vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
2 local vmajor, vminor = "1", tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 1705 $", 12, -3))
3 local stubvarname = "TekLibStub"
4 local libvarname = "Gratuity"
7 -- Check to see if an update is needed
8 -- if not then just return out now before we do anything
9 local libobj = getglobal(libvarname)
10 if libobj and not libobj:NeedsUpgraded(vmajor, vminor) then return end
13 local stubobj = getglobal(stubvarname)
14 if not stubobj then
15 stubobj = {}
16 setglobal(stubvarname, stubobj)
19 -- Instance replacement method, replace contents of old with that of new
20 function stubobj:ReplaceInstance(old, new)
21 for k,v in pairs(old) do old[k]=nil end
22 for k,v in pairs(new) do old[k]=v end
23 end
26 -- Get a new copy of the stub
27 function stubobj:NewStub(name)
28 local newStub = {}
29 self:ReplaceInstance(newStub, self)
30 newStub.libName = name
31 newStub.lastVersion = ''
32 newStub.versions = {}
33 return newStub
34 end
37 -- Get instance version
38 function stubobj:NeedsUpgraded(vmajor, vminor)
39 local versionData = self.versions[vmajor]
40 if not versionData or versionData.minor < vminor then return true end
41 end
44 -- Get instance version
45 function stubobj:GetInstance(version)
46 if not version then version = self.lastVersion end
47 local versionData = self.versions[version]
48 if not versionData then print(string.format("<%s> Cannot find library version: %s", self.libName, version or "")) return end
49 return versionData.instance
50 end
53 -- Register new instance
54 function stubobj:Register(newInstance)
55 local version,minor = newInstance:GetLibraryVersion()
56 self.lastVersion = version
57 local versionData = self.versions[version]
58 if not versionData then
59 -- This one is new!
60 versionData = {
61 instance = newInstance,
62 minor = minor,
63 old = {},
64 }
65 self.versions[version] = versionData
66 newInstance:LibActivate(self)
67 return newInstance
68 end
69 -- This is an update
70 local oldInstance = versionData.instance
71 local oldList = versionData.old
72 versionData.instance = newInstance
73 versionData.minor = minor
74 local skipCopy = newInstance:LibActivate(self, oldInstance, oldList)
75 table.insert(oldList, oldInstance)
76 if not skipCopy then
77 for i, old in ipairs(oldList) do self:ReplaceInstance(old, newInstance) end
78 end
79 return newInstance
80 end
81 end
83 ----------------------------
84 -- Library Code --
85 ----------------------------
86 if not libobj then
87 libobj = stubobj:NewStub(libvarname)
88 setglobal(libvarname, libobj)
89 end
91 local lib = {}
94 -- Return the library's current version
95 function lib:GetLibraryVersion()
96 return vmajor, vminor
97 end
99 local methods = {
100 "SetBagItem", "SetAction", "SetAuctionItem", "SetAuctionSellItem", "SetBuybackItem",
101 "SetCraftItem", "SetCraftSpell", "SetHyperlink", "SetInboxItem", "SetInventoryItem",
102 "SetLootItem", "SetLootRollItem", "SetMerchantItem", "SetPetAction", "SetPlayerBuff",
103 "SetQuestItem", "SetQuestLogItem", "SetQuestRewardSpell", "SetSendMailItem", "SetShapeshift",
104 "SetSpell", "SetTalent", "SetTrackingSpell", "SetTradePlayerItem", "SetTradeSkillItem", "SetTradeTargetItem",
105 "SetTrainerService", "SetUnit", "SetUnitBuff", "SetUnitDebuff",
106 }
108 -- Activate a new instance of this library
109 function lib:LibActivate(stub, oldLib, oldList)
110 local maj, min = self:GetLibraryVersion()
112 if oldLib then
113 local omaj, omin = oldLib:GetLibraryVersion()
114 for _,m in pairs(methods) do
115 self[m] = oldLib[m]
116 end
117 self.vars = oldLib.vars
118 if self.vars.tooltip then self:CreateSetMethods() end
119 else
120 self.vars = {}
121 end
122 -- nil return makes stub do object copy
123 end
126 function lib:InitCompost()
127 if not self.vars.compost and CompostLib then self.vars.compost = CompostLib:GetInstance("compost-1") end
128 end
131 -- Retreive the tooltip assigned to Gratuity
132 function lib:GetTooltip(tooltip)
133 return self.vars.tooltip
134 end
137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
138 -- Pass a tooltip frame to be used (make sure the tooltip does not have a parent!!!)
139 -- You can use this line in your XML to define the tooltip:
140 -- <GameTooltip name="NameGoesHere" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate"/>
141 -- This *would* be part of the EmbedLib but the game throws an error
142 -- when you try to declare two tooltips with the same name *growl*
143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 -- Returns the stored tooltip (this may not match what you passed!)
145 -- You need to be careful how you use the tooltip or it can
146 -- get "detached" from it's owner and stop parsing. Please make sure you read up
147 -- about tips here:
148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 function lib:RegisterTooltip(tooltip)
150 if self.vars.tooltip then return self.vars.tooltip end
152 assert(tooltip, "No tooltip passed!")
153 assert(tooltip:IsObjectType("GameTooltip"), "The frame passed was not a GameTooltip!")
155 self.vars.tooltip = tooltip
156 tooltip:SetOwner(tooltip, "ANCHOR_NONE")
157 -- tooltip:SetParent()
159 local name = tooltip:GetName()
160 local g = getfenv(0)
162 self.vars.Llines, self.vars.Rlines = {}, {}
163 for i=1,30 do
164 self.vars.Llines[i] = g[name.."TextLeft"..i]
165 self.vars.Rlines[i] = g[name.."TextRight"..i]
166 end
168 if not self.SetBagItem then self:CreateSetMethods() end
170 return tooltip
171 end
174 -- Clears the tooltip completely, none of this "erase left, hide right" crap blizzard does
175 -- returns true is successful, nil if no tooltip assigned
176 function lib:Erase()
177 assert(self.vars.tooltip, "No tooltip declared!")
179 self.vars.tooltip:ClearLines() -- Ensures tooltip's NumLines is reset
180 for i=1,30 do self.vars.Rlines[i]:SetText() end -- Clear text from right side (ClearLines only hides them)
182 return true
183 end
186 -- Get the number of lines
187 -- Arg: endln - If passed and tooltip's NumLines is higher, endln is returned back
188 function lib:NumLines(endln)
189 local num = self.vars.tooltip:NumLines()
190 return endln and num > endln and endln or num or 0
191 end
194 -- If text is found on tooltip then results of string.find are returned
195 -- Args:
196 -- txt - The text string to find
197 -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1
198 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30
199 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored
200 function lib:Find(txt, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright)
201 assert(txt, "No search string passed")
202 local t1, t2 = type(startln or 1), type(self:NumLines(endln))
203 if (t1 ~= "number" or t2 ~= "number") then print(t1, t2, (startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln)) end
204 for i=(startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln) do
205 if not ignoreleft then
206 local txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText()
207 if (txtl and string.find(txtl, txt)) then return string.find(txtl, txt) end
208 end
210 if not ignoreright then
211 local txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText()
212 if (txtr and string.find(txtr, txt)) then return string.find(txtr, txt) end
213 end
214 end
215 end
218 -- Calls Find many times.
219 -- Args are passed directly to Find, t1-t10 replace the txt arg
220 function lib:MultiFind(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright, t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10)
221 assert(t1, "No search string passed")
222 if t1 and self:Find(t1, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright) then return self:Find(t1, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright)
223 elseif t2 then return self:MultiFind(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright, t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10) end
224 end
227 local babbleCore
228 -- If text is found on tooltip then results of babbleCore:Deformat are returned
229 -- Args:
230 -- txt - The text string to deformat and serach for
231 -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1
232 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30
233 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored
234 function lib:FindDeformat(txt, startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright)
235 assert(txt, "No search string passed")
236 if not babbleCore then
237 assert(BabbleLib, "You must have BabbleLib-Core 1.1 available")
238 babbleCore = BabbleLib:GetInstance("Core 1.1")
239 end
241 for i=(startln or 1),self:NumLines(endln) do
242 if not ignoreleft then
243 local txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText()
244 if (txtl and babbleCore:Deformat(txtl, txt)) then return babbleCore:Deformat(txtl, txt) end
245 end
247 if not ignoreright then
248 local txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText()
249 if (txtr and babbleCore:Deformat(txtr, txt)) then return babbleCore:Deformat(txtr, txt) end
250 end
251 end
252 end
255 -- Returns a table of strings pulled from the tooltip, or nil if no strings in tooltip
256 -- Args:
257 -- startln - First tooltip line to check, default 1
258 -- endln - Last line to test, default 30
259 -- ignoreleft / ignoreright - Causes text on one side of the tooltip to be ignored
260 function lib:GetText(startln, endln, ignoreleft, ignoreright)
261 self:InitCompost()
262 local retval
264 for i=(startln or 1),(endln or 30) do
265 local txtl, txtr
266 if not ignoreleft then txtl = self.vars.Llines[i]:GetText() end
267 if not ignoreright then txtr = self.vars.Rlines[i]:GetText() end
268 if txtl or txtr then
269 if not retval then retval = self.vars.compost and self.vars.compost:Acquire() or {} end
270 local t = self.vars.compost and self.vars.compost:Acquire(txtl, txtr) or {txtl, txtr}
271 table.insert(retval, t)
272 end
273 end
275 return retval
276 end
279 -- Returns the text from a specific line (both left and right unless second arg is true)
280 -- Args:
281 -- line - the line number you wish to retrieve
282 -- getright - if passed the right line will be returned, if not the left will be returned
283 function lib:GetLine(line, getright)
284 assert(type(line) == "number", "No line number passed")
285 if self.vars.tooltip:NumLines() < line then return end
286 if getright then return self.vars.Rlines[line] and self.vars.Rlines[line]:GetText()
287 elseif self.vars.Llines[line] then
288 return self.vars.Llines[line]:GetText(), self.vars.Rlines[line]:GetText()
289 end
290 end
293 -----------------------------------
294 -- Set tooltip methods --
295 -----------------------------------
297 -- These methods are designed to immitate the GameTooltip API
298 -- CreateSetMethods is called on RegisterTooltip if not yet defined
300 local testmethods = {
301 SetAction = function(id) return HasAction(id) end,
302 }
303 local gettrue = function() return true end
304 function lib:CreateSetMethods()
305 for _,m in pairs(methods) do
306 local meth = m
307 local func = testmethods[meth] or gettrue
308 lib[meth] = function(self,a1,a2,a3,a4)
309 self:Erase()
310 if not func(a1,a2,a3,a4) then return end
311 return self.vars.tooltip[meth](self.vars.tooltip,a1,a2,a3,a4)
312 end
313 end
314 end
317 --------------------------------
318 -- Load this bitch! --
319 --------------------------------
320 libobj:Register(lib)