuddyTooltip:SetText(" ");
1404 --TipBuddyTooltipTextLeft1:Show();
1405 else
1406 for var in GameTooltip.variables1 do
1407 ebtext1 = TB_VARIABLE_FUNCTIONS[var].func(ebtext1, unit);
1408 end
1409 if (maxchar and string.len(ebtext1) > maxchar) then
1410 ebtext1 = string.sub(ebtext1, 1, maxchar);
1411 end
1412 TipBuddyTooltip:SetText(ebtext1);
1413 --TipBuddyTooltipTextLeft1:Show();
1414 end
1416 maxchar = 2048;
1417 if ((not ebtext2) or ebtext2 == "") then
1418 --TipBuddyTooltipTextLeft2:SetText(" ");
1419 --TipBuddyTooltipTextLeft1:Show();
1420 else
1421 for var in GameTooltip.variables2 do
1422 ebtext2 = TB_VARIABLE_FUNCTIONS[var].func(ebtext2, unit);
1423 end
1424 if (maxchar and string.len(ebtext2) > maxchar) then
1425 ebtext2 = string.sub(ebtext2, 1, maxchar);
1426 end
1428 --strip out the empty lines
1429 ebtext2 = string.gsub(ebtext2, "|r\n|r\n", "|r\n");
1430 ebtext2 = string.gsub(ebtext2, "^|r\n", "");
1432 TipBuddyTooltip:AddLine(ebtext2);
1433 TipBuddyTooltipTextLeft2:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1);
1434 end
1435 else
1437 TipBuddyTooltip:SetText(TipBuddy.gtt_namecolor..TipBuddy.gtt_name..TipBuddy.gtt_target);
1439 if ( targettype.gld == 1 and TipBuddy.gtt_guild and TipBuddy.gtt_guild ~= "" ) then
1440 if (TipBuddy.gtt_guild ~= nil) then
1441 TipBuddyTooltip:AddLine(TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor.."<"..TipBuddy.gtt_guild..TipBuddy.gtt_guildcolor..">".."|r");
1442 end
1443 end
1444 if ( targettype.cls == 1 ) then
1445 if (TipBuddy.gtt_class == nil) then
1446 TipBuddy.gtt_class = "";
1447 end
1448 if (TipBuddy.gtt_class == "" and TipBuddy.gtt_level == "") then
1450 else
1451 TipBuddyTooltip:AddLine(TipBuddy.gtt_level.."|r "..TipBuddy.gtt_race..TipBuddy.gtt_classcolor..TipBuddy.gtt_classlvlcolor..TipBuddy.gtt_class..TipBuddy.gtt_classcorpse.."|r");
1452 end
1453 end
1454 if ( targettype.cfc == 1 and TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac ~= "" ) then
1455 TipBuddyTooltip:AddLine(TipBuddy.gtt_cityfac.."|r");
1456 end
1457 end
1459 TipBuddy_GTT_AddExtras();
1461 if ( targettype.hth == 1 ) then
1462 TipBuddyTooltipStatusBar:Show();
1463 else
1464 TipBuddyTooltipStatusBar:Hide();
1465 end
1467 TipBuddyTooltip:Show();
1468 TipBuddy_UpdateHealthText( TipBuddy_HealthTextGTT, type, unit );
1469 end
1470 if ( targettype.fac == 1 ) then
1471 TipBuddy_TargetInfo_ShowFaction( type, unit );
1472 else
1473 TipBuddy_FactionFrameGTT:Hide();
1474 TipBuddy_FactionFrame:Hide();
1475 end
1476 end
1478 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1480 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1481 function TipBuddy_SetFrame_BackgroundColor( type, unit )
1482 --TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."Background Color");
1483 if (not unit or not type) then
1484 TipBuddy_SetFrame_NonUnit_BackgroundColor( type );
1485 ------TB_AddMessage("NO UNIT OR TYPE - SETTING BG");
1486 return;
1487 end
1488 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
1489 local r, br, g, bg, b, bb, a, ba;
1491 if (not targettype.c_bdp) then
1492 targettype.c_bdp = 0;
1493 end
1494 if (not targettype.c_bdb) then
1495 targettype.c_bdb = 0;
1496 end
1498 ----TB_AddMessage("bdp = "..targettype.c_bdp);
1499 if (GetGuildInfo("player") and GetGuildInfo(unit) == GetGuildInfo("player")) then
1500 type = "guild";
1501 targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
1502 r, g, b, a = targettype.bgcolor.r, targettype.bgcolor.g, targettype.bgcolor.b, targettype.bgcolor.a;
1503 ----TB_AddMessage("setting BG color to Guild");
1504 elseif (targettype.c_bdp and targettype.c_bdp == 1) then
1505 --[[
1506 tbcolor_lvl_impossible = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_imp.r, colors.lvl_imp.g, colors.lvl_imp.b);
1507 tbcolor_lvl_verydifficult = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_vdf.r, colors.lvl_vdf.g, colors.lvl_vdf.b);
1508 tbcolor_lvl_difficult = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_dif.r, colors.lvl_dif.g, colors.lvl_dif.b);
1509 tbcolor_lvl_standard = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_stn.r, colors.lvl_stn.g, colors.lvl_stn.b);
1510 tbcolor_lvl_trivial = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_trv.r, colors.lvl_trv.g, colors.lvl_trv.b);
1511 ]]
1512 local levelDiff = UnitLevel(unit) - UnitLevel("player");
1513 local colors = TipBuddy_SavedVars["textcolors"];
1514 if ( levelDiff >= 5 ) then
1515 r, g, b = colors.lvl_imp.r, colors.lvl_imp.g, colors.lvl_imp.b;
1516 elseif ( levelDiff >= 3 ) then
1517 r, g, b = colors.lvl_vdf.r, colors.lvl_vdf.g, colors.lvl_vdf.b;
1518 elseif ( levelDiff >= -2 ) then
1519 r, g, b = colors.lvl_dif.r, colors.lvl_dif.g, colors.lvl_dif.b;
1520 elseif ( -levelDiff <= GetQuestGreenRange() ) then
1521 r, g, b = colors.lvl_stn.r, colors.lvl_stn.g, colors.lvl_stn.b;
1522 else
1523 r, g, b = colors.lvl_trv.r, colors.lvl_trv.g, colors.lvl_trv.b;
1524 end
1525 r, g, b = TB_NoNegative(r - 0.35), TB_NoNegative(g - 0.35), TB_NoNegative(b - 0.35);
1526 a = targettype.bgcolor.a;
1527 elseif (targettype.c_bdp and targettype.c_bdp == 2) then
1528 local reaction = TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction( unit );
1529 local colors = TipBuddy_SavedVars["textcolors"];
1530 ----TB_AddMessage("reaction = "..reaction);
1531 --[[ tbcolor_nam_hostile = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_hos.r, colors.nam_hos.g, colors.nam_hos.b);
1532 tbcolor_nam_neutral = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_neu.r, colors.nam_neu.g, colors.nam_neu.b);
1533 tbcolor_nam_friendly = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_fri.r, colors.nam_fri.g, colors.nam_fri.b);
1534 tbcolor_nam_caution = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_cau.r, colors.nam_cau.g, colors.nam_cau.b);
1535 tbcolor_nam_pvp = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_pvp.r, colors.nam_pvp.g, colors.nam_pvp.b);
1536 tbcolor_nam_tappedplayer = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_tpp.r, colors.nam_tpp.g, colors.nam_tpp.b);
1537 tbcolor_nam_tappedother = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_tpo.r, colors.nam_tpo.g, colors.nam_tpo.b);]]
1538 if (reaction == "hostile") then
1539 r, g, b = colors.nam_hos.r, colors.nam_hos.g, colors.nam_hos.b;
1540 elseif (reaction == "neutral") then
1541 r, g, b = colors.nam_neu.r, colors.nam_neu.g, colors.nam_neu.b;
1542 elseif (reaction == "friendly") then
1543 r, g, b = colors.nam_fri.r, colors.nam_fri.g, colors.nam_fri.b;
1544 elseif (reaction == "caution") then
1545 r, g, b = colors.nam_cau.r, colors.nam_cau.g, colors.nam_cau.b;
1546 elseif (reaction == "pvp") then
1547 r, g, b = colors.nam_pvp.r, colors.nam_pvp.g, colors.nam_pvp.b;
1548 elseif (reaction == "tappedplayer") then
1549 r, g, b = colors.nam_tpp.r, colors.nam_tpp.g, colors.nam_tpp.b;
1550 elseif (reaction == "tappedother") then
1551 r, g, b = colors.nam_tpo.r, colors.nam_tpo.g, colors.nam_tpo.b;
1552 else
1553 r, g, b = targettype.bgcolor.r, targettype.bgcolor.g, targettype.bgcolor.b;
1554 end
1555 r, g, b = TB_NoNegative(r - 0.35), TB_NoNegative(g - 0.35), TB_NoNegative(b - 0.35);
1556 a = targettype.bgcolor.a;
1557 else
1558 r, g, b, a = targettype.bgcolor.r, targettype.bgcolor.g, targettype.bgcolor.b, targettype.bgcolor.a;
1559 ----TB_AddMessage("setting BG color to Custom");
1560 end
1562 if (targettype.c_bdb and targettype.c_bdb == 1) then
1563 --[[
1564 tbcolor_lvl_impossible = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_imp.r, colors.lvl_imp.g, colors.lvl_imp.b);
1565 tbcolor_lvl_verydifficult = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_vdf.r, colors.lvl_vdf.g, colors.lvl_vdf.b);
1566 tbcolor_lvl_difficult = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_dif.r, colors.lvl_dif.g, colors.lvl_dif.b);
1567 tbcolor_lvl_standard = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_stn.r, colors.lvl_stn.g, colors.lvl_stn.b);
1568 tbcolor_lvl_trivial = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.lvl_trv.r, colors.lvl_trv.g, colors.lvl_trv.b);
1569 ]]
1570 local levelDiff = UnitLevel(unit) - UnitLevel("player");
1571 local colors = TipBuddy_SavedVars["textcolors"];
1572 if ( levelDiff >= 5 ) then
1573 br, bg, bb = colors.lvl_imp.r, colors.lvl_imp.g, colors.lvl_imp.b;
1574 elseif ( levelDiff >= 3 ) then
1575 br, bg, bb = colors.lvl_vdf.r, colors.lvl_vdf.g, colors.lvl_vdf.b;
1576 elseif ( levelDiff >= -2 ) then
1577 br, bg, bb = colors.lvl_dif.r, colors.lvl_dif.g, colors.lvl_dif.b;
1578 elseif ( -levelDiff <= GetQuestGreenRange() ) then
1579 br, bg, bb = colors.lvl_stn.r, colors.lvl_stn.g, colors.lvl_stn.b;
1580 else
1581 br, bg, bb = colors.lvl_trv.r, colors.lvl_trv.g, colors.lvl_trv.b;
1582 end
1583 ba = targettype.bgbcolor.a;
1584 elseif (targettype.c_bdb and targettype.c_bdb == 2) then
1585 local reaction = TipBuddy_GetUnitReaction( unit );
1586 local colors = TipBuddy_SavedVars["textcolors"];
1587 --[[ tbcolor_nam_hostile = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_hos.r, colors.nam_hos.g, colors.nam_hos.b);
1588 tbcolor_nam_neutral = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_neu.r, colors.nam_neu.g, colors.nam_neu.b);
1589 tbcolor_nam_friendly = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_fri.r, colors.nam_fri.g, colors.nam_fri.b);
1590 tbcolor_nam_caution = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_cau.r, colors.nam_cau.g, colors.nam_cau.b);
1591 tbcolor_nam_pvp = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_pvp.r, colors.nam_pvp.g, colors.nam_pvp.b);
1592 tbcolor_nam_tappedplayer = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_tpp.r, colors.nam_tpp.g, colors.nam_tpp.b);
1593 tbcolor_nam_tappedother = TipBuddy_RGBToHexColor(colors.nam_tpo.r, colors.nam_tpo.g, colors.nam_tpo.b);]]
1594 if (reaction == "hostile") then
1595 br, bg, bb = colors.nam_hos.r, colors.nam_hos.g, colors.nam_hos.b;
1596 elseif (reaction == "neutral") then
1597 br, bg, bb = colors.nam_neu.r, colors.nam_neu.g, colors.nam_neu.b;
1598 elseif (reaction == "friendly") then
1599 br, bg, bb = colors.nam_fri.r, colors.nam_fri.g, colors.nam_fri.b;
1600 elseif (reaction == "caution") then
1601 br, bg, bb = colors.nam_cau.r, colors.nam_cau.g, colors.nam_cau.b;
1602 elseif (reaction == "pvp") then
1603 br, bg, bb = colors.nam_pvp.r, colors.nam_pvp.g, colors.nam_pvp.b;
1604 elseif (reaction == "tappedplayer") then
1605 br, bg, bb = colors.nam_tpp.r, colors.nam_tpp.g, colors.nam_tpp.b;
1606 elseif (reaction == "tappedother") then
1607 br, bg, bb = colors.nam_tpo.r, colors.nam_tpo.g, colors.nam_tpo.b;
1608 else
1609 br, bg, bb = targettype.bgcolor.r, targettype.bgcolor.g, targettype.bgcolor.b;
1610 end
1611 ba = targettype.bgbcolor.a;
1612 else
1613 targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
1614 if (not targettype.bgbcolor) then
1615 targettype.bgbcolor = {};
1616 targettype.bgbcolor.r = 0.8;
1617 targettype.bgbcolor.g = 0.8;
1618 targettype.bgbcolor.b = 0.9;
1619 targettype.bgbcolor.a = 1;
1620 end
1621 br, bg, bb, ba = targettype.bgbcolor.r, targettype.bgbcolor.g, targettype.bgbcolor.b, targettype.bgbcolor.a;
1622 end
1624 --if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1) then
1626 -- GameTooltip:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.9, 1);
1627 if (TipBuddy.compactvis) then
1628 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:SetBackdropColor( r, g, b, a );
1629 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:SetBackdropBorderColor( 0, 0, 0, 0.9 );
1630 else
1631 TipBuddyTooltip:SetBackdropColor( r, g, b, a );
1632 --/script GameTooltip:SetBackdropBorderColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
1633 TipBuddyTooltip:SetBackdropBorderColor( br, bg, bb, ba );
1634 end
1635 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1) then
1636 TipBuddyTooltipTextLeft1:SetTextColor(GameTooltip_UnitColor(unit));
1637 end
1638 ----TB_AddMessage(r.." - "..g.." - "..b.." - "..a);
1639 end
1641 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1643 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1644 function TipBuddy_SetFrame_NonUnit_BackgroundColor( type )
1645 if (not type) then
1646 type = "general";
1647 end
1648 local targettype = TipBuddy_SavedVars[type];
1649 if (not targettype.bgcolor) then
1650 targettype.bgcolor = {};
1651 targettype.bgcolor.r = 0.1;
1652 targettype.bgcolor.g = 0.1;
1653 targettype.bgcolor.b = 0.1;
1654 targettype.bgcolor.a = 0.78;
1655 end
1656 if (not targettype.bgbcolor) then
1657 targettype.bgbcolor = {};
1658 targettype.bgbcolor.r = 0.8;
1659 targettype.bgbcolor.g = 0.8;
1660 targettype.bgbcolor.b = 0.9;
1661 targettype.bgbcolor.a = 1;
1662 end
1664 --TB_AddMessage("NU: "..targettype.bgcolor.r.." - "..targettype.bgcolor.g.." - "..targettype.bgcolor.b.." - "..targettype.bgcolor.a);
1665 GameTooltip:SetBackdropColor( targettype.bgcolor.r, targettype.bgcolor.g, targettype.bgcolor.b, targettype.bgcolor.a );
1666 GameTooltip:SetBackdropBorderColor( targettype.bgbcolor.r, targettype.bgbcolor.g, targettype.bgbcolor.b, targettype.bgbcolor.a );
1667 end
1670 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1672 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1673 function TipBuddy_ParentTip_OnUpdate()
1674 --if (TipBuddy_Main_Frame:IsVisible() or GameTooltip:IsVisible()) then
1675 this:ClearAllPoints();
1677 local x, y = TipBuddy_PositionFrameToCursor();
1679 if (not TipBuddy.xpoint or not TipBuddy.xpos or not TipBuddy.anchor or not TipBuddy.fanchor) then
1680 TipBuddy.xpoint, TipBuddy.xpos, TipBuddy.ypos = TipBuddy_GetFrameCursorOffset();
1681 TipBuddy.anchor, TipBuddy.fanchor, TipBuddy.offset = TipBuddy_GetFrameAnchorPos();
1682 end
1684 if ( UnitExists("mouseover") or TipBuddy.anchorparent == "UIParent") then
1685 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchored == 1) then
1686 this:SetPoint(TipBuddy.anchor, "TipBuddy_Header_Frame", TipBuddy.fanchor, 0, 0);
1687 else
1688 this:SetPoint(TipBuddy.xpoint, "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y);
1689 end
1690 else
1691 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].nonunit_anchor == 0) then
1692 this:SetPoint(TipBuddy.xpoint, "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y);
1693 elseif (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].nonunit_anchor == 1) then
1694 this:SetPoint(TipBuddy.anchor, "TipBuddy_Header_Frame", TipBuddy.fanchor, 0, 0);
1695 else
1696 this:SetPoint(TipBuddy.xpoint, "UIParent", "BOTTOMLEFT", x, y);
1697 end
1698 --/script TipBuddyTooltipx:SetOwner(TipBuddy_Parent_Frame, "ANCHOR_RIGHT"); TipBuddyTooltipx:SetUnit("player");
1699 end
1701 if ( UnitExists("mouseover") or TipBuddy.unitframe == 1) then
1702 if (TipBuddy.hasTarget and TipBuddy.hasTarget == 1) then
1703 --TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."ParentTip_OnUpdate");
1704 GameTooltip:SetAlpha(0);
1705 end
1706 elseif (TipBuddy.hasTarget == 1) then
1707 local text1 = getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft1"):GetText();
1708 --TB_AddMessage(tbcolor_nam_hostile..TipBuddy.uName.." - "..getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft1"):GetText());
1709 if (text1 == nil or TipBuddy.gtt_name == nil or string.find(text1, TipBuddy_FixMagicChars(TipBuddy.gtt_name))) then
1710 GameTooltip:Hide();
1711 ------TB_AddMessage(TEXT(text1).." - "..TEXT(TipBuddy.gtt_name));
1712 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_fade == 1) then
1713 --TipBuddyTooltip:FadeOut();
1714 ----TB_AddMessage("fading tt");
1716 TipBuddy_Hide( TipBuddyTooltip );
1717 else
1718 TipBuddy_ForceHide( TipBuddyTooltip );
1719 --TB_AddMessage("hiding tt");
1720 end
1721 end
1722 --/script GameTooltipTextLeft1:SetTextColor(GameTooltip_UnitColor("mouseover"));
1723 if (TipBuddy_Main_Frame:IsVisible()) then
1724 TipBuddy_Hide( TipBuddy_Main_Frame );
1725 end
1727 TipBuddy.hasTarget = 0;
1728 --TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy.hasTarget = 0");
1729 TipBuddy.uName = nil;
1730 TipBuddy.vis = nil;
1731 end
1733 if (not TipBuddy.first) then
1734 GameTooltip.default = nil;
1735 TipBuddy.first = 1;
1736 --TB_AddMessage("first time: ("..TipBuddyTooltip:GetTop()..")");
1737 end
1738 end
1740 function TipBuddyTooltip_OnUpdate()
1741 if ( this.fadingout ) then
1742 if ( this:GetAlpha() <= 0 ) then
1743 TipBuddy_FadeOut_Finished(this);
1744 end
1745 elseif ( this.fadingin ) then
1746 if ( this:GetAlpha() >= 1 ) then
1747 TipBuddy_FadeIn_Finished(this);
1748 end
1749 end
1750 if (this:IsVisible()) then
1751 if ((TipBuddy.hasTarget ~= 1) and (not this.fadingout)) then
1753 if (not this.startTime or not this.endTime) then
1754 TipBuddy_ForceHide( this );
1755 return;
1756 end
1757 GameTooltip:SetAlpha(0);
1758 local fraction = (GetTime() - this.startTime) / (this.endTime - this.startTime);
1759 if ( fraction >= 1.0 ) then
1760 TipBuddy_FadeOut( this );
1761 end
1762 end
1763 end
1764 end
1766 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1768 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1769 function TipBuddy_MainTip_OnUpdate()
1770 --/script TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].cursorpos = 1;
1771 --/script TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].cursorpos = 0;
1773 if ( this.fadingout ) then
1774 if ( this:GetAlpha() <= 0 ) then
1775 TipBuddy_FadeOut_Finished(this);
1776 end
1777 elseif ( this.fadingin ) then
1778 if ( this:GetAlpha() >= 1 ) then
1779 TipBuddy_FadeIn_Finished(this);
1780 end
1781 end
1782 if (this:IsVisible()) then
1783 if ((TipBuddy.hasTarget ~= 1) and (not this.fadingout)) then
1784 TipBuddy.compactvis = nil;
1785 --/script ----TB_AddMessage(TipBuddy_Main_Frame.fadingout);
1786 if (not this.startTime or not this.endTime) then
1787 TipBuddy_SetFrame_NonUnit_BackgroundColor();
1788 TipBuddy_ForceHide( this );
1789 return;
1790 end
1791 GameTooltip:SetAlpha(0);
1792 local fraction = (GetTime() - this.startTime) / (this.endTime - this.startTime);
1793 if ( fraction >= 1.0 ) then
1794 TipBuddy_FadeOut( this );
1795 elseif (GameTooltip:IsVisible() and TipBuddy.compactvis ~= 1) then
1796 TipBuddy_SetFrame_NonUnit_BackgroundColor();
1797 TipBuddy_ForceHide( this );
1798 end
1799 elseif (GameTooltip:IsVisible() and TipBuddy.compactvis ~= 1) then
1800 TipBuddy_SetFrame_NonUnit_BackgroundColor();
1801 TipBuddy_ForceHide( this );
1802 end
1803 end
1804 end
1806 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1807 -- SET ANCHOR
1808 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1809 -- if it is set to be anchored, anchor it to TipBuddyAnchor
1810 -- otherwise, set it to the cursor
1811 function TipBuddy_SetFrame_Anchor( frame )
1812 --TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."SetFrame_Anchor");
1813 if (not TipBuddy.xpoint or not TipBuddy.anchor) then
1814 TipBuddy.xpoint, TipBuddy.xpos, TipBuddy.ypos = TipBuddy_GetFrameCursorOffset();
1815 TipBuddy.anchor, TipBuddy.fanchor, TipBuddy.offset = TipBuddy_GetFrameAnchorPos();
1816 end
1817 frame:ClearAllPoints();
1818 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchored == 1) then
1819 frame:SetPoint(TipBuddy.anchor, "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", TipBuddy.fanchor, 0, TipBuddy.offset);
1820 else
1821 frame:SetPoint(TipBuddy.xpoint, "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
1822 end
1823 end
1825 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1827 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1828 -- /script TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].scalemod = "1";
1829 -- /script TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].scalemod = "0";
1831 function TipBuddy_FrameHeights_Initialize( type )
1832 local scale = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].scalemod;
1834 TipBuddy_FactionFrameIcon:SetHeight( 30 + (scale * 1.5) );
1835 TipBuddy_FactionFrameIcon:SetWidth( 30 + (scale * 1.5) );
1837 TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:SetTextHeight( 11 + scale );
1838 TipBuddy_TargetName_TextR:SetTextHeight( 11 + scale );
1839 if (type and and == 1 and TipBuddy_SavedVars[type] and TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_2l and TipBuddy_SavedVars[type].trg_2l == 1) then
1840 TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:SetHeight( (11 + scale) * 2);
1841 TipBuddy_TargetName_TextR:SetHeight( (11 + scale) * 2);
1842 else
1843 TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:SetHeight( 11 + scale );
1844 TipBuddy_TargetName_TextR:SetHeight( 11 + scale );
1845 end
1847 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:SetTextHeight( 8 + scale );
1848 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:SetHeight( 8 + scale );
1849 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_TextR:SetTextHeight( 8 + scale );
1850 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_TextR:SetHeight( 8 + scale );
1852 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetTextHeight( 10 + scale );
1853 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetHeight( 10 + scale );
1854 --TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetTextHeight( 8 + scale );
1855 --TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetHeight( 8 + scale );
1856 TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:SetTextHeight( 10 + scale );
1857 TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:SetHeight( 10 + scale );
1859 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:SetTextHeight( 8 + scale );
1860 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:SetHeight( 8 + scale );
1861 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_TextR:SetTextHeight( 8 + scale );
1862 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_TextR:SetHeight( 8 + scale );
1864 for i=1, 20, 1 do
1865 local line;
1866 line = getglobal("TipBuddy_Xtra"..i.."_Text");
1867 line:SetTextHeight( 8 + scale );
1868 line:SetHeight( 8 + scale );
1869 line = getglobal("TipBuddy_XtraR"..i.."_Text");
1870 line:SetTextHeight( 8 + scale );
1871 line:SetHeight( 8 + scale );
1872 end
1874 TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:SetHeight( 5 + scale );
1875 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:SetHeight( 3 + scale );
1876 TipBuddy_HealthTextText:SetTextHeight( TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:GetHeight() + 6 );
1877 TipBuddy_ManaTextText:SetTextHeight( TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:GetHeight() + 3.5 );
1879 TipBuddy_RankFrameIcon:SetHeight( 12 + scale );
1880 TipBuddy_RankFrameIcon:SetWidth( 12 + scale );
1882 -- hack to fix the fonts scaling badly
1883 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:SetScale(2);
1884 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:SetScale(1);
1886 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Height();
1887 end
1889 function TipBuddy_SetFrame_Width()
1890 local scale = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].scalemod;
1892 local targetNameLength = TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:GetStringWidth() + (4 + scale);
1893 local targetClassLength = (TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:GetStringWidth() + TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:GetStringWidth() + (scale + 10));
1894 local targetGuildLength = TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:GetStringWidth() + (4 + scale);
1896 if (not TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:IsVisible()) then
1897 targetClassLength = 1;
1898 end
1899 if (not TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:IsVisible()) then
1900 targetGuildLength = 1;
1901 end
1903 if (targetNameLength > targetGuildLength) then
1904 if (targetNameLength < targetClassLength) then
1905 targetNameLength = targetClassLength;
1906 end
1907 elseif (targetGuildLength > targetClassLength) then
1908 targetNameLength = targetGuildLength;
1909 else
1910 targetNameLength = targetClassLength;
1911 end
1913 local t1 = targetNameLength;
1914 local t2;
1915 for i=1, 20, 1 do
1916 t2 = (getglobal("TipBuddy_Xtra"..i.."_Text"):GetStringWidth() + (5 + scale)) + (getglobal("TipBuddy_XtraR"..i.."_Text"):GetStringWidth() + (12 + scale));
1917 if (t1 < t2) then
1918 t1 = t2;
1919 end
1920 end
1922 if (t1 < 72) then
1923 t1 = 72;
1924 end
1925 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:SetWidth(t1 + scale);
1927 TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:SetWidth(TipBuddy_Main_Frame:GetWidth() - 6);
1928 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:SetWidth(TipBuddy_Main_Frame:GetWidth() - 6);
1929 end
1931 --/script foc = GetMouseFocus(); DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(foc:GetName());
1933 function TipBuddy_SetFrame_Height()
1934 local scale = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].scalemod;
1935 local nameFrame = TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:GetHeight();
1936 local guildFrame = TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:GetHeight();
1937 local classFrame = TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:GetHeight();
1938 local healthFrame = TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:GetHeight();
1939 local manaFrame = TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:GetHeight();
1940 local cityfacFrame = TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:GetHeight();
1941 local lastparent = "TipBuddy_TargetName_Text";
1942 local lastparentr = "TipBuddy_TargetName_TextR";
1944 if (TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:IsVisible()) then
1945 nameFrame = TipBuddy_TargetName_Text:GetHeight();
1946 else
1947 nameFrame = 0;
1948 end
1950 if (TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:IsVisible()) then
1951 guildFrame = TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:GetHeight();
1952 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", lastparent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 1);
1953 TipBuddy_TargetGuild_TextR:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", lastparentr, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 1);
1954 lastparent = "TipBuddy_TargetGuild_Text";
1955 lastparentr = "TipBuddy_TargetGuild_TextR";
1956 else
1957 guildFrame = 0;
1958 end
1960 if (TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:IsVisible()) then
1961 healthFrame = (TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:GetHeight() + 5);
1962 TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", lastparent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, -4);
1963 lastparent = "TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar";
1964 lastparentr = "TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar";
1965 else
1966 healthFrame = 0;
1967 end
1969 if (TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:IsVisible()) then
1970 manaFrame = (TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:GetHeight() + 4);
1971 lastparent = "TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar";
1972 lastparentr = "TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar";
1973 else
1974 manaFrame = 0;
1975 end
1977 if (TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:IsVisible()) then
1978 ------TB_AddMessage(lastparent);
1979 cityfacFrame = TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:GetHeight();
1980 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", lastparent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0);
1981 TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_TextR:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", lastparentr, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0);
1982 lastparent = "TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_Text";
1983 lastparentr = "TipBuddy_TargetCityFac_TextR";
1984 else
1985 cityfacFrame = 0;
1986 end
1988 if (TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:IsVisible()) then
1989 ------TB_AddMessage(lastparent);
1990 classFrame = (TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:GetHeight() + 1);
1991 TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", lastparent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -1);
1992 TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", lastparentr, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -1);
1993 lastparent = "TipBuddy_TargetLevel_Text";
1994 lastparentr = "TipBuddy_TargetClass_Text";
1995 else
1996 classFrame = 0;
1997 end
1999 if (TipBuddy_Xtra1_Text:IsVisible()) then
2000 TipBuddy_Xtra1_Text:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", lastparent, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -3);
2001 TipBuddy_XtraR1_Text:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", lastparentr, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -3);
2002 end
2004 local xtraHeight = 0;
2005 for i=1, 20, 1 do
2006 local xtraLineL = getglobal("TipBuddy_Xtra"..i.."_Text");
2007 local xtraLineR = getglobal("TipBuddy_XtraR"..i.."_Text");
2008 if (xtraLineL:IsVisible()) then
2009 xtraHeight = ( xtraHeight + xtraLineL:GetHeight() + 1 );
2010 else
2011 if (xtraLineR:IsVisible()) then
2012 xtraHeight = ( xtraHeight + xtraLineL:GetHeight() + 1 );
2013 end
2014 end
2015 end
2016 if (xtraHeight ~= 0) then
2017 xtraHeight = xtraHeight + 2;
2018 end
2020 local tipFrameHeight = ((nameFrame + guildFrame + classFrame + healthFrame + manaFrame + cityfacFrame + xtraHeight) + 4);
2021 TipBuddy_Main_Frame:SetHeight(tipFrameHeight);
2022 end
2024 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2026 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2028 --/script ----TB_AddMessage(UIParent:GetWidth()..", "..UIParent:GetHeight()); local x, y = GetCursorPosition(UIParent); ----TB_AddMessage(x..", "..y);
2029 function TipBuddy_PositionFrameToCursor()
2031 local x, y = GetCursorPosition(UIParent);
2033 x = (x / TipBuddy.uiscale) + TipBuddy.xpos;
2034 y = (y / TipBuddy.uiscale) + TipBuddy.ypos;
2036 local x1, x2, y1, y2, tip;
2037 if (TipBuddyTooltip:IsVisible()) then
2038 tip = getglobal("TipBuddyTooltip");
2039 elseif (TipBuddy_Main_Frame:IsVisible()) then
2040 tip = getglobal("TipBuddy_Main_Frame");
2041 else
2042 tip = getglobal("GameTooltip");
2043 end
2045 if ( TipBuddy.xpoint == "LEFT" ) then
2046 x1 = 0;
2047 x2 = (TipBuddy.uiwidth - tip:GetWidth());
2048 elseif ( TipBuddy.xpoint == "RIGHT" ) then
2049 x1 = tip:GetWidth();
2050 x2 = TipBuddy.uiwidth;
2051 else
2052 x1 = tip:GetWidth() * 0.5;
2053 x2 = (TipBuddy.uiwidth - x1);
2054 end
2056 y1 = (TipBuddy.uiheight - tip:GetHeight());
2057 if ( TipBuddy.xpoint == "TOP" ) then
2058 y2 = tip:GetHeight();
2059 elseif ( xpoint == "BOTTOM" ) then
2060 y2 = 0;
2061 else
2062 y2 = (tip:GetHeight() * 0.5);
2063 end
2065 ------TB_AddMessage(x1..", "..y2);
2066 if ( x < x1 ) then
2067 x = x1;
2068 end
2069 if ( x > x2 ) then
2070 x = x2;
2071 end
2072 if ( y > y1 ) then
2073 y = y1;
2074 end
2075 if ( y < y2 ) then
2076 y = y2;
2077 end
2079 return x, y;
2080 end
2082 function TipBuddy_GetIconAnchorPos( frame )
2083 local x, y = TipBuddy_PositionFrameToCursor();
2085 if (not frame or not frame:GetLeft()) then
2086 return;
2087 end
2088 if (not TipBuddy.uiwidth) then
2089 TipBuddy.uiscale = UIParent:GetScale();
2090 TipBuddy.uiwidth = UIParent:GetWidth() / TipBuddy.uiscale;
2091 TipBuddy.uiheight = UIParent:GetHeight() / TipBuddy.uiscale;
2092 end
2093 if (y > (TipBuddy.uiheight * 0.75)) then
2094 --topright
2095 if (x > (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.75)) then
2096 if (frame and frame:GetLeft() <= (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.2)) then
2097 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2098 return "ANCHOR_NONE", "BOTTOM", "TOP";
2099 end
2100 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT");
2102 --topmidright
2103 elseif (x > (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.5)) then
2104 if (frame and frame:GetLeft() <= (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.2)) then
2105 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2106 return "ANCHOR_NONE", "BOTTOM", "TOP";
2107 end
2108 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT");
2110 --cursor is topmidleft
2111 elseif (x > (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.25)) then
2112 if (frame and frame:GetRight() >= (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.8)) then
2113 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2114 return "ANCHOR_NONE", "BOTTOM", "TOP";
2115 end
2116 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT");
2118 --cursor is topleft
2119 else
2120 if (frame and frame:GetRight() >= (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.8)) then
2121 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2122 return "ANCHOR_NONE", "BOTTOM", "TOP";
2123 end
2124 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT");
2126 end
2128 elseif (y > (TipBuddy.uiheight * 0.25)) then
2129 --midright
2130 if (x > (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.75)) then
2131 if (frame and frame:GetLeft() <= (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.2)) then
2132 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2133 return "ANCHOR_NONE", "BOTTOM", "TOP";
2134 end
2135 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2137 else
2138 if (frame and frame:GetRight() >= (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.8)) then
2139 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2140 return "ANCHOR_NONE", "BOTTOM", "TOP";
2141 end
2142 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2144 end
2145 else
2147 if (x > (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.75)) then
2148 if (frame and frame:GetLeft() <= (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.2)) then
2149 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2150 return "ANCHOR_NONE", "BOTTOM", "TOP";
2151 end
2152 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_LEFT");
2154 else
2155 if (frame and frame:GetRight() >= (TipBuddy.uiwidth * 0.8)) then
2156 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_NONE");
2157 return "ANCHOR_NONE", "BOTTOM", "TOP";
2158 end
2159 ------TB_AddMessage("ANCHOR_RIGHT");
2161 end
2162 end
2163 end
2165 function TipBuddy_GetFrameCursorOffset()
2166 local curpos = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].cursorpos;
2167 TipBuddy.uiscale = UIParent:GetScale();
2168 TipBuddy.uiwidth = UIParent:GetWidth() / TipBuddy.uiscale;
2169 TipBuddy.uiheight = UIParent:GetHeight() / TipBuddy.uiscale;
2171 -- set the position of the tooltip in relation to the cursor
2172 if (curpos == "Top") then
2173 xpoint = "BOTTOM";
2174 elseif (curpos == "Right") then
2175 xpoint = "LEFT";
2176 elseif (curpos == "Left") then
2177 xpoint = "RIGHT";
2178 elseif (curpos == "Bottom") then
2179 xpoint = "TOP";
2180 else
2181 xpoint = "BOTTOM";
2182 end
2183 return xpoint, TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].offset_x, TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].offset_y;
2184 end
2186 function TipBuddy_GetFrameAnchorPos()
2187 local anchorpos = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchor_pos;
2189 if (anchorpos == "Top Right") then
2190 anchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT";
2191 fanchor = "TOPRIGHT";
2192 offset = -2;
2193 elseif (anchorpos == "Top Left") then
2194 anchor = "BOTTOMLEFT";
2195 fanchor = "TOPLEFT";
2196 offset = -2;
2197 elseif (anchorpos == "Bottom Right") then
2198 anchor = "TOPRIGHT";
2199 fanchor = "BOTTOMRIGHT";
2200 offset = 2;
2201 elseif (anchorpos == "Bottom Left") then
2202 anchor = "TOPLEFT";
2203 fanchor = "BOTTOMLEFT";
2204 offset = 2;
2205 elseif (anchorpos == "Top Center") then
2206 anchor = "BOTTOM";
2207 fanchor = "TOP";
2208 offset = -2;
2209 elseif (anchorpos == "Bottom Center") then
2210 anchor = "TOP";
2211 fanchor = "BOTTOM";
2212 offset = 2;
2213 end
2214 return anchor, fanchor, offset;
2215 end
2217 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2218 -- FADING
2219 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2221 function TipBuddy_Hide( frame )
2222 ------TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy_Hide");
2223 TipBuddy.hasTarget = 0;
2224 --TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy.hasTarget = 0");
2226 if (frame:GetName() == "TipBuddy_Main_Frame") then
2227 if (GameTooltip:IsVisible() and TipBuddy.compactvis ~= 1 and not UnitExists("mouseover")) then
2228 TipBuddy_ForceHide(frame);
2229 return;
2230 elseif (UnitExists("mouseover")) then
2231 TipBuddy_ForceHide(frame);
2232 return;
2233 elseif ( frame.fadingout ) then
2234 return;
2235 end
2236 end
2238 local delayTime;
2239 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].delaytime) then
2240 delayTime = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].delaytime;
2241 else
2242 delayTime = 0;
2243 end
2244 TipBuddy.uName = nil;
2246 frame.startTime = GetTime();
2247 frame.endTime = frame.startTime + (0.01 + delayTime);
2248 end
2250 function TipBuddy_FadeOut( frame, func )
2251 --TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy_FadeOut");
2252 if (frame:GetName() == "TipBuddy_Main_Frame") then
2253 TipBuddy.compactvis = nil;
2254 end
2255 if ( frame.fadingout ) then
2256 return;
2257 end
2259 frame.fadingout = 1;
2260 frame.fadingin = nil;
2261 frame.targetalpha = 0;
2262 frame.animfunc_fade = func;
2264 local fadeTime;
2265 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].fadetime) then
2266 fadeTime = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].fadetime;
2267 else
2268 fadeTime = 0;
2269 end
2270 UIFrameFadeRemoveFrame(frame);
2271 UIFrameFadeOut( frame, (0.01 + fadeTime), frame:GetAlpha(), frame.targetalpha );
2272 end
2274 function TipBuddy_FadeOut_Finished()
2275 --TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy_FadeOut_Finished");
2276 this:Hide();
2277 this:SetAlpha( 1 );
2279 this.fadingout = nil;
2280 if ( this.animfunc_fade ) then
2281 this.animfunc_fade();
2282 end
2283 end
2285 function TipBuddy_FadeIn( frame, func )
2286 ------TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy_FadeIn");
2287 if ( frame.fadingin ) then
2288 return;
2289 end
2290 if ( frame.fadingout ) then
2291 UIFrameFadeRemoveFrame(frame);
2292 end
2294 frame.fadingin = 1;
2295 frame.fadingout = nil;
2296 frame.targetalpha = 1;
2297 frame.animfunc_fade = func;
2298 UIFrameFadeRemoveFrame(frame);
2299 UIFrameFadeIn( frame, 0.01, 0.9, frame.targetalpha );
2300 end
2302 function TipBuddy_FadeIn_Finished()
2303 ------TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy_FadeIn_Finished");
2304 this:SetAlpha( 1 );
2306 this.fadingin = nil;
2307 if ( this.animfunc_fade ) then
2308 this.animfunc_fade();
2309 end
2310 end
2312 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2314 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2315 function TB_GameTooltip_IniHooks()
2316 TB_AddMessage("GameTooltip_OnLoad");
2317 --hooking GameTooltip's AddLine
2318 if( not GameTooltip.tborgAddLine ) then
2319 GameTooltip.tborgAddLine = GameTooltip.AddLine;
2320 GameTooltip.AddLine = TipBuddy_GameTooltip_AddLine;
2321 end
2322 --hooking GameTooltip's AddDoubleLine
2323 if( not GameTooltip.tborgAddDoubleLine ) then
2324 GameTooltip.tborgAddDoubleLine = GameTooltip.AddDoubleLine;
2325 GameTooltip.AddDoubleLine = TipBuddy_GameTooltip_AddDoubleLine;
2326 ----TB_AddMessage("adding double line hook");
2327 end
2328 --hooking GameTooltip's SetUnit
2329 if( not GameTooltip.orgSetUnit ) then
2330 GameTooltip.orgSetUnit = GameTooltip.SetUnit;
2331 GameTooltip.SetUnit = TipBuddy_GameTooltip_SetUnit;
2332 end
2333 --hooking GameTooltip's FadeOut
2334 if( not GameTooltip.orgFadeOut ) then
2335 GameTooltip.orgFadeOut = GameTooltip.FadeOut;
2336 GameTooltip.FadeOut = TipBuddy_GameTooltip_FadeOut;
2337 end
2338 --hooking GameTooltip's SetOwner
2339 if( not GameTooltip.orgSetOwner ) then
2340 --TB_AddMessage( tbcolor_nam_hostile.."hooking setowner" )
2341 GameTooltip.orgSetOwner = GameTooltip.SetOwner;
2342 GameTooltip.SetOwner = TipBuddy_GameTooltip_SetOwner;
2343 end
2344 --hooking GameTooltip's SetPoint
2345 if( not GameTooltip.orgSetPoint ) then
2346 --TB_AddMessage( tbcolor_nam_hostile.."hooking setpoint" )
2347 GameTooltip.orgSetPoint = GameTooltip.SetPoint;
2348 GameTooltip.SetPoint = TipBuddy_GameTooltip_SetPoint;
2349 end
2350 end
2351 --hook
2352 local originalGameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor;
2353 originalGameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor = GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor;
2354 function GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(tooltip, parent)
2355 TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."GTT SETANCHOR");
2356 TipBuddy.defanch = 1;
2357 originalGameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor( tooltip, parent );
2358 if (tooltip:GetName() ~= "GameTooltip" and tooltip:GetName() ~= "TipBuddyTooltip") then
2359 TipBuddy.defanch = nil;
2360 return;
2361 end
2362 if (parent) then
2363 TipBuddy.anchorparent = parent:GetName();
2364 --TB_AddMessage("GTT_PARENT = "..parent:GetName());
2365 else
2366 --TB_AddMessage("GTT HAS NO PARENT ");
2367 end
2368 --/script GameTooltip:SetOwner(PetActionButton5, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2369 if (not TipBuddy.first) then
2370 tooltip:Show();
2371 end
2372 if (not TipBuddy.xpoint or not TipBuddy.anchor) then
2373 TipBuddy.xpoint, TipBuddy.xpos, TipBuddy.ypos = TipBuddy_GetFrameCursorOffset();
2374 TipBuddy.anchor, TipBuddy.fanchor, TipBuddy.offset = TipBuddy_GetFrameAnchorPos();
2375 end
2376 TipBuddyTooltip:ClearAllPoints();
2377 GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints();
2378 TB_AddMessage("GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints()");
2379 if (UnitExists("mouseover") or TipBuddy.unitframe == 1) then
2380 GameTooltip:orgSetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2381 GameTooltip:orgSetPoint("TOPLEFT", "UIParent", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 256, -256);
2382 GameTooltip.default = 0;
2383 TB_AddMessage("GameTooltip:orgSetPoint");
2384 local newparent = TipBuddy_Parent_Frame;
2385 if (parent.unit) then
2386 GameTooltip:SetUnit(parent.unit);
2387 TB_AddMessage(parent:GetName());
2388 newparent = parent;
2389 end
2390 if ( TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchored == 1) then
2391 TB_AddMessage("GTT-ANCHORED = 1 "..TipBuddy.offset);
2392 TipBuddyTooltip:SetOwner(newparent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2393 TipBuddyTooltip:SetPoint(TipBuddy.anchor, "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", TipBuddy.fanchor, 0, TipBuddy.offset);
2394 else
2395 TipBuddyTooltip:SetOwner(newparent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2396 TipBuddyTooltip:SetPoint(TipBuddy.xpoint, "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
2397 TB_AddMessage("GTT-ANCHORED = 0 "..TipBuddy.xpoint);
2398 end
2399 else
2400 if (parent == getglobal("UIParent")) then
2401 if ( TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].anchored == 1) then
2402 TB_AddMessage("GTT-ANCHORED = 1");
2403 tooltip:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2404 tooltip:SetPoint(TipBuddy.anchor, "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", TipBuddy.fanchor, 0, TipBuddy.offset);
2405 tooltip.default = nil;
2406 else
2407 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_fade == 1) then
2408 tooltip:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2409 tooltip:SetPoint(TipBuddy.xpoint, "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
2410 tooltip.default = nil;
2411 TB_AddMessage("GTT-ANCHORED = 0");
2412 else
2413 TB_AddMessage("GTT-ANCHORED = CURSOR");
2414 tooltip:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_CURSOR");
2415 tooltip.default = nil;
2416 end
2417 end
2418 elseif (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].nonunit_anchor == 0) then
2419 -- -- Or to the cursor
2420 tooltip:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2421 tooltip:SetPoint(TipBuddy.xpoint, "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", "CENTER", 0, 0);
2422 tooltip.default = nil;
2423 TB_AddMessage("GTT-NONUNIT_ANCHOR = 0");
2424 elseif (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].nonunit_anchor == 1) then
2425 tooltip:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2426 tooltip:SetPoint(TipBuddy.anchor, "TipBuddy_Parent_Frame", TipBuddy.fanchor, 0, TipBuddy.offset);
2427 tooltip.default = nil;
2428 TB_AddMessage("GTT-NONUNIT_ANCHOR = xxx");
2429 elseif (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].nonunit_anchor == 2) then
2430 local oanchor, ganchor, panchor = TipBuddy_GetIconAnchorPos(parent);
2431 tooltip:ClearAllPoints();
2432 tooltip:SetOwner(parent, oanchor);
2433 tooltip:SetPoint(ganchor, parent:GetName(), panchor, 0, 0);
2434 tooltip.default = nil;
2435 end
2436 TipBuddy_ForceHide( TipBuddyTooltip );
2437 end
2438 TipBuddy.defanch = nil;
2439 end
2441 function TipBuddy_GTT_ClearExtras()
2442 TipBuddy.gotextras = nil;
2443 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra = nil;
2444 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR = nil;
2445 TipBuddy.vis = nil;
2446 end
2448 -- hook for GameTooltip_OnShow
2449 function TipBuddy_GameTooltip_OnShow()
2450 TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."GTT OnShow");
2451 TipBuddy.xpoint, TipBuddy.xpos, TipBuddy.ypos = TipBuddy_GetFrameCursorOffset();
2452 TipBuddy.anchor, TipBuddy.fanchor, TipBuddy.offset = TipBuddy_GetFrameAnchorPos();
2454 if (lGameTooltip_OnShow_Orig) then
2455 lGameTooltip_OnShow_Orig();
2456 end
2457 TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."end GTT OnShow");
2458 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].reposmods and TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].reposmods == 1) then
2459 --this adjusts the xy of the tooltip position ONLY if GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor hasn't
2460 --been called and then ONLY if it extends off the screen.
2461 if (TipBuddy.d_own and (TipBuddy.d_own):GetName()) then
2462 local owner = TipBuddy.d_own or this:GetParent();
2463 TB_AddMessage("reposmods");
2464 if (UnitExists("mouseover") or TipBuddy.unitframe == 1) then
2466 else
2467 --local x2, y2 = TipBuddy_PositionFrameToCursor();
2468 if (not TipBuddy.uiwidth or not TipBuddy.uiheight) then
2469 TipBuddy.uiscale = UIParent:GetScale();
2470 TipBuddy.uiwidth = UIParent:GetWidth() / TipBuddy.uiscale;
2471 TipBuddy.uiheight = UIParent:GetHeight() / TipBuddy.uiscale;
2472 end
2473 if (GameTooltip:IsVisible() and GameTooltip:GetLeft()) then
2474 local scale = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_scale;
2475 local left = GameTooltip:GetLeft()* scale;
2476 local right = GameTooltip:GetRight()* scale;
2477 local top = GameTooltip:GetTop()* scale;
2478 local bottom = GameTooltip:GetBottom()* scale;
2479 local x, y = 0, 0;
2480 local off = false;
2481 if (left and left < -4) then
2482 x = (left * -1)/scale;
2483 off = true;
2484 elseif (right and right > TipBuddy.uiwidth+8) then
2485 x = (TipBuddy.uiwidth - right)/scale;
2486 off = true;
2487 end
2488 if (top and top > TipBuddy.uiheight+16) then
2489 y = (TipBuddy.uiheight - top)/scale;
2490 off = true;
2491 elseif (bottom and bottom < -4) then
2492 y = (bottom * -1)/scale;
2493 off = true;
2494 end
2495 TB_AddMessage("scale="..scale.." x="..x.." - y="..y.." - top="" - height="..TipBuddy.uiheight);
2496 --only readjust it if it extends off the screen
2497 if (owner and owner:GetName() and off == true) then
2498 TB_AddMessage("GameTooltip off edge");
2499 --local _, ganchor, panchor = TipBuddy_GetIconAnchorPos(owner);
2500 GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints();
2501 GameTooltip:SetPoint(TipBuddy.d_anch1, owner:GetName(), TipBuddy.d_anch2, x, y);
2502 --GameTooltip:orgSetPoint(ganchor, owner:GetName(), panchor, 0, 0);
2503 --/script GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints();GameTooltip:SetPoint(TipBuddy.anchor, this:GetParent():GetName(), TipBuddy.fanchor, 100, 0);
2504 --GameTooltip.default = nil;
2505 end
2506 end
2507 TipBuddy_ForceHide( TipBuddyTooltip );
2508 end
2509 end
2510 end
2511 if (not UnitExists("mouseover") and TipBuddy.unitframe ~= 1) then
2512 TipBuddy_SetFrame_BackgroundColor();
2513 TipBuddy_ForceHide( TipBuddyTooltip );
2514 end
2515 end
2517 --hook
2518 local originalGameTooltip_OnHide;
2519 originalGameTooltip_OnHide = GameTooltip_OnHide;
2520 function GameTooltip_OnHide()
2521 originalGameTooltip_OnHide();
2522 TipBuddy_GTT_ClearExtras();
2523 TipBuddy.d_own = nil;
2524 TipBuddy.d_point = nil;
2526 --TipBuddyTooltip:Hide();
2527 TB_AddMessage("hiding GTT");
2529 --TipBuddy_TargetBuffs_Update();
2530 --TipBuddy_ShowRank( TipBuddy.targetType, this.unit );
2531 --TipBuddy_TargetInfo_ShowFaction( TipBuddy.targetType, this.unit );
2532 end
2534 -- hook for GameTooltip_OnEvent
2535 function TipBuddy_GameTooltip_OnEvent()
2536 lGameTooltip_OnEvent_Orig(event);
2537 --TB_AddMessage("GTT_0NEVENT called");
2538 end
2540 -- hook for GameTooltip_SetUnit
2541 function TipBuddy_GameTooltip_SetUnit(this, unit)
2542 --TB_AddMessage( "SET UNIT!!" )
2543 TipBuddy_GTT_ClearExtras();
2544 GameTooltip:orgSetUnit(unit);
2545 end
2547 -- hook for GameTooltip_FadeOut
2548 function TipBuddy_GameTooltip_FadeOut()
2549 TB_AddMessage( "FadeOut" )
2550 GameTooltip:orgFadeOut();
2551 end
2553 -- hook for GameTooltip_SetOwner
2554 function TipBuddy_GameTooltip_SetOwner( this, owner, position, x, y )
2555 TipBuddy.d_own = nil;
2556 TipBuddy.d_point = nil;
2557 GameTooltip:orgSetOwner(owner, position, x, y);
2558 TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."SetOwner");
2559 --if this tooltip has had its default anchor set, then don't modify it any further
2560 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_scale) then
2561 GameTooltip:SetScale(2);
2562 local ttScale = TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_scale;
2563 if (EnhancedTooltip and EnhancedTooltip:IsVisible()) then
2564 ttScale = 1.0;
2565 end
2566 TipBuddy_SetEffectiveScale(GameTooltip, ttScale, UIParent);
2567 end
2568 if (TipBuddy.defanch) then
2569 return;
2570 end
2571 --/script if (GameTooltip:IsOwned(BrowseButton1Item)) then TB_AddMessage("0wn3d")end;
2572 TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."SetOwner Modify");
2573 if (owner and owner:GetName() and TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].reposmods and TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].reposmods == 1) then
2574 --need to check for the position because some mods don't set a position
2575 if (position) then
2576 TB_AddMessage(position..GetTime());
2577 position = string.gsub(position, "ANCHOR_", "");
2578 --TB_AddMessage(position);
2579 if (TB_ANCHOR[position]) then
2580 TipBuddy.d_anch1 = TB_ANCHOR[position].a;
2581 TipBuddy.d_anch2 = TB_ANCHOR[position].b;
2582 elseif (position == "NONE") then
2583 --don't do anything
2584 return;
2585 else
2586 TipBuddy.d_anch1 = "BOTTOMRIGHT";
2587 TipBuddy.d_anch2 = "BOTTOMLEFT";
2588 end
2589 else
2590 --if no positioned was passed, use the default position for anchoring
2591 TipBuddy.d_anch1 = "BOTTOMRIGHT";
2592 TipBuddy.d_anch2 = "BOTTOMLEFT";
2593 end
2594 --TB_AddMessage(owner:GetName());
2595 TipBuddy.d_own = owner;
2596 --we have to set the anchor to NONE because otherwise, we can't reposition it with SetPoint
2597 GameTooltip:orgSetOwner(owner, "ANCHOR_NONE");
2598 if (not x) then
2599 x = 0;
2600 end
2601 if (not y) then
2602 y = 0;
2603 end
2604 GameTooltip:ClearAllPoints();
2605 GameTooltip:orgSetPoint(TipBuddy.d_anch1, owner:GetName(), TipBuddy.d_anch2, x, y);
2606 --TB_AddMessage(TipBuddy.d_anch1);
2607 end
2608 TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."endSetOwner");
2609 --"ANCHOR_NONE"
2610 end
2612 -- hook for GameTooltip_SetPoint
2613 function TipBuddy_GameTooltip_SetPoint( this, pos1, parent, pos2, x, y )
2614 if (not pos1 or not parent) then
2615 return;
2616 end
2617 TipBuddy.d_point = 1;
2618 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_scale) then
2619 TipBuddyTooltip:SetScale(2);
2620 TipBuddy_SetEffectiveScale(TipBuddyTooltip, TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_scale, UIParent);
2621 TB_AddMessage("SCALE = "..TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].gtt_scale);
2622 end
2623 GameTooltip:orgSetPoint(pos1, parent, pos2, x, y);
2624 TB_AddMessage(TB_WHT_TXT.."SetPoint");
2625 end
2627 --/script GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("text", "something", 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
2628 function TipBuddy_GameTooltip_AddLine( frame, text, r, g, b, nowrap )
2629 if (not TipBuddy.targetUnit) then
2630 TipBuddy.targetUnit = "mouseover";
2631 end
2633 GameTooltip:tborgAddLine(text, r, g, b, nowrap);
2634 if (not text or text == "") then
2635 return;
2636 end
2637 --TB_AddMessage("GTTADDLINE!!!!!!!!!: adding = "..string.gsub(text, " ", "_"));
2638 if (not TipBuddyTooltip:IsVisible() and not TipBuddy_Main_Frame:IsVisible() and not TipBuddy.vis) then
2639 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1 and not TipBuddy.gotextras) then
2640 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_xtra) then
2641 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra = {};
2642 end
2643 for i=1, 32, 1 do
2644 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i]) then
2645 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"] = {};
2646 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].b = r, g, b;
2647 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i] = text;
2648 --TB_AddMessage("GTTADDLINE!!!!!!!!!: adding = "..text);
2649 break;
2650 end
2651 end
2652 end
2653 return;
2654 end
2656 if (not TipBuddy.targetType) then
2657 TipBuddy.targetType = TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetTargetType( TipBuddy.targetUnit );
2658 end
2659 --TB_AddMessage("GTTADDLINE!!!!!!!!!: "..TipBuddy.targetType.." = '"..string.gsub(text, " ", "_").."'");
2661 if (TipBuddy_Main_Frame:IsVisible()) then
2662 local line;
2663 for i=1, 20, 1 do
2664 line = getglobal("TipBuddy_Xtra"..i.."_Text");
2665 if (line:GetText() and line:IsShown()) then
2666 ----TB_AddMessage("line: "..i.." = occupied");
2667 --return;
2668 else
2669 ----TB_AddMessage("line: "..i.." = free.....setting text: "..text);
2670 line:SetText(text);
2671 if (not r) then
2673 end
2674 line:SetTextColor(r, g, b);
2675 line:Show();
2676 break;
2677 end
2678 end
2680 TipBuddy_FrameHeights_Initialize(TipBuddy.targetType);
2681 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Width();
2682 else
2683 if (text == " ") then
2684 return;
2685 end
2686 TipBuddyTooltip:AddLine(text, r, g, b, nowrap);
2687 TipBuddyTooltip:Show();
2688 end
2690 end
2692 --/script GameTooltip:AddDoubleLine("text", "something", 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1);
2693 function TipBuddy_GameTooltip_AddDoubleLine( frame, textL, textR, Lr, Lg, Lb, Rr, Rg, Rb )
2694 if (not TipBuddy.targetUnit) then
2695 TipBuddy.targetUnit = "mouseover";
2696 end
2698 GameTooltip:tborgAddDoubleLine(textL, textR, Lr, Lg, Lb, Rr, Rg, Rb);
2699 if (not textL or textL == "") then
2700 return;
2701 end
2702 --TB_AddMessage("GTTADDDOUBLELINE!!!!!!!!!: adding = "..textL);
2703 if (not TipBuddyTooltip:IsVisible() and not TipBuddy_Main_Frame:IsVisible() and not TipBuddy.vis) then
2704 if (TipBuddy_SavedVars["general"].blizdefault == 1 and not TipBuddy.gotextras) then
2705 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_xtra) then
2706 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra = {};
2707 end
2708 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR) then
2709 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR = {};
2710 end
2711 for i=1, 32, 1 do
2712 if (not TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i]) then
2713 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"] = {};
2714 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i.."color"].b = Lr, Lg, Lb;
2715 TipBuddy.gtt_xtra[i] = textL;
2716 if (textR) then
2717 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"] = {};
2718 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].r, TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].g, TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i.."color"].b = Rr, Rg, Rb;
2719 TipBuddy.gtt_xtraR[i] = textR;
2720 end
2721 --TB_AddMessage("GTTADDDOUBLELINE!!!!!!!!!: adding = "..textL.." : "..textR);
2722 break;
2723 end
2724 end
2725 end
2726 return;
2727 end
2728 if (not TipBuddy.targetType) then
2729 TipBuddy.targetType = TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetTargetType( TipBuddy.targetUnit );
2730 end
2731 ----TB_AddMessage("GTTADDDOUBLELINE!!!!!!!!!: "..TipBuddy.targetType.." = "..textL.." : "..textR);
2733 if (TipBuddy_Main_Frame:IsVisible()) then
2734 local lineL, lineR;
2735 for i=1, 20, 1 do
2736 lineL = getglobal("TipBuddy_Xtra"..i.."_Text");
2737 lineR = getglobal("TipBuddy_XtraR"..i.."_Text");
2738 if (lineL:GetText() and lineL:IsShown()) then
2739 --return;
2740 else
2741 lineL:SetText(textL);
2742 if (not Lr) then
2744 end
2745 lineL:SetTextColor(Lr, Lg, Lb);
2746 lineL:Show();
2747 lineR:SetText(textR);
2748 if (not Rr) then
2750 end
2751 lineR:SetTextColor(Rr, Rg, Rb);
2752 lineR:Show();
2753 break;
2754 end
2755 end
2756 TipBuddy_FrameHeights_Initialize(TipBuddy.targetType);
2757 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Width();
2758 else
2759 TipBuddyTooltip:AddDoubleLine(textL, textR, Lr, Lg, Lb, Rr, Rg, Rb);
2760 TipBuddyTooltip:Show();
2761 --/script TipBuddyTooltip:AddDoubleLine("what", "the fuck");TipBuddyTooltip:Show();
2762 end
2763 end
2766 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2768 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2769 --hook
2770 local originalUnitFrame_OnEnter;
2771 originalUnitFrame_OnEnter = UnitFrame_OnEnter;
2772 function UnitFrame_OnEnter()
2773 originalUnitFrame_OnEnter();
2774 this.elapsed = 1.0;
2776 TipBuddy.unitframe = 1;
2777 TipBuddy.hasTarget = 1;
2778 TipBuddy.targetUnit = this.unit;
2779 ----TB_AddMessage("entering unit frame: "..this.unit);
2780 --TipBuddy.targetType = TipBuddy_TargetInfo_GetTargetType( this.unit );
2782 GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(TipBuddyTooltip, this);
2783 --GameTooltip:SetUnit(this.unit);
2784 TipBuddy_ShowUnitTooltip(this.unit);
2785 --/script TipBuddy_ShowUnitTooltip("target");
2787 -- hiding health and mana bars because they won't update
2788 if ( TipBuddy_SavedVars[TipBuddy.targetType].off == 1 ) then
2789 TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:Hide();
2790 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:Hide();
2791 -- setting frame size again
2792 TipBuddy_FrameHeights_Initialize(TipBuddy.targetType);
2793 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Width();
2794 end
2795 end
2797 --hook
2798 local originalUnitFrame_OnLeave;
2799 originalUnitFrame_OnLeave = UnitFrame_OnLeave;
2800 function UnitFrame_OnLeave()
2801 originalUnitFrame_OnLeave();
2802 TipBuddy.unitframe = 0;
2803 TipBuddy.hasTarget = 0;
2804 TipBuddy.targetUnit = nil;
2805 ------TB_AddMessage("leaving unit frame");
2806 TipBuddy.uName = nil;
2807 TipBuddy.vis = nil;
2808 end
2810 --hook
2811 local originalUnitFrame_OnUpdate;
2812 originalUnitFrame_OnUpdate = UnitFrame_OnUpdate;
2813 function UnitFrame_OnUpdate(elapsed)
2814 originalUnitFrame_OnUpdate(elapsed);
2816 if ( TipBuddy.unitframe == 1 and TipBuddyTooltip:IsOwned(this)) then
2817 this.elapsed = this.elapsed - elapsed;
2818 if ( this.elapsed <= 0 ) then
2819 this.elapsed = 1.0;
2820 --TB_AddMessage(this.unit);
2822 TipBuddy_ShowUnitTooltip(this.unit, 1);
2823 -- hiding health and mana bars because they won't update
2824 TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:Hide();
2825 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:Hide();
2826 -- setting frame size again
2827 TipBuddy_FrameHeights_Initialize(TipBuddy.targetType);
2828 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Width();
2830 TipBuddy.hasTarget = 1;
2831 ----TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy.hasTarget = 1");
2832 end
2833 end
2834 end
2836 --hook
2837 local originalPlayerFrame_OnUpdate;
2838 originalPlayerFrame_OnUpdate = PlayerFrame_OnUpdate;
2839 function PlayerFrame_OnUpdate(elapsed)
2840 originalPlayerFrame_OnUpdate(elapsed);
2842 if ( TipBuddy.unitframe == 1 and TipBuddyTooltip:IsOwned(this)) then
2843 this.elapsed = this.elapsed - elapsed;
2844 if ( this.elapsed <= 0 ) then
2845 this.elapsed = 1.0;
2846 ------TB_AddMessage(this.unit);
2847 TipBuddy_ShowUnitTooltip(this.unit, 1);
2848 -- hiding health and mana bars because they won't update
2849 TipBuddy_TargetFrameHealthBar:Hide();
2850 TipBuddy_TargetFrameManaBar:Hide();
2851 -- setting frame size again
2852 TipBuddy_FrameHeights_Initialize(TipBuddy.targetType);
2853 TipBuddy_SetFrame_Width();
2854 TipBuddy.hasTarget = 1;
2855 ----TB_AddMessage("TipBuddy.hasTarget = 1");
2856 end
2857 end
2858 end