vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
2 -- Traditional Chinese localization file copyright
3 -- This file free for everyone who want use this AddOn with zhTW WoW, EXCEPT meidoku.
4 -- Please just keep my name on it is ok. XD
5 --
6 -- 正體中文語系檔版權
7 -- 本中文語系檔無償授權予所有人, 唯獨不授權給予 meidoku 使用.
8 -- 請留著我的小名就好. XD
9 --
10 -- 伝統的な中国のローカライズファイル著作権
11 -- meidokuを除いて、欲しい皆にとっての、無料のこのファイルは中国語 WoWとこのAddOnを使用します。
12 -- ただ私の名前を保ってください。それに、OKがあります。 XD
13 --
14 -- KLHThreatMeter Traditional Chinese localization file
15 -- Maintained by: Kuraki, Suzuna
16 -- Last updated: 06/25/2006
17 -- Revision History:
18 -- 06/25/2006 * Update to R16 Test 6
19 -- 06/27/2006 * Update some translation.
20 -- * Add R16.12 Release support.
21 -- * Keep check for the "hic!".
22 -- 07/11/2006 * Update to R16.15
23 -- 08/05/2006 * Update to R17 Test 7
24 -- 08/08/2006 * Update to R17.7 RC
25 -- 08/09/2006 * Fixed bug, comment out Fel Stamina
26 -- 08/19/2006 * Update to R17.10 test
27 --
28 --]]
30["zhTW"] =
31 {
32 ["binding"] =
33 {
34 hideshow = "隱藏 / 顯示視窗",
35 stop = "緊急停止",
36 mastertarget = "設定 / 清除主要目標",
37 resetraid = "重置團隊仇恨",
38 },
39 ["spell"] =
40 {
41 ["heroicstrike"] = "英勇打擊",
42 ["maul"] = "搥擊",
43 ["swipe"] = "揮擊",
44 ["shieldslam"] = "盾牌猛擊",
45 ["revenge"] = "復仇",
46 ["shieldbash"] = "盾擊",
47 ["sunder"] = "破甲攻擊",
48 ["feint"] = "佯攻",
49 ["cower"] = "畏縮",
50 ["taunt"] = "嘲諷",
51 ["growl"] = "低吼",
52 ["vanish"] = "消失",
53 ["frostbolt"] = "寒冰箭",
54 ["fireball"] = "火球術",
55 ["arcanemissiles"] = "祕法飛彈",
56 ["scorch"] = "灼燒",
57 ["cleave"] = "順劈斬",
59 -- Items / Buffs:
60 ["arcaneshroud"] = "秘法環繞",
61 ["reducethreat"] = "降低威脅",
63 -- Leeches: no threat from heal
64 ["holynova"] = "神聖新星", -- no heal or damage threat
65 ["siphonlife"] = "生命虹吸", -- no heal threat
66 ["drainlife"] = "吸取生命", -- no heal threat
67 ["deathcoil"] = "死亡纏繞",
69 -- Fel Stamina and Fel Energy DO cause threat! GRRRRRRR!!!
70 --["felstamina"] = "惡魔耐力",
71 --["felenergy"] = "惡魔能量",
73 ["bloodsiphon"] = "血液虹吸", -- poisoned blood vs Hakkar
75 ["lifetap"] = "生命分流", -- no mana gain threat
76 ["holyshield"] = "神聖之盾", -- multiplier
77 ["tranquility"] = "寧靜",
78 ["distractingshot"] = "擾亂射擊",
79 ["earthshock"] = "地震術",
80 ["rockbiter"] = "石化",
81 ["fade"] = "漸隱術",
82 ["thunderfury"] = "雷霆之怒",
84 -- Spell Sets
85 -- warlock descruction
86 ["shadowbolt"] = "暗影箭",
87 ["immolate"] = "獻祭",
88 ["conflagrate"] = "燃燒",
89 ["searingpain"] = "灼熱之痛", -- 2 threat per damage
90 ["rainoffire"] = "火焰之雨",
91 ["soulfire"] = "靈魂之火",
92 ["shadowburn"] = "暗影灼燒",
93 ["hellfire"] = "地獄烈焰",
95 -- mage offensive arcane
96 ["arcaneexplosion"] = "魔爆術",
97 ["counterspell"] = "法術法制",
99 -- priest shadow. No longer used (R17).
100 ["mindblast"] = "心靈震爆",
101 --[[
102 ["mindflay"] = "精神鞭笞",
103 ["devouringplague"] = "吸血鬼的擁抱",
104 ["shadowwordpain"] = "暗言術:痛",
105 ,
106 ["manaburn"] = "法力燃燒",
107 ]]
108 },
109 ["power"] =
110 {
111 ["mana"] = "法力",
112 ["rage"] = "怒氣",
113 ["energy"] = "能量",
114 },
115 ["threatsource"] = -- these values are for user printout only
116 {
117 ["powergain"] = "能源產生",
118 ["total"] = "總計",
119 ["special"] = "特殊",
120 ["healing"] = "治療",
121 ["dot"] = "持續傷害",
122 ["threatwipe"] = "仇恨減免",
123 ["damageshield"] = "傷害盾",
124 ["whitedamage"] = "白字傷害",
125 },
126 ["talent"] = -- these values are for user printout only
127 {
128 ["defiance"] = "挑釁",
129 ["impale"] = "穿刺",
130 ["silentresolve"] = "無聲消退",
131 ["frostchanneling"] = "冰霜導能",
132 ["burningsoul"] = "燃燒之魂",
133 ["healinggrace"] = "治療之賜",
134 ["shadowaffinity"] = "精神治療",
135 ["druidsubtlety"] = "微妙",
136 ["feralinstinct"] = " 野性本能",
137 ["ferocity"] = "兇暴",
138 ["savagefury"] = "野蠻暴怒",
139 ["tranquility"] = "強化寧靜",
140 ["masterdemonologist"] = "惡魔學識大師",
141 ["arcanesubtlety"] = "祕法精妙",
142 ["righteousfury"] = "強化憤怒聖印",
143 },
144 ["threatmod"] = -- these values are for user printout only
145 {
146 ["tranquilair"] = "寧靜之風圖騰",
147 ["salvation"] = "拯救祝福",
148 ["battlestance"] = "戰鬥姿態",
149 ["defensivestance"] = "防禦姿態",
150 ["berserkerstance"] = "狂暴姿態",
151 ["defiance"] = "挑釁",
152 ["basevalue"] = "基本值",
153 ["bearform"] = "熊型態",
154 ["glovethreatenchant"] = "手套附魔增加威脅值",
155 ["backthreatenchant"] = "披風附魔減少威脅值",
156 },
158 ["sets"] =
159 {
160 ["bloodfang"] = "血牙", -- Rog, 5件 增加佯攻減少的威脅值 25%
161 ["nemesis"] = "復仇", -- Wlk, 8件 降低毀滅系法術所產生的威脅值 20%
162 ["netherwind"] = "靈風", -- Mag, 3件 使你的灼燒(-100)、祕法飛彈(每發-20)、火球術(-100)和寒冰箭(-100)所造成的威脅值降低
163 ["might"] = "力量", -- War, 8件 增加破甲產生的威脅值 15%
164 ["arcanist"] = "祕法師", -- Mag, 8件 使你因攻擊而產生的威脅值減少15%
165 },
166 ["boss"] =
167 {
168 ["speech"] =
169 {
170 ["razorphase2"] = "在寶珠的控制力消失之前逃走。",
171 ["onyxiaphase3"] = "看起來需要再給你一次教訓",
172 ["thekalphase2"] = "給我憤怒的力量吧",
173 ["rajaxxfinal"] = "厚顏無恥的笨蛋!我要親手殺了你!",
174 ["azuregosport"] = "來吧,小子。面對我!",
175 ["nefphase2"] = "燃燒吧!你這個不幸的人!燃燒吧!",
176 },
177 -- Some of these are unused. Also, if none is defined in your localisation, they won't be used,
178 -- so don't worry if you don't implement it.
179 ["name"] =
180 {
181 ["rajaxx"] = "拉賈克斯將軍",
182 ["onyxia"] = "奧妮克希亞",
183 ["ebonroc"] = "埃博諾克",
184 ["razorgore"] = "狂野的拉佐格爾",
185 ["thekal"] = "古拉巴什食腐者",
186 ["shazzrah"] = "沙斯拉爾",
187 ["twinempcaster"] = "維克洛爾大帝",
188 ["twinempmelee"] = "維克尼拉斯大帝",
189 ["noth"] = "瘟疫者諾斯",
190 },
191 ["spell"] =
192 {
193 ["shazzrahgate"] = "沙斯拉爾之門", -- "Shazzrah casts Gate of Shazzrah."
194 ["wrathofragnaros"] = "拉格納羅斯之怒", -- "Ragnaros's Wrath of Ragnaros hits you for 100 Fire damage."
195 ["timelapse"] = "時間流逝", -- "You are afflicted by Time Lapse."
196 ["knockaway"] = "擊飛",
197 ["wingbuffet"] = "龍翼打擊",
198 ["burningadrenaline"] = "燃燒刺激",
199 ["twinteleport"] = "雙子傳送",
200 ["nothblink"] = "閃現術",
201 ["sandblast"] = "沙塵爆裂",
202 }
203 },
204 ["misc"] =
205 {
206 ["imp"] = "小鬼", -- UnitCreatureFamily("pet")
207 ["spellrank"] = "等級 (%d+)", -- second value of GetSpellName(x, "spell")
208 ["aggrogain"] = "取得 Aggro",
209 },
211 -- labels and tooltips for the main window
212 ["gui"] = {
213 ["raid"] = {
214 ["head"] = {
215 -- column headers for the raid view
216 ["name"] = "名稱",
217 ["threat"] = "仇恨",
218 ["pc"] = "%Max", -- your threat as a percentage of the #1 player's threat
219 },
220 ["stringshort"] = {
221 -- tooltip titles for the bottom bar strings
222 ["tdef"] = "仇恨餘額", -- the difference in threat between you and the MT / #1 in the list.
223 ["targ"] = "主要目標",
224 },
225 ["stringlong"] = {
226 -- tooltip descriptions for the bottom bar strings
227 ["tdef"] = "",
228 ["targ"] = "整個團隊中, 只有針對 %s 產生的仇恨值會被計算."
229 },
230 },
231 ["self"] = {
232 ["head"] = {
233 -- column headers for the self view
234 ["name"] = "名稱",
235 ["hits"] = "命中",
236 ["rage"] = "怒氣",
237 ["dam"] = "傷害",
238 ["threat"] = "仇恨",
239 ["pc"] = "%T",
240 },
241 -- text on the self threat reset button
242 ["reset"] = "重置",
243 },
244 ["title"] = {
245 ["text"] = {
246 -- the window titles
247 ["long"] = "KTM %d.%d", -- don't need to localise these
248 ["short"] = "KTM",
250 },
251 ["buttonshort"] = {
252 -- the tooltip titles for command buttons
253 ["close"] = "關閉",
254 ["min"] = "最小化",
255 ["max"] = "最大化",
256 ["self"] = "檢視自我",
257 ["raid"] = "檢視團隊",
258 ["pin"] = "鎖定",
259 ["unpin"] = "解鎖",
260 ["opt"] = "選項",
261 ["targ"] = "主要目標",
262 ["clear"] = "重置",
263 },
264 ["buttonlong"] = {
265 -- the tooltip descriptions for command buttons
266 ["close"] = "只要你還待在隊伍或是團隊中, 仇恨資料仍然會被送出",
267 ["min"] = "",
268 ["max"] = "",
269 ["self"] = "顯示個人仇恨詳細資料",
270 ["raid"] = "顯示團隊仇恨資料",
271 ["pin"] = "防止仇恨計量視窗被移動",
272 ["unpin"] = "允許仇恨計量視窗被移動",
273 ["opt"] = "",
274 ["targ"] = "將主要目標設為你現在的目標. 如果你現在沒有目標, 主要目標將被清除. 你必須是團隊助理或是領隊.",
275 ["clear"] = "將所有玩家的仇恨清空為 0. 你必須是團隊助理或是領隊.",
276 },
277 ["stringshort"] = {
278 -- the tooltip titles for titlebar strings
279 ["threat"] = "仇恨",
280 ["tdef"] = "仇恨差距",
281 ["rank"] = "仇恨排名",
282 ["pc"] = "% 仇恨",
283 },
284 ["stringlong"] = {
285 -- the tooltip descriptions for titlebar strings
286 ["threat"] = "自重設起, 你的個人仇恨值總計",
287 ["tdef"] = "你和目標的仇恨差數值",
288 ["rank"] = "你在仇恨列表中的排名",
289 ["pc"] = "對目標來說, 你的仇恨佔的百分比",
290 },
291 },
292 },
293 -- labels and tooltips for the options gui
294 ["optionsgui"] = {
295 ["buttons"] = {
296 -- the options gui command button labels
297 ["gen"] = "一般",
298 ["raid"] = "團隊",
299 ["self"] = "自己",
300 ["close"] = "關閉",
301 },
302 -- the labels for option checkboxes and headers
303 ["labels"] = {
304 -- the title description for each option page
305 ["titlebar"] = {
306 ["gen"] = "一般選項",
307 ["raid"] = "團隊選項",
308 ["self"] = "個人選項",
309 },
310 ["buttons"] = {
311 -- the names of title bar command buttons
312 ["pin"] = "鎖定",
313 ["opt"] = "選項",
314 ["view"] = "檢視變更",
315 ["targ"] = "主要目標",
316 ["clear"] = "重置團隊仇恨",
317 },
318 ["columns"] = {
319 -- names of columns on the self and raid views
320 ["hits"] = "命中",
321 ["rage"] = "怒氣",
322 ["dam"] = "傷害",
323 ["threat"] = "仇恨",
324 ["pc"] = "% 仇恨",
325 },
326 ["options"] = {
327 -- miscelaneous option names
328 ["hide"] = "隱藏無仇恨人員",
329 ["abbreviate"] = "簡略很大的數值",
330 ["resize"] = "改變視窗大小",
331 ["aggro"] = "顯示取得 Aggro",
332 ["rows"] = "最大可見列",
333 ["scale"] = "對話框縮放",
334 ["bottom"] = "隱藏底列",
335 },
336 ["minvis"] = {
337 -- the names of minimised strings
338 ["threat"] = "最小仇恨", -- dodge...
339 ["rank"] = "仇恨排行",
340 ["pc"] = "% 仇恨",
341 ["tdef"] = "仇恨赤字",
342 },
343 ["headers"] = {
344 -- headers in the options gui
345 ["columns"] = "可見的行數",
346 ["strings"] = "最小化字串顯示",
347 ["other"] = "其他選項",
348 ["minvis"] = "最小化按鈕",
349 ["maxvis"] = "最大化按鈕",
350 },
351 },
352 -- the tooltips for some of the options
353 ["tooltips"] = {
354 -- miscelaneous option descriptions
355 ["raidhide"] = "如果選取, 沒有仇恨的玩家將不會被顯示在 threat meter 上.",
356 ["selfhide"] = "不選取此選項將顯示所有的仇恨來源.",
357 ["abbreviate"] = "如果選取, 大於一萬的數值將會被縮短並加上 'k'. 例如 '15400' 將會變成 '15.4k'.",
358 ["resize"] = "如果選取, 可見行將會自動縮減以符合實際回報仇恨值得玩家數目.",
359 ["aggro"] = "如果選取, 增加一個阻隔行顯示預估取得的仇恨值. 當設置主目標時, 這個預估值會更加精準.",
360 ["rows"] = "最多有多少人會出現在團隊仇恨視窗列表中.",
361 ["bottom"] = "選取此選項, 底部狀態列將被隱藏. 它顯示你的仇恨差距以及主要目標.",
362 },
363 },
364 ["print"] =
365 {
366 ["main"] =
367 {
368 ["startupmessage"] = "KLHThreatMeter Release |cff33ff33%s|r Revision |cff33ff33%s|r 已載入. 輸入 |cffffff00/ktm|r 以取得幫助.",
369 },
370 ["data"] =
371 {
372 ["abilityrank"] = "你的 %s 技能的排名為 %s.",
373 ["globalthreat"] = "你的整體仇恨倍率為 %s.",
374 ["globalthreatmod"] = "%s 給予你 %s.",
375 ["multiplier"] = "作為一個%s, 你的%s仇恨倍率為%s.",
376 ["damage"] = "傷害",
377 ["shadowspell"] = "暗影法術",
378 ["arcanespell"] = "祕法法術",
379 ["holyspell"] = "神聖法術",
380 ["setactive"] = "是否正穿著 %s 套裝 %d 件? ... %s.",
381 ["true"] = "是",
382 ["false"] = "否",
383 ["healing"] = "你的治療產生了 %s 仇恨 (在經過整體仇恨修正之前).",
384 ["talentpoint"] = "你有 %d 點天賦點數在 %s.",
385 ["talent"] = "發現 %d 點 %s 天賦.",
386 ["rockbiter"] = "你的等級 %d 石化增加了 %d 點仇恨成功的進行了肉搏戰.",
387 },
389 -- new in R17.7
390 ["boss"] =
391 {
392 ["automt"] = "主要目標已經自動被設定為 %s.",
393 ["spellsetmob"] = "%$1s 變更了 %$3s 的 %$4s 技能 %$2s 參數設定值, 從 %$6s 變更為 %$5s.", -- "Kenco sets the multiplier parameter of Onyxia's Knock Away ability to 0.7"
394 ["spellsetall"] = "%$1s 變更了 %$3s 技能的 %$2s 參數設定值, 從 %$5s 變更為 %$4s.",
395 ["reportmiss"] = "%s 回報 %s 的 %s 未擊中他.",
396 ["reporttick"] = "%s 回報 %s 的 %s 擊中了他. 他已經受傷害 %s 回, 並且將會受 %s 影響更多的時間.",
397 ["reportproc"] = "%s 回報 %s 的 %s 改變了他的仇恨值, 從 %s 到 %s.",
398 ["bosstargetchange"] = "%s 改變了目標, 從 %s (%s 仇恨) 到 %s (%s 仇恨).",
399 ["autotargetstart"] = "當你下一次選取了一個世界首領, 你將會自動清除主要目標並將他設定為新的主要目標.",
400 ["autotargetabort"] = "主要目標已經被設定為世界首領 %s.",
401 },
403 ["network"] =
404 {
405 ["newmttargetnil"] = "無法確認主要目標 %s, 因為 %s 沒有目標.",
406 ["newmttargetmismatch"] = "%s 設定主要目標為 %s, 但是他的目標是 %s. 將使用他的目標替代, 並確認這一點!!",
407 ["mtpollwarning"] = "已經更新你的主要目標為 %s, 但是無法確認. 如果這個是不正確的, 請 %s 重新廣播一次主要目標.",
408 ["threatreset"] = "團隊仇恨測量器已被 %s 清除.",
409 ["newmt"] = "主要目標已更改為 '%s', 由 %s 變更.",
410 ["mtclear"] = "主要目標已被 %s 清除.",
411 ["knockbackstart"] = "擊飛偵測在已被 %s 啟用.",
412 ["knockbackstop"] = "擊飛偵測在已被 %s 停用.",
413 ["aggrogain"] = "%s 回報, 在產生了 %d 仇恨後取得 aggro.",
414 ["aggroloss"] = "%s 回報, %d 仇恨失去了 aggro.",
415 ["knockback"] = "%s 回報受到傷害被擊飛. 他的仇恨值下降到 %d.",
416 ["knockbackstring"] = "%s 回報這個踢飛的文字: '%s'.",
417 ["upgraderequest"] = "%s 促使你更新 KLHThreatMeter 到版本 Release %d. 你現在正使用 Release %d.",
418 ["remoteoldversion"] = "%s 正在使用過期的 KLHThreatMeter Release %d. 請告訴他該更新到 Release %d 了.",
419 ["knockbackvaluechange"] = "|cffffff00%s|r 設定 %s 的 |cffffff00%s|r 攻擊仇恨減少至 |cffffff00%d%%|r.",
420 ["raidpermission"] = "你必須是領隊或是隊長才能夠這樣作!",
421 ["needmastertarget"] = "你必須先設定一個主要目標!",
422 ["knockbackinactive"] = "擊飛偵測在本團隊中被關閉.",
423 ["versionrequest"] = "正在向團隊查詢版本資訊, 將在 3 秒內回應.",
424 ["versionrecent"] = "這些人使用 release %s: { ",
425 ["versionold"] = "這些人使用舊的版本: { ",
426 ["versionnone"] = "這些人沒有使用 KLHThreatMeter, 或是他們沒有在正確的 CTRA 頻道: { ",
427 ["channel"] =
428 {
429 ctra = "CTRA 頻道",
430 ora = "oRA 頻道",
431 manual = "手動覆寫",
432 },
433 needtarget = "請先標記一個怪物並設定成為主要目標.",
434 upgradenote = "使用這個插件較舊版本的用戶端已經被通知需要升級.",
435 advertisestart = "你現在會偶然地告訴搶到 aggro 的人去下載 KLHThreatMeter.",
436 advertisestop = "你已經停止為 KLHThreatMeter 作宣傳了.",
437 advertisemessage = "如果你有 KLHThreatMeter, 你就不會失去控制搶到 %s 的 aggro.",
438 }
439 }
440 }