vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
2 -- Name: TinyTip
3 -- Author: Thrae of Maelstrom (aka "Matthew Carras")
4 -- Release Date: 6-25-06
5 --
6 -- These functions include more extragant features,
7 -- such as the PvP Rank Icon or buffs and debuffs, or
8 -- and extra tooltip. This is LoadedOnDemand by TinyTip.
9 --]]
11 local _G = getfenv(0)
12 local GameTooltip, UIParent,GTStatusBar = _G.GameTooltip, _G.UIParent, _G.GameTooltipStatusBar
13 local fClearAllPoints, fSetPoint, fHide,fShow, fGetScript, fSetScript = UIParent.ClearAllPoints, UIParent.SetPoint, UIParent.Hide, UIParent.Show, UIParent.GetScript, UIParent.SetScript
14 local db,EventFrame,ExtrasFrame
15 local tooltip = GameTooltip
16 local gtAddLine, gtNumLines = GameTooltip.AddLine, GameTooltip.NumLines
17 local fsSetText, fsGetText, fsShow, fsHide, fsIsShown, fsGetTextColor = _G.GameTooltipTextLeft1.SetText, _G.GameTooltipTextLeft1.GetText, _G.GameTooltipTextLeft1.Show, _G.GameTooltipTextLeft1.Hide, _G.GameTooltipTextLeft1.IsShown, _G.GameTooltipTextLeft1.GetTextColor
18 local strformat= string.format
20 local acehook
22 local tiplib = _G.AceLibrary:GetInstance("TipLib-1.0")
24 local PvPTexture, ExtraTooltip, ManaBar
26 local i,tmp,tmp2,tmp3
28 _G.TinyTipExtrasExists = true
30 local SetUnit_IsHooked, FadeOut_IsHooked
32 --[[
33 -- This is the AnchorTooltipTable table. As it requires you know the frame name
34 -- of the tooltip you wish to anchor, I am going to make it static. Add entries
35 -- into the table as so:
37 ["TooltipName"] = {
38 ["Anchor"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
39 ["OffX"] = -50,
40 ["OffY"] = 13
41 }
42 --
43 --]]
45 --[[
46 local AnchorTooltipTable = {
47 ["TooltipName"] = {
48 ["Anchor"] = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
49 ["OffX"] = -50,
50 ["OffY"] = 13
51 }
52 }
53 --]]
56 local Original_GameTooltip_OnTooltipCleared, OnTooltipCleared_IsHooked
57 local function OnTooltipCleared(this,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10)
58 if Original_GameTooltip_OnTooltipCleared then
59 Original_GameTooltip_OnTooltipCleared(this,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10)
60 end
62 _G.TinyTip_OnTooltipCleared(this,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9,arg10)
64 if ExtraTooltip then
65 ExtraTooltip:Hide()
66 end
67 if ExtrasFrame then
68 fHide(ExtrasFrame)
69 if TinyTipIcons_ResetTextureTable then TinyTipIcons_ResetTextureTable() end
70 end
71 if ManaBar then
72 fHide(ManaBar)
73 end
74 end
76 local function ManaBar_Init()
77 if GameTooltip.unit then
78 tmp = _G.UnitManaMax( GameTooltip.unit )
79 ManaBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, tmp or 100)
80 -- If disconnected
81 if not _G.UnitIsConnected(GameTooltip.unit) then
82 ManaBar:SetValue( tmp or 100 )
83 ManaBar:SetStatusBarColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
84 else
85 ManaBar:SetValue( _G.UnitMana( GameTooltip.unit ) or 100)
86 tmp = _G.ManaBarColor[ _G.UnitPowerType( GameTooltip.unit ) ]
87 ManaBar:SetStatusBarColor( tmp.r, tmp.g, tmp.b )
88 end
89 end
90 end
91 local function ManaBar_OnEvent()
92 if _G.event == "UNIT_MANA" or _G.event == "UNIT_ENERGY" or _G.event == "UNIT_RAGE" then
93 if _G.arg1 and _G.arg1 == GameTooltip.unit then
94 ManaBar_Init()
95 end
96 elseif _G.event == "UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER" then
97 if _G.arg1 and _G.arg1 == GameTooltip.unit and _G.UnitPowerType( GameTooltip.unit ) and _G.UnitPowerType( GameTooltip.unit ) > 0 then
98 tmp = _G.ManaBarColor[ _G.UnitPowerType( GameTooltip.unit ) ]
99 ManaBar:SetStatusBarColor( tmp.r, tmp.g, tmp.b )
100 end
101 end
102 end
104 local function ATTOnUpdate()
105 fClearAllPoints(this)
106 fSetPoint(this, this.TTAnchor or "BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, this.TTAnchor or "BOTTOMRIGHT", this.TTOffX or 0, this.TTOffY or 0)
107 end
109 function TinyTipExtras_CopyGameTooltip()
110 tmp = gtNumLines(GameTooltip)
111 for i = 1, tmp do
112 tmp2 = _G[ strformat("GameTooltipTextLeft%d", i) ]
113 tmp3 = _G[ strformat("GameTooltipTextRight%d", i) ]
114 if tmp2 and tmp3 and fsIsShown(tmp2) and fsIsShown(tmp3) and fsGetText(tmp2) and fsGetText(tmp3) then
115 ExtraTooltip:AddLine( fsGetText(tmp2), fsGetTextColor(tmp2) or unpack{1,1,1}, nil, fsGetText(tmp3), fsGetTextColor(tmp3) )
116 elseif tmp2 and fsGetText(tmp2) then
117 ExtraTooltip:AddLine( fsGetText(tmp2), fsGetTextColor(tmp2) or unpack{1,1,1} )
118 end
119 end
120 end
122 function TinyTipExtras_ATTUnhook(k)
123 if db["AnchorTooltipTable"] and db["AnchorTooltipTable"][ k ] then
124 if acehook:IsHooked( AnchorTooltipTable[ k ], "OnUpdate") then
125 acehook:Unhook( AnchorTooltipTable[ k ], "OnUpdate")
126 end
127 end
128 end
130 function TinyTipExtras_Init(_db,_EventFrame,_acehook)
131 if _db then db = _db end
132 if _EventFrame then EventFrame = _EventFrame end
133 if _acehook then acehook = _acehook end
135 if acehook and not acehook:IsHooked(GameTooltip, "OnTooltipCleared") then -- most sure-fire way to hide something
136 acehook:HookScript(GameTooltip, "OnTooltipCleared", OnTooltipCleared)
137 Original_GameTooltip_OnTooltipCleared = acehook.hooks[GameTooltip]["OnTooltipCleared"].orig
138 end
139 if acehook and AnchorTooltipTable then
140 local k,v
141 for k,v in AnchorTooltipTable do
142 if _G[ k ] then
143 if not acehook:IsHooked( _G[ k ], "OnUpdate") then
144 if v then
145 if v.Anchor then
146 _G[ k ].TTAnchor = v.Anchor
147 end
148 if v.OffX then
149 _G[ k ].TTOffX = v.OffX
150 end
151 if v.OffY then
152 _G[ k ].TTOffY = v.OffY
153 end
154 end
155 acehook:HookScript( _G[ k ], "OnUpdate", ATTOnUpdate)
156 end
157 end
158 end
159 end
161 if db["ManaBar"] then
162 if not ManaBar then
163 ManaBar = _G.CreateFrame("StatusBar", "TinyTipExtras_ManaBar", GameTooltip)
164 ManaBar:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill")
165 ManaBar:SetHeight(8)
166 ManaBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", GTStatusBar, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
167 ManaBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", GTStatusBar, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
168 ManaBar:SetScript("OnShow", ManaBar_Init)
169 ManaBar:SetScript("OnEvent", ManaBar_OnEvent)
170 ManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER")
171 ManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA")
172 ManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY")
173 ManaBar:RegisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE")
174 end
175 end
177 if db["ExtraTooltip"] then
178 if not ExtraTooltip then
179 ExtraTooltip = tiplib:CreatePsuedoTooltip("TinyTipExtras_Tooltip", UIParent)
180 ExtraTooltip:SetScale( db["Scale"] or 1.0 )
181 end
183 if db["Compact"] then _G.TinyTip_UnCompactGameTooltip() end
184 GTStatusBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ExtraTooltip, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, -1)
185 GTStatusBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", ExtraTooltip, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, -1)
186 GTStatusBar:SetParent(ExtraTooltip)
187 if ManaBar then ManaBar:SetParent(ExtraTooltip) end
188 if ExtrasFrame then ExtrasFrame:SetParent(ExtraTooltip) end
189 if _G.TinyTipAnchor_ResetReferences then
190 _G.TinyTipAnchor_ResetReferences(ExtraTooltip.ClearAllPoints, ExtraTooltip.SetPoint, ExtraTooltip.SetOwner)
191 end
192 if db["ExtraTooltip"] == 1 then
193 _G.TinyTip_ResetReferences(ExtraTooltip.AddLine, ExtraTooltip.AddDoubleLine, ExtraTooltip, ExtraTooltip)
194 gtAddLine = ExtraTooltip.AddLine
195 tooltip = ExtraTooltip
196 if _G.TinyTipTargets_ResetReferences then
197 _G.TinyTipTargets_ResetReferences(ExtraTooltip.AddLine, ExtraTooltip.AddDoubleLines, ExtraTooltip)
198 end
199 else
200 _G.TinyTip_ResetReferences(GameTooltip.AddLine, GameTooltip.AddDoubleLine, ExtraTooltip, GameTooltip)
201 gtAddLine = GameTooltip.AddLine
202 tooltip = GameTooltip
203 if _G.TinyTipTargets_ResetReferences then
204 _G.TinyTipTargets_ResetReferences(GameTooltip.AddLine, GameTooltip.AddDoubleLines, GameTooltip)
205 end
206 end
207 else
208 GameTooltip:SetScale( db["Scale"] or 1.0 )
209 GTStatusBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", GameTooltip, "BOTTOMLEFT", 2, -1)
210 GTStatusBar:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", GameTooltip, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -2, -1)
211 GTStatusBar:SetParent(GameTooltip)
212 if ManaBar then ManaBar:SetParent(GameTooltip) end
213 if ExtrasFrame then ExtrasFrame:SetParent(GameTooltip) end
214 _G.TinyTip_ResetReferences(GameTooltip.AddLine, GameTooltip.AddDoubleLine, GameTooltip, GameTooltip)
215 gtAddLine = GameTooltip.AddLine
216 tooltip = GameTooltip
217 if _G.TinyTipAnchor_ResetReferences then
218 _G.TinyTipAnchor_ResetReferences(GameTooltip.ClearAllPoints, GameTooltip.SetPoint, GameTooltip.SetOwner)
219 end
220 if _G.TinyTipTargets_ResetReferences then
221 _G.TinyTipTargets_ResetReferences(GameTooltip.AddLine, GameTooltip.AddDoubleLines, GameTooltip)
222 end
223 end
225 if db["PvPIcon"] or db["Buffs"] or db["Debuffs"] or db["RTIcon"] then
226 if not ExtrasFrame then
227 ExtrasFrame = _G.CreateFrame("Frame", "TinyTipExtras_Frame", GameTooltip)
228 end
229 if TinyTipIcons_Init then TinyTipIcons_Init(db, EventFrame, ExtrasFrame, gtAddLine, tooltip) end
230 end
231 end