vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 <!--
3 LootLink 3.15: An in-game item database
4 copyright 2004 by Telo
6 - Watches all chat links you see to cache link color and link data
7 - Automatically extracts data from items already in or added to your inventory
8 - Automatically caches link data from items already in or added to your bank
9 - Automatically inspects your target and extracts data for each of their equipped items
10 - Automatically gets link data from your auction queries
11 - Can perform a fully automatic scan of the entire auction house inventory
12 - Stores sell prices for items that you've moused over while a merchant window was open
13 and displays them in the tooltips for stacks of items that you are looting, stacks of items
14 in your inventory and entries in the LootLink browse window
15 - Converts green loot messages into correctly colored item messages if the item is cached
16 - Provides a browsable, searchable window that allows you to find any item in the cache
17 - Allows you to shift-click items in the browse window to insert links in the chat edit box
19 -->
21 <Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
22 C:\Projects\WoW\Bin\Interface\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
23 <Script file="localization.lua"/>
24 <Script file="LootLink.lua"/>
25 <GameTooltip name="LootLinkTooltip" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate" frameStrata="TOOLTIP" parent="UIParent" hidden="true"/>
26 <GameTooltip name="LLHiddenTooltip" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate" frameStrata="TOOLTIP" hidden="false">
27 <Scripts>
28 <OnLoad>
29 this:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE");
30 </OnLoad>
31 </Scripts>
32 </GameTooltip>
33 <Frame name="LootLinkUpdateFrame" parent="UIParent">
34 <Scripts>
35 <OnUpdate>
36 LootLink_OnUpdate(arg1);
37 </OnUpdate>
38 </Scripts>
39 </Frame>
40 <Button name="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" virtual="true">
41 <Size>
42 <AbsDimension x="300" y="16"/>
43 </Size>
44 <Scripts>
45 <OnLoad>
46 this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp");
47 </OnLoad>
48 <OnClick>
49 LootLinkItemButton_OnClick(arg1);
50 </OnClick>
51 <OnEnter>
52 LootLinkItemButton_OnEnter();
53 </OnEnter>
54 <OnLeave>
55 LootLinkItemButton_OnLeave();
56 </OnLeave>
57 </Scripts>
58 <NormalText name="$parentText" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="LEFT">
59 <Size>
60 <AbsDimension x="275" y="12"/>
61 </Size>
62 <Anchors>
63 <Anchor point="LEFT">
64 <Offset>
65 <AbsDimension x="20" y="0"/>
66 </Offset>
67 </Anchor>
68 </Anchors>
69 </NormalText>
70 <Layers>
71 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
72 <Texture name="$parentType" file="Interface\GossipFrame\AvailableQuestIcon">
73 <Size>
74 <AbsDimension x="12" y="12"/>
75 </Size>
76 <Anchors>
77 <Anchor point="LEFT">
78 <Offset>
79 <AbsDimension x="4" y="0"/>
80 </Offset>
81 </Anchor>
82 </Anchors>
83 </Texture>
84 <Texture name="$parentIndexed" file="Interface\MoneyFrame\Arrow-Right-Down">
85 <Size>
86 <AbsDimension x="12" y="12"/>
87 </Size>
88 <Anchors>
89 <Anchor point="LEFT">
90 <Offset>
91 <AbsDimension x="20" y="0"/>
92 </Offset>
93 </Anchor>
94 </Anchors>
95 </Texture>
96 </Layer>
97 </Layers>
98 </Button>
99 <Frame name="LootLinkOptionFrameBoxTemplate" inherits="OptionFrameBoxTemplate" virtual="true">
100 <Size>
101 <AbsDimension x="180" y="44"/>
102 </Size>
103 <Frames>
104 <Frame name="$parentRedBox" inherits="OptionFrameBoxTemplate">
105 <Size>
106 <AbsDimension x="180" y="44"/>
107 </Size>
108 <Anchors>
109 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT">
110 <Offset>
111 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
112 </Offset>
113 </Anchor>
114 </Anchors>
115 <Scripts>
116 <OnLoad>
117 this:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
118 this:SetBackdropColor(0.5, 0.0, 0.0);
119 </OnLoad>
120 </Scripts>
121 </Frame>
122 </Frames>
123 </Frame>
124 <Frame name="LootLinkFrame" toplevel="true" enableMouse="true" movable="true" parent="UIParent" hidden="true">
125 <Size>
126 <AbsDimension x="384" y="512"/>
127 </Size>
128 <Anchors>
129 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
130 <Offset>
131 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-104"/>
132 </Offset>
133 </Anchor>
134 </Anchors>
135 <HitRectInsets>
136 <AbsInset left="0" right="35" top="0" bottom="75"/>
137 </HitRectInsets>
138 <Layers>
139 <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
140 <Texture name="LootLinkFramePortrait" file="Interface\PetitionFrame\GuildCharter-Icon">
141 <Size>
142 <AbsDimension x="58" y="58"/>
143 </Size>
144 <Anchors>
145 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
146 <Offset>
147 <AbsDimension x="8" y="-9"/>
148 </Offset>
149 </Anchor>
150 </Anchors>
151 </Texture>
152 </Layer>
153 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
154 <Texture file="Interface\TaxiFrame\UI-TaxiFrame-TopLeft">
155 <Size>
156 <AbsDimension x="256" y="256"/>
157 </Size>
158 <Anchors>
159 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
160 </Anchors>
161 </Texture>
162 <Texture file="Interface\TaxiFrame\UI-TaxiFrame-TopRight">
163 <Size>
164 <AbsDimension x="128" y="256"/>
165 </Size>
166 <Anchors>
167 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
168 <Offset>
169 <AbsDimension x="256" y="0"/>
170 </Offset>
171 </Anchor>
172 </Anchors>
173 </Texture>
174 <Texture file="Interface\TalentFrame\UI-TalentFrame-BotLeft">
175 <Size>
176 <AbsDimension x="256" y="256"/>
177 </Size>
178 <Anchors>
179 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
180 <Offset>
181 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-256"/>
182 </Offset>
183 </Anchor>
184 </Anchors>
185 </Texture>
186 <Texture file="Interface\TalentFrame\UI-TalentFrame-BotRight">
187 <Size>
188 <AbsDimension x="128" y="256"/>
189 </Size>
190 <Anchors>
191 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
192 <Offset>
193 <AbsDimension x="256" y="-256"/>
194 </Offset>
195 </Anchor>
196 </Anchors>
197 </Texture>
198 <FontString name="LootLinkTitleText" inherits="GameFontHighlight" text="LOOTLINK_TITLE">
199 <Size>
200 <AbsDimension x="300" y="14"/>
201 </Size>
202 <Anchors>
203 <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="LootLinkFrame" relativePoint="TOP">
204 <Offset>
205 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
206 </Offset>
207 </Anchor>
208 </Anchors>
209 </FontString>
210 </Layer>
211 </Layers>
212 <Frames>
213 <Frame name="LootLinkHighlightFrame" hidden="true">
214 <Size>
215 <AbsDimension x="293" y="16"/>
216 </Size>
217 <Anchors>
218 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
219 </Anchors>
220 <Layers>
221 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
222 <Texture name="LootLinkHighlight" file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestLogTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
223 </Layer>
224 </Layers>
225 </Frame>
226 <EditBox name="LootLinkFrameQuickSearch" autoFocus="false" letters="34" historyLines="0">
227 <Size>
228 <AbsDimension x="240" y="20"/>
229 </Size>
230 <Anchors>
231 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
232 <Offset>
233 <AbsDimension x="27" y="-420"/>
234 </Offset>
235 </Anchor>
236 </Anchors>
237 <Layers>
238 <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
239 <Texture name="$parentLeft" file="Interface\ClassTrainerFrame\UI-ClassTrainer-FilterBorder">
240 <Size>
241 <AbsDimension x="12" y="29"/>
242 </Size>
243 <Anchors>
244 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
245 <Offset>
246 <AbsDimension x="-11" y="2"/>
247 </Offset>
248 </Anchor>
249 </Anchors>
250 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.09375" top="0" bottom="1.0"/>
251 </Texture>
252 <Texture name="$parentMiddle" file="Interface\ClassTrainerFrame\UI-ClassTrainer-FilterBorder">
253 <Size>
254 <AbsDimension x="225" y="29"/>
255 </Size>
256 <Anchors>
257 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentLeft" relativePoint="RIGHT"/>
258 </Anchors>
259 <TexCoords left="0.09375" right="0.90625" top="0" bottom="1.0"/>
260 </Texture>
261 <Texture name="$parentRight" file="Interface\ClassTrainerFrame\UI-ClassTrainer-FilterBorder">
262 <Size>
263 <AbsDimension x="12" y="29"/>
264 </Size>
265 <Anchors>
266 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentMiddle" relativePoint="RIGHT"/>
267 </Anchors>
268 <TexCoords left="0.90625" right="1.0" top="0" bottom="1.0"/>
269 </Texture>
270 <FontString inherits="GameFontNormal" text="LOOTLINK_QUICK_LABEL">
271 <Anchors>
272 <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
273 </Anchors>
274 <Color r="0.3" g="0.3" b="0.3"/>
275 </FontString>
276 </Layer>
277 </Layers>
278 <Scripts>
279 <OnTextChanged>
280 LootLinkQuickSearch_Search();
281 </OnTextChanged>
282 <OnEscapePressed>
283 this:ClearFocus()
284 </OnEscapePressed>
285 <OnTabPressed>
286 LootLinkQuickSearch_Search(1);
287 </OnTabPressed>
288 <OnEnterPressed>
289 LootLinkQuickSearch_FullSearch();
290 </OnEnterPressed>
291 </Scripts>
292 <FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
293 </EditBox>
294 <Button name="LootLinkFrameQuickClearButton" toplevel="true">
295 <Size>
296 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
297 </Size>
298 <HitRectInsets>
299 <AbsInset left="9" right="7" top="-7" bottom="10"/>
300 </HitRectInsets>
301 <Anchors>
302 <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="LootLinkFrameQuickSearch" relativePoint="RIGHT">
303 <Offset>
304 <AbsDimension x="1" y="-1"/>
305 </Offset>
306 </Anchor>
307 </Anchors>
308 <Scripts>
309 <OnClick>
310 LootLinkQuickSearch_Clear();
311 </OnClick>
312 </Scripts>
313 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Buttons\CancelButton-Up"/>
314 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\CancelButton-Down"/>
315 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\CancelButton-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
316 </Button>
317 <!--<Button name="LootLinkFrameOptionsButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="LOOTLINK_OPTIONS_LABEL">
318 <Size>
319 <AbsDimension x="80" y="22"/>
320 </Size>
321 <Anchors>
322 <Anchor point="CENTER" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
323 <Offset>
324 <AbsDimension x="305" y="-420"/>
325 </Offset>
326 </Anchor>
327 </Anchors>
328 <Scripts>
329 <OnClick>
330 LootLinkSearchFrame:Hide();
331 LootLinkOptionsFrame:Show();
332 </OnClick>
333 </Scripts>
334 </Button>-->
335 <Button name="LootLinkFrameSearchButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="LOOTLINK_SEARCH_LABEL">
336 <Size>
337 <AbsDimension x="80" y="22"/>
338 </Size>
339 <Anchors>
340 <Anchor point="CENTER" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
341 <Offset>
342 <AbsDimension x="305" y="-420"/>
343 </Offset>
344 </Anchor>
345 </Anchors>
346 <Scripts>
347 <OnClick>
348 LootLink_Search();
349 </OnClick>
350 </Scripts>
351 </Button>
352 <Button name="LootLinkFrameCloseButton" inherits="UIPanelCloseButton">
353 <Anchors>
354 <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="LootLinkFrame" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
355 <Offset>
356 <AbsDimension x="-29" y="-8"/>
357 </Offset>
358 </Anchor>
359 </Anchors>
360 </Button>
361 <Button name="LootLinkFrameDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate">
362 <Anchors>
363 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
364 <Offset>
365 <AbsDimension x="59" y="-40"/>
366 </Offset>
367 </Anchor>
368 </Anchors>
369 <Scripts>
370 <OnLoad>
371 LootLinkFrameDropDown_OnLoad();
372 </OnLoad>
373 </Scripts>
374 </Button>
375 <Button name="LootLinkFrameOptionsButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="LOOTLINK_OPTIONS_LABEL">
376 <Size>
377 <AbsDimension x="75" y="24"/>
378 </Size>
379 <Anchors>
380 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
381 <Offset>
382 <AbsDimension x="177" y="-43"/>
383 </Offset>
384 </Anchor>
385 </Anchors>
386 <Scripts>
387 <OnClick>
388 LootLinkSearchFrame:Hide();
389 LootLinkOptionsFrame:Show();
390 </OnClick>
391 </Scripts>
392 </Button>
393 <!--<Button name="LootLinkFrameSearchButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" text="LOOTLINK_SEARCH_LABEL">
394 <Size>
395 <AbsDimension x="75" y="24"/>
396 </Size>
397 <Anchors>
398 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
399 <Offset>
400 <AbsDimension x="177" y="-43"/>
401 </Offset>
402 </Anchor>
403 </Anchors>
404 <Scripts>
405 <OnClick>
406 LootLink_Search();
407 </OnClick>
408 </Scripts>
409 </Button>-->
410 <Button name="LootLinkFrameRefreshButton" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate">
411 <Size>
412 <AbsDimension x="75" y="24"/>
413 </Size>
414 <Anchors>
415 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
416 <Offset>
417 <AbsDimension x="257" y="-43"/>
418 </Offset>
419 </Anchor>
420 </Anchors>
421 <Scripts>
422 <OnLoad>
424 </OnLoad>
425 <OnClick>
426 LootLink_Refresh();
427 </OnClick>
428 </Scripts>
429 </Button>
430 <Button name="LootLinkItem1" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="1" hidden="true">
431 <Anchors>
432 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkFrame">
433 <Offset>
434 <AbsDimension x="19" y="-75"/>
435 </Offset>
436 </Anchor>
437 </Anchors>
438 </Button>
439 <Button name="LootLinkItem2" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="2" hidden="true">
440 <Anchors>
441 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem1" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
442 <Offset>
443 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
444 </Offset>
445 </Anchor>
446 </Anchors>
447 </Button>
448 <Button name="LootLinkItem3" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="3" hidden="true">
449 <Anchors>
450 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem2" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
451 <Offset>
452 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
453 </Offset>
454 </Anchor>
455 </Anchors>
456 </Button>
457 <Button name="LootLinkItem4" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="4" hidden="true">
458 <Anchors>
459 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem3" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
460 <Offset>
461 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
462 </Offset>
463 </Anchor>
464 </Anchors>
465 </Button>
466 <Button name="LootLinkItem5" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="5" hidden="true">
467 <Anchors>
468 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem4" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
469 <Offset>
470 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
471 </Offset>
472 </Anchor>
473 </Anchors>
474 </Button>
475 <Button name="LootLinkItem6" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="6" hidden="true">
476 <Anchors>
477 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem5" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
478 <Offset>
479 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
480 </Offset>
481 </Anchor>
482 </Anchors>
483 </Button>
484 <Button name="LootLinkItem7" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="7" hidden="true">
485 <Anchors>
486 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem6" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
487 <Offset>
488 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
489 </Offset>
490 </Anchor>
491 </Anchors>
492 </Button>
493 <Button name="LootLinkItem8" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="8" hidden="true">
494 <Anchors>
495 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem7" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
496 <Offset>
497 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
498 </Offset>
499 </Anchor>
500 </Anchors>
501 </Button>
502 <Button name="LootLinkItem9" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="9" hidden="true">
503 <Anchors>
504 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem8" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
505 <Offset>
506 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
507 </Offset>
508 </Anchor>
509 </Anchors>
510 </Button>
511 <Button name="LootLinkItem10" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="10" hidden="true">
512 <Anchors>
513 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem9" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
514 <Offset>
515 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
516 </Offset>
517 </Anchor>
518 </Anchors>
519 </Button>
520 <Button name="LootLinkItem11" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="11" hidden="true">
521 <Anchors>
522 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem10" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
523 <Offset>
524 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
525 </Offset>
526 </Anchor>
527 </Anchors>
528 </Button>
529 <Button name="LootLinkItem12" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="12" hidden="true">
530 <Anchors>
531 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem11" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
532 <Offset>
533 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
534 </Offset>
535 </Anchor>
536 </Anchors>
537 </Button>
538 <Button name="LootLinkItem13" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="13" hidden="true">
539 <Anchors>
540 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem12" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
541 <Offset>
542 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
543 </Offset>
544 </Anchor>
545 </Anchors>
546 </Button>
547 <Button name="LootLinkItem14" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="14" hidden="true">
548 <Anchors>
549 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem13" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
550 <Offset>
551 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
552 </Offset>
553 </Anchor>
554 </Anchors>
555 </Button>
556 <Button name="LootLinkItem15" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="15" hidden="true">
557 <Anchors>
558 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem14" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
559 <Offset>
560 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
561 </Offset>
562 </Anchor>
563 </Anchors>
564 </Button>
565 <Button name="LootLinkItem16" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="16" hidden="true">
566 <Anchors>
567 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem15" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
568 <Offset>
569 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
570 </Offset>
571 </Anchor>
572 </Anchors>
573 </Button>
574 <Button name="LootLinkItem17" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="17" hidden="true">
575 <Anchors>
576 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem16" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
577 <Offset>
578 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
579 </Offset>
580 </Anchor>
581 </Anchors>
582 </Button>
583 <Button name="LootLinkItem18" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="18" hidden="true">
584 <Anchors>
585 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem17" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
586 <Offset>
587 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
588 </Offset>
589 </Anchor>
590 </Anchors>
591 </Button>
592 <Button name="LootLinkItem19" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="19" hidden="true">
593 <Anchors>
594 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem18" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
595 <Offset>
596 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
597 </Offset>
598 </Anchor>
599 </Anchors>
600 </Button>
601 <Button name="LootLinkItem20" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="20" hidden="true">
602 <Anchors>
603 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem19" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
604 <Offset>
605 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
606 </Offset>
607 </Anchor>
608 </Anchors>
609 </Button>
610 <Button name="LootLinkItem21" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="21" hidden="true">
611 <Anchors>
612 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem20" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
613 <Offset>
614 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
615 </Offset>
616 </Anchor>
617 </Anchors>
618 </Button>
619 <Button name="LootLinkItem22" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="22" hidden="true">
620 <Anchors>
621 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem21" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
622 <Offset>
623 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
624 </Offset>
625 </Anchor>
626 </Anchors>
627 </Button>
628 <!--<Button name="LootLinkItem23" inherits="LootLinkItemButtonTemplate" id="23" hidden="true">
629 <Anchors>
630 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkItem22" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
631 <Offset>
632 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
633 </Offset>
634 </Anchor>
635 </Anchors>
636 </Button>-->
637 <ScrollFrame name="LootLinkListScrollFrame" inherits="FauxScrollFrameTemplate">
638 <Size>
639 <AbsDimension x="296" y="332"/>
640 </Size>
641 <Anchors>
642 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LootLinkFrame">
643 <Offset>
644 <AbsDimension x="19" y="-75"/>
645 </Offset>
646 </Anchor>
647 </Anchors>
648 <Layers>
649 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
650 <Texture file="Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-ScrollBar">
651 <Size>
652 <AbsDimension x="31" y="256"/>
653 </Size>
654 <Anchors>
655 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
656 <Offset>
657 <AbsDimension x="-2" y="5"/>
658 </Offset>
659 </Anchor>
660 </Anchors>
661 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.484375" top="0" bottom="1.0"/>
662 </Texture>
663 <Texture file="Interface\PaperDollInfoFrame\UI-Character-ScrollBar">
664 <Size>
665 <AbsDimension x="31" y="106"/>
666 </Size>
667 <Anchors>
668 <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
669 <Offset>
670 <AbsDimension x="-2" y="-2"/>
671 </Offset>
672 </Anchor>
673 </Anchors>
674 <TexCoords left="0.515625" right="1.0" top="0" bottom="0.4140625"/>
675 </Texture>
676 </Layer>
677 </Layers>
678 <Scripts>
679 <OnVerticalScroll>
680 FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(LOOTLINK_ITEM_HEIGHT, LootLink_Update);
681 </OnVerticalScroll>
682 </Scripts>
683 </ScrollFrame>
684 </Frames>
685 <Scripts>
686 <OnLoad>
687 LootLink_OnLoad();
688 </OnLoad>
689 <OnEvent>
690 LootLink_OnEvent();
691 </OnEvent>
692 <OnShow>
693 LootLink_OnShow();
694 </OnShow>
695 <OnHide>
696 LootLink_OnHide();
697 </OnHide>
698 </Scripts>
699 </Frame>
700 <Button name="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate" inherits="UIPanelButtonTemplate" virtual="true">
701 <Size>
702 <AbsDimension x="104" y="21"/>
703 </Size>
704 <NormalText inherits="GameFontHighlight"/>
705 <DisabledText inherits="GameFontDisable"/>
706 <HighlightText inherits="GameFontHighlight"/>
707 </Button>
708 <EditBox name="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" letters="256" historyLines="0" virtual="true">
709 <Size>
710 <AbsDimension x="200" y="20"/>
711 </Size>
712 <Layers>
713 <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
714 <Texture name="$parentLeft" file="Interface\ClassTrainerFrame\UI-ClassTrainer-FilterBorder">
715 <Size>
716 <AbsDimension x="12" y="29"/>
717 </Size>
718 <Anchors>
719 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
720 <Offset>
721 <AbsDimension x="-11" y="2"/>
722 </Offset>
723 </Anchor>
724 </Anchors>
725 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.09375" top="0" bottom="1.0"/>
726 </Texture>
727 <Texture name="$parentMiddle" file="Interface\ClassTrainerFrame\UI-ClassTrainer-FilterBorder">
728 <Size>
729 <AbsDimension x="195" y="29"/>
730 </Size>
731 <Anchors>
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735 </Texture>
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737 <Size>
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740 <Anchors>
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745 </Layer>
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747 <Scripts>
748 <OnEscapePressed>
749 LootLinkSearchFrame_Cancel();
750 </OnEscapePressed>
751 <OnEnterPressed>
752 LootLinkSearchFrame_Okay();
753 </OnEnterPressed>
754 <OnTabPressed>
755 LootLinkSearchFrame_ChangeFocus();
756 </OnTabPressed>
757 </Scripts>
758 <FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
759 </EditBox>
760 <Frame name="LootLinkSearchFrame" toplevel="true" frameStrata="DIALOG" enableMouse="true" enableKeyboard="true" movable="true" parent="UIParent" hidden="true">
761 <Size>
762 <AbsDimension x="384" y="512"/>
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765 <Anchor point="CENTER">
766 <Offset>
767 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
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776 <AbsValue val="32"/>
777 </TileSize>
778 <EdgeSize>
779 <AbsValue val="32"/>
780 </EdgeSize>
781 </Backdrop>
782 <Layers>
783 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
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785 <Size>
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790 <Offset>
791 <AbsDimension x="0" y="12"/>
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794 </Anchors>
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796 <FontString inherits="GameFontNormal" text="LOOTLINK_SEARCH_TITLE">
797 <Anchors>
798 <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="LootLinkSearchFrameHeader">
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802 </Anchor>
803 </Anchors>
804 </FontString>
805 <FontString name="LLS_TextLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_TEXT">
806 <Size>
807 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
808 </Size>
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810 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
811 <Offset>
812 <AbsDimension x="8" y="-35"/>
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814 </Anchor>
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816 </FontString>
817 <FontString name="LLS_TextDisabled" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="LEFT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_TEXT_DISABLED" hidden="true">
818 <Size>
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820 </Size>
821 <Anchors>
822 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_TextLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
823 <Offset>
824 <AbsDimension x="8" y="0"/>
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826 </Anchor>
827 </Anchors>
828 </FontString>
829 <FontString name="LLS_NameLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_NAME">
830 <Size>
831 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
832 </Size>
833 <Anchors>
834 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_TextLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
835 <Offset>
836 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
837 </Offset>
838 </Anchor>
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840 </FontString>
841 <FontString name="LLS_RarityLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_RARITY">
842 <Size>
843 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
844 </Size>
845 <Anchors>
846 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_NameLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
847 <Offset>
848 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
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850 </Anchor>
851 </Anchors>
852 </FontString>
853 <FontString name="LLS_BindsLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_BINDS">
854 <Size>
855 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
856 </Size>
857 <Anchors>
858 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_RarityLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
859 <Offset>
860 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
861 </Offset>
862 </Anchor>
863 </Anchors>
864 </FontString>
865 <FontString name="LLS_LocationLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_LOCATION">
866 <Size>
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868 </Size>
869 <Anchors>
870 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_BindsLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
871 <Offset>
872 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
873 </Offset>
874 </Anchor>
875 </Anchors>
876 </FontString>
877 <FontString name="LLS_MinimumLevelLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_MINIMUM_LEVEL">
878 <Size>
879 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
880 </Size>
881 <Anchors>
882 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_LocationLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
883 <Offset>
884 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
885 </Offset>
886 </Anchor>
887 </Anchors>
888 </FontString>
889 <FontString name="LLS_MaximumLevelLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_MAXIMUM_LEVEL">
890 <Size>
891 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
892 </Size>
893 <Anchors>
894 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumLevelLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
895 <Offset>
896 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
897 </Offset>
898 </Anchor>
899 </Anchors>
900 </FontString>
901 <FontString name="LLS_TypeLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" text="LLS_TYPE">
902 <Size>
903 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
904 </Size>
905 <Anchors>
906 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MaximumLevelLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
907 <Offset>
908 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
909 </Offset>
910 </Anchor>
911 </Anchors>
912 </FontString>
913 <FontString name="LLS_SubtypeLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true">
914 <Size>
915 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
916 </Size>
917 <Anchors>
918 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_TypeLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
919 <Offset>
920 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
921 </Offset>
922 </Anchor>
923 </Anchors>
924 </FontString>
925 <!-- container items -->
926 <FontString name="LLS_MinimumSlotsLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MINIMUM_SLOTS">
927 <Size>
928 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
929 </Size>
930 <Anchors>
931 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_SubtypeLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
932 <Offset>
933 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
934 </Offset>
935 </Anchor>
936 </Anchors>
937 </FontString>
938 <!-- weapon items -->
939 <FontString name="LLS_MinimumDamageLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MINIMUM_DAMAGE">
940 <Size>
941 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
942 </Size>
943 <Anchors>
944 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_SubtypeLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
945 <Offset>
946 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
947 </Offset>
948 </Anchor>
949 </Anchors>
950 </FontString>
951 <FontString name="LLS_MaximumDamageLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MAXIMUM_DAMAGE">
952 <Size>
953 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
954 </Size>
955 <Anchors>
956 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumDamageLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
957 <Offset>
958 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
959 </Offset>
960 </Anchor>
961 </Anchors>
962 </FontString>
963 <FontString name="LLS_MaximumSpeedLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MAXIMUM_SPEED">
964 <Size>
965 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
966 </Size>
967 <Anchors>
968 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MaximumDamageLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
969 <Offset>
970 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
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972 </Anchor>
973 </Anchors>
974 </FontString>
975 <FontString name="LLS_MinimumDPSLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MINIMUM_DPS">
976 <Size>
977 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
978 </Size>
979 <Anchors>
980 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MaximumSpeedLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
981 <Offset>
982 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
983 </Offset>
984 </Anchor>
985 </Anchors>
986 </FontString>
987 <!-- armor and shield items -->
988 <FontString name="LLS_MinimumArmorLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MINIMUM_ARMOR">
989 <Size>
990 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
991 </Size>
992 <Anchors>
993 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_SubtypeLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
994 <Offset>
995 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
996 </Offset>
997 </Anchor>
998 </Anchors>
999 </FontString>
1000 <FontString name="LLS_MinimumBlockLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MINIMUM_BLOCK">
1001 <Size>
1002 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
1003 </Size>
1004 <Anchors>
1005 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumArmorLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
1006 <Offset>
1007 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
1008 </Offset>
1009 </Anchor>
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1012 <!-- recipe items -->
1013 <FontString name="LLS_MinimumSkillLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MINIMUM_SKILL">
1014 <Size>
1015 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
1016 </Size>
1017 <Anchors>
1018 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_SubtypeLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
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1020 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
1021 </Offset>
1022 </Anchor>
1023 </Anchors>
1024 </FontString>
1025 <FontString name="LLS_MaximumSkillLabel" inherits="GameFontNormal" justifyH="RIGHT" justifyV="BOTTOM" hidden="true" text="LLS_MAXIMUM_SKILL">
1026 <Size>
1027 <AbsDimension x="134" y="14"/>
1028 </Size>
1029 <Anchors>
1030 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumSkillLabel" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
1031 <Offset>
1032 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-15"/>
1033 </Offset>
1034 </Anchor>
1035 </Anchors>
1036 </FontString>
1037 </Layer>
1038 </Layers>
1039 <Frames>
1040 <Button name="LootLinkSearchFrameReset" inherits="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate">
1041 <Anchors>
1042 <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
1043 <Offset>
1044 <AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
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1048 <Scripts>
1049 <OnLoad>
1050 this:SetText(LOOTLINK_RESET_LABEL);
1051 </OnLoad>
1052 <OnClick>
1053 LootLinkFrame.SearchParams = nil;
1054 LootLinkSearch_LoadValues();
1055 </OnClick>
1056 </Scripts>
1057 </Button>
1058 <Button name="LootLinkSearchFrameCancel" inherits="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate">
1059 <Anchors>
1060 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
1061 <Offset>
1062 <AbsDimension x="-16" y="16"/>
1063 </Offset>
1064 </Anchor>
1065 </Anchors>
1066 <Scripts>
1067 <OnLoad>
1068 this:SetText(CANCEL);
1069 </OnLoad>
1070 <OnClick>
1071 LootLinkSearchFrame_Cancel();
1072 </OnClick>
1073 </Scripts>
1074 </Button>
1075 <Button name="LootLinkSearchFrameOkay" inherits="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate">
1076 <Anchors>
1077 <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="LootLinkSearchFrameCancel" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
1078 <Offset>
1079 <AbsDimension x="-4" y="0"/>
1080 </Offset>
1081 </Anchor>
1082 </Anchors>
1083 <Scripts>
1084 <OnLoad>
1085 this:SetText(OKAY);
1086 </OnLoad>
1087 <OnClick>
1088 LootLinkSearchFrame_Okay();
1089 </OnClick>
1090 </Scripts>
1091 </Button>
1092 <EditBox name="LLS_TextEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate">
1093 <Anchors>
1094 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_TextLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1095 <Offset>
1096 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1097 </Offset>
1098 </Anchor>
1099 </Anchors>
1100 <Scripts>
1101 <OnLoad>
1102 = "LLS_NameEditBox";
1103 </OnLoad>
1104 </Scripts>
1105 </EditBox>
1106 <EditBox name="LLS_NameEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate">
1107 <Anchors>
1108 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_NameLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1109 <Offset>
1110 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1111 </Offset>
1112 </Anchor>
1113 </Anchors>
1114 <Scripts>
1115 <OnLoad>
1116 this.previous = "LLS_TextEditBox";
1117 = "LLS_MinimumLevelEditBox";
1118 </OnLoad>
1119 </Scripts>
1120 </EditBox>
1121 <Button name="LLS_RarityDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" id="1">
1122 <Anchors>
1123 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_RarityLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1124 <Offset>
1125 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="5"/>
1126 </Offset>
1127 </Anchor>
1128 </Anchors>
1129 <Scripts>
1130 <OnLoad>
1131 LLS_RarityDropDown_OnLoad();
1132 </OnLoad>
1133 </Scripts>
1134 </Button>
1135 <CheckButton name="LLS_ServerCheckButton">
1136 <Size>
1137 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
1138 </Size>
1139 <Anchors>
1140 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_RarityDropDown" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1141 <Offset>
1142 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="0"/>
1143 </Offset>
1144 </Anchor>
1145 </Anchors>
1146 <Layers>
1147 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
1148 <FontString inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="LLS_SERVER">
1149 <Anchors>
1150 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT">
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1152 <AbsDimension x="-2" y="0"/>
1153 </Offset>
1154 </Anchor>
1155 </Anchors>
1156 </FontString>
1157 </Layer>
1158 </Layers>
1159 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Up"/>
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1162 <CheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check"/>
1163 <DisabledCheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled"/>
1164 </CheckButton>
1165 <Button name="LLS_BindsDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" id="1">
1166 <Anchors>
1167 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_BindsLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1168 <Offset>
1169 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="5"/>
1170 </Offset>
1171 </Anchor>
1172 </Anchors>
1173 <Scripts>
1174 <OnLoad>
1175 LLS_BindsDropDown_OnLoad();
1176 </OnLoad>
1177 </Scripts>
1178 </Button>
1179 <CheckButton name="LLS_UniqueCheckButton">
1180 <Size>
1181 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
1182 </Size>
1183 <Anchors>
1184 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_BindsDropDown" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1185 <Offset>
1186 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="0"/>
1187 </Offset>
1188 </Anchor>
1189 </Anchors>
1190 <Layers>
1191 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
1192 <FontString inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="LLS_UNIQUE">
1193 <Anchors>
1194 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT">
1195 <Offset>
1196 <AbsDimension x="-2" y="0"/>
1197 </Offset>
1198 </Anchor>
1199 </Anchors>
1200 </FontString>
1201 </Layer>
1202 </Layers>
1203 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Up"/>
1204 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Down"/>
1205 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
1206 <CheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check"/>
1207 <DisabledCheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled"/>
1208 </CheckButton>
1209 <Button name="LLS_LocationDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" id="1">
1210 <Anchors>
1211 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_LocationLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1212 <Offset>
1213 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="5"/>
1214 </Offset>
1215 </Anchor>
1216 </Anchors>
1217 <Scripts>
1218 <OnLoad>
1219 LLS_LocationDropDown_OnLoad();
1220 </OnLoad>
1221 </Scripts>
1222 </Button>
1223 <CheckButton name="LLS_UsableCheckButton">
1224 <Size>
1225 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
1226 </Size>
1227 <Anchors>
1228 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_LocationDropDown" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1229 <Offset>
1230 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="0"/>
1231 </Offset>
1232 </Anchor>
1233 </Anchors>
1234 <Layers>
1235 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
1236 <FontString inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="LLS_USABLE">
1237 <Anchors>
1238 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT">
1239 <Offset>
1240 <AbsDimension x="-2" y="0"/>
1241 </Offset>
1242 </Anchor>
1243 </Anchors>
1244 </FontString>
1245 </Layer>
1246 </Layers>
1247 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Up"/>
1248 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Down"/>
1249 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
1250 <CheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check"/>
1251 <DisabledCheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled"/>
1252 </CheckButton>
1253 <EditBox name="LLS_MinimumLevelEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate">
1254 <Anchors>
1255 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumLevelLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1256 <Offset>
1257 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1258 </Offset>
1259 </Anchor>
1260 </Anchors>
1261 </EditBox>
1262 <EditBox name="LLS_MaximumLevelEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate">
1263 <Anchors>
1264 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MaximumLevelLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1265 <Offset>
1266 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1267 </Offset>
1268 </Anchor>
1269 </Anchors>
1270 </EditBox>
1271 <Button name="LLS_TypeDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" id="1">
1272 <Anchors>
1273 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_TypeLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1274 <Offset>
1275 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="5"/>
1276 </Offset>
1277 </Anchor>
1278 </Anchors>
1279 <Scripts>
1280 <OnLoad>
1281 LLS_TypeDropDown_OnLoad();
1282 </OnLoad>
1283 </Scripts>
1284 </Button>
1285 <Button name="LLS_SubtypeDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" id="1" hidden="true">
1286 <Anchors>
1287 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_SubtypeLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1288 <Offset>
1289 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="5"/>
1290 </Offset>
1291 </Anchor>
1292 </Anchors>
1293 <Scripts>
1294 <OnLoad>
1295 LLS_SubtypeDropDown_OnLoad();
1296 </OnLoad>
1297 </Scripts>
1298 </Button>
1299 <CheckButton name="LLS_SetCheckButton">
1300 <Size>
1301 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
1302 </Size>
1303 <Anchors>
1304 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_TypeDropDown" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1305 <Offset>
1306 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="0"/>
1307 </Offset>
1308 </Anchor>
1309 </Anchors>
1310 <Layers>
1311 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
1312 <FontString inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="LLS_SET">
1313 <Anchors>
1314 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT">
1315 <Offset>
1316 <AbsDimension x="-2" y="0"/>
1317 </Offset>
1318 </Anchor>
1319 </Anchors>
1320 </FontString>
1321 </Layer>
1322 </Layers>
1323 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Up"/>
1324 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Down"/>
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1326 <CheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check"/>
1327 <DisabledCheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled"/>
1328 </CheckButton>
1329 <CheckButton name="LLS_SpoofCheckButton">
1330 <Size>
1331 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
1332 </Size>
1333 <Anchors>
1334 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_TypeDropDown" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1335 <Offset>
1336 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="-29"/>
1337 </Offset>
1338 </Anchor>
1339 </Anchors>
1340 <Layers>
1341 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
1342 <FontString inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="LLS_SPOOF">
1343 <Anchors>
1344 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativePoint="RIGHT">
1345 <Offset>
1346 <AbsDimension x="-2" y="0"/>
1347 </Offset>
1348 </Anchor>
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1350 </FontString>
1351 </Layer>
1352 </Layers>
1353 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Up"/>
1354 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Down"/>
1355 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
1356 <CheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check"/>
1357 <DisabledCheckedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-CheckBox-Check-Disabled"/>
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1359 <!-- container items -->
1360 <EditBox name="LLS_MinimumSlotsEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1361 <Anchors>
1362 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumSlotsLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1363 <Offset>
1364 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1365 </Offset>
1366 </Anchor>
1367 </Anchors>
1368 </EditBox>
1369 <!-- weapon items -->
1370 <EditBox name="LLS_MinimumDamageEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1371 <Anchors>
1372 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumDamageLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1373 <Offset>
1374 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1375 </Offset>
1376 </Anchor>
1377 </Anchors>
1378 </EditBox>
1379 <EditBox name="LLS_MaximumDamageEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1380 <Anchors>
1381 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MaximumDamageLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1382 <Offset>
1383 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1384 </Offset>
1385 </Anchor>
1386 </Anchors>
1387 </EditBox>
1388 <EditBox name="LLS_MaximumSpeedEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1389 <Anchors>
1390 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MaximumSpeedLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1391 <Offset>
1392 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1393 </Offset>
1394 </Anchor>
1395 </Anchors>
1396 </EditBox>
1397 <EditBox name="LLS_MinimumDPSEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1398 <Anchors>
1399 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumDPSLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1400 <Offset>
1401 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1402 </Offset>
1403 </Anchor>
1404 </Anchors>
1405 </EditBox>
1406 <!-- armor and shield items -->
1407 <EditBox name="LLS_MinimumArmorEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1408 <Anchors>
1409 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumArmorLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1410 <Offset>
1411 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1412 </Offset>
1413 </Anchor>
1414 </Anchors>
1415 </EditBox>
1416 <EditBox name="LLS_MinimumBlockEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1417 <Anchors>
1418 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumBlockLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1419 <Offset>
1420 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1421 </Offset>
1422 </Anchor>
1423 </Anchors>
1424 </EditBox>
1425 <!-- recipe items -->
1426 <EditBox name="LLS_MinimumSkillEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1427 <Anchors>
1428 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MinimumSkillLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1429 <Offset>
1430 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1431 </Offset>
1432 </Anchor>
1433 </Anchors>
1434 </EditBox>
1435 <EditBox name="LLS_MaximumSkillEditBox" inherits="LLS_EditBoxTemplate" hidden="true">
1436 <Anchors>
1437 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="LLS_MaximumSkillLabel" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
1438 <Offset>
1439 <AbsDimension x="16" y="0"/>
1440 </Offset>
1441 </Anchor>
1442 </Anchors>
1443 </EditBox>
1444 </Frames>
1445 <Scripts>
1446 <OnShow>
1447 LootLinkSearch_LoadValues();
1448 LootLinkSearchFrame_SaveSearchParams();
1449 LootLinkOptionsFrame_Cancel();
1450 </OnShow>
1451 <!--<OnKeyDown>
1452 if( arg1 == "ESCAPE" ) then
1453 LootLinkSearchFrame_Cancel();
1454 end
1455 </OnKeyDown>-->
1456 </Scripts>
1457 </Frame>
1458 <Frame name="LootLinkTooltipIcon" toplevel="true" frameStrata="DIALOG" parent="UIParent" hidden="true">
1459 <Size>
1460 <AbsDimension x="36" y="36"/>
1461 </Size>
1462 <Anchors>
1463 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1464 <Offset>
1465 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
1466 </Offset>
1467 </Anchor>
1468 </Anchors>
1469 <Layers>
1470 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
1471 <Texture name="$parentTexture" file="Interface\Icons\INV_Misc_QuestionMark">
1472 <Size>
1473 <AbsDimension x="36" y="36"/>
1474 </Size>
1475 <Anchors>
1476 <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT">
1477 <Offset>
1478 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
1479 </Offset>
1480 </Anchor>
1481 </Anchors>
1482 </Texture>
1483 </Layer>
1484 </Layers>
1485 </Frame>
1486 <Frame name="LootLinkOptionsFrame" frameStrata="DIALOG" enableMouse="true" enableKeyboard="false" movable="true" parent="UIParent" hidden="true">
1487 <Size>
1488 <AbsDimension x="384" y="512"/>
1489 </Size>
1490 <Anchors>
1491 <Anchor point="CENTER">
1492 <Offset>
1493 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
1494 </Offset>
1495 </Anchor>
1496 </Anchors>
1497 <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Background" edgeFile="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Border" tile="true">
1498 <BackgroundInsets>
1499 <AbsInset left="11" right="12" top="12" bottom="11"/>
1500 </BackgroundInsets>
1501 <TileSize>
1502 <AbsValue val="32"/>
1503 </TileSize>
1504 <EdgeSize>
1505 <AbsValue val="32"/>
1506 </EdgeSize>
1507 </Backdrop>
1508 <Layers>
1509 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
1510 <Texture name="$parentHeader" file="Interface\DialogFrame\UI-DialogBox-Header">
1511 <Size>
1512 <AbsDimension x="256" y="64"/>
1513 </Size>
1514 <Anchors>
1515 <Anchor point="TOP">
1516 <Offset>
1517 <AbsDimension x="0" y="12"/>
1518 </Offset>
1519 </Anchor>
1520 </Anchors>
1521 </Texture>
1522 <FontString inherits="GameFontNormal" text="LOOTLINK_OPTIONS_TITLE">
1523 <Anchors>
1524 <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$parentHeader">
1525 <Offset>
1526 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-14"/>
1527 </Offset>
1528 </Anchor>
1529 </Anchors>
1530 </FontString>
1531 </Layer>
1532 </Layers>
1533 <Frames>
1534 <Button name="$parentDefaults" inherits="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate">
1535 <Anchors>
1536 <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
1537 <Offset>
1538 <AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
1539 </Offset>
1540 </Anchor>
1541 </Anchors>
1542 <Scripts>
1543 <OnLoad>
1544 this:SetText(DEFAULTS);
1545 </OnLoad>
1546 <OnClick>
1547 LootLinkOptionsFrame_Defaults();
1548 </OnClick>
1549 </Scripts>
1550 </Button>
1551 <Button name="$parentCancel" inherits="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate">
1552 <Anchors>
1553 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
1554 <Offset>
1555 <AbsDimension x="-16" y="16"/>
1556 </Offset>
1557 </Anchor>
1558 </Anchors>
1559 <Scripts>
1560 <OnLoad>
1561 this:SetText(CANCEL);
1562 </OnLoad>
1563 <OnClick>
1564 LootLinkOptionsFrame_Cancel();
1565 </OnClick>
1566 </Scripts>
1567 </Button>
1568 <Button name="$parentOkay" inherits="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate">
1569 <Anchors>
1570 <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentCancel" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
1571 <Offset>
1572 <AbsDimension x="-4" y="0"/>
1573 </Offset>
1574 </Anchor>
1575 </Anchors>
1576 <Scripts>
1577 <OnLoad>
1578 this:SetText(OKAY);
1579 </OnLoad>
1580 <OnClick>
1581 LootLinkOptionsFrame_Okay();
1582 </OnClick>
1583 </Scripts>
1584 </Button>
1585 <Frame name="$parentGeneralFrame" inherits="OptionFrameBoxTemplate">
1586 <Size>
1587 <AbsDimension x="360" y="88"/>
1588 </Size>
1589 <Anchors>
1590 <Anchor point="TOP">
1591 <Offset>
1592 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-35"/>
1593 </Offset>
1594 </Anchor>
1595 </Anchors>
1596 <Anchors>
1597 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentFixFrame" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
1598 <Offset>
1599 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-20"/>
1600 </Offset>
1601 </Anchor>
1602 </Anchors>
1603 <Frames>
1604 <CheckButton name="LLO_MouseoverCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1605 <Anchors>
1606 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1607 <Offset>
1608 <AbsDimension x="8" y="-8"/>
1609 </Offset>
1610 </Anchor>
1611 </Anchors>
1612 <Scripts>
1613 <OnLoad>
1614 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_MOUSEOVER);
1615 </OnLoad>
1616 </Scripts>
1617 </CheckButton>
1618 <CheckButton name="LLO_IconCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1619 <Anchors>
1620 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1621 <Offset>
1622 <AbsDimension x="188" y="-8"/>
1623 </Offset>
1624 </Anchor>
1625 </Anchors>
1626 <Scripts>
1627 <OnLoad>
1628 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_ICON);
1629 </OnLoad>
1630 </Scripts>
1631 </CheckButton>
1632 <CheckButton name="LLO_ExtraInfoCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1633 <Anchors>
1634 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1635 <Offset>
1636 <AbsDimension x="8" y="-32"/>
1637 </Offset>
1638 </Anchor>
1639 </Anchors>
1640 <Scripts>
1641 <OnLoad>
1642 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_EXTRA_INFO);
1643 </OnLoad>
1644 </Scripts>
1645 </CheckButton>
1646 <CheckButton name="LLO_TypeLinksCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1647 <Anchors>
1648 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1649 <Offset>
1650 <AbsDimension x="188" y="-32"/>
1651 </Offset>
1652 </Anchor>
1653 </Anchors>
1654 <Scripts>
1655 <OnClick>
1656 if ( this:GetChecked() ) then
1657 LLO_AutoTypeLinksCheckButton:Enable();
1658 LLO_AutoTypeLinksCheckButtonText:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0);
1659 else
1660 LLO_AutoTypeLinksCheckButton:Disable();
1661 LLO_AutoTypeLinksCheckButtonText:SetTextColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
1662 end
1663 </OnClick>
1664 <OnLoad>
1665 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_TYPE_LINKS);
1666 </OnLoad>
1667 </Scripts>
1668 </CheckButton>
1669 <CheckButton name="LLO_AutoTypeLinksCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1670 <Anchors>
1671 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1672 <Offset>
1673 <AbsDimension x="198" y="-56"/>
1674 </Offset>
1675 </Anchor>
1676 </Anchors>
1677 <Scripts>
1678 <OnLoad>
1679 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_AUTO_TYPE_LINKS);
1680 </OnLoad>
1681 </Scripts>
1682 </CheckButton>
1683 </Frames>
1684 <Scripts>
1685 <OnLoad>
1686 this:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
1687 this:SetBackdropColor(0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
1688 getglobal(this:GetName().."Title"):SetText(LLO_GENERAL_LABEL);
1689 </OnLoad>
1690 </Scripts>
1691 </Frame>
1692 <Frame name="$parentMinimapFrame" inherits="OptionFrameBoxTemplate">
1693 <Size>
1694 <AbsDimension x="360" y="100"/>
1695 </Size>
1696 <Anchors>
1697 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentGeneralFrame" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
1698 <Offset>
1699 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-20"/>
1700 </Offset>
1701 </Anchor>
1702 </Anchors>
1703 <Frames>
1704 <CheckButton name="LLO_HideMinimap" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1705 <Anchors>
1706 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1707 <Offset>
1708 <AbsDimension x="8" y="-48"/>
1709 </Offset>
1710 </Anchor>
1711 </Anchors>
1712 <Scripts>
1713 <OnLoad>
1714 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_MINIMAP_HIDE);
1715 </OnLoad>
1716 </Scripts>
1717 </CheckButton>
1718 <CheckButton name="LLO_LockMinimap" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1719 <Anchors>
1720 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1721 <Offset>
1722 <AbsDimension x="8" y="-68"/>
1723 </Offset>
1724 </Anchor>
1725 </Anchors>
1726 <Scripts>
1727 <OnLoad>
1728 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_MINIMAP_LOCK);
1729 </OnLoad>
1730 </Scripts>
1731 </CheckButton>
1732 <Slider name="LLO_MinimapPos" inherits="OptionsSliderTemplate">
1733 <Size>
1734 <AbsDimension x="340" y="16"/>
1735 </Size>
1736 <Anchors>
1737 <Anchor point="TOP">
1738 <Offset>
1739 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-23" />
1740 </Offset>
1741 </Anchor>
1742 </Anchors>
1743 <Scripts>
1744 <OnLoad>
1745 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_MINIMAP_POS.." "..0);
1746 getglobal(this:GetName().."High"):SetText(360);
1747 getglobal(this:GetName().."Low"):SetText(0);
1748 this:SetMinMaxValues(0,360);
1749 this:SetValueStep(1);
1750 </OnLoad>
1751 <OnValueChanged>
1752 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_MINIMAP_POS.." "..this:GetValue());
1753 LootLink_Minimap_Position(this:GetValue());
1754 </OnValueChanged>
1755 </Scripts>
1756 </Slider>
1757 <Slider name="LLO_MinimapOffset" inherits="OptionsSliderTemplate">
1758 <Size>
1759 <AbsDimension x="170" y="16"/>
1760 </Size>
1761 <Anchors>
1762 <Anchor point="TOP">
1763 <Offset>
1764 <AbsDimension x="85" y="-63" />
1765 </Offset>
1766 </Anchor>
1767 </Anchors>
1768 <Scripts>
1769 <OnLoad>
1770 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_MINIMAP_OFFSET.." "..0);
1771 getglobal(this:GetName().."High"):SetText(30);
1772 getglobal(this:GetName().."Low"):SetText(-30);
1773 this:SetMinMaxValues(-30,30);
1774 this:SetValueStep(1);
1775 </OnLoad>
1776 <OnValueChanged>
1777 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_MINIMAP_OFFSET.." "..this:GetValue());
1778 LootLink_Minimap_Position(nil,this:GetValue());
1779 </OnValueChanged>
1780 </Scripts>
1781 </Slider>
1782 </Frames>
1783 <Scripts>
1784 <OnLoad>
1785 this:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
1786 this:SetBackdropColor(0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
1787 getglobal(this:GetName().."Title"):SetText(LLO_MINIMAP_LABEL);
1788 </OnLoad>
1789 </Scripts>
1790 </Frame>
1791 <Frame name="$parentCacheFrame" inherits="OptionFrameBoxTemplate">
1792 <Size>
1793 <AbsDimension x="360" y="110"/>
1794 </Size>
1795 <Anchors>
1796 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentMinimapFrame" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
1797 <Offset>
1798 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-20"/>
1799 </Offset>
1800 </Anchor>
1801 </Anchors>
1802 <Frames>
1803 <CheckButton name="LLO_ServerCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1804 <Anchors>
1805 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1806 <Offset>
1807 <AbsDimension x="8" y="-8"/>
1808 </Offset>
1809 </Anchor>
1810 </Anchors>
1811 <Scripts>
1812 <OnLoad>
1813 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_SERVER);
1814 </OnLoad>
1815 </Scripts>
1816 </CheckButton>
1817 <CheckButton name="LLO_SpoofCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1818 <Anchors>
1819 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1820 <Offset>
1821 <AbsDimension x="8" y="-32"/>
1822 </Offset>
1823 </Anchor>
1824 </Anchors>
1825 <Scripts>
1826 <OnLoad>
1827 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_SPOOF);
1828 </OnLoad>
1829 </Scripts>
1830 </CheckButton>
1831 <CheckButton name="LLO_SameNameCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1832 <Anchors>
1833 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1834 <Offset>
1835 <AbsDimension x="188" y="-8"/>
1836 </Offset>
1837 </Anchor>
1838 </Anchors>
1839 <Scripts>
1840 <OnClick>
1841 if ( this:GetChecked() ) then
1842 LLO_VariantCheckButton:Enable();
1843 LLO_VariantCheckButtonText:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0);
1844 LLO_EnchantsCheckButton:Enable();
1845 LLO_EnchantsCheckButtonText:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0);
1846 else
1847 LLO_VariantCheckButton:Disable();
1848 LLO_VariantCheckButtonText:SetTextColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
1849 LLO_EnchantsCheckButton:Disable();
1850 LLO_EnchantsCheckButtonText:SetTextColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
1851 end
1852 </OnClick>
1853 <OnLoad>
1854 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_SAME_NAME);
1855 </OnLoad>
1856 </Scripts>
1857 </CheckButton>
1858 <CheckButton name="LLO_VariantCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1859 <Anchors>
1860 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1861 <Offset>
1862 <AbsDimension x="198" y="-32"/>
1863 </Offset>
1864 </Anchor>
1865 </Anchors>
1866 <Scripts>
1867 <OnLoad>
1868 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_VARIANT);
1869 </OnLoad>
1870 </Scripts>
1871 </CheckButton>
1872 <CheckButton name="LLO_EnchantsCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1873 <Anchors>
1874 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1875 <Offset>
1876 <AbsDimension x="198" y="-56"/>
1877 </Offset>
1878 </Anchor>
1879 </Anchors>
1880 <Scripts>
1881 <OnLoad>
1882 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_ENCHANTS);
1883 </OnLoad>
1884 </Scripts>
1885 </CheckButton>
1886 <CheckButton name="LLO_LiteModeCheckButton" inherits="UIOptionsCheckButtonTemplate">
1887 <Anchors>
1888 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1889 <Offset>
1890 <AbsDimension x="188" y="-80"/>
1891 </Offset>
1892 </Anchor>
1893 </Anchors>
1894 <Scripts>
1895 <OnClick>
1896 if ( this:GetChecked() and not LootLinkState.LightMode ) then
1898 else
1900 end
1901 </OnClick>
1902 <OnLoad>
1903 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(LLO_LITE_MODE);
1904 this:Disable();
1905 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetTextColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
1906 </OnLoad>
1907 </Scripts>
1908 </CheckButton>
1909 <Button name="LLO_RarityDropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" id="1">
1910 <Anchors>
1911 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
1912 <Offset>
1913 <AbsDimension x="-8" y="-72"/>
1914 </Offset>
1915 </Anchor>
1916 </Anchors>
1917 <Layers>
1918 <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
1919 <FontString name="$parentLabel" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="LLO_RARITY_THRESHOLD">
1920 <Anchors>
1921 <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
1922 <Offset>
1923 <AbsDimension x="21" y="0"/>
1924 </Offset>
1925 </Anchor>
1926 </Anchors>
1927 </FontString>
1928 </Layer>
1929 </Layers>
1930 <Scripts>
1931 <OnLoad>
1932 LLO_RarityDropDown_OnLoad();
1933 </OnLoad>
1934 </Scripts>
1935 </Button>
1936 </Frames>
1937 <Scripts>
1938 <OnLoad>
1939 this:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
1940 this:SetBackdropColor(0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
1941 getglobal(this:GetName().."Title"):SetText(LLO_FIX_LABEL);
1942 </OnLoad>
1943 </Scripts>
1944 </Frame>
1945 <Frame name="$parentFixFrame" inherits="LootLinkOptionFrameBoxTemplate">
1946 <Anchors>
1947 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parentCacheFrame" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
1948 <Offset>
1949 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
1950 </Offset>
1951 </Anchor>
1952 </Anchors>
1953 <Frames>
1954 <Button name="LLO_Fix" inherits="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate" text="LLO_FIX">
1955 <Anchors>
1956 <Anchor point="CENTER">
1957 <Offset>
1958 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
1959 </Offset>
1960 </Anchor>
1961 </Anchors>
1962 <Scripts>
1963 <OnClick>
1964 LootLinkProcess_Process("FIXCACHE");
1965 </OnClick>
1966 </Scripts>
1967 </Button>
1968 <Button name="LLO_Purge" inherits="LootLinkSearchButtonTemplate" text="LLO_PURGE">
1969 <Anchors>
1970 <Anchor point="CENTER" relativeTo="$parentRedBox">
1971 <Offset>
1972 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
1973 </Offset>
1974 </Anchor>
1975 </Anchors>
1976 <Scripts>
1977 <OnClick>
1978 LootLinkOptions_SaveValues();
1979 LootLinkProcess_Process("PURGE");
1980 </OnClick>
1981 </Scripts>
1982 </Button>
1983 </Frames>
1984 <Scripts>
1985 <OnLoad>
1986 this:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4);
1987 this:SetBackdropColor(0.15, 0.15, 0.15);
1988 --getglobal(this:GetName().."Title"):SetText(LLO_FIX_LABEL);
1989 </OnLoad>
1990 </Scripts>
1991 </Frame>
1992 </Frames>
1993 <Scripts>
1994 <OnShow>
1995 LootLinkOptions_LoadValues();
1996 </OnShow>
1997 <OnHide>
1998 LootLinkOptionsFrame_Cancel();
1999 </OnHide>
2000 </Scripts>
2001 </Frame>
2002 <Button name="LootLinkMinimapButton" parent="Minimap" enableMouse="true" hidden="true" frameStrata="MEDIUM">
2003 <Size>
2004 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
2005 </Size>
2006 <Anchors>
2007 <Anchor point="CENTER" relativeTo="Minimap" relativePoint="LEFT">
2008 <Offset>
2009 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
2010 </Offset>
2011 </Anchor>
2012 </Anchors>
2013 <NormalTexture file="Interface\PetitionFrame\GuildCharter-Icon">
2014 <Size>
2015 <AbsDimension x="20" y="20"/>
2016 </Size>
2017 <Anchors>
2018 <Anchor point="CENTER">
2019 <Offset>
2020 <AbsDimension x="-1" y="1"/>
2021 </Offset>
2022 </Anchor>
2023 </Anchors>
2024 </NormalTexture>
2025 <PushedTexture file="Interface\PetitionFrame\GuildCharter-Icon">
2026 <Size>
2027 <AbsDimension x="20" y="20"/>
2028 </Size>
2029 <Anchors>
2030 <Anchor point="CENTER">
2031 <Offset>
2032 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
2033 </Offset>
2034 </Anchor>
2035 </Anchors>
2036 </PushedTexture>
2037 <HighlightTexture alphaMode="ADD" file="Interface\Minimap\UI-Minimap-ZoomButton-Highlight"/>
2038 <Layers>
2039 <Layer level="OVERLAY">
2040 <Texture name="$parentFrame" file="Interface\Minimap\MiniMap-TrackingBorder">
2041 <Size>
2042 <AbsDimension x="52" y="52"/>
2043 </Size>
2044 <Anchors>
2045 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
2046 <Offset>
2047 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
2048 </Offset>
2049 </Anchor>
2050 </Anchors>
2051 </Texture>
2052 </Layer>
2053 </Layers>
2054 <Scripts>
2055 <OnClick>
2056 if ( arg1 == "RightButton" and ( LootLinkFrame.process or LootLink_Process:IsVisible() ) ) then
2057 if ( LootLink_Process:IsVisible() ) then
2058 LootLink_Process:Hide();
2059 else
2060 LootLink_Process:Show();
2061 end
2062 return;
2063 end
2064 if ( LootLinkFrame:IsVisible() ) then
2065 HideUIPanel(LootLinkFrame);
2066 else
2067 ShowUIPanel(LootLinkFrame);
2068 end
2069 </OnClick>
2070 <OnEnter>
2071 LootLink_Minimap_OnEnter();
2072 </OnEnter>
2073 <OnLoad>
2074 this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp");
2075 this:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton", "RightButton");
2076 </OnLoad>
2077 <OnLeave>
2078 GameTooltip:Hide();
2079 </OnLeave>
2080 <OnDragStart>
2081 LootLink_Minimap_DragStart();
2082 </OnDragStart>
2083 <OnDragStop>
2084 LootLink_Minimap_DragStop();
2085 </OnDragStop>
2086 <OnMouseUp>
2087 LootLink_Minimap_DragStop();
2088 </OnMouseUp>
2089 </Scripts>
2090 </Button>
2091 <Frame name="LootLink_Process" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" movable="true">
2092 <Size>
2093 <AbsDimension x="206" y="26"/>
2094 </Size>
2095 <Anchors>
2096 <Anchor point="TOP">
2097 <Offset>
2098 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-120"/>
2099 </Offset>
2100 </Anchor>
2101 </Anchors>
2102 <Layers>
2103 <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
2104 <Texture>
2105 <Size>
2106 <AbsDimension x="195" y="13"/>
2107 </Size>
2108 <Anchors>
2109 <Anchor point="TOP">
2110 <Offset>
2111 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
2112 </Offset>
2113 </Anchor>
2114 </Anchors>
2115 <Color r="0" g="0" b="0" a="0.5"/>
2116 </Texture>
2117 </Layer>
2118 <Layer level="OVERLAY">
2119 <FontString name="$parent_Num" inherits="GameFontHighlight">
2120 <Size>
2121 <AbsDimension x="185" y="16"/>
2122 </Size>
2123 <Anchors>
2124 <Anchor point="TOP">
2125 <Offset>
2126 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
2127 </Offset>
2128 </Anchor>
2129 </Anchors>
2130 </FontString>
2131 <FontString name="$parent_Header" inherits="GameFontHighlight">
2132 <Size>
2133 <AbsDimension x="185" y="16"/>
2134 </Size>
2135 <Anchors>
2136 <Anchor point="TOP">
2137 <Offset>
2138 <AbsDimension x="0" y="18"/>
2139 </Offset>
2140 </Anchor>
2141 </Anchors>
2142 </FontString>
2143 <FontString name="$parent_Time" inherits="GameFontHighlight">
2144 <Size>
2145 <AbsDimension x="185" y="16"/>
2146 </Size>
2147 <Anchors>
2148 <Anchor point="TOP">
2149 <Offset>
2150 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-18"/>
2151 </Offset>
2152 </Anchor>
2153 </Anchors>
2154 </FontString>
2155 <Texture file="Interface\Tooltips\UI-StatusBar-Border">
2156 <Size>
2157 <AbsDimension x="205" y="20"/>
2158 </Size>
2159 <Anchors>
2160 <Anchor point="TOP">
2161 <Offset>
2162 <AbsDimension x="0" y="2"/>
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2164 </Anchor>
2165 </Anchors>
2166 </Texture>
2167 </Layer>
2168 </Layers>
2169 <Frames>
2170 <Button name="$parentCloseButton" inherits="UIPanelCloseButton">
2171 <Anchors>
2172 <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="LootLink_Process" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
2173 <Offset>
2174 <AbsDimension x="5" y="25"/>
2175 </Offset>
2176 </Anchor>
2177 </Anchors>
2178 <Scripts>
2179 <OnClick>
2180 LootLink_Process_Cancel();
2181 </OnClick>
2182 </Scripts>
2183 </Button>
2184 <Button name="$parentMinimizeButton">
2185 <Size>
2186 <AbsDimension x="16" y="16"/>
2187 </Size>
2188 <Anchors>
2189 <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parentCloseButton" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
2190 <Offset>
2191 <AbsDimension x="-24" y="-8"/>
2192 </Offset>
2193 </Anchor>
2194 </Anchors>
2195 <Scripts>
2196 <OnClick>
2197 this:GetParent():Hide();
2198 </OnClick>
2199 <OnEnter>
2200 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
2201 GameTooltip:SetText("Minimize");
2202 </OnEnter>
2203 <OnLeave>
2204 GameTooltip:Hide();
2205 </OnLeave>
2206 </Scripts>
2207 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-MinusButton-Up"/>
2208 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-MinusButton-Down"/>
2209 <DisabledTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-MinusButton-Disabled"/>
2210 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-PlusButton-Hilight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
2211 </Button>
2212 <StatusBar name="$parent_Bar">
2213 <Size>
2214 <AbsDimension x="195" y="13"/>
2215 </Size>
2216 <Anchors>
2217 <Anchor point="TOP">
2218 <Offset>
2219 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
2220 </Offset>
2221 </Anchor>
2222 </Anchors>
2223 <Scripts>
2224 <OnLoad>
2225 this:SetFrameLevel(this:GetFrameLevel() - 1)
2226 </OnLoad>
2227 </Scripts>
2228 <BarTexture file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar"/>
2229 <BarColor r="1.0" g="1.0" b="0.0"/>
2230 </StatusBar>
2231 </Frames>
2232 <Scripts>
2233 <OnMouseDown>
2234 this:StartMoving();
2235 </OnMouseDown>
2236 <OnMouseUp>
2237 this:StopMovingOrSizing();
2238 </OnMouseUp>
2239 <OnDragStop>
2240 this:StopMovingOrSizing();
2241 </OnDragStop>
2242 </Scripts>
2243 </Frame>
2244 </Ui>