vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 OneStorage = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceEvent-2.0", "AceHook-2.0", "AceDebug-2.0", "AceConsole-2.0")
2 local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("OneView")
4 function OneStorage:OnInitialize()
5 self:RegisterEvent("OneView_Loaded")
6 end
8 function OneStorage:OneView_Loaded()
9 if not self.db then
10 self.db = OneView:AcquireDBNamespace("storage")
11 OneView:RegisterDefaults("storage", 'account', { ['*'] = { ['*'] = { } } })
12 local AceDB = AceLibrary("AceDB-2.0")
13 self.faction = AceDB.FACTION
14 self.charId = AceDB.CHAR_ID
15 end
17 self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE", function() self:SaveBag(arg1) end)
18 self:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_OPENED", function() self.bankOpened = true self:SaveBag(-1) for i=5,10 do self:SaveBag(i) end end)
19 self:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_CLOSED", function() self.bankOpened = false end)
20 self:RegisterEvent("PLAYERBANKSLOTS_CHANGED", function() self:SaveBag(-1) end)
21 self:RegisterEvent("PLAYERBANKBAGSLOTS_CHANGED" , function() self:SaveBag(-1) end)
23 self:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED", "SaveEquipment")
25 self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MONEY", "SaveMoney")
26 self:SaveEquipment()
27 self:SaveMoney()
29 for bag = 0, 4 do
30 self:SaveBag(bag)
31 end
32 end
34 function OneStorage:SaveMoney()
35 self.db.account[self.faction][self.charId]["money"] = GetMoney()
36 end
38 function OneStorage:SaveBag(bag)
39 local size = GetContainerNumSlots(bag) or 0
41 if (bag > 4 and bag <= 10) and not self.bankOpened then return end
43 if bag > 0 then
44 local link = GetInventoryItemLink("player", bag < 5 and bag + 19 or bag + 59)
45 local _, _, code = strfind(link or "", "(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)")
46 local info = code and (code .. "," .. size) or nil
47 isAmmo, isSoul, isProf = self:GetBagTypes(bag)
48 if info then
49 info = format("%s,%s,%s,%s", info, tostring(isAmmo), tostring(isSoul), tostring(isProf))
50 end
51 self.db.account[self.faction][self.charId][bag .. 0] = info
52 elseif(bag == 0) then
53 self.db.account[self.faction][self.charId][bag .. 0] = "nil,16,false,false,false"
54 elseif(bag == -1) then
55 self.db.account[self.faction][self.charId][bag .. 0] = "nil,24,false,false,false"
56 end
58 for slot = 1, size do
59 local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot)
60 local _, qty = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot)
61 local _, _, code = strfind(link or "", "(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)")
62 local info = code and (code .. "," .. qty) or nil
63 self.db.account[self.faction][self.charId][bag .. slot] = info
64 end
65 end
67 function OneStorage:SaveEquipment()
68 for slot = 0, 19 do
69 local link = GetInventoryItemLink("player",slot)
70 if (link) then
71 local _, _, code = strfind(link or "", "(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)")
72 self.db.account[self.faction][self.charId]["e" .. slot] = code
73 else
74 self.db.account[self.faction][self.charId]["e" .. slot] = code
75 end
76 end
77 self.db.account[self.faction][self.charId]["relic"] = UnitHasRelicSlot("player")
78 end
80 function OneStorage:Trim(msg)
81 if not msg then return end
82 local results = string.gsub(msg, "^%s+", "")
83 return string.gsub(results, "%s+$", "")
84 end
86 function OneStorage:Split(string, sep)
87 if (not string or type(string) ~= "string") then error("Bad String was a " .. type(string) .. "value: " .. (string or "nil"), 2) end
88 local x, y = (strfind(string , sep) or 0), (strlen(sep) or 1)
89 return (tonumber(strsub(string, 1, x-1)) or strsub(string, 1, x-1)), (tonumber(strsub(string, x+y)) or strsub(string, x+y))
90 end
92 function OneStorage:Explode(string, sep)
93 if (not string) then return end
94 if (type(string) ~= "string") then error("Bad String was a " .. type(string) .. "value: " .. (string or "nil"), 2) end
95 local a, b = self:Split(string, sep)
96 if (not b or b == "") then return a; end
97 if (not strfind(b, sep)) then return a, b; end
98 return a, self:Explode(b, sep)
99 end
101 function OneStorage:SlotInfo(faction, charId, bag, slot)
102 local info = self.db.account[faction or self.faction][charId or self.charId][bag .. slot]
103 if info then
104 return self:Split(info, ",")
105 end
106 end
108 function OneStorage:BagInfo(faction, charId, bag)
109 local info = self.db.account[faction or self.faction][charId or self.charId][bag .. 0]
110 if info then
111 local itemId, size, isAmmo, isSoul, isProf = self:Explode(info, ",")
112 return itemId, size, (isAmmo == "true"), (isSoul == "true"), (isProf == "true")
113 end
114 end
116 function OneStorage:HasRelic(faction, charId)
117 return self.db.account[faction or self.faction][charId or self.charId]["relic"]
118 end
120 function OneStorage:EquipmentInfo(faction, charId, slot)
121 return self.db.account[faction or self.faction][charId or self.charId]["e" .. slot]
122 end
124 function OneStorage:GetMoney(faction, charId)
125 return self.db.account[faction or self.faction][charId or self.charId]["money"]
126 end
128 function OneStorage:GetBagTypes(bag)
129 if( bag <= 0 ) then return end
131 local _, _, id = strfind(GetInventoryItemLink("player", ContainerIDToInventoryID(bag)) or "", "item:(%d+)");
132 if id then
133 local _, _, _, _, itemType, subType = GetItemInfo(id);
134 return (itemType == L"Quiver" or false), (subType == L"Soul Bag" or false), (( itemType == L"Container" and not (subType == L"Bag" or subType == L"Soul Bag") ) or false)
135 end
136 end
138 function OneStorage:GetCharListByServerId()
139 local list = {}
140 for k, v in OneStorage.db.account do
141 for k2, v2 in v do
142 local _, _, name, server = string.find(k2, "(.+) of (.+)")
143 serverId = format("%s - %s", server, k)
145 if not list[serverId] then list[serverId] = {} end
146 table.insert(list[serverId], string.format("%s - %s", name, k2) )
147 sort(list[serverId])
148 end
149 end
150 return list
151 end