vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
2 Name: idChat2_Buttons
3 Developed by: Curney of Uther
4 Originally by: Industrial
5 Thanks to: Wubin for helping me understand hooking better
6 Website:
7 SVN:
8 Description: Module for idChat2 that toggles the chat menu and chat window buttons on and off (default=off).
9 Dependencies: idChat2
10 ]]
12 idChat2_Buttons = idChat2:NewModule('buttons')
14 function idChat2_Buttons:OnInitialize()
16 self.db = idChat2:AcquireDBNamespace('Buttons')
18 idChat2:RegisterDefaults('Buttons', 'profile', {
19 on = true,
20 default = true,
21 menu = false,
22 chatframe = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false}
23 })
25 idChat2.Options.args.buttons = {
26 name = "Buttons",
27 desc = "Toggle the chat menu and chat window buttons on and off (default=off)",
28 type = "group",
29 args = {
30 toggle = {
31 name = "Toggle",
32 desc = "Toggle the module on and off",
33 type = "toggle",
34 get = function() return self.db.profile.on end,
35 set = function(v)
36 if v then
37 self:OnEnable()
38 else
39 self:OnDisable()
40 end
41 self.db.profile.on = v
42 end
43 },
44 chatmenu = {
45 name = "ChatMenu",
46 type = "toggle",
47 desc = "Toggles chat menu on and off",
48 get = function() return end,
49 set = function(v)
50 = v
51 self:Menu(v)
52 end
53 },
54 chat1 = {
55 name = "Chat1Buttons",
56 type = "toggle",
57 desc = "Toggles buttons on and off for chat window 1",
58 get = function() return self.db.profile.chatframe[1] end,
59 set = function(v)
60 self.db.profile.chatframe[1] = v
61 self:Buttons(1,v)
62 end
63 },
64 chat2 = {
65 name = "Chat2Buttons",
66 type = "toggle",
67 desc = "Toggles buttons on and off for chat window 2",
68 get = function() return self.db.profile.chatframe[2] end,
69 set = function(v)
70 self.db.profile.chatframe[2] = v
71 self:Buttons(2,v)
72 end
73 },
74 chat3 = {
75 name = "Chat3Buttons",
76 type = "toggle",
77 desc = "Toggles buttons on and off for chat window 3",
78 get = function() return self.db.profile.chatframe[3] end,
79 set = function(v)
80 self.db.profile.chatframe[3] = v
81 self:Buttons(3,v)
82 end
83 },
84 chat4 = {
85 name = "Chat4Buttons",
86 type = "toggle",
87 desc = "Toggles buttons on and off for chat window 4",
88 get = function() return self.db.profile.chatframe[4] end,
89 set = function(v)
90 self.db.profile.chatframe[4] = v
91 self:Buttons(4,v)
92 end
93 },
94 chat5 = {
95 name = "Chat5Buttons",
96 type = "toggle",
97 desc = "Toggles buttons on and off for chat window 5",
98 get = function() return self.db.profile.chatframe[5] end,
99 set = function(v)
100 self.db.profile.chatframe[5] = v
101 self:Buttons(5,v)
102 end
103 },
104 chat6 = {
105 name = "Chat6Buttons",
106 type = "toggle",
107 desc = "Toggles buttons on and off for chat window 6",
108 get = function() return self.db.profile.chatframe[6] end,
109 set = function(v)
110 self.db.profile.chatframe[6] = v
111 self:Buttons(6,v)
112 end
113 },
114 chat7 = {
115 name = "Chat7Buttons",
116 type = "toggle",
117 desc = "Toggles buttons on and off for chat window 7",
118 get = function() return self.db.profile.chatframe[7] end,
119 set = function(v)
120 self.db.profile.chatframe[7] = v
121 self:Buttons(7,v)
122 end
123 }
124 }
125 }
126 end
128 function idChat2_Buttons:OnEnable()
129 self:Hook("ChatFrame_OnUpdate")
130 end
132 function idChat2_Buttons:OnDisable()
133 self:Unhook("ChatFrame_OnUpdate")
134 self:Menu(self.db.profile.default)
135 for i = 1, 7 do
136 self:Buttons(i,self.db.profile.default)
137 end
138 end
140 function idChat2_Buttons:ChatFrame_OnUpdate(elapsed)
141 self.hooks["ChatFrame_OnUpdate"](elapsed)
142 self:Control()
143 end
145 function idChat2_Buttons:Control()
146 self:Menu(
147 for i = 1, 7 do
148 self:Buttons(i,self.db.profile.chatframe[i])
149 end
150 end
152 function idChat2_Buttons:Menu(visible)
153 if visible then
154 ChatFrameMenuButton:Show()
155 else
156 ChatFrameMenuButton:Hide()
157 end
158 end
160 function idChat2_Buttons:Buttons(frame,visible)
161 if visible then
162 getglobal('ChatFrame'..frame..'UpButton'):Show()
163 getglobal('ChatFrame'..frame..'DownButton'):Show()
164 getglobal('ChatFrame'..frame..'BottomButton'):Show()
165 else
166 getglobal('ChatFrame'..frame..'UpButton'):Hide()
167 getglobal('ChatFrame'..frame..'DownButton'):Hide()
168 getglobal('ChatFrame'..frame..'BottomButton'):Hide()
169 end
170 end