vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
3 -- LowHealthWarning localization
4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Labels = {
7 [1] = "Low Health Warning",
8 [2] = "Version",
9 }
11 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Buttons = {
12 [1] = "Defaults",
13 [2] = "Cancel",
14 [3] = "Okey",
15 }
17 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Sliders = {
18 ["Sound"] = {
19 [1] = { "Health", "Activate heartbeat when health is below: %d%%", },
20 },
21 ["Health"] = {
22 [1] = { "Health", "Health: %d%%", },
23 [2] = { "Critical health", "Critical health: %d%%", },
24 },
25 ["Mana"] = {
26 [1] = { "Mana", "Mana: %d%%", },
27 [2] = { "Critical mana", "Critical mana: %d%%", },
28 },
29 }
31 TNE_LowHealthSettings_CheckButtons = {
32 ["General"] = {
33 [1] = { "Enable Low Health Warning", "Check to enable the addon.", },
34 },
35 ["Sound"] = {
36 [1] = { "Enable heartbeat effect", "Check to enable a heartbeat sound effect.", },
37 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to play sounds when in combat only.", },
38 },
39 ["Health"] = {
40 [1] = { "Enable health effect", "Check to enable the health warning effect.", },
41 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to display health warning in combat only.", },
42 [3] = { "Variable flash rate", "Check to smoothly increase or decrease flash rate instead of using the two thresholds. This will synchronize the flash with the heartbeat." },
43 [4] = { "Emote when critical", "Check to automatically perform the /healme emote when your health is critical.", },
44 },
45 ["Mana"] = {
46 [1] = { "Enable mana effect", "Check to enable the health warning effect.", },
47 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to display mana warning in combat only.", },
48 [3] = { "Variable flash rate", "Check to smoothly increase or decrease flash rate instead of using the two thresholds.", },
49 },
50 }
52 if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then
54 -- German localization originally by Myr of European Gul'dan
56 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Labels = {
57 [1] = "Low Health Warnung",
58 [2] = "Version",
59 }
61 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Buttons = {
62 [1] = "Standard",
63 [2] = "Abbrechen",
64 [3] = "Ok",
65 }
67 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Sliders = {
68 ["Sound"] = { -- do not translate this line
69 [1] = { "Leben", "Activate heartbeat when health is below: %d%%", },
70 },
71 ["Health"] = { -- do not translate this line
72 [1] = { "Leben", "Leben: %d%%", },
73 [2] = { "Kritische Lebenspunkte", "Kritische Lebenspunkte: %d%%", },
74 },
75 ["Mana"] = { -- do not translate this line
76 [1] = { "Mana", "Mana: %d%%", },
77 [2] = { "Kritisches Mana", "Kritisches Mana: %d%%", },
78 },
79 }
81 TNE_LowHealthSettings_CheckButtons = {
82 ["General"] = { -- do not translate this line
83 [1] = { "Enable Low Health Warning", "Check to enable the addon.", },
84 },
85 ["Sound"] = { -- do not translate this line
86 [1] = { "Enable heartbeat effect", "Check to enable a heartbeat sound effect.", },
87 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to play sounds when in combat only.", },
88 },
89 ["Health"] = { -- do not translate this line
90 [1] = { "Enable health effect", "Check to enable the health warning effect.", },
91 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to display health warning in combat only.", },
92 [3] = { "Variable flash rate", "Check to smoothly increase or decrease flash rate instead of using the two thresholds. This will synchronize the flash with the heartbeat." },
93 [4] = { "Emote when critical", "Check to automatically perform the /healme emote when your health is critical.", },
94 },
95 ["Mana"] = { -- do not translate this line
96 [1] = { "Enable mana effect", "Check to enable the health warning effect.", },
97 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to display mana warning in combat only.", },
98 [3] = { "Variable flash rate", "Check to smoothly increase or decrease flash rate instead of using the two thresholds.", },
99 },
100 }
102 end
104 if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then
106 -- French localization originally by Trucifix
108 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Labels = {
109 [1] = "Low Health Warning",
110 [2] = "Version",
111 }
113 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Buttons = {
114 [1] = "D\195\169faults",
115 [2] = "Annuler",
116 [3] = "Ok",
117 }
119 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Sliders = {
120 ["Sound"] = { -- do not translate this line
121 [1] = { "Soin", "Activate heartbeat when health is below: %d%%", },
122 },
123 ["Health"] = { -- do not translate this line
124 [1] = { "Soin", "Soin: %d%%", },
125 [2] = { "Soin critique", "Soin critique: %d%%", },
126 },
127 ["Mana"] = { -- do not translate this line
128 [1] = { "Mana", "Mana: %d%%", },
129 [2] = { "Mana critique", "Mana critique: %d%%", },
130 },
131 }
133 TNE_LowHealthSettings_CheckButtons = {
134 ["General"] = { -- do not translate this line
135 [1] = { "Enable Low Health Warning", "Check to enable the addon.", },
136 },
137 ["Sound"] = { -- do not translate this line
138 [1] = { "Enable heartbeat effect", "Check to enable a heartbeat sound effect.", },
139 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to play sounds when in combat only.", },
140 },
141 ["Health"] = { -- do not translate this line
142 [1] = { "Enable health effect", "Check to enable the health warning effect.", },
143 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to display health warning in combat only.", },
144 [3] = { "Variable flash rate", "Check to smoothly increase or decrease flash rate instead of using the two thresholds. This will synchronize the flash with the heartbeat." },
145 [4] = { "Emote when critical", "Check to automatically perform the /healme emote when your health is critical.", },
146 },
147 ["Mana"] = { -- do not translate this line
148 [1] = { "Enable mana effect", "Check to enable the health warning effect.", },
149 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to display mana warning in combat only.", },
150 [3] = { "Variable flash rate", "Check to smoothly increase or decrease flash rate instead of using the two thresholds.", },
151 },
152 }
154 end
156 if (GetLocale() == "koKR") then
158 -- Korean localization originally by Mars
160 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Labels = {
161 [1] = "Low Health Warning",
162 [2] = "버젼",
163 }
165 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Buttons = {
166 [1] = "기본값",
167 [2] = "취소",
168 [3] = "확인",
169 }
171 TNE_LowHealthSettings_Sliders = {
172 ["Sound"] = { -- do not translate this line
173 [1] = { "Health", "Activate heartbeat when health is below: %d%%", },
174 },
175 ["Health"] = { -- do not translate this line
176 [1] = { "Health", "Health: %d%%", },
177 [2] = { "Critical health", "Critical health: %d%%", },
178 },
179 ["Mana"] = { -- do not translate this line
180 [1] = { "Mana", "Mana: %d%%", },
181 [2] = { "Critical mana", "Critical mana: %d%%", },
182 },
183 }
185 TNE_LowHealthSettings_CheckButtons = {
186 ["General"] = { -- do not translate this line
187 [1] = { "Enable Low Health Warning", "Check to enable the addon.", },
188 },
189 ["Sound"] = { -- do not translate this line
190 [1] = { "Enable heartbeat effect", "Check to enable a heartbeat sound effect.", },
191 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to play sounds when in combat only.", },
192 },
193 ["Health"] = { -- do not translate this line
194 [1] = { "Enable health effect", "Check to enable the health warning effect.", },
195 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to display health warning in combat only.", },
196 [3] = { "Variable flash rate", "Check to smoothly increase or decrease flash rate instead of using the two thresholds. This will synchronize the flash with the heartbeat." },
197 [4] = { "Emote when critical", "Check to automatically perform the /healme emote when your health is critical.", },
198 },
199 ["Mana"] = { -- do not translate this line
200 [1] = { "Enable mana effect", "Check to enable the health warning effect.", },
201 [2] = { "Only in combat", "Check to display mana warning in combat only.", },
202 [3] = { "Variable flash rate", "Check to smoothly increase or decrease flash rate instead of using the two thresholds.", },
203 },
204 }
206 end