vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 SBF_BUFF_SCALE = "Buff Scale"
2 SBF_DEBUFF_SCALE = "Debuff Scale"
3 SBF_ENCHANT_SCALE = "Temp Enchant Scale"
4 SBF_TEXT_SCALE = "Text Scale"
5 SBF_SPACING = "Spacing"
6 SBF_BUFF_OPACITY = "Buff Opacity"
7 SBF_DEBUFF_OPACITY = "Debuff Opacity"
8 SBF_ENCHANT_OPACITY = "Temp Enchant Opacity"
9 SBF_BUFFROWS= "Buff Rows"
10 SBF_BUFFCOLUMNS = "Buff Columns"
11 SBF_DEBUFFROWS= "Debuff Rows"
12 SBF_DEBUFFCOLUMNS = "Debuff Columns"
14 SBF_DEBUFFHORIZONTAL = "Debuffs in Rows"
15 SBF_REVERSEBUFF = "Reverse Buff Order"
16 SBF_REVERSEDEBUFF = "Reverse Debuff Order"
17 SBF_BLIZZARDTIMERS = "Blizzard style timers"
18 SBF_EXPIREWARN = "Show Expiry Warning"
19 SBF_EXPIRESOUND = "Play Expiry Warning"
20 SBF_SOUNDCHOOSE = "Expiry Sound"
21 SBF_BUFFEXPIRE = " |r is about to expire"
22 SBF_HOME = "Home"
23 SBF_UISCALE = "Use UI Scale"
24 SBF_VERSION = "Satrina Buff Frame |cff00ff00"
25 SBF_NEWPLAYER = "Satrina Buff Frame new player: "
26 SBF_MENU = "Buff Frame Options"
27 SBF_LONGBUFF = "Warn only for long buffs"
28 SBF_WARNSOUND = "Warning Sound"
29 SBF_MINTIME = "Minimum Buff Time"
30 SBF_UPDATE = "Updating to Satrina Buff Frame %.2f"
31 SBF_ADDONMENU = "Enable Addon Menu"
32 SBF_ADDONMENU_DISABLE = "This change will take effect when the game is restarted (or /console reloadui)"
33 SBF_VERTICALENCHANTS = "Vertical Enchants"
34 SBF_SIXTEENBUFFS = "Show only 16 buffs"
35 SBF_BOTTOM = "Start at bottom"