vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --
2 -- Localisation for MobInfo
3 --
4 -- created by Stephan Wilms on the 27th of July 2005
5 --
7 --
8 -- Default / English localization
9 --
11 MI_DESCRIPTION = "adds information about mobs to the tooltip and adds health/mana info to the target frame"
13 MI_MOB_DIES_WITH_XP = "(.+) dies, you gain (%d+) experience"
14 MI_MOB_DIES_WITHOUT_XP = "(.+) dies"
15 MI_PARSE_SPELL_DMG = "(.+)'s (.+) hits you for (%d+)"
16 MI_PARSE_BOW_DMG = "(.+)'s (.+) hits you for (%d+)"
17 MI_PARSE_COMBAT_DMG = "(.+) hits you for (%d+)"
18 MI_PARSE_SELF_MELEE = "You hit (.+) for (%d+)"
19 MI_PARSE_SELF_MELEE_CRIT = "You crit (.+) for (%d+)"
20 MI_PARSE_SELF_SPELL = "Your (.+) hits (.+) for (%d+)"
21 MI_PARSE_SELF_SPELL_CRIT = "Your (.+) crits (.+) for (%d+)"
22 MI_PARSE_SELF_BOW = "Your (.+) hits (.+) for (%d+)"
23 MI_PARSE_SELF_BOW_CRIT = "Your (.+) crits (.+) for (%d+)"
24 MI_PARSE_SELF_PET = "(.+) hits (.+) for (%d+)"
25 MI_PARSE_SELF_PET_CRIT = "(.+) crits (.+) for (%d+)"
26 MI_PARSE_SELF_PET_SPELL = "(.+)'s (.+) hits (.+) for (%d+)"
27 MI_PARSE_SELF_PET_SPELL_CRIT = "(.+)'s (.+) crits (.+) for (%d+)"
28 MI_PARSE_SELF_SPELL_PERIODIC = "(.+) suffers (%d+) (.+) damage from your (.+)"
30 MI_TXT_GOLD = " Gold"
31 MI_TXT_SILVER = " Silver"
32 MI_TXT_COPPER = " Copper"
34 MI_TXT_CONFIG_TITLE = "MobInfo 2 Options"
35 MI_TXT_WELCOME = "Welcome to MobInfo 2"
36 MI_TXT_OPEN = "Open"
37 MI_TXT_CLASS = "Class "
38 MI_TXT_HEALTH = "Health "
39 MI_TXT_MANA = "Mana "
40 MI_TXT_XP = "XP "
41 MI_TXT_KILLS = "Kills "
42 MI_TXT_DAMAGE = "Damage + [DPS] "
43 MI_TXT_TIMES_LOOTED = "Times Looted "
44 MI_TXT_EMPTY_LOOTS = "Empty Loots "
45 MI_TXT_TO_LEVEL = "# to level"
46 MI_TXT_QUALITY = "Quality "
47 MI_TXT_CLOTH_DROP = "Cloth drops "
48 MI_TXT_COIN_DROP = "Avg Coin Drop "
49 MI_TEXT_ITEM_VALUE = "Avg Item Value "
50 MI_TXT_MOB_VALUE = "Total Mob Value "
51 MI_TXT_COMBINED = "Combined: "
52 MI_TXT_MOB_DB_SIZE = "MobInfo Database Size: "
53 MI_TXT_HEALTH_DB_SIZE = "Health Database Size: "
54 MI_TXT_PLAYER_DB_SIZE = "Player Health Database Size: "
55 MI_TXT_ITEM_DB_SIZE = "Item Database Size: "
56 MI_TXT_CUR_TARGET = "Current Target: "
57 MI_TXT_MH_DISABLED = "MobInfo WARNING: Separate MobHealth AddOn found. The internal MobHealth functionality is disabled until the separate MobHealth AddOn is removed."
58 MI_TXT_MH_DISABLED2 = (MI_TXT_MH_DISABLED.."\n\n You will NOT loose your data when disabling separate MobHealth.\n\nBenefits: movable health/mana display with percentage support and adjustable font and size")
59 MI_TXT_CLR_ALL_CONFIRM = "Do you really want to perform the following delet operation: "
60 MI_TXT_SEARCH_LEVEL = "Mob Level:"
62 MI_TXT_SEARCH_LOOTS = "Mob Looted:"
63 MI_TXT_TRIM_DOWN_CONFIRM = "WARNING: this is an immediate permanent delete. Do you really want to delete all mob data not selected as being recorded."
64 MI_TXT_CLAM_MEAT = "Clam Meat"
65 MI_TXT_SHOWING = "List Shows: "
66 MI_TXT_DROPPED_BY = "Dropped By "
67 MI_TXT_LOCATION = "Location: "
68 MI_TXT_DEL_SEARCH_CONFIRM = "Do you really want to DELETE the %d Mobs in the search result list from the MobInfo database ?"
70 BINDING_NAME_MI2CONFIG = "Open MobInfo2 Options"
73 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmTooltipOptions"] = "Mob Tooltip Content"
74 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmHealthOptions"] = "Mob Health Options"
75 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmDatabaseOptions"] = "Database Options"
76 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmHealthValueOptions"]= "Health Value"
77 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmManaValueOptions"] = "Mana Value"
78 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmSearchOptions"] = "Search Options"
79 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmSearchLevel"] = "Mob Level"
80 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmItemTooltip"] = "Item Tooltip Options"
81 MI2_FRAME_TEXTS["MI2_FrmImportDatabase"] = "Import External MobInfo Database"
83 --
84 -- This section defines all buttons in the options dialog
85 -- text : the text displayed on the button
86 -- help : the (short) one line help text for the button
87 -- info : additional multi line info text for button
88 -- info is displayed in the help tooltip below the "help" line
89 -- info is optional and can be omitted if not required
90 --
92 MI2_OPTIONS = {};
94 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSearchMinLevel"] =
95 { text = "Min"; help = "minimum mob level for search options"; }
97 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSearchMaxLevel"] =
98 { text = "Max"; help = "maximum mob level for search options (must be < 66)"; }
100 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSearchNormal"] =
101 { text = "Normal"; help = "include Normal type mobs in search result"; }
103 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSearchElite"] =
104 { text = "Elite"; help = "include Elite type mobs in search result"; }
106 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSearchBoss"] =
107 { text = "Boss"; help = "include Boss type mobs in search result"; }
109 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSearchMinLoots"] =
110 { text = "Min"; help = "minimum number of times the Mob must have been looted"; }
112 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSearchMobName"] =
113 { text = "Mob Name"; help = "partial or complete mob name to search for";
114 info = 'Leave empty to not retrict search to specific items\nEntering "*" selects all items.'; }
116 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSearchItemName"] =
117 { text = "Item Name"; help = "partial or complete item name to search for";
118 info = 'leave empty to search for all item names'; }
120 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSortByValue"] =
121 { text = "Sort by Profit"; help = "Sort search result list by mob profit";
122 info = 'Sort the mobs by the profit you can make from killing them.'; }
124 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSortByItem"] =
125 { text = "Sort by Item Count"; help = "Sort search result list by item count";
126 info = 'Sort the Mobs by how many of the specified item(s) they drop.'; }
128 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptItemTooltip"] =
129 { text = "List Mobs in Item Tooltip"; help = "Display names of Mobs dropping an item in item tooltip";
130 info = "List the names of all Mobs that drop a hovered item\nin the item tooltip. For each item list the amount\ndropped by the Mob along with percentage." }
132 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptCompactMode"] =
133 { text = "Compact Mob Tooltip"; help = "Enables a compact mob tooltip layout with 2 values per tooltip line";
134 info = "Compact tooltip uses short abbreviated texts for the tooltip desriptions.\nTo disable a tolltip line both entries on that line must be disabled." }
136 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptDisableMobInfo"] =
137 { text = "Disable Tooltip Info"; help = "Disable displaying Mob info in the tooltips";
138 info = "This will totally disable mob information in both the mob tooltip\nand the item tooltip." }
140 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowClass"] =
141 { text = "Mob Class"; help = "Show Mob class info"; }
143 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowHealth"] =
144 { text = "Health"; help = "Show Mob health info (current/max)"; }
146 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowMana"] =
147 { text = "Mana"; help = "Show Mob mana/rage/energy info (current/max)"; }
149 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowXp"] =
150 { text = "XP"; help = "Show number of experience points this Mob gives";
151 info = "This is the actual last XP value that the Mob \ngave you. \n(not shown for Mobs that are grey to you)" }
153 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowNo2lev"] =
154 { text = "Number to Level"; help = "Show number of kills needed to level";
155 info = "This tells you how often you must kill the \nsame Mob you just killed to reach the next level\n(not shown for Mobs that are grey to you)" }
157 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowDamage"] =
158 { text = "Damage / DPS"; help = "Show Mob damage range (Min/Max) and DPS (damage per second)";
159 info = "Damage range and DPS is calculated and storedseparately per char.\nDPS updates slowly but progressively with each fight." }
161 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowCombined"] =
162 { text = "Combined Mobs Info"; help = "Show combined mode message in tooltip";
163 info = "Show a mesage in the tooltip indicating that combined mode\nis active and listing all mob levels that have been combined\ninto one tooltip." }
165 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowKills"] =
166 { text = "Killed"; help = "Show number of times you killed the Mob";
167 info = "The kill count is calculated and stored\nseparately per char." }
169 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowLoots"] =
170 { text = "Looted"; help = "Show number of times a Mob has been looted"; }
172 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowCloth"] =
173 { text = "Cloth Pickups"; help = "Show how often the Mob has given cloth loot"; }
175 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowEmpty"] =
176 { text = "Empty Loots"; help = "Show number of empty corpses found (num/percent)";
177 info = "This counter gets incremented when you open\n a corpse that has no loot." }
179 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowTotal"] =
180 { text = "Total Value"; help = "Show total average Mob value";
181 info = "This is the sum of average coin drop and \naverage item value." }
183 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowCoin"] =
184 { text = "Coin Drop"; help = "Show average coin drop per Mob";
185 info = "The total coin value is accumulated and divided\nby the looted counter.\n(does not get shown if coin count is 0)" }
187 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowIV"] =
188 { text = "Item Value"; help = "Show average item value per Mob";
189 info = "The total item value is accumulated and divided\nby the looted counter.\n(does not get shown if item value is 0)" }
191 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowQuality"] =
192 { text = "Loot Quality Overview"; help = "Show loot quality counters and percentage";
193 info = "This counts how many items out of the 5 rarity categories\nthe Mob has given as loot. Categories with 0 drops dont\nget shown. The percentage is the persent chance to get\nan item of the specific rarety from the monster as loot." }
195 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowLocation"] =
196 { text = "Mob Location"; help = "Show the location where the Mob can be found";
197 info = "Recording location data must be ENABLED for this to work."; }
199 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowItems"] =
200 { text = "Basic Loot Item List"; help = "Show the names and amount of all basic loot items";
201 info = "Basic loot items are all loot items except for cloth and skinning loot.\nRecording loot item data must be ENABLED for this to work"; }
203 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowClothSkin"] =
204 { text = "Cloth and Skinning Loot"; help = "Show names and amount of all cloth and skinning loot items";
205 info = "Recording loot item data must be ENABLED for this to work"; }
207 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptShowBlankLines"] =
208 { text = "Show Blank Lines"; help = "Show Blank lines in ToolTip";
209 info = "Blank lines are meant to improve readability by\ncreating sections in the tooltip" }
211 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptCombinedMode"] =
212 { text = "Combine Same Mobs"; help = "Combine data for Mob with same name";
213 info = "Combined mode will accumulate the data for Mobs with\nthe same name but different level. When enabled a\nindicator gets displayed in the tooltip" }
215 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptKeypressMode"] =
216 { text = "Press ALT Key for Mob Info"; help = "Only Show MobInfo in tooltip when ALT key is pressed"; }
218 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptItemFilter"] =
219 { text = "Loot Item Filter"; help = "Set filtering expression for loot item display in tooltips";
220 info = "Display only those loot items in the Mob tooltip that include\nthe filter text. E.g. entering 'cloth' will show only items with\n'cloth' in the item name.\nEnter nothing to see all items." }
222 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSavePlayerHp"] =
223 { text = "Save player health data permanently"; help = "Permanently store player health data from PvP battles.";
224 info = "Normally player health data from PvP fights is discarded after\na session. Setting this option allows you to retain that data." }
226 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptAllOn"] =
227 { text = "All ON"; help = "Switch all MobInfo show options to ON"; }
229 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptAllOff"] =
230 { text = "All OFF"; help = "Switch all MobInfo show options to OFF"; }
232 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptMinimal"] =
233 { text = "Minimal"; help = "Show a minimum of useful Mob info"; }
235 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptDefault"] =
236 { text = "Default"; help = "Show a default set of useful Mob info"; }
238 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptBtnDone"] =
239 { text = "Done"; help = "Close MobInfo options dialog"; }
241 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptStableMax"] =
242 { text = "Show Stable Health Max"; help = "Show a stable health maximum in target frame";
243 info = "When enabled the health maximum displayed in the \nMob target frame is not changed during a fight\nThe updated value is show when the next fight begins."; }
245 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptTargetHealth"] =
246 { text = "Show Health Value"; help = "Show health value in target frame"; }
248 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptTargetMana"] =
249 { text = "Show Mana Value"; help = "Show mana value in target frame"; }
251 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptHealthPercent"] =
252 { text = "Show Percent"; help = "Add percentage to health in target frame"; }
254 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptManaPercent"] =
255 { text = "Show Percent"; help = "Add percentage to mana in target frame"; }
257 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptHealthPosX"] =
258 { text = "Horizontal Position"; help = "Adjust horizontal position of health in target frame"; }
260 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptHealthPosY"] =
261 { text = "Vertical Position"; help = "Adjust vertical position of health in target frame"; }
263 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptManaPosX"] =
264 { text = "Horizontal Position"; help = "Adjust horizontal position of mana in target frame"; }
266 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptManaPosY"] =
267 { text = "Vertical Position"; help = "Adjust vertical position of mana in target frame"; }
269 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptTargetFont"] =
270 { text = "Font"; help = "Set font for health/mana values in target frame";
271 choice1= "NumberFont"; choice2="GameFont"; choice3="ItemTextFont" }
273 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptTargetFontSize"] =
274 { text = "Font Size"; help = "Set font size for health/mana values in target frame"; }
276 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptClearTarget"] =
277 { text = "Delete Target Data"; help = "Delete data for current target from databases."; }
279 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptClearMobDb"] =
280 { text = "Delete Database"; help = "Delete entire contents of mob info database."; }
282 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptClearHealthDb"] =
283 { text = "Delete Database"; help = "Delete entire contents of mob health database."; }
285 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptClearPlayerDb"] =
286 { text = "Delete Database"; help = "Delete entire contents of player health database."; }
288 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSaveItems"] =
289 { text = "Record Mob loot item data for quality:"; help = "Turn this on to record loot item details for all Mobs.";
290 info = "You can choose the quality level of items to be recorded."; }
292 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSaveBasicInfo"] =
293 { text = "Record basic Mob info"; help = "Record a set of basic mob information.";
294 info = "Basic mob info includes: xp, mob type, counters for: loot, empty loot, cloth, money, items value"; }
296 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSaveCharData"] =
297 { text = "Record character specific Mob data"; help = "Record all Mob data that is character specific.";
298 info = "This will enable or disable saving of the following data:\nnumber of kills, min/max damage, DPS (damage per sec)\n\nThis data is saved separately for each character. Saving it can\nonly be enabled/disabled for the entire set of 4 values"; }
300 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptSaveLocation"] =
301 { text = "Record data describing the Mob location"; help = "Record the area and coordinates where the Mob can be found." }
303 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptItemsQuality"] =
304 { text = ""; help = "Record loot item details for selected quality and better.";
305 choice1 = "Grey & Better"; choice2="White & Better"; choice3="Green & Better" }
307 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptTrimDownMobData"] =
308 { text = "Minimize Mob Database Size"; help = "Minimize Mob database size by removing surplus data.";
309 info = "Surplus data is all data within the database that is not marked as\nbeing recorded."; }
311 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptImportMobData"] =
312 { text = "Start the Import"; help = "Import an external Mob Database into your own Mob Database";
313 info = "IMPORTANT: please read the import instructions !\nALWAYS backup your own Mob database BEFORE import !"; }
315 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptDeleteSearch"] =
316 { text = "DELETE"; help = "Deletes all Mobs in the search result list from the MobInfo database.";
317 info = "WARNING: this operation can not be undone.\nPlease use with care !\nYou might want to backup your MobInfo database before deleting Mobs."; }
319 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_OptImportOnlyNew"] =
320 { text = "Import only unknown Mobs"; help = "Import only Mobs that do not exist in your own database";
321 info = "Activating this option prevents that the data of existing Mobs\nis modified. Only unknown (ie. new) Mobs will get imported. This\nallows importing partially overlapping database without causing\nconsistency problems."; }
323 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_MainOptionsFrameTab1"] =
324 { text = "Tooltip"; help = "Set options for displaying mob info in tooltip"; }
326 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_MainOptionsFrameTab2"] =
327 { text = "Health/Mana"; help = "Set options for displaying health/mana in target frame"; }
329 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_MainOptionsFrameTab3"] =
330 { text = "Database"; help = "Database management options"; }
332 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_MainOptionsFrameTab4"] =
333 { text = "Search"; help = "Search through the Database"; }
335 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_SearchResultFrameTab1"] =
336 { text = "Mob List"; help = ""; }
338 MI2_OPTIONS["MI2_SearchResultFrameTab2"] =
339 { text = "Items List"; help = ""; }