vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --$Id: OneCore.lua 8409 2006-08-19 02:27:30Z kaelten $
2 OneCore = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceEvent-2.0", "AceModuleCore-2.0", "AceHook-2.0")
4 local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("OneBag")
6 function OneCore:OnInitialize()
7 self:Hook("BankFrame_OnEvent", function(event)
8 LoadAddOn("OneBank")
9 local module = self:HasModule("OneBank") and self:GetModule("OneBank")
10 if not module or not module:IsActive() then
11 self.hooks.BankFrame_OnEvent.orig(event)
12 end
13 end)
15 self.defaults = {
16 cols = 10,
17 scale = 1,
18 alpha = 1,
19 colors = {
20 mouseover = {r = 0, g = .7, b = 1},
21 ammo = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0},
22 soul = {r = .5, g = .5, b = 1},
23 prof = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 1},
24 bground = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = .45},
25 glow = false,
26 rarity = true,
27 },
28 show = {
29 ['*'] = true
30 },
31 strata = 2,
32 locked = false,
33 clamped = true,
34 bagBreak = false,
35 vAlign = L"Top",
36 }
39 self.modulePrototype.colWidth = 39
40 self.modulePrototype.rowHeight = 39
41 self.modulePrototype.topBorder = 2
42 self.modulePrototype.bottomBorder = 24
43 self.modulePrototype.rightBorder = 5
44 self.modulePrototype.leftBorder = 8
46 self.modulePrototype.stratas = {
47 "LOW",
48 "MEDIUM",
49 "HIGH",
50 "DIALOG",
54 }
56 end
58 function OneCore:GetFreshOptionsTable(module)
59 local self = module
60 return {
61 type="group",
62 args = {
63 frame = {
64 name = L"Frame", type = 'group',
65 desc = L"Frame Options", order = 2,
66 args = {
67 cols = {
68 name = L"Columns", type = "range", step = 1,
69 desc = L"Sets the number of columns to use",
70 get = function() return self.db.profile.cols end,
71 set = function(num)
72 self.db.profile.cols = num
73 self:OrganizeFrame(true)
74 end,
75 min = 5, max = 20,
76 },
77 scale = {
78 name = L"Scale", type = "range",
79 desc = L"Sets the scale of the frame",
80 get = function() return self.db.profile.scale end,
81 set = function(num)
82 self.db.profile.scale = num
83 self.frame:SetScale(num)
84 if self.frame.bagFrame then
85 self.frame.bagFrame:SetScale(num)
86 local shownContainerID = IsBagOpen(KEYRING_CONTAINER)
87 if ( shownContainerID and not self.isBank) then
88 local frame = getglobal("ContainerFrame"..shownContainerID)
89 frame:SetScale(num)
90 end
91 end
92 end,
93 min = .2, max = 2,
94 isPercent = true,
95 },
96 strata = {
97 name = L"Strata", type = "range",
98 desc = L"Sets the strata of the frame",
99 get = function() return self.db.profile.strata end,
100 set = function(num)
101 self.db.profile.strata = num
102 self.frame:SetFrameStrata(self.stratas[num])
103 if self.frame.bagFrame then
104 self.frame.bagFrame:SetFrameStrata(self.stratas[num])
105 end
106 StackSplitFrame:SetFrameStrata(self.stratas[num+1])
107 end,
108 min = 1, max = 5, step = 1,
109 },
110 bagbreak = {
111 name = L"Bag Break", type = "toggle",
112 desc = L"Sets wether to start a new row at the beginning of a bag.",
113 get = function() return self.db.profile.bagBreak end,
114 set = function(value)
115 self.db.profile.bagBreak = value
116 self:OrganizeFrame(true)
117 end,
118 },
119 valign = {
120 name = L"Vertical Alignment", type = "text",
121 desc = L"Sets wether to have the extra spaces on the top or bottom.",
122 get = function() return self.db.profile.vAlign end,
123 set = function(value)
124 self.db.profile.vAlign = value
125 self:OrganizeFrame(true)
126 end,
127 validate = {L"Top", L"Bottom"}
128 },
129 alpha = {
130 name = L"Alpha", type = "range",
131 desc = L"Sets the alpha of the frame",
132 get = function() return self.db.profile.alpha end,
133 set = function(num)
134 self.db.profile.alpha = num
135 self.frame:SetAlpha(num)
136 if self.frame.bagFrame then
137 self.frame.bagFrame:SetAlpha(num)
139 local shownContainerID = IsBagOpen(KEYRING_CONTAINER)
140 if ( shownContainerID and not self.isBank) then
141 local frame = getglobal("ContainerFrame"..shownContainerID)
142 frame:SetAlpha(num)
143 end
144 end
145 end,
146 min = .05, max = 1,
147 isPercent = true,
148 },
149 locked = {
150 name = L"Locked",
151 type = 'toggle',
152 desc = L"Toggles the ability to move the frame",
153 get = function() return self.db.profile.locked end,
154 set = function(v)
155 self.db.profile.locked = v
156 end,
157 },
158 clamped = {
159 name = L"Clamped",
160 type = 'toggle',
161 desc = L"Toggles the ability to drag the frame off screen.",
162 get = function() return self.db.profile.clamped end,
163 set = function(v)
164 self.db.profile.clamped = v
165 self.frame:SetClampedToScreen(v)
166 if self.frame.bagFrame then
167 self.frame.bagFrame:SetClampedToScreen(v)
168 end
169 end,
170 },
171 }
172 },
173 show = {
174 name = L"Show", type = 'group', order = 3,
175 desc = L"Various Display Options",
176 args = {
177 counts = {
178 name = L"Counts",
179 type = 'toggle', order = 1,
180 desc = L"Toggles showing the counts for special bags.",
181 get = function() return end,
182 set = function(v)
183 = v
184 if self.DoBankSlotCounts then
185 self:DoBankSlotCounts()
186 self:DoInventorySlotCounts()
187 else
188 self:DoSlotCounts()
189 end
190 end,
191 },
192 direction = {
193 cmdName = L"Direction", guiName = L"Forward",
194 type = 'toggle', order = 2,
195 desc = L"Toggles direction the bags are shown",
196 get = function() return end,
197 set = function(v)
198 = v
199 self:OrganizeFrame(true)
200 end,
201 map = { [false] = L"|cffff0000Reverse|r", [true] = L"|cff00ff00Forward|r" }
202 },
203 ammo = {
204 name = L"Ammo Bag", type = 'toggle', order = 3,
205 desc = L"Turns display of ammo bags on and off.",
206 get = function() return end,
207 set = function(v)
208 = v
209 self:OrganizeFrame(true)
210 end,
211 },
212 soul = {
213 name = L"Soul Bag", type = 'toggle', order = 4,
214 desc = L"Turns display of soul bags on and off.",
215 get = function() return end,
216 set = function(v)
217 = v
218 self:OrganizeFrame(true)
219 end,
220 },
221 prof = {
222 name = L"Profession Bag", type = 'toggle', order = 4.5,
223 desc = L"Turns display of profession bags on and off.",
224 get = function() return end,
225 set = function(v)
226 = v
227 self:OrganizeFrame(true)
228 end,
229 },
230 }
231 },
232 colors = {
233 name = L"Colors", type = 'group', order = 1,
234 desc = L"Different color code settings.",
235 args = {
236 mouseover = {
237 name = L"Mouseover Color", type = "color", order = 1,
238 desc = L"Changes the highlight color for when you mouseover a bag slot.",
239 get = function()
240 local color = self.db.profile.colors.mouseover
241 return color.r, color.g, color.b
242 end,
243 set = function(r, g, b) self.db.profile.colors.mouseover = {r = r, g = g, b = b} end,
244 },
245 ammo = {
246 name = L"Ammo Bag Color", type = "color", order = 2,
247 desc = L"Changes the highlight color for Ammo Bags.",
248 get = function()
249 local color = self.db.profile.colors.ammo
250 return color.r, color.g, color.b
251 end,
252 set = function(r, g, b)
253 self.db.profile.colors.ammo = {r = r, g = g, b = b}
254 for k, bag in self.fBags do
255 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
256 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
257 self:SetBorderColor(v)
258 end
259 end
260 end
261 end,
262 },
263 soul = {
264 name = L"Soul Bag Color", type = "color", order = 3,
265 desc = L"Changes the highlight color for Soul Bags.",
266 get = function()
267 local color = self.db.profile.colors.soul
268 return color.r, color.g, color.b
269 end,
270 set = function(r, g, b)
271 self.db.profile.colors.soul = {r = r, g = g, b = b}
272 for k, bag in self.fBags do
273 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
274 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
275 self:SetBorderColor(v)
276 end
277 end
278 end
279 end,
280 },
281 prof = {
282 name = L"Profession Bag Color", type = "color", order = 4,
283 desc = L"Changes the highlight color for Profession Bags.",
284 get = function()
285 local color =
286 return color.r, color.g, color.b
287 end,
288 set = function(r, g, b)
289 = {r = r, g = g, b = b}
290 for k, bag in self.fBags do
291 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
292 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
293 self:SetBorderColor(v)
294 end
295 end
296 end
297 end,
298 },
299 background = {
300 name = L"Background Color", type = "color", order = 5,
301 desc = L"Changes the background color for the frame.",
302 get = function()
303 local color = self.db.profile.colors.bground
304 return color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a
305 end,
306 set = function(r, g, b, a)
307 self.db.profile.colors.bground = {r = r, g = g, b = b, a = a}
308 self.frame:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, a)
309 if self.frame.bagFrame then
310 self.frame.bagFrame:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, a)
311 end
312 end,
313 hasAlpha = true,
314 },
315 glow = {
316 name = L"Highlight Glow", type = 'toggle', order = 6,
317 desc = L"Turns hightlight glow on and off.",
318 get = function() return self.db.profile.colors.glow end,
319 set = function(v)
320 self.db.profile.colors.glow = v
321 for k, bag in self.fBags do
322 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
323 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
324 self:SetBorderColor(v)
325 end
326 end
327 end
328 end,
329 },
330 rarity = {
331 name = L"Rarity Coloring", type = 'toggle', order = 7,
332 desc = L"Turns rarity coloring on and off.",
333 get = function() return self.db.profile.colors.rarity end,
334 set = function(v)
335 self.db.profile.colors.rarity = v
336 for k, bag in self.fBags do
337 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
338 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
339 self:SetBorderColor(v)
340 end
341 end
342 end
343 end,
344 },
345 reset = {
346 name = L'Reset', type = 'group', order = -1,
347 desc = L"Reset the different colors.",
348 args = {
349 mouseover = {
350 name = L"Mouseover Color", type = "execute",
351 desc = L"Returns your mouseover color to the default.",
352 func = function()
353 self.db.profile.colors.mouseover = {r = 0, g = .7, b = 1}
354 end,
355 order = 1
356 },
357 ammo = {
358 name = L"Ammo Slot Color", type = "execute",
359 desc = L"Returns your ammo slot color to the default.",
360 func = function()
361 self.db.profile.colors.ammo = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0}
362 for k, bag in self.fBags do
363 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
364 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
365 self:SetBorderColor(v)
366 end
367 end
368 end
369 end,
370 order = 2
371 },
372 soul = {
373 name = L"Soul Slot Color", type = "execute",
374 desc = L"Returns your soul slot color to the default.",
375 func = function()
376 self.db.profile.colors.soul = {r = .5, g = .5, b = 1}
377 for k, bag in self.fBags do
378 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
379 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
380 self:SetBorderColor(v)
381 end
382 end
383 end
384 end,
385 order = 3
386 },
387 prof = {
388 name = L"Profession Slot Color", type = "execute",
389 desc = L"Returns your profession slot color to the default.",
390 func = function()
391 = {r = 1, g = 0, b = 1}
392 for k, bag in self.fBags do
393 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
394 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
395 self:SetBorderColor(v)
396 end
397 end
398 end
399 end,
400 order = 4
401 },
402 background = {
403 name = L"Background", type = "execute",
404 desc = L"Returns your frame background to the default.",
405 func = function()
406 self.db.profile.colors.bground = {r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = .45}
407 self.frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .45)
408 if self.frame.bagFrame then
409 self.frame.bagFrame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, .45)
410 end
411 end,
412 order = 5
413 }
414 }
415 }
416 }
417 }
418 }
419 }
420 end
422 function OneCore:LoadOptionalCommands(baseArgs, module)
423 local self = module
424 if IsAddOnLoaded("MrPlow") then
425 baseArgs.args.plow = {
426 name = L"Plow!", type = "execute",
427 desc = L"Organizes your bags.",
428 func = function() self:MrPlow() end,
429 order = -5,
430 notes = L"- Note: This option only appears if you have MrPlow installed"
431 }
432 end
433 end
435 function OneCore:CopyTable(from, into)
436 if type(into) ~= "table" then into = {} end
438 for key, val in from do
439 if( type(val) == "table" ) then
440 into[key] = self:CopyTable(val)
441 else
442 into[key] = val
443 end
444 end
446 if (getn(from)) then
447 table.setn(into, getn(from))
448 end
450 return into
451 end
453 local module = OneCore.modulePrototype
455 function module:BuildFrame()
456 debugprofilestart()
457 if self.isBank then
458 if not self.frame.bags[BANK_CONTAINER] then
459 self.frame.bags[BANK_CONTAINER] = CreateFrame("Frame", "BBankFrame", self.frame)
461 self.frame.bags[BANK_CONTAINER].size = 24
462 for slot = 1, 24 do
463 self.frame.bags[BANK_CONTAINER][slot] = CreateFrame("Button", self.frame.bags[BANK_CONTAINER]:GetName().."Item"..slot, self.frame.bags[BANK_CONTAINER], "OneBankItemButtonTemplate")
464 self.frame.bags[BANK_CONTAINER][slot]:SetID(slot)
465 end
466 self.needToOrganize = true
467 end
468 end
470 for k, bag in self.fBags do
471 local size = GetContainerNumSlots(bag)
472 for slot = 1, size do
473 if not self.frame.bags[bag] then
474 self.frame.bags[bag] = CreateFrame("Frame", tostring(self)..bag, self.frame)
475 self.frame.bags[bag]:SetID(bag)
476 end
477 if not self.frame.bags[bag][slot] then
478 self.frame.bags[bag][slot] = CreateFrame("Button", tostring(self)..bag.."Item"..slot, self.frame.bags[bag], "OneBagItemButtonTemplate")
479 self.frame.bags[bag][slot]:SetID(slot)
480 self.needToOrganize = true
481 end
482 end
483 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
484 local curBag = self.frame.bags[bag]
485 local isAmmo, isSoul, isProf = self:GetBagTypes(bag)
486 if curBag.size ~= size or curBag.isAmmo ~= isAmmo or curBag.isSoul ~= isSoul or curBag.isProf ~= isProf then
487 self.needToOrganize = true
488 end
489 curBag.size, curBag.isAmmo, curBag.isSoul, curBag.isProf = size, isAmmo, isSoul, isProf
490 end
491 end
492 self:Debug(L"%s ran in %s", "BuildFrame", debugprofilestop())
493 end
495 function module:OrganizeFrame(needs)
496 debugprofilestart()
497 if not self.needToOrganize and not needs then return end
498 self.needToOrganize = false
500 local cols, curCol, curRow, justinc = self.db.profile.cols, 1, 1, false
502 self.soulSlots, self.ammoSlots, self.profSlots, self.slotCount, self.totalCount = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
504 for k, bag in self.fBags do
505 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
506 for k2, v2 in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
507 v2:Hide()
508 end
509 self.totalCount = self.totalCount + (self.frame.bags[bag].size or 0)
510 end
511 end
513 if self.db.profile.vAlign == L"Bottom" then
514 curCol = math.mod(self.totalCount, cols) > 0 and cols - math.mod(self.totalCount, cols) + 1 or 1
515 if self.db.profile.bagBreak then
516 for k, bag in self.fBags do
517 if self.frame.bags[bag] and self.frame.bags[bag].size then curCol = curCol - 1 end
518 end
519 curCol = curCol + 1
520 end
521 end
524 for k, bag in ( and self.fBags or self.rBags) do
525 local curBag = self.frame.bags[bag]
527 if curBag and curBag.size and curBag.size > 0 then
528 if bag > 0 and math.mod(self.frame.bags[bag-1] and self.frame.bags[bag-1].size or 0, cols) ~= 0 and self.db.profile.bagBreak then
529 curCol = curCol + 1
530 if curCol > cols then curCol, curRow, justinc = 1, curRow + 1, true end
531 end
532 if curBag.isAmmo then
533 self.ammoSlots = self.ammoSlots + curBag.size
534 elseif curBag.isSoul then
535 self.soulSlots = self.soulSlots + curBag.size
536 elseif curBag.isProf then
537 self.profSlots = self.profSlots + curBag.size
538 else
539 self.slotCount = self.slotCount + curBag.size
540 end
541 if self:ShouldShow(bag, curBag.isAmmo, curBag.isSoul, curBag.isProf) then
542 for slot = 1, curBag.size do
543 justinc = false
544 curBag[slot]:ClearAllPoints()
545 curBag[slot]:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self.frame:GetName(), "TOPLEFT", self.leftBorder + (self.colWidth * (curCol - 1)) , 0 - self.topBorder - (self.rowHeight * curRow))
546 curBag[slot]:Show()
547 curCol = curCol + 1
548 if curCol > cols then curCol, curRow, justinc = 1, curRow + 1, true end
549 end
550 end
551 end
552 end
553 self:Debug("CurrentRow: %s", curRow)
555 if not justinc then curRow = curRow + 1 end
556 self.frame:SetHeight(curRow * self.rowHeight + self.bottomBorder + self.topBorder)
557 self.frame:SetWidth(cols * self.colWidth + self.leftBorder + self.rightBorder)
559 self:Debug(L"%s ran in %s", "OrganizeFrame", debugprofilestop())
561 end
563 function module:SetBorderColor(slot)
564 local color = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 1}
566 local bag = slot:GetParent()
567 local special = false
569 if bag.isAmmo then
570 color = self.db.profile.colors.ammo
571 special = true
572 elseif bag.isSoul then
573 color = self.db.profile.colors.soul
574 special = true
575 elseif bag.isProf then
576 color =
577 special = true
578 elseif self.db.profile.colors.rarity then
579 local _, _, hex = strfind(GetContainerItemLink(bag:GetID(), slot:GetID()) or "", "(|cff%x%x%x%x%x%x)")
581 for k, v in ipairs(ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS) do
582 if hex == v.hex then
583 color = v
584 if k > 1 then
585 special = true
586 end
587 end
588 end
589 end
591 if special and self.db.profile.colors.glow then
592 slot:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-ActionButton-Border")
593 slot:GetNormalTexture():SetBlendMode("ADD")
594 slot:GetNormalTexture():SetAlpha(.8)
595 slot:GetNormalTexture():SetPoint("CENTER", slot:GetName(), "CENTER", 0, 1)
596 elseif special then
597 slot:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\OneBag\\BagSlot2")
598 slot:GetNormalTexture():SetBlendMode("BLEND")
599 slot:GetNormalTexture():SetPoint("CENTER", slot:GetName(), "CENTER", 0, 0)
600 else
601 slot:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\OneBag\\BagSlot")
602 slot:GetNormalTexture():SetBlendMode("BLEND")
603 slot:GetNormalTexture():SetPoint("CENTER", slot:GetName(), "CENTER", 0, 0)
604 end
605 slot:GetNormalTexture():SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
606 end
608 function module:GetBagTypes(bag)
609 if( bag <= 0 ) then return end
611 local _, _, id = strfind(GetInventoryItemLink("player", ContainerIDToInventoryID(bag)) or "", "item:(%d+)");
612 if id then
613 local _, _, _, _, itemType, subType = GetItemInfo(id);
614 return (itemType == L"Quiver" or false), (subType == L"Soul Bag" or false), (( itemType == L"Container" and not (subType == L"Bag" or subType == L"Soul Bag") ) or false)
615 end
616 end
618 function module:HighlightBagSlots(bag)
619 if not self.frame.bags[bag] then return end
621 local color = self.db.profile.colors.mouseover
622 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
624 if self.db.profile.colors.glow then
625 v:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Buttons\\UI-ActionButton-Border")
626 v:GetNormalTexture():SetBlendMode("ADD")
627 v:GetNormalTexture():SetAlpha(.8)
628 else
629 v:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\OneBag\\BagSlot2")
630 v:GetNormalTexture():SetBlendMode("BLEND")
631 end
632 v:GetNormalTexture():SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b)
633 end
634 end
636 function module:UnhighlightBagSlots(bag)
637 if not self.frame.bags[bag] then return end
638 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
639 self:SetBorderColor(v)
640 end
641 end
643 function module:UpdateBag(bag)
644 debugprofilestart()
645 if not self.frame.bags[bag] then return end
647 self:BuildFrame()
648 self:OrganizeFrame()
650 if not self.frame.bags[bag].colorLocked then
651 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[bag]) do
652 self:SetBorderColor(v)
653 end
654 end
656 if self.frame.bags[bag].size and self.frame.bags[bag].size > 0 then
657 ContainerFrame_Update(self.frame.bags[bag])
658 end
660 self:DoSlotCounts()
661 self:Debug(L"%s ran in %s", "UpdateBag", debugprofilestop())
662 end
664 function module:DoSlotCounts()
665 local usedSlots, usedAmmoSlots, usedSoulSlots, usedProfSlots, ammoQuantity = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
667 for k, bag in self.fBags do
668 if self.frame.bags[bag] then
669 local tmp, qty = 0, 0
670 for slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
671 local texture, itemCount = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot);
672 if( texture) then
673 tmp = tmp + 1
674 qty = qty + itemCount
675 end
676 end
678 if self.frame.bags[bag].isAmmo then
679 usedAmmoSlots = usedAmmoSlots + tmp
680 ammoQuantity = ammoQuantity + qty
681 elseif self.frame.bags[bag].isSoul then
682 usedSoulSlots = usedSoulSlots + tmp
683 elseif self.frame.bags[bag].isProf then
684 usedProfSlots = usedProfSlots + tmp
685 else
686 usedSlots = usedSlots + tmp
687 end
688 end
689 end
691 self:Debug(L"Normal used: %s, Soul used: %s, Prof used: %s, Ammo used %s, Ammo quantity %s.", usedSlots, usedSoulSlots, usedProfSlots, usedAmmoSlots, ammoQuantity)
693 local info = 1
694 local name = self.frame:GetName() .. "Info"
697 getglobal(name .. info):SetText(format(L"%s/%s Slots", usedSlots, self.slotCount))
699 info = info + 1
701 for i = 2, 4 do
702 getglobal(name .. i):SetText("")
703 end
705 if then
706 if self.ammoSlots > 0 then
707 getglobal(name .. info):SetText(format(L"%s/%s Ammo", ammoQuantity, self.ammoSlots * 200))
708 info = info + 1
709 end
710 if self.soulSlots > 0 then
711 getglobal(name .. info):SetText(format(L"%s/%s Soul Shards", usedSoulSlots, self.soulSlots))
712 info = info + 1
713 end
714 if self.profSlots > 0 then
715 getglobal(name .. info):SetText(format(L"%s/%s Profession Slots", usedProfSlots, self.profSlots))
716 info = info + 1
717 end
718 end
719 end
721 function module:ShouldShow(bag, isAmmo, isSoul, isProf)
722 local show = true
724 show = show and[bag] or false
726 if isAmmo then
727 show = show and or false
728 elseif isSoul then
729 show = show and or false
730 elseif isProf then
731 show = show and or false
732 end
733 return (show or self.frame.bags[bag].colorLocked )
734 end
736 function module:OpenMenu()
737 if self.dewdrop:IsOpen(getglobal(self.frame:GetName() .. "ConfigButton")) then
738 self.dewdrop:Close()
739 else
740 self.dewdrop:Open(getglobal(self.frame:GetName() .. "ConfigButton"), self.frame)
741 end
742 end
744 function module:MrPlow()
745 MrPlow:Works(self.isBank and "bank" or nil)
746 end
748 function module:OnBaseShow()
749 this:SetScale(self.db.profile.scale)
750 this:SetAlpha(self.db.profile.alpha)
751 this:SetFrameStrata(self.stratas[self.db.profile.strata])
752 StackSplitFrame:SetFrameStrata(self.stratas[self.db.profile.strata+1])
754 local color = self.db.profile.colors.bground
755 this:SetBackdropColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
757 self.frame:SetClampedToScreen(self.db.profile.clamped or false)
758 end
760 function module:OnShow()
761 self:OnBaseShow()
762 self:OnCustomShow()
763 PlaySound("igBackPackOpen")
765 if self.frame.bagFrame and self.frame.bagFrame.wasShown then
766 self.frame.bagFrame:Show()
767 self.frame.bagFrame.wasShown = false
768 end
770 self:BuildFrame()
771 self:OrganizeFrame()
772 for k, i in self.fBags do
773 self:UpdateBag(i)
774 end
776 if self.frame.bags[-1] and (not self.frame.bags[-1].colorLocked) then
777 for k, v in ipairs(self.frame.bags[-1]) do
778 self:SetBorderColor(v)
779 end
780 end
782 self:DoSlotCounts()
783 end
785 function module:OnCustomShow() end -- Meant to be overridden
787 function module:OnBaseHide()
788 if self.dewdrop and self.dewdrop:IsOpen(getglobal(self.frame:GetName() .. "ConfigButton")) then
789 self.dewdrop:Close()
790 end
791 end
793 function module:OnHide()
794 self:OnBaseHide()
795 self:OnCustomHide()
796 PlaySound("igBackPackClose")
797 if self.frame.bagFrame and self.frame.bagFrame:IsVisible() then
798 self.frame.bagFrame:Hide()
799 self.frame.bagFrame.wasShown = true
800 end
801 end
803 function module:OnCustomHide() end -- Meant to be overridden
806 function module:RegisterDewdrop(baseArgs)
807 self.dewdrop = AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0")
808 self.dewdrop:Register(self.frame,
809 'children', baseArgs,
810 'point', function(parent)
811 if parent:GetTop() < GetScreenHeight() / 2 then
813 else
815 end
816 end,
817 'dontHook', true
818 )
819 end