vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 -- MarsMessageParser.lua
3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 --
5 -- This file Copyright (C) 2005 MarsMod. All rights reserved.
6 --
7 -- You are permitted to include this file in your AddOns provided that you
8 -- do not modify it. Suggestions and bug reports should be sent to
9 -- MarsMod @
10 --
11 -- You are also permitted to modify this file, but only if you first
12 -- replace all occurances of "MarsMessageParser" with "YourMod".
13 --
14 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 --
16 -- How to use MarsMessageParser:
17 --
18 -- 1. Decide on what your "clientId" will be. Lets use "MyAddOn" for this
19 -- example.
20 --
21 -- 2. Write a function that you want called when certain messages arrive:
22 -- function MyAddOn_DeclareWinner(player, itemText)
23 -- DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(itemText.." goes to "..player..".");
24 -- end
25 -- function MyAddOn_DeclareSelfWinner(itemText)
26 -- MyAddOn_DeclareWinner(UnitName("player"), itemText);
27 -- end
28 --
29 -- 3. Register your functions in the order you want them checked:
30 -- MarsMessageParser_RegisterFunction("MyAddOn", LOOT_ROLL_YOU_WON,
31 -- MyAddOn_DeclareSelfWinner, true);
32 -- MarsMessageParser_RegisterFunction("MyAddOn", LOOT_ROLL_WON,
33 -- MyAddOn_DeclareWinner, true);
34 --
35 -- 4. Somewhere in your event handling code, add something like this:
36 -- if(event == "CHAT_MSG_LOOT") then
37 -- MarsMessageParser_ParseMessage("MyAddOn", arg1);
38 -- end
39 --
40 -- The message parser will try to check arg1 against all your registered
41 -- functions in the order you registered them and will call the first
42 -- function that matches.
43 --
44 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
45 --
46 -- API Specification
47 --
48 -- MarsMessageParser_RegisterFunction(clientId, formatString, func, endsWithLink)
49 -- clientId - a string unique to your AddOn to avoid AddOn conflict
50 -- formatString - the localized format from GlobalVariables.lua for the
51 -- message you want to check for
52 -- func - the function that you want called when that message arrives.
53 -- the parameters in formatString will be passed into your function
54 -- in the local-independent order
55 -- endsWithLink - if true, tells the message parser to treat the last
56 -- seven parameters in the local-independent order as the seven
57 -- parameters for a textual item link. these parameters will then be
58 -- wrapped up into a single string parameter for passing to your
59 -- function
60 --
61 -- MarsMessageParser_ParseMessage(clientId, message)
62 -- clientId - a string unique to your AddOn to avoid AddOn conflict
63 -- message - the localized message received from the server
64 --
65 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 local parseRegistrations;
68 local ParseFunction;
69 local parseBuffer;
70 local parseOrder;
71 local parseCount;
73 if((not MarsMessageParser_Version) or (MarsMessageParser_Version < 10)) then
75 MarsMessageParser_Version = 10;
77 parseRegistrations = {};
79 ParseFunction = function (character)
80 local result;
81 if(not parseBuffer) then
82 if(character == "%") then
83 parseBuffer = character;
84 result = "";
85 else
86 if(string.find(character, "[%^%$%(%)%%%.%[%]%*%+%-%?]")) then
87 result = "%"..character;
88 else
89 result = character;
90 end
91 end
92 else
93 parseBuffer = parseBuffer..character;
94 if(string.find(character, "[%%cdEefgGiouXxqs]")) then
95 local order;
96 _, _, order = string.find(parseBuffer, "(%d+)%$");
97 parseCount = parseCount + 1;
98 if(order) then
99 parseOrder[parseCount] = tonumber(order);
100 else
101 parseOrder[parseCount] = parseCount;
102 end
103 result = "(.+)";
104 parseBuffer = nil;
105 elseif(string.find(character, "[%$%.%d]")) then
106 result = "";
107 else
108 result = parseBuffer;
109 parseBuffer = nil;
110 end
111 end
112 return result;
113 end
115 function MarsMessageParser_RegisterFunction(clientId, formatString, func, endsWithLink)
116 if(not parseRegistrations[clientId]) then
117 parseRegistrations[clientId] = {};
118 end
119 parseBuffer = nil;
120 parseOrder = {};
121 parseCount = 0;
122 local parseString = string.gsub(formatString, ".", ParseFunction);
123 local registerId = table.getn(parseRegistrations[clientId]) + 1;
124 parseRegistrations[clientId][registerId] = { parseString, parseOrder, func, endsWithLink };
125 end
127 function MarsMessageParser_ParseMessage(clientId, message)
128 local registerId = 1;
129 local findResult;
130 if(not parseRegistrations[clientId]) then
131 return;
132 end
133 repeat
134 findResult = {string.find(message, parseRegistrations[clientId][registerId][1])};
135 if(findResult[1]) then
136 local i, n;
137 local callResult = {};
138 n = table.getn(findResult);
139 for i=3,n do
140 callResult[parseRegistrations[clientId][registerId][2][i-2]] = findResult[i];
141 end
142 n = n - 2;
143 if(parseRegistrations[clientId][registerId][4]) then
144 callResult[n-6] = string.format("%s|Hitem:%s:%s:%s:%s|h[%s]|h%s", callResult[n-6], callResult[n-5], callResult[n-4], callResult[n-3], callResult[n-2], callResult[n-1], callResult[n]);
145 for i=n,n-5,-1 do
146 callResult[i] = nil;
147 end
148 end
149 parseRegistrations[clientId][registerId][3](unpack(callResult));
150 return;
151 end
152 registerId = registerId + 1;
153 until(not parseRegistrations[clientId][registerId]);
154 end
156 end