vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 -- Purge entrys not seen since X weeks
4 -------------------------------------------------
6 -------------------------------------------------
8 if( not SCCN_storage ) then SCCN_storage = { Skyhawk = { c=7, t=123} }; end;
9 if( not SCCN_mousescroll ) then SCCN_mousescroll = 1; end;
10 if( not SCCN_hidechanname ) then SCCN_hidechanname = 0; end;
11 if( not SCCN_shortchanname ) then SCCN_shortchanname = 0; end;
12 if( not SCCN_colornicks ) then SCCN_colornicks = 1; end;
13 if( not SCCN_topeditbox ) then SCCN_topeditbox = 0; end;
14 if( not SCCN_timestamp ) then SCCN_timestamp = 1; end;
15 if( not SCCN_colormap ) then SCCN_colormap = 1; end;
16 if( not SCCN_hyperlinker ) then SCCN_hyperlinker = 1; end;
17 if( not SCCN_selfhighlight ) then SCCN_selfhighlight = 1; end;
18 if( not SCCN_clickinvite ) then SCCN_clickinvite = 1; end;
19 if( not SCCN_editboxkeys ) then SCCN_editboxkeys = 1; end;
20 if( not SCCN_chatstring ) then SCCN_chatstring = 1; end;
21 if( not SCCN_selfhighlightmsg ) then SCCN_selfhighlightmsg = 1; end;
22 if( not SCCN_ts_format ) then SCCN_ts_format = "#33CCFF[$h:$m]"; end;
23 if( not SCCN_HideChatButtons ) then SCCN_HideChatButtons = 0; end;
24 if( not SCCN_Highlight_Text ) then SCCN_Highlight_Text = {}; end;
25 if( not SCCN_Highlight ) then SCCN_Highlight = 0; end;
26 if( not SCCN_AutoBGMap ) then SCCN_AutoBGMap = 1; end;
27 if( not SCCN_AutoGossipSkip ) then SCCN_AutoGossipSkip = 0; end;
28 if( not SCCN_AutoDismount ) then SCCN_AutoDismount = 0; end;
29 if( not SCCN_Chan_Replace ) then SCCN_Chan_Replace = {}; end;
30 if( not SCCN_Chan_ReplaceWith ) then SCCN_Chan_ReplaceWith = {}; end;
32 -- welcome dialog
35 --
38 local ChatFrame_OnEvent_Org;
39 local ORG_AddMessage = nil;
40 SCCN_EntrysConverted = 0;
43 -- because RAID_CLASS_COLORS is not working always as intended (dont figured out why exactly) I using this.
44 local SCCN_RAID_COLORS = {
45 HUNTER = "|cffaad372",
46 WARLOCK = "|cff9382C9",
47 PRIEST = "|cffffffff",
48 PALADIN = "|cfff48cba",
49 MAGE = "|cff68ccef",
50 ROGUE = "|cfffff468",
51 DRUID = "|cffff7c0a",
52 SHAMAN = "|cfff48cba",
53 WARRIOR = "|cffc69b6d",
54 DEFAULT = "|cffa0a0a0"};
55 -- Some Colors
56 local COLOR = {
57 RED = "|cffff0000",
58 GREEN = "|cff10ff10",
59 BLUE = "|cff0000ff",
60 MAGENTA = "|cffff00ff",
61 YELLOW = "|cffffff00",
62 ORANGE = "|cffff9c00",
63 CYAN = "|cff00ffff",
64 WHITE = "|cffffffff",
65 SILVER = "|ca0a0a0a0"
66 }
67 -------------------------------------------------
69 -------------------------------------------------
70 function solColorChatNicks_OnLoad()
71 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
72 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD");
73 this:RegisterEvent("FRIENDLIST_UPDATE");
74 this:RegisterEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE");
75 this:RegisterEvent("GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE");
76 this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED");
77 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_WORLD_STATES");
78 this:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA");
79 this:RegisterEvent("GOSSIP_SHOW");
81 -- Setting Slash commands
82 SlashCmdList["SCCN"] = solColorChatNicks_SlashCommand;
83 SLASH_SCCN1 = "/sccn";
84 SlashCmdList["TT"] = SCCN_CMD_TT;
85 SLASH_TT1 = "/wt";
86 end
88 function solColorChatNicks_OnEvent(event)
89 if strsub(event, 1, 16) == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then
90 -- confab compatibility
91 if ( CONFAB_VERSION ) then
93 SCCN_topeditbox = 9;
94 else
95 -- top editbox
96 SCCN_EditBox(SCCN_topeditbox);
97 end
98 -- chat hooks
99 if ChatFrame_OnEvent_Org == nil then
100 ChatFrame_OnEvent_Org = ChatFrame_OnEvent;
101 ChatFrame_OnEvent = solColorChatNicks_ChatFrame_OnEvent;
102 end
103 if( SCCN_hyperlinker == 1 ) then
104 -- catches URL's
105 SCCN_Org_SetItemRef = SetItemRef;
106 SetItemRef = SCCN_SetItemRef;
107 end
108 if( CHRONOS_REV ~= nil ) then
109 Chronos.schedule(3,SCCN_write,"sOLARiZ Color Chat Nicks. v"..SCCN_VER.." loaded!");
110 -- doing auto purge event 30 sec delayed
111 Chronos.schedule(5,solColorChatNicks_PurgeDB);
112 -- map pins
113 Chronos.schedule(15,SCCN_RefreshIcons);
114 -- URL ADD
115 Chronos.schedule(10,SCCN_write,"Check out for updates.");
116 else
117 -- no chronos, direct purge
118 SCCN_write("sol's Color Chat Nicks. v"..SCCN_VER.." loaded!");
119 -- doing auto purge event
120 solColorChatNicks_PurgeDB();
121 -- map pins
122 SCCN_RefreshIcons();
123 end
124 -- refill
125 if IsInGuild() then GuildRoster(); end
126 if GetNumFriends() > 0 then ShowFriends(); end
127 -- store original chat Editbox history buffer size
128 SCCN_EditBoxKeysToggle(SCCN_editboxkeys);
129 -- replacing chat some customized strings
130 SCCN_CustomizeChatString(SCCN_chatstring);
131 -- config dialog fillin
132 SCCN_Config_OnLoad();
133 -- Welcome Screen Fill in
136 end
139 elseif strsub(event, 1, 17) == "FRIENDLIST_UPDATE" then
140 solColorChatNicks_InsertFriends();
141 elseif strsub(event, 1, 19) == "GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE" then
142 solColorChatNicks_InsertGuildMembers();
143 elseif strsub(event, 1, 18) == "RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE" then
144 solColorChatNicks_InsertRaidMembers();
145 SCCN_RefreshIcons();
146 elseif strsub(event, 1, 21) == "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED" then
147 solColorChatNicks_InsertPartyMembers();
148 SCCN_RefreshIcons();
149 elseif strsub(event, 1, 19) == "UPDATE_WORLD_STATES" then
150 SCCN_RefreshIcons();
151 elseif strsub(event, 1, 21) == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA" then
152 SCCN_BG_AutoMap();
153 elseif event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" then
154 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
155 -- Unregistering Events
156 this:UnregisterEvent("FRIENDLIST_UPDATE");
157 this:UnregisterEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE");
158 this:UnregisterEvent("GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE");
159 this:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED");
160 this:UnregisterEvent("UPDATE_WORLD_STATES");
161 this:UnregisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA");
162 this:UnregisterEvent("GOSSIP_SHOW");
163 elseif event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
164 -- re Register Events
165 this:RegisterEvent("FRIENDLIST_UPDATE");
166 this:RegisterEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE");
167 this:RegisterEvent("GUILD_ROSTER_UPDATE");
168 this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED");
169 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_WORLD_STATES");
170 this:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA");
171 this:RegisterEvent("GOSSIP_SHOW");
172 elseif ( event == "GOSSIP_SHOW" and not IsControlKeyDown() ) then
174 end
175 end
178 function solColorChatNicks_PurgeDB()
179 SCCN_purged = 0;
180 SCCN_keept = 0;
181 SCCN_EntrysConverted = 0;
182 SCCN_OldStorage = SCCN_storage;
183 SCCN_storage = nil;
184 SCCN_storage = {};
185 table.foreach(SCCN_OldStorage, solColorChatNicks_PurgeEntry);
186 if( SCCN_EntrysConverted > 0 ) then
187 SCCN_write("Purged: "..SCCN_purged..", Keept: "..SCCN_keept.." Converted to "..SCCN_VER.." :"..SCCN_EntrysConverted);
188 SCCN_EntrysConverted = nil;
189 else
190 SCCN_write("Purged: "..SCCN_purged..", Keept: "..SCCN_keept);
191 end
192 SCCN_write("Memory currently used by SolsColorChatNicks Addon storage: "..ceil( (SCCN_keept*60) / 1024).." Kb");
193 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."stat1".."Label"):SetText(COLOR["SILVER"].."SCCN Knows currently "..SCCN_keept.." Chars, this are ca. "..ceil( (SCCN_keept*60) / 1024).." Kb");
194 SCCN_OldStorage = nil;
195 SCCN_purged = nil;
196 SCCN_keept = nil;
197 end
199 function solColorChatNicks_PurgeEntry(k,v)
200 if( (SCCN_OldStorage[k]["t"] + (3600*24*7*SCCN_PURGEWEEKS) ) < time() ) then
201 SCCN_purged = SCCN_purged + 1;
202 else
203 SCCN_storage[k] = { t=SCCN_OldStorage[k]["t"], c=SCCN_OldStorage[k]["c"] }
204 SCCN_keept = SCCN_keept + 1;
205 end
206 -- Convert check for old version storage pre v.0.2
207 if( SCCN_storage[k] ~= nil ) then -- 0.5 formal 126 line error workaround
208 if( SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= nil ) then
209 if( SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 0 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 1 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 2 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 3 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 4 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 5 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 6 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 7 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 8 and SCCN_storage[k]["c"] ~= 9 ) then
210 SCCN_storage[k]["c"] = solColorChatNicks_ClassToNum(SCCN_storage[k]["c"]);
211 SCCN_EntrysConverted = SCCN_EntrysConverted+1;
212 end
213 end
214 end
215 end
217 function SCCN_write(msg)
218 if( msg ~= nil ) then
219 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffaad372".."Sol".."|cfffff468".."CCN".."|cffffffff: "..msg);
220 end
221 end
223 -------------------------------------------------
225 -------------------------------------------------
226 function solColorChatNicks_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event)
227 if( not this.ORG_AddMessage ) then
228 this.ORG_AddMessage = this.AddMessage
229 this.AddMessage = S_AddMessage
230 end;
231 if( SCCN_colornicks == 1) then
232 this.solColorChatNicks_Name = arg2;
233 end
234 -- Strip channel name
235 if arg9 and event ~= "CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE" then
236 local _, _, strippedChannelName = string.find(arg9, "(.-)%s.*");
237 this.solColorChatNicks_Channelname = strippedChannelName;
238 end
239 -- Call original handler
240 ChatFrame_OnEvent_Org(event);
241 end
243 function S_AddMessage(this,text,r,g,b,id)
244 if SCCN_hidechanname == 1 and this.solColorChatNicks_Channelname then
245 -- Remove channel name
246 text = string.gsub(text, ".%s" .. this.solColorChatNicks_Channelname, "", 1);
247 this.solColorChatNicks_Channelname = nil;
248 end
249 if ( (SCCN_hidechanname == 1) and text ~= nil ) then
250 -- remove Guild, Party, Raid from chat channel name
251 for i=1, table.getn(SCCN_STRIPCHAN) do
252 text = string.gsub(text, "(%[)(%d?)(.?%s?"..SCCN_STRIPCHAN[i].."%s?)(%])(%s?)", SCCN_STRIPCHANNAMEFUNC,1);
253 end
254 elseif ( SCCN_shortchanname == 1 ) then
255 -- Short Channel Names
256 local temp = nil;
257 if text ~= nil then
258 for i = 1, 9 do
259 if SCCN_Chan_Replace[i] ~= nil and SCCN_Chan_ReplaceWith[i] ~= nil then
260 temp = string.gsub(text, SCCN_Chan_Replace[i].."]%s", SCCN_Chan_ReplaceWith[i].."]", 1)
261 if temp ~= text then
262 text = temp;
263 temp = nil;
264 break;
265 end
266 end
267 end
268 end
269 end
271 -- color self in text
272 if( SCCN_selfhighlight == 1 and text ~= nil ) then
273 if( arg8 ~= 3 and arg8 ~= 4 ) then
274 if( arg2 ~= nil and arg2 ~= UnitName("player") and UnitName("player") ~= nil and string.len(text) >= string.len(UnitName("player")) ) then
275 if(string.find(text, UnitName("player")) or string.find(text, string.lower(UnitName("player")))) then
276 -- NO CTRA and NO DMSYNC
277 if(not string.find(text, "<CTRaid>") and not string.find(text, "SYNCE_") and not string.find(text, "SYNC_") ) then
278 text = string.gsub(text, "([^:^%[]"..UnitName("player")..")" , " "..COLOR["YELLOW"]..">"..COLOR["RED"]..UnitName("player")..COLOR["YELLOW"].."<|r");
279 text = string.gsub(text, "([^:^%[]"..string.lower(UnitName("player"))..")" , " "..COLOR["YELLOW"]..">"..COLOR["RED"]..UnitName("player")..COLOR["YELLOW"].."<|r");
280 -- On Screen Msg
281 if( SCCN_selfhighlightmsg == 1 ) then
282 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(text, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, UIERRORS_HOLD_TIME);
283 PlaySound("FriendJoinGame");
284 end
285 end
286 end
287 end
288 end
289 end
290 -- Custom Highlight /SCCN highlight
291 SCCN_Custom_Highlighted = false;
293 if SCCN_Custom_Highlighted == false then text = SCCN_CustomHighlightProcessor(text,SCCN_Highlight_Text[1]); end;
294 if SCCN_Custom_Highlighted == false then text = SCCN_CustomHighlightProcessor(text,SCCN_Highlight_Text[2]); end;
295 if SCCN_Custom_Highlighted == false then text = SCCN_CustomHighlightProcessor(text,SCCN_Highlight_Text[3]); end;
297 -- color nick's
298 if this.solColorChatNicks_Name and string.len(this.solColorChatNicks_Name) > 2 and text ~= nil and arg2 ~= nil then
299 text = string.gsub(text, "(.-)"..this.solColorChatNicks_Name .. "([%]%s].*)", "%1"..solColorChatNicks_GetColorFor(this.solColorChatNicks_Name)..this.solColorChatNicks_Name.."|r%2", 1);
300 end
301 this.solColorChatNicks_Name = nil;
302 -- Timestamp
303 if( SCCN_timestamp == 1 and text ~= nil ) then
304 local hour = tonumber(string.sub(date(), 10, 11));
305 local minute= tonumber(string.sub(date(), 13, 14));
306 local second= tonumber(string.sub(date(), 16, 17));
307 local periode = "";
308 local hour12 = "";
309 if hour > 0 and hour < 12 then
310 periode = "am";
311 hour12 = hour;
312 else
313 periode = "pm";
314 hour12 = hour-12;
315 end
316 -- 2 digit
317 if( string.len(tostring(hour)) < 2) then hour = "0"..tostring(hour); end
318 if( string.len(tostring(hour12)) < 2) then hour12 = "0"..tostring(hour12); end
319 if( string.len(tostring(minute)) < 2) then minute = "0"..tostring(minute); end
320 if( string.len(tostring(second)) < 2) then second = "0"..tostring(second); end
321 -- setting timestamp
322 local TimeStamp = SCCN_ts_format;
323 TimeStamp = string.gsub(TimeStamp, "$h", hour);
324 TimeStamp = string.gsub(TimeStamp, "$m", minute);
325 TimeStamp = string.gsub(TimeStamp, "$s", second);
326 TimeStamp = string.gsub(TimeStamp, "$p", periode);
327 TimeStamp = string.gsub(TimeStamp, "$t", hour12);
328 TimeStamp = string.gsub(TimeStamp, "#", "|cff");
329 text = TimeStamp.."|r "..text;
330 end
331 -- URL detection
332 if( SCCN_hyperlinker == 1 and text ~= nil ) then
333 SCCN_URLFOUND = nil;
334 -- numeric IP's
335 if SCCN_URLFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?)(%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?%.%d%d?%d?:%d%d?%d?%d?%d?)(%s?)", SCCN_GetURL); end;
336 -- TeamSpeak like IP's or
337 if SCCN_URLFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?)([%w_-]+%.?[%w_-]+%.[%w_-]+:%d%d%d?%d?%d?)(%s?)", SCCN_GetURL); end;
338 -- complete http urls
339 if SCCN_URLFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?)(%a+://[%w_/%.%?%%=~&-]+)(%s?)", SCCN_GetURL); end;
340 --
341 if SCCN_URLFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?)(www%.[%w_/%.%?%%=~&-]+)(%s?)", SCCN_GetURL); end;
342 --
343 if SCCN_URLFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?)([_%w-%.~-]+@[_%w-]+%.[_%w-%.]+)(%s?)", SCCN_GetURL); end;
344 end
345 -- clickinvite
346 if( SCCN_clickinvite == 1 and text ~= nil and arg2 ~= nil ) then
348 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?[^%a])(invite)[^%a](%s?)", SCCN_ClickInvite,1); end
349 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s)(invite)[^%a](%s?)", SCCN_ClickInvite,1); end
350 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?[^%a])(inv)[^%a](%s?)", SCCN_ClickInvite,1); end
351 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s)(inv)[^%a](%s?)", SCCN_ClickInvite,1); end
352 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil and SCCN_CUSTOM_INV ~= nil then
353 -- custom invite word in localization
354 for i=1, table.getn(SCCN_CUSTOM_INV) do
355 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?[^%a])("..SCCN_CUSTOM_INV[i]..")(%a?)", SCCN_ClickInvite,1); end
356 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s)("..SCCN_CUSTOM_INV[i]..")(%s?)", SCCN_ClickInvite,1); end
357 end
358 end
359 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?[^%a])(invite)(%a?)", SCCN_ClickInvite,1); end
360 if SCCN_INVITEFOUND == nil then text = string.gsub(text, "(%s?[^%a])(inv)(%a?)", SCCN_ClickInvite,1); end
361 end
362 -- output
363 if (this.ORG_AddMessage ~= nil) then
364 this:ORG_AddMessage(text,r,g,b,id);
365 end
366 end
368 function SCCN_CustomHighlightProcessor(text,SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word)
369 if ( SCCN_Highlight == 1 and SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word and string.len(text) >= string.len(SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word) and string.len(SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word) > 2 ) then
370 if( string.find(text,string.lower(SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word)) or string.find(text,SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word) ) then
371 -- NO CTRA and NO DMSYNC
372 if(not string.find(text, "<CTRaid>") and not string.find(text, "SYNCE_") and not string.find(text, "SYNC_") ) then
373 if( text ~= string.gsub(text, "([^:^%[]"..SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word..")" , "")) then
374 text = string.gsub(text, "([^:^%[]"..SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word..")" , " "..COLOR["YELLOW"]..">"..COLOR["RED"]..SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word..COLOR["YELLOW"].."<|r");
375 else
376 text = string.gsub(text, "([^:^%[]"..string.lower(SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word)..")" , " "..COLOR["YELLOW"]..">"..COLOR["RED"]..string.lower(SCCN_Custom_Highlight_Word)..COLOR["YELLOW"].."<|r");
377 end
378 -- On Screen Msg
379 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(text, 1, 1, 1, 1.0, UIERRORS_HOLD_TIME);
380 PlaySound("FriendJoinGame");
381 -- set already highlighted = True
382 SCCN_Custom_Highlighted = true;
383 end
384 end
385 end
386 return text;
387 end
389 function SCCN_OnMouseWheel(chatframe, value)
390 if( SCCN_mousescroll == 1 ) then
391 if IsShiftKeyDown() then
392 -- shift key pressed (Fast scroll)
393 if ( value > 0 ) then
394 for i = 1,5 do chatframe:ScrollUp(); end;
395 elseif ( value < 0 ) then
396 for i = 1,5 do chatframe:ScrollDown(); end;
397 end
398 elseif IsControlKeyDown() then
399 -- to top / to bottom
400 if ( value > 0 ) then
401 chatframe:ScrollToTop();
402 elseif ( value < 0 ) then
403 chatframe:ScrollToBottom();
404 end
405 else
406 -- Normal Scroll without shift key
407 if ( value > 0 ) then
408 chatframe:ScrollUp();
409 elseif ( value < 0 ) then
410 chatframe:ScrollDown();
411 end
412 end
413 end
414 end
416 function SCCN_EditBox(where)
417 if(where == 1) then
418 -- top
419 ChatFrameEditBox:ClearAllPoints();
420 ChatFrameEditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "ChatFrame1", "TOPLEFT", 0, 2);
421 ChatFrameEditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ChatFrame1", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 2);
422 elseif(where == 0) then
423 -- bottom
424 -- ChatFrameEditBox:ClearAllPoints();
425 ChatFrameEditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", "ChatFrame1", "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -28);
426 ChatFrameEditBox:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", "ChatFrame1", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, -28);
427 end
428 end
430 function SCCN_CustomizeChatString(status)
433 if( status == 1 ) then
436 else
437 -- restore original
440 end
441 end
443 function SCCN_EditBoxKeysToggle(status)
444 if SCCN_OrgHistoryLines == nil then SCCN_OrgHistoryLines = ChatFrameEditBox:GetHistoryLines(); end
445 if( status == 1 ) then
446 ChatFrameEditBox:SetHistoryLines(250);
447 ChatFrameEditBox:SetAltArrowKeyMode(false);
448 else
449 -- restore original
450 ChatFrameEditBox:SetHistoryLines(16);
451 ChatFrameEditBox:SetHistoryLines(SCCN_OrgHistoryLines);
452 ChatFrameEditBox:SetAltArrowKeyMode(true);
453 end
454 end
456 function SCCN_STRIPCHANNAMEFUNC(a,b,c,d,e)
457 -- a = (%[)
458 -- b = (%d?)
459 -- c = (.?%s?"..SCCN_STRIPCHAN[i].."%]%s?)
460 -- d = (%])
461 -- e = (%s?)
462 if(SCCN_hidechanname == 1) then
463 if(c ~= nil and string.find(c,"%.") ) then
464 return a..b..d..e;
465 else
466 return;
467 end
468 end
469 --getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."ver1".."Label"):SetText(COLOR["RED"].."A["..COLOR["WHITE"]..a..COLOR["RED"].."] B["..COLOR["WHITE"]..b..COLOR["RED"].."] C["..COLOR["WHITE"]..c..COLOR["RED"].."] D["..COLOR["WHITE"]..d..COLOR["RED"].."]");
470 end
472 function SCCN_ChatFrame_OnUpdate()
473 local BottomButton = getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."BottomButton");
474 local DownButton = getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."DownButton");
475 local UpButton = getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."UpButton");
476 if( SCCN_HideChatButtons == 1 ) then
477 if BottomButton:IsVisible() then BottomButton:Hide(); end
478 if DownButton:IsVisible() then DownButton:Hide(); end
479 if UpButton:IsVisible() then UpButton:Hide(); end
480 if ChatFrameMenuButton:IsVisible() then ChatFrameMenuButton:Hide(); end
481 else
482 if not BottomButton:IsVisible() then BottomButton:Show(); end
483 if not DownButton:IsVisible() then DownButton:Show(); end
484 if not UpButton:IsVisible() then UpButton:Show(); end
485 if not ChatFrameMenuButton:IsVisible() then ChatFrameMenuButton:Show(); end
486 end
488 end
490 function SCCN_KeyBinding_ChatFrameEditBox(kommando)
491 if (not ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible()) then
492 ChatFrame_OpenChat(kommando);
493 else
494 ChatFrameEditBox:SetText(kommando);
495 end;
496 ChatFrameEditBox:Show();
497 ChatEdit_ParseText(ChatFrame1.editBox,0);
498 end
500 -------------------------------------------------
502 -------------------------------------------------
503 function SCCN_ForgottenChatNickName(Name)
504 local FCcolor = solColorChatNicks_GetColorFor(Name);
505 if( FCcolor ~= nil ) then
506 return solColorChatNicks_GetColorFor(Name)..Name.."|r";
507 else
508 return Name;
509 end
510 end
512 -------------------------------------------------
514 -------------------------------------------------
515 -- Color management
516 function solColorChatNicks_GetColorFor(name)
517 -- Default color
518 color = "";
519 -- Check if unit name exists in storage
520 if( SCCN_storage[name] ~= nil ) then
521 color = solColorChatNicks_GetClassColor(SCCN_storage[name]["c"]);
522 elseif( name == UnitName("player") ) then
523 -- You are the person. That's easy
524 local _, class = UnitClass("player");
525 local class = solColorChatNicks_ClassToNum(class);
526 color = solColorChatNicks_GetClassColor(class);
527 SCCN_storage[name] = { c = class, t=time() };
528 end
530 return color;
531 end
533 function solColorChatNicks_InsertFriends()
534 -- add current online friends
535 for i = 1, GetNumFriends() do
536 local name, _, class, _ = GetFriendInfo(i);
537 local class = solColorChatNicks_ClassToNum(class);
538 if( class ~= nil and name ~= nil ) then
539 SCCN_storage[name] = { c = class, t=time() };
540 end
541 end
542 end
544 function solColorChatNicks_InsertGuildMembers()
545 -- add current online guild members
546 for i = 1, GetNumGuildMembers() do
547 local name,_,_,_,class = GetGuildRosterInfo(i);
548 local class = solColorChatNicks_ClassToNum(class);
549 if( class ~= nil and name ~= nil ) then
550 SCCN_storage[name] = { c = class, t=time() };
551 end
552 end
553 end
555 function solColorChatNicks_InsertRaidMembers()
556 for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers() do
557 local name, _, _, _, _, class = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);
558 local class = solColorChatNicks_ClassToNum(class);
559 if( class ~= nil and name ~= nil ) then
560 SCCN_storage[name] = { c = class, t=time() };
561 end
562 end
563 end
565 function solColorChatNicks_InsertPartyMembers()
566 for i = 1, GetNumPartyMembers() do
567 local unit = "party" .. i;
568 local _, class = UnitClass(unit);
569 local name = UnitName(unit);
570 local class = solColorChatNicks_ClassToNum(class);
571 if( class ~= nil and name ~= nil ) then
572 SCCN_storage[name] = { c = class, t=time() };
573 end
574 end
575 end
577 -------------------------------------------------
579 -------------------------------------------------
580 function solColorChatNicks_ClassToNum(class)
581 if(class == "WARLOCK" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["WARLOCK"]) then
582 return 1;
583 elseif(class == "HUNTER" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["HUNTER"]) then
584 return 2;
585 elseif(class == "PRIEST" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["PRIEST"]) then
586 return 3;
587 elseif(class == "PALADIN" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["PALADIN"]) then
588 return 4;
589 elseif(class == "MAGE" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["MAGE"]) then
590 return 5;
591 elseif(class == "ROGUE" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["ROGUE"]) then
592 return 6;
593 elseif(class == "DRUID" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["DRUID"]) then
594 return 7;
595 elseif(class == "SHAMAN" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["SHAMAN"]) then
596 return 8;
597 elseif(class == "WARRIOR" or class == SCCN_LOCAL_CLASS["WARRIOR"]) then
598 return 9;
599 end
600 return 0;
601 end
603 function solColorChatNicks_ClassNumToRGB(classnum)
604 if(classnum == 1) then return {r=100,g=0,b=112}
605 elseif(classnum == 2) then return {r=81,g=140,b=11}
606 elseif(classnum == 3) then return {r=1,g=1,b=1}
607 elseif(classnum == 4) then return {r=255,g=0,b=255}
608 elseif(classnum == 5) then return {r=0,g=180,b=240}
609 elseif(classnum == 6) then return {r=220,g=200,b=0}
610 elseif(classnum == 7) then return {r=240,g=136,b=0}
611 elseif(classnum == 8) then return {r=255,g=0,b=255}
612 elseif(classnum == 9) then return {r=147,g=112,b=67}
613 else return {r=0,g=0,b=0}; end
614 end
616 function solColorChatNicks_GetClassColor(class)
617 if(class == 1) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["WARLOCK"];
618 elseif(class == 2) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["HUNTER"];
619 elseif(class == 3) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["PRIEST"];
620 elseif(class == 4) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["PALADIN"];
621 elseif(class == 5) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["MAGE"];
622 elseif(class == 6) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["ROGUE"];
623 elseif(class == 7) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["DRUID"];
624 elseif(class == 8) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["SHAMAN"];
625 elseif(class == 9) then return SCCN_RAID_COLORS["WARRIOR"];
626 end
628 end
630 -------------------------------------------------
631 -- Map Stuff
632 -------------------------------------------------
633 function SCCN_RefreshIcons()
634 if( UnitInRaid("player") and SCCN_colormap == 1 and GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 ) then
635 local classcolor = {}
636 local icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\solColorChatNicks\\gfx\\Icon";
637 local icon2 = icon.."2";
638 for i=1, MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
639 -- Full WorldMap colored Icons
640 local raidMemberFrame = getglobal("WorldMapRaid"..i);
641 if ( UnitInRaid(raidMemberFrame.unit) ) then
642 for x=1, GetNumRaidMembers() do
643 local name, _, _, _, _, class = GetRaidRosterInfo(x);
644 if ( name == UnitName(raidMemberFrame.unit) ) then
645 getglobal(raidMemberFrame:GetName().."Icon"):SetTexture(icon2);
646 local iconColor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class];
647 getglobal(raidMemberFrame:GetName().."Icon"):SetVertexColor(iconColor.r, iconColor.g, iconColor.b);
648 break;
649 end
650 end
651 else
652 getglobal(raidMemberFrame:GetName().."Icon"):SetTexture(icon);
653 getglobal(raidMemberFrame:GetName().."Icon"):SetVertexColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
654 end
655 -- BattleField Minimap colored icons
656 if ( IsAddOnLoaded("Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap") ) then
657 local BFMMFrame = getglobal("BattlefieldMinimapRaid"..i);
658 if ( UnitInRaid(BFMMFrame.unit) ) then
659 for x=1, GetNumRaidMembers() do
660 local name, _, _, _, _, class = GetRaidRosterInfo(x);
661 if ( name == UnitName(BFMMFrame.unit) ) then
662 local iconColor = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class];
663 getglobal(BFMMFrame:GetName().."Icon"):SetTexture(icon2);
664 getglobal(BFMMFrame:GetName().."Icon"):SetVertexColor(iconColor.r, iconColor.g, iconColor.b);
665 break;
666 end
667 end
668 else
669 getglobal(BFMMFrame:GetName().."Icon"):SetTexture(icon);
670 getglobal(BFMMFrame:GetName().."Icon"):SetVertexColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
671 end
672 end
673 end
674 end
675 end
677 function SCCN_BG_AutoMap(event)
678 if( SCCN_AutoBGMap == 1 ) then
679 local zone_text = GetZoneText()
680 if (zone_text == SCCN_LOCAL_ZONE["alterac"] or zone_text == SCCN_LOCAL_ZONE["warsong"] or zone_text == SCCN_LOCAL_ZONE["arathi"]) then
681 SCCN_write("Zone change into '"..zone_text.."' detected. AutoToggle BGMiniMap...");
682 ToggleBattlefieldMinimap();
683 end
684 end
685 end
688 --------------------------------------------------
689 -- Hyperlink and make clickable in chat Stuff
690 --------------------------------------------------
691 function SCCN_HyperlinkWindow(url)
692 if( url ~= nil ) then
693 getglobal( "solHyperlinkerEditBox" ):SetText( url );
694 -- solHyperlinkerForm:Hide();
695 solHyperlinkerForm:Show();
696 end
697 end
699 function SCCN_GetURL(before, URL, after)
701 return before.."|cff".."9999EE".. "|Href:" .. URL .. "|h[".. URL .."]|h|r" .. after;
702 end
704 function SCCN_SetItemRef(link, text, button)
705 if (string.sub(link, 1 , 3) == "ref") then
706 SCCN_HyperlinkWindow(string.sub(link,5));
707 return;
708 elseif (string.sub(link, 1 , 3) == "inv") then
709 InviteByName(string.sub(link,5));
710 else
711 SCCN_Org_SetItemRef(link, text, button);
712 end
713 end
715 function SCCN_ChanRewrite(before, msg, after)
716 -- maybe doing something special herein later
717 -- my Idea is to switch from highlighting to hiding or shortening
719 -- after = string.gsub(after , "]", "");
720 return before..after;
721 end
723 function SCCN_ClickInvite(before, msg, after)
724 if( string.len(after) > 0 and string.sub(after,1,1) ~= " " ) then
725 return before..msg..after;
726 end
728 return before.."|Hinv:" .. arg2 .. "|h["..msg.."]|h"..after;
729 end
731 --------------------------------------------------
732 -- Slash Command handlers
733 --------------------------------------------------
734 function SCCN_CMD_TT(msg)
735 if( UnitName("target") == nil ) then
736 SCCN_write("No Target for /tt");
737 return false;
738 end
739 if( msg ~= nil and string.len(msg) > 1 ) then
740 -- send a whisper to your target
741 SendChatMessage(msg, "WHISPER", this.language, UnitName("target"));
742 else
743 SCCN_write("Use: /tt This is a example!");
744 end
745 end
747 function solColorChatNicks_SlashCommand(cmd)
748 -- This function handle the Help and general Option calls
749 local cmd = string.lower(cmd);
750 if ( cmd == "hidechanname") then
751 if SCCN_hidechanname == 0 then
752 SCCN_hidechanname = 1;
753 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[1].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
754 else
755 SCCN_hidechanname = 0;
756 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[1].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
757 end;
758 elseif( cmd == "colornicks") then
759 if SCCN_colornicks == 0 then
760 SCCN_colornicks = 1;
761 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[2].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
762 else
763 SCCN_colornicks = 0;
764 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[2].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
765 end;
766 elseif( cmd == "mousescroll") then
767 if SCCN_mousescroll == 0 then
768 SCCN_mousescroll = 1;
769 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[3].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
770 else
771 SCCN_mousescroll = 0;
772 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[3].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
773 end;
774 elseif( cmd == "topeditbox") then
775 if( CONFAB_VERSION ) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CONFAB); return false; end;
776 if( SCCN_topeditbox == 1 ) then
777 SCCN_topeditbox = 0;
778 SCCN_EditBox(0);
779 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[4].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
780 else
781 SCCN_topeditbox = 1;
782 SCCN_EditBox(1);
783 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[4].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
784 end
785 elseif( cmd == "colormap") then
786 if( SCCN_colormap == 1 ) then
787 SCCN_colormap = 0;
788 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[6].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
789 else
790 SCCN_colormap = 1;
791 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[6].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
792 SCCN_RefreshIcons();
793 end
794 elseif( strsub(cmd, 1, 9) == "timestamp") then
795 if(string.len(cmd) > 9) then
796 -- more then just the toggleswitch
797 local more = strsub(cmd, 11);
798 if more then
799 if(more == "?" or more == "help") then
800 SCCN_write(SCCN_TS_HELP);
801 else
802 SCCN_ts_format = more;
803 SCCN_write("Timestamp format changed to: "..SCCN_ts_format);
804 end
805 else
806 SCCN_write(SCCN_TS_HELP);
807 end
808 else
809 if SCCN_timestamp == 0 then
810 SCCN_timestamp = 1;
811 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[5].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
812 else
813 SCCN_timestamp = 0;
814 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[5].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
815 end;
816 end
817 elseif( cmd == "selfhighlight") then
818 if SCCN_selfhighlight == 0 then
819 SCCN_selfhighlight = 1;
820 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[8].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
821 else
822 SCCN_selfhighlight = 0;
823 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[8].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
824 end;
825 elseif( cmd == "clickinvite") then
826 if SCCN_clickinvite == 0 then
827 SCCN_clickinvite = 1;
828 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[9].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
829 else
830 SCCN_clickinvite = 0;
831 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[9].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
832 end;
833 elseif( cmd == "editboxkeys") then
834 if SCCN_editboxkeys == 0 then
835 SCCN_EditBoxKeysToggle(1);
836 SCCN_editboxkeys = 1;
837 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[10].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
838 else
839 SCCN_EditBoxKeysToggle(0);
840 SCCN_editboxkeys = 0;
841 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[10].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
842 end;
843 elseif( cmd == "selfhighlightmsg") then
844 if SCCN_selfhighlightmsg == 0 then
845 SCCN_selfhighlightmsg = 1;
846 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[12].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
847 else
848 SCCN_selfhighlightmsg = 0;
849 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[12].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
850 end;
851 elseif( cmd == "chatstring") then
852 if SCCN_chatstring == 0 then
853 SCCN_chatstring = 1;
854 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[11].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
855 SCCN_CustomizeChatString(1);
856 else
857 SCCN_chatstring = 0;
858 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[11].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
859 SCCN_CustomizeChatString(0);
860 end;
861 elseif( cmd == "hyperlink") then
862 if SCCN_hyperlinker == 0 then
863 SCCN_hyperlinker = 1;
864 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[7].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
865 SCCN_Org_SetItemRef = SetItemRef;
866 SetItemRef = SCCN_SetItemRef;
867 else
868 SCCN_hyperlinker = 0;
869 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[7].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
870 if( SCCN_Org_SetItemRef ) then
871 SetItemRef = SCCN_Org_SetItemRef;
872 end
873 end;
874 elseif( cmd == "purge" ) then
875 solColorChatNicks_PurgeDB();
876 elseif( cmd == "hidechatbuttons" ) then
877 if(SCCN_HideChatButtons == 1) then
878 SCCN_HideChatButtons = 0;
879 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[13].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
880 else
881 SCCN_HideChatButtons = 1;
882 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[13].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
883 end
884 elseif( cmd == "killdb" ) then
885 SCCN_write("Whiped complete Database.");
886 SCCN_storage = {};
887 SCCN_OldStorage = {};
888 solColorChatNicks_PurgeDB();
889 elseif( cmd == "highlight" ) then
890 if(SCCN_Highlight == 1) then
891 SCCN_Highlight = 0;
892 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[15].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
893 else
894 SCCN_Highlight = 1;
895 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[15].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
896 end
897 elseif( cmd == "autobgmap" ) then
898 if(SCCN_AutoBGMap == 1) then
899 SCCN_AutoBGMap = 0;
900 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[14].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
901 else
902 SCCN_AutoBGMap = 1;
903 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[14].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
904 end
905 elseif( cmd == "autogossipskip" ) then
906 if(SCCN_AutoGossipSkip == 1) then
907 SCCN_AutoGossipSkip = 0;
908 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[17].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
909 else
910 SCCN_AutoGossipSkip = 1;
911 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[17].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
912 end
913 elseif( cmd == "autodismount" ) then
914 if(SCCN_AutoDismount == 1) then
915 SCCN_AutoDismount = 0;
916 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[18].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
917 else
918 SCCN_AutoDismount = 1;
919 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[18].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
920 end
921 elseif( cmd == "shortchanname" ) then
922 if(SCCN_shortchanname == 1) then
923 SCCN_shortchanname = 0;
924 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[16].."|cffff0000".." OFF");
925 else
926 SCCN_shortchanname = 1;
927 SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[16].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
928 end
929 elseif( cmd == "about" ) then
931 elseif( cmd == "status" ) then
932 SCCN_write("|cff006CFF ---[sOLARiZ Color Chat Nick's Status]---");
933 if( SCCN_colornicks == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[2].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
934 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[2].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
935 if( SCCN_hidechanname == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[1].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
936 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[1].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
937 if( SCCN_mousescroll == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[3].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
938 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[3].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
939 if( SCCN_topeditbox == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[4].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
940 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[4].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
941 if( SCCN_timestamp == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[5].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
942 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[5].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
943 if( SCCN_colormap == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[6].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
944 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[6].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
945 if( SCCN_hyperlinker == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[7].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
946 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[7].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
947 if( SCCN_selfhighlight == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[8].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
948 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[8].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
949 if( SCCN_clickinvite == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[9].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
950 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[9].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
951 if( SCCN_editboxkeys == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[10].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
952 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[10].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
953 if( SCCN_chatstring == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[11].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
954 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[11].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
955 if( SCCN_selfhighlightmsg == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[12].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
956 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[12].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
957 if( SCCN_HideChatButtons == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[13].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
958 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[13].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
959 if( SCCN_AutoBGMap == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[14].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
960 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[14].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
961 if( SCCN_shortchanname == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[16].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
962 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[16].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
963 if( SCCN_AutoGossipSkip == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[17].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
964 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[17].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
965 if( SCCN_AutoDismount == 1) then SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[18].."|cff00ff00".." ON");
966 else SCCN_write(SCCN_CMDSTATUS[18].."|cffff0000".." OFF"); end;
967 else
968 SCCNConfigForm:Show();
969 SCCN_write(SCCN_HELP[1]);
970 SCCN_write(SCCN_HELP[4]);
971 SCCN_write(SCCN_HELP[5]);
972 SCCN_write(SCCN_HELP[8]);
973 SCCN_write(SCCN_HELP[14]);
974 SCCN_write(SCCN_HELP[99]);
975 end
976 end
978 -----------------------------------------------
979 -- SCCN Config GUI Stuff
980 -----------------------------------------------
981 function SCCN_Config_OnLoad()
982 -- Setzen der UI Eigenschaften
983 -- * Version
984 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."ver1".."Label"):SetText(COLOR["SILVER"].."ver."..SCCN_VER);
985 -- * Help Einträge
986 getglobal("SCCNShortchanForm".."HLP1".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[2]);
987 getglobal("SCCNShortchanForm".."HLP2".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[19]);
988 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP2".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[3]);
989 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP3".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[6]);
990 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP4".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[7]);
991 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP5".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[9]);
992 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP6".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[10]);
994 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP8".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[12]);
995 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP9".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[13]);
996 --getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP10".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[15]);
997 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP11".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[16]);
998 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP12".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[20]);
999 getglobal("SCCNConfigForm".."HLP13".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[21]);
1001 getglobal("SCCN_Highlight_Form".."HLP0".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[17]);
1002 getglobal("SCCN_Highlight_Form".."HLP1".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[11]);
1003 getglobal("SCCN_Highlight_Form".."HLP2".."Label"):SetText(SCCN_HELP[15]);
1006 -- * Button Config auslesen und setzen
1007 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_hidechanname,1);
1008 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_shortchanname,7);
1009 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_colornicks,2);
1010 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_mousescroll,3);
1011 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_topeditbox,4);
1012 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_colormap,5);
1013 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_hyperlinker,6);
1014 --SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_selfhighlight,7);
1015 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_clickinvite,8);
1016 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_editboxkeys,9);
1017 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_HideChatButtons,11);
1018 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_AutoGossipSkip,12);
1019 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_AutoDismount,13);
1021 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_Highlight,100);
1022 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_selfhighlight,101);
1023 SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(SCCN_selfhighlightmsg,102);
1025 end
1027 function SCCN_Config_SetButtonState(val,buttonnr)
1028 if(val == 0 or val == false or val == nil) then
1029 getglobal( "SCCN_CONF_CHK"..buttonnr ):SetChecked(0);
1030 else
1031 getglobal( "SCCN_CONF_CHK"..buttonnr ):SetChecked(1);
1032 end
1033 end
1035 --------------------------------------------------------
1036 -- Misc functions
1037 --------------------------------------------------------
1039 function SCCN_OnGOSSIP()
1040 if SCCN_AutoGossipSkip == 1 then
1041 local GossipOptions = {};
1042 local append = ".";
1043 --SelectGossipOption(1);
1044 _,GossipOptions[1],_,GossipOptions[2],_,GossipOptions[3],_,GossipOptions[4],_,GossipOptions[5]= GetGossipOptions()
1045 for i=1, getn(GossipOptions) do
1046 if (GossipOptions[i] == "taxi") then SCCN_Dismount(); append=", Dismounting." end;
1047 if (GossipOptions[i] == "battlemaster" or GossipOptions[i] == "taxi" or GossipOptions[i] == "banker" or GossipOptions[i] == "trainer") then
1048 --SCCN_write("Skip Gossip: '"..GossipOptions[i].."' detected, Autoselecting Option "..i..append);
1049 SelectGossipOption(i);
1050 end
1051 end
1052 end
1053 end
1055 function SCCN_Dismount()
1056 if SCCN_AutoDismount == 1 then
1057 for i=0,15 do
1058 local buffIndex, untilCancelled = GetPlayerBuff(i, "HELPFUL");
1059 if GetPlayerBuffTexture(buffIndex) then
1060 if string.find(GetPlayerBuffTexture(buffIndex),"Mount") then
1061 CancelPlayerBuff(buffIndex);
1062 end
1063 end
1064 end
1065 end
1066 end