vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local EMPTY_TABLE = {};
2 local TIMEX_BAR = "TimexBar";
3 local DEFAULT_SCALE = 0.8;
4 local DEFAULT_RES = 0.1;
6 local strformat = string.format;
8 local function ARG_ID(t) return; end;
9 local function ARG_ELAPSED(t) return t.timexBar.elapsed; end;
10 local function ARG_REMAINING(t) return t.timexBar.v; end;
12 local timexDebug = nil;
14 --<< ================================================= >>--
15 -- Section I: Initialize the AddOn Object. --
16 --<< ================================================= >>--
18 TimexBar = AceModule:new({
19 -- name = TimexLocals.TimexBar_Title,
20 -- author = "Rowne/facboy",
21 -- aceCompatible = "100",
26 })
28 function TimexBar:Enable()
29 self.barDB = {};
30 self.barMap = setmetatable({}, Timex.weakV_mt);
31 table.setn(self.barDB, 20);
32 for id = 1,20,1 do getglobal(; end
33 --for id = 1,20,1 do getglobal("TOOLTIP"); end
34 end
36 --<< ================================================= >>--
37 -- Section II: Private utility functions. --
38 --<< ================================================= >>--
40 --------------------
41 -- argument stuff
42 --------------------
43 local args_switch = {};
44 args_switch[ARG_ID] = ARG_ID;
45 args_switch[ARG_ELAPSED] = ARG_ELAPSED;
48 local function buildArgs(args, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
49 local sub = args.sub;
50 local f = args_switch[a20]; args[20], sub[20] = not f and a20 or nil, f;
51 f = args_switch[a19]; args[19], sub[19] = not f and a19 or nil, f;
52 f = args_switch[a18]; args[18], sub[18] = not f and a18 or nil, f;
53 f = args_switch[a17]; args[17], sub[17] = not f and a17 or nil, f;
54 f = args_switch[a16]; args[16], sub[16] = not f and a16 or nil, f;
55 f = args_switch[a15]; args[15], sub[15] = not f and a15 or nil, f;
56 f = args_switch[a14]; args[14], sub[14] = not f and a14 or nil, f;
57 f = args_switch[a13]; args[13], sub[13] = not f and a13 or nil, f;
58 f = args_switch[a12]; args[12], sub[12] = not f and a12 or nil, f;
59 f = args_switch[a11]; args[11], sub[11] = not f and a11 or nil, f;
60 f = args_switch[a10]; args[10], sub[10] = not f and a10 or nil, f;
61 f = args_switch[a9]; args[9], sub[9] = not f and a9 or nil, f;
62 f = args_switch[a8]; args[8], sub[8] = not f and a8 or nil, f;
63 f = args_switch[a7]; args[7], sub[7] = not f and a7 or nil, f;
64 f = args_switch[a6]; args[6], sub[6] = not f and a6 or nil, f;
65 f = args_switch[a5]; args[5], sub[5] = not f and a5 or nil, f;
66 f = args_switch[a4]; args[4], sub[4] = not f and a4 or nil, f;
67 f = args_switch[a3]; args[3], sub[3] = not f and a3 or nil, f;
68 f = args_switch[a2]; args[2], sub[2] = not f and a2 or nil, f;
69 f = args_switch[a1]; args[1], sub[1] = not f and a1 or nil, f;
70 end
72 local args_mt = {
73 __index = function(t, k)
74 local f = t.sub[k];
75 if f then return f(t); end
76 end,
77 }
79 local function newArgs(timexBar)
80 local args = { timexBar = timexBar, sub = {} };
81 setmetatable(args, args_mt);
82 return args;
83 end
85 --<< ================================================= >>--
86 -- Section III: The Time-Event Handler. --
87 --<< ================================================= >>--
89 local function timexHandler(self, timexBar, elapsed)
90 --self.cmd:msg("timexHandler: timexBar.n = %s", tostring(timexBar.n));
91 local v = timexBar.v;
92 if v then
93 v = v - elapsed;
94 if v <= 0 then
95 if timexBar.f then
96 timexBar.elapsed = elapsed;
97 local a = timexBar.a;
98 local status, err = pcall(timexBar.f, a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], a[8], a[9], a[10], a[11], a[12], a[13], a[14], a[15], a[16], a[17], a[18], a[19], a[20]);
99 if (not status) then
100 Timex.cmd:msg("TimexBar function '%s' failed with error: %s", tostring(, tostring(err));
101 end
102 end
103 self:Stop(;
104 return;
105 elseif timexBar.uf then
106 timexBar.elapsed = elapsed;
107 local a =;
108 local status, err = pcall(timexBar.uf, a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], a[8], a[9], a[10], a[11], a[12], a[13], a[14], a[15], a[16], a[17], a[18], a[19], a[20]);
109 if (not status) then
110 Timex.cmd:msg("TimexBar update function '%s' failed with error: %s", tostring(, tostring(err));
111 end
112 end
113 -- Update bar
114 local settext = ceil(v);
115 settext = settext > 60 and (format("%d", settext / 60)..":"..format("%02d", mod(settext, 60))) or settext;
116 timexBar.ttxt:SetText(settext);
117 timexBar.sbar:SetValue(v);
118 timexBar.v = v;
119 end
120 end
122 --<< ================================================= >>--
123 -- Section IV: The TimexBarClass 'inner' class --
124 --<< ================================================= >>--
126 -- class definition
127 local TimexBarClass = {
128 bR = 0.1, bB = 0.2, bG = 0.8, bA = 1.0,
129 tR = 1.0, tB = 1.0, tG = 1.0, tA = 1.0,
130 aP = "CENTER", aF = "UIParent", aRP = "CENTER", xO = 0, yO = 0,
131 };
132 local TimexBarClass_mt = { __index = TimexBarClass };
134 do
135 local bar = getglobal(TIMEX_BAR.."1");
136 TimexBarClass.s, TimexBarClass.bW, TimexBarClass.bH = DEFAULT_SCALE, bar:GetWidth(), bar:GetHeight();
137 local ttxt = getglobal(TIMEX_BAR.."1TimerText");
138 TimexBarClass.tW = ttxt:GetWidth();
139 end
141 -- private constructor
142 local function newTimexBar(timexBar, b)
143 local n = TIMEX_BAR..b;
144 local newInst = {
145 n = n,
146 bar = getglobal(n),
147 sbar = getglobal(n.."StatusBar"),
148 txt = getglobal(n.."Text"),
149 ttxt = getglobal(n.."TimerText"),
150 btn = getglobal(n.."Button"),
151 btnTex = getglobal(n.."ButtonTexture")
152 };
153 setmetatable(newInst, TimexBarClass_mt);
154 return newInst;
155 end
157 -- private reset function (only resets the 'functional' attributes, not the formatting ones)
158 local function resetTimexBar(timexBar)
159 -- reset all values to nil
160, timexBar.f, timexBar.uf, timexBar.elapsed, timexBar.v, timexBar.res = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
161 -- clear arg tables
162 local args = timexBar.a;
163 if args then
164 args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
165 args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], args[10] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
166 args[11], args[12], args[13], args[14], args[15] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
167 args[16], args[17], args[18], args[19], args[20] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
168 end
169 args =;
170 if args then
171 args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
172 args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], args[10] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
173 args[11], args[12], args[13], args[14], args[15] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
174 args[16], args[17], args[18], args[19], args[20] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
175 end
176 if then
177 = nil;
178 args =;
179 if args then
180 args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
181 args[6], args[7], args[8], args[9], args[10] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
182 args[11], args[12], args[13], args[14], args[15] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
183 args[16], args[17], args[18], args[19], args[20] = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
184 end
185 end
186 end
188 -- private formatting function
189 local function resetTimexBarFormat(timexBar)
190 local bar, txt, ttxt =, timexBar.txt, timexBar.ttxt;
192 if not timexBar.sColor and timexBar.rColor then
193 timexBar.bR, timexBar.bB, timexBar.bG, timexBar.bA = nil, nil, nil, nil;
194 timexBar.sbar:SetStatusBarColor(timexBar.bR, timexBar.bB, timexBar.bG, timexBar.bA);
195 timexBar.rColor = nil;
196 end
198 if not timexBar.sTextColor and timexBar.rTextColor then
199 timexBar.tR, timexBar.tB, timexBar.tG, timexBar.tA = nil, nil, nil, nil;
200 txt:SetTextColor(timexBar.tR, timexBar.tB, timexBar.tG, timexBar.tA);
201 ttxt:SetTextColor(timexBar.tR, timexBar.tB, timexBar.tG, timexBar.tA);
202 timexBar.rTextColor = nil;
203 end
205 if not timexBar.sPoint and timexBar.rPoint then
206 timexBar.aP, timexBar.aF, timexBar.aRP, timexBar.xO, timexBar.yO = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
207 bar:ClearAllPoints();
208 bar:SetPoint(timexBar.aP, timexBar.aF, timexBar.aRP, timexBar.xO, timexBar.yO);
209 timexBar.rPoint = nil;
210 end
212 if not timexBar.sWidth and timexBar.rWidth then
213 timexBar.bW = nil;
214 bar:SetWidth(timexBar.bW);
215 timexBar.rWidth = nil;
216 end
218 if not timexBar.sHeight and timexBar.rHeight then
219 timexBar.bH = nil;
220 bar:SetHeight(timexBar.bH);
221 timexBar.rHeight = nil;
222 end
224 if not timexBar.sScale and timexBar.rScale then
225 timexBar.s = nil;
226 bar:SetScale(timexBar.s);
227 timexBar.rScale = nil;
228 end
230 if not timexBar.sTimeWidth and timexBar.rTimeWidth then
231 timexBar.tW = nil;
232 ttxt:SetWidth(timexBar.tW);
233 txt:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", bar, "LEFT", timexBar.tW, 13);
234 timexBar.rTimeWidth = nil;
235 end
237 if not timexBar.sText and timexBar.rText then
238 timexBar.text = nil;
239 if timexBar.text then
240 timexBar.txt:SetText("| "..timexBar.text);
241 else
242 timexBar.txt:SetText("");
243 end
244 timexBar.rText = nil;
245 end
247 if not timexBar.sTexture and timexBar.rTexture then
248 timexBar.tex = nil;
249 if timexBar.tex then
250 timexBar.btnTex:SetTexture(timexBar.tex);
251 timexBar.btn:Show();
252 else
253 timexBar.btn:Hide();
254 end
255 timexBar.rTexture = nil;
256 end
257 end
259 local function clearSetFlags(timexBar)
260 timexBar.sColor, timexBar.sTextColor, timexBar.sPoint, timexBar.sWidth = nil, nil, nil, nil;
261 timexBar.sHeight, timexBar.sScale, timexBar.sTimeWidth, timexBar.sText, timexBar.sTexture = nil, nil, nil, nil, nil;
262 end
264 --<< ================================================= >>--
265 -- Section V: The Start and Stop Bar Functions. --
266 --<< ================================================= >>--
268 -- Assigns a bar to id
269 function TimexBar:Get(id)
270 if id and id ~= "" then
271 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
272 -- if not found
273 if not timexBar then
274 -- find first available
275 local b = 1;
276 timexBar = self.barDB[b];
277 while (timexBar) do
278 if (not timexBar.v) then
279 break;
280 end
281 b = b + 1;
282 timexBar = self.barDB[b];
283 end
284 if timexBar then
285 clearSetFlags(timexBar);
286 elseif (b <= 20) then
287 timexBar = newTimexBar(self, b);
288 self.barDB[b] = timexBar;
289 else
290 error("No more bars available!");
291 end
292 -- assign id
293, self.barMap[id] = id, timexBar;
294 end
295 return timexBar.n;
296 end
297 end
299 function TimexBar:Start(id, time, res)
300 if (time) then
301 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
302 if timexBar then
303 res = res or DEFAULT_RES;
304 timexBar.v = time;
305 timexBar.res = res;
307 -- reset bar format and show
308 resetTimexBarFormat(timexBar);
310 local settext = ceil(timexBar.v);
311 settext = settext > 60 and format("%d:%02d", settext/60, mod(settext, 60)) or settext;
312 timexBar.ttxt:SetText(settext);
313 local sbar = timexBar.sbar;
314 sbar:SetMinMaxValues(0, time);
315 sbar:SetValue(timexBar.v);
317 if then
318 timexBar.btn:EnableMouse(1);
319 timexBar.btn:SetScript("OnClick", timexBar.onClick);
320 end
323 Timex:AddSchedule(timexBar, res, true, nil, timexHandler, self, timexBar, Timex.ARG_ELAPSED);
324 return timexBar.n;
325 else
326 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
327 end
328 end
329 end
331 function TimexBar:Stop(id)
332 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
333 if timexBar then
334 Timex:DeleteSchedule(timexBar);
335 if then
336 timexBar.btn:EnableMouse(0);
337 timexBar.btn:SetScript("OnClick", nil);
338 end
340 resetTimexBar(timexBar);
341 self.barMap[id] = nil;
342 end
343 end
345 function TimexBar:Pause(id)
346 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
347 if timexBar then
348 Timex:DeleteSchedule(timexBar);
349 end
350 end
352 function TimexBar:Resume(id)
353 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
354 if timexBar then
355 if timexBar.res then
356 Timex:AddSchedule(timexBar, timexBar.res, true, nil, timexHandler, self, timexBar, Timex.ARG_ELAPSED);
357 else
358 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' has not been started yet.", tostring(id)));
359 end
360 end
361 end
363 function TimexBar:Check(id, r)
364 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
365 if timexBar then
366 return (r and timexBar.n) or TRUE;
367 end
368 end
370 function TimexBar:ChangeDuration(id, t)
371 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
372 if timexBar then
373 if timexBar.v then
374 timexBar.v = t;
375 end
376 end
377 end
379 function TimexBar:Debug(debug)
380 timexDebug = debug;
381 end
383 --<< ================================================= >>--
384 -- Section VI: The Bar Formatting Functions --
385 --<< ================================================= >>--
387 function TimexBar:SetColor(id, red, blue, green, alpha)
388 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
389 if timexBar then
390 if timexBar.bR ~= red or timexBar.bB ~= blue or timexBar.bG ~= green or timexBar.bA ~= alpha then
391 timexBar.bR, timexBar.bB, timexBar.bG, timexBar.bA = red, blue, green, alpha;
392 timexBar.sbar:SetStatusBarColor(timexBar.bR, timexBar.bB, timexBar.bG, timexBar.bA);
393 timexBar.rColor = true;
394 end
395 timexBar.sColor = true;
396 else
397 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
398 end
399 end
401 function TimexBar:SetTextColor(id, red, blue, green, alpha)
402 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
403 if timexBar then
404 if timexBar.tR ~= red or timexBar.tB ~= blue or timexBar.tG ~= green or timexBar.tA ~= alpha then
405 timexBar.tR, timexBar.tB, timexBar.tG, timexBar.tA = red, blue, green, alpha;
406 timexBar.txt:SetTextColor(timexBar.tR, timexBar.tB, timexBar.tG, timexBar.tA);
407 timexBar.ttxt:SetTextColor(timexBar.tR, timexBar.tB, timexBar.tG, timexBar.tA);
408 timexBar.rTextColor = true;
409 end
410 timexBar.sTextColor = true;
411 else
412 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
413 end
414 end
416 function TimexBar:SetPoint(id, point, relativeFrame, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset)
417 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
418 if timexBar then
419 if timexBar.aP ~= point or timexBar.aF ~= relativeFrame or timexBar.aRP ~= relativePoint or timexBar.xO ~= xOffset or timexBar.yO ~= yOffset then
420 timexBar.aP, timexBar.aF, timexBar.aRP, timexBar.xO, timexBar.yO = point, relativeFrame, relativePoint, xOffset, yOffset;
421 local bar =;
422 bar:ClearAllPoints();
423 bar:SetPoint(timexBar.aP, timexBar.aF, timexBar.aRP, timexBar.xO, timexBar.yO);
424 timexBar.rPoint = true;
425 end
426 timexBar.sPoint = true;
427 else
428 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
429 end
430 end
432 function TimexBar:SetWidth(id, width)
433 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
434 if timexBar then
435 if timexBar.bW ~= width then
436 timexBar.bW = width;
438 timexBar.rWidth = true;
439 end
440 timexBar.sWidth = true;
441 else
442 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
443 end
444 end
446 function TimexBar:SetHeight(id, height)
447 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
448 if timexBar then
449 if timexBar.bH ~= height then
450 timexBar.bH = height;
452 timexBar.rHeight = true;
453 end
454 timexBar.sHeight = true;
455 else
456 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
457 end
458 end
460 function TimexBar:SetScale(id, scale)
461 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
462 if timexBar then
463 if timexBar.s ~= scale then
464 timexBar.s = scale;
466 timexBar.rScale = true;
467 end
468 timexBar.sScale = true;
469 else
470 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
471 end
472 end
474 function TimexBar:SetTimeWidth(id, width)
475 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
476 if timexBar then
477 if timexBar.tW ~= width then
478 timexBar.tW = width;
479 timexBar.ttxt:SetWidth(timexBar.tW);
480 timexBar.txt:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",, "LEFT", timexBar.tW, 13);
481 timexBar.rTimeWidth = true;
482 end
483 timexBar.sTimeWidth = true;
484 else
485 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
486 end
487 end
489 function TimexBar:SetText(id, text)
490 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
491 if timexBar then
492 if timexBar.text ~= text then
493 timexBar.text = text;
494 if timexBar.text then
495 timexBar.txt:SetText("| "..timexBar.text);
496 else
497 timexBar.txt:SetText("");
498 end
499 timexBar.rText = true;
500 end
501 timexBar.sText = true;
502 else
503 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
504 end
505 end
507 function TimexBar:SetTexture(id, texturePath)
508 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
509 if timexBar then
510 if timexBar.tex ~= texturePath then
511 timexBar.tex = texturePath;
512 if timexBar.tex then
513 timexBar.btnTex:SetTexture(timexBar.tex);
514 timexBar.btn:Show();
515 else
516 timexBar.btn:Hide();
517 end
518 timexBar.rTexture = true;
519 end
520 timexBar.sTexture = true;
521 else
522 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
523 end
524 end
526 function TimexBar:SetFunction(id, f, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
527 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
528 if timexBar then
529 timexBar.f = f;
530 if not timexBar.a then
531 timexBar.a = newArgs(timexBar);
532 end
533 buildArgs(timexBar.a, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
534 else
535 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
536 end
537 end
539 function TimexBar:SetUpdateFunction(id, f, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
540 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
541 if timexBar then
542 timexBar.uf = f;
543 if not then
544 = newArgs(timexBar);
545 end
546 buildArgs(, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
547 else
548 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
549 end
550 end
552 function TimexBar:SetClickFunction(id, f, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
553 local timexBar = self.barMap[id];
554 if timexBar then
555 -- create the onClick function for this bar.
556 if not timexBar.onClick then
557 timexBar.onClick = function()
558 local a =;
559 local status, err = pcall(, a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6], a[7], a[8], a[9], a[10], a[11], a[12], a[13], a[14], a[15], a[16], a[17], a[18], a[19], a[20]);
560 if not status then
561 Timex.cmd:msg("TimexBar click function '%s' failed with error: %s", tostring(, tostring(err));
562 end
563 end
564 end
566 = f;
567 if not then
568 = newArgs(timexBar);
569 end
570 buildArgs(, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20);
571 else
572 error(strformat("TimexBar '%s' not found.", tostring(id)));
573 end
574 end
576 --<< ================================================= >>--
577 -- Section Omega: Register the AddOn Object. --
578 --<< ================================================= >>--
580 --TimexBar:RegisterForLoad()